One Big Family

By BlueHeartLiterature

10.1K 88 14

Simon Cowell the father and manager of one of the world's famous boyband. One Direction a band of 5 boys Liam... More

Zayn the Introvert
Harry the Dreamer
Niall the Brave
Little Lou Cries
Louis the Hunted
Paul Babysits
Harry and Niall's Great Adventure
Then Louis Met Ashley
Home Sweet Home
Had Me @ Hello
Had Me @ Hello Part Two: Louis Goes Home
Family Life
Play Date
Late Night
Sunshine and Rainbows
The Cobwebs
My Baby
Cute, Sweet and Innocent
It's Kinda a Funny Story
Tell Me More About What You Do in the Dark
Can You Keep It
For the Mother Of...
For the Mother Of... Part Two
For the Mother Of... Part Three
Coddle the Infection
Coddle the Infection Part Too
Coddle the Infection Part Three
The Only Exception
Knives and Pitchforks
Knives and Pitchforks Part Two
Life with Her
Crazy but Sane
Woven Unicorn
Call Me When You Count All The Stars
Got No Money, Got No Honey
The Voice Recorder
What a Joke
A Night To... What?
Louis on the Couch
Fight Me
The Ruby Ring
The Rehearsal Dinner
The Wedding
The New Chapter
New Beginnings

Liam the Liar

970 12 1
By BlueHeartLiterature

Liam was the first to wake up. He knew on Saturday mornings his dad wanted to sleep in, so Liam took it upon himself to look after his little brothers. Liam was also a little nervous about today as he had something special planned.

He woke each brother up one by one but Zayn was stubborn and refused to get out of the top bunk he slept in right above Liam's bed. Liam eventually gave up as he was wasting time and went to Harry and Niall's bedroom. They were a lot easier than Zayn and complied straight away. Next was little Lou. Louis was the youngest, therefore, he was the precious baby in Simon's eyes. Simon loved to spoil him rotten providing Louis with all his heart's desire and even gave him a room all to himself. Liam was a little jealous of the relationship they had with one another.

"Lou?" Liam peered through the slightly opened door starring into pitch blackness and the sound of light snoring in the air. Louis grumbled in response and turned his bedside lamp on.

"Good morning Liam" he yawned.

"Time is it?" he asked sitting up on his bed which looked like it had a zillion stuff toys on it.

"It's 8:30. Are you always going to sleep with all those toys on your bed?" Louis look around himself completely surrounded by an army of stuffed cuddly toys.

"Well I have too, I don't want to offend them" he defended. this was enough to make Liam roll his eyes. What a child.

"Well come on then, time for breakfast". he ordered waving Louis to leave the room.

"WAIT," Louis said louder then it had to be. turning back to his bed to see which toy he should take to breakfast.

"umm, I'll take Fluffy" He states before picking up a fluffy cream coloured poodle.

"Okay I'm ready" he hyped, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

They travelled down to the kitchen Fluffy under Louis' arm and Louis under Liam's arm. Liam hated how hyper Louis was especially in the mornings, Liam was still debating about going to bed and it didn't help with a nine-year-old chatting in your ear.

"Good Morning" Louis greeted happily to Harry and Niall who were seated at the kitchen table. they grumbled their reply still tired.

"Louis why don't you go sit with Harry and Niall" he suggested releasing Louis from under his arm.

It was Liam's and Zayn's job to make breakfast for the family since it was the only two days Simon had off and he wanted to sleep in. But. so did Zayn so it was usually Liam who served the family. He wanted to make a dish that he learnt in home ec at school which being french toast. Perfect, it was easy to make, it wasn't complicated and enough for his whole family. He went to work making two pieces for everyone with a serve of syrup and fresh cut up strawberries. Giving three plates to Harry, Niall and Louis all returned a "thank you". he went up to his still dark room.

"Zayn?" he walked in to see Zayn hiding under the bed sheets.

"I made you french toast" trying to bribe him into coming out.

"Sweet or savoury?" Zayn asked voice muffled from under the quilt.

"Sweet" Liam answered causing Zayn to sit up on his bed.

"With syrup and strawberries too, Liam you shouldn't of have" he teased.

Liam left the plate with his younger brother and went over to his father's bedroom.

"Dad" he knocked on the door thinking he'll be awake by now. he wasn't. Liam rolled his eyes. If his father didn't get up now than he would have to babysit his brothers and that was just not going to cut it. He walked over to the side of the bed Liam knew he was sleeping on and dropped down sitting on his father 'by accident'. He heard a groan and the quilt start to move.

"Oh sorry Dad, I didn't see you under there" he lied. Simon peered over the quilt knowing he was full of shit.

"Good morning Liam". he greeted sitting up and taking the plate from Liam's hands.

"and what do we have here," he said excitedly wanting Liam to feel happy for making breakfast for everyone.

"French toast with syrup and fresh strawberries" he answers back.

"Looks delicious thank you," Simon said kissing his older son on the forehead. He looked up from his plate of food to ask Liam a question "How much time do I have?" he asked in a serious tone. Liam knew what he was talking about and replied.

"Um. I think you have like 10 seconds" and as Liam began counting down Simon started to scoff down his food in hope of making a dent in it before time ran out. by the time Liam made it to one, Louis was already bursting through the door calling "DADDY!" running and jumping on the bed to get his father's attention. Simon quickly put the plate down and wrapping his youngest in his arms.

"Good morning my little baby" he greeted pecking a bunch of kisses on Louis' face making him squeal and giggle. Liam felt as if he was violating a precious father-son time and left the bedroom so he could finally eat.


It has been a very productive day for Liam he has finished all his homework, cleaned his room, did his chores, and now he can waste the day away with playing in the park with his friends. He walked into the playroom where he knew his father would be playing with Niall and Louis. They were playing a game of "Go Fish" one of Simon's favourite games to play with the two youngest, he believed they're being too young to play a game of Poker or Blackjack.

"Hey daddy," he said causing Simon to rotate to look at which of his many sons this was.

"Hey bub, what are you up too?" Simon questioned knowing that Liam wanted something.

"Um" getting a bit nervous now. Simon didn't like the boys going out on their own, he always found some excuse to not let them go. In Simon's mind, it was better for them being home where he knew they were safe than out in the world doing god knows what with god knows who.

"I was wondering if I could go to the park with some friends, please it's just down the street," he begged wanted to spend some time with his friends.

"Who are these friends?" here we go the hot seat of questions Simon was going to throw at him.

"I'm going with Matty and Ed"

"Are they there now" He shot back

"No, we're leaving after lunch"

"when will you be back?"

"I don't know"

"You don't know," he said sternly raising his eyebrows.

"I mean like later we will only be staying a few hours" Liam tried to recover.

"Will there be any parents there?"


"Why not"

"because I think we are old enough to be by ourselves in a park that is just a street away"

"Are you sassing me boy." oh no Liam's in some dangerous territory now.

"No daddy, just Ed and Matty's parents let them go to that park whenever they want"

"Really" Simon smirked

"Yes" Liam puffed

meanwhile, Niall and Louis were looking back and forth at Simon and Liam like it was a tennis match.

"Well, Liam" oh no, now he seems angry cause now he was up on his feet and standing in front of Liam looking very intimidating. "For your information, Ed and Matty's parents and Ed and Matty's and I am your father. What I say goes and you will obey me because I am your father and you are MY child. Understand" he said through his teeth so not too loud to scare the younger boys in the room.

All Liam could do was nod "ok you're right I'm sorry, I just think you should trust me more, know that I can, in fact, look after myself and be responsible enough to not do anything stupid."

Simon rubbed his face "Liam it's not that I don't trust you love, I don't trust other's."

Liam looking into his father's eyes for a little hope.

"Is all your homework done?"


"Is all your chores done?"


"Is your room tidy?"


"including Zayn's side?"

"Um no"

Simon huffed and looked at Niall and Louis. He will never forgive himself if something happened to his Liam.

"Fine" he agreed

Liam was over the moon he wanted to jump up and down in utter happiness, Niall and Louis looked confused, Simon would usually never let any of the boys out alone.

"Really" Liam smiled but Simon raised his hand indicating that he shouldn't celebrate yet.

"Not so fast, I want you to call me when you get there."

"of course"

"you can only stay for two hours"

Liam wanted to protest the boys would be out there for longer but at least it was better the one hour.

"You will call me every 30 minutes and when you are heading home and I swear to god Liam if you are late I will not hesitate to punish you. Understand"

"Don't worry Dad I understand. I'll be just fine." this did not ease Simon's fears.

After lunch, Liam rushed out the house ready to go and play with his friends but Simon being Simon didn't let him go so easily.

"Liam" he called stopping Liam in his tracks.

"Yes dad" he replied as innocently as possible.

"Be safe okay, I packed you this" Simon says handing Liam one of his grey backpacks which the younger boy took with a confused look on his face.

"It just has a water bottle, first aid kit, wipes, and other stuff that you might need"

"thanks" Liam dragged out "okay I'm going now" he mentioned. Simon quickly pulling him into a hug... for a very long time.

"Um Dad, I think it's time to let go now" Liam has been dealing with his father's over protectiveness for his entire life he's used to it but right now he's getting a little impatient.

"Oh. Sorry," he said quickly releasing Liam from the safety of his arms.

Liam was about to exit the door but turned to say goodbye to his father before jumping on his bike and riding off before Simon could change his mind. Liam could hear him shout faintly "Make good choices!"

Liam finally escaped to the park. he lied he wasn't meeting up with his friends but a girl. It made Liam feel guilty for lying but Simon would never let him leave if he knew the truth. Liam hated how he friends treated him about Simon's over protectiveness but she doesn't know yet and he plans to keep it like that. Liam ditched his helmet and knee and elbow pads (that Simon made him wear) a couple house away. Being the flirt he is Liam circled around the girl in the concrete of the playground.

Her name was Danni and Liam was planning on now to ask her to be his girlfriend so he couldn't mess this up. Liam told Danni that he couldn't stay long since he was having family members over for dinner. another lie. Liam had called Simon every 30 minutes knowing if he didn't Simon would come and get him and probably smack him in front of Danni. Liam enjoyed the two hours they spent together but now it was time.

"Danni, um I wanna um ask you something" he strutted only gaining a smile from Danni, her beauty was making Liam even more nervous.

"I want to know if you um if you want to be um-" Liam was cut off with nothing other than a kiss.

"Yes," she said once their lips were apart. Liam went all red he had never been so happy he could've cried but instead stumbled to his feet.

"I gotta go and um" he was about to run off but decided to turn back and give his, yes girlfriend a kiss.

"Bye," he smiled before riding off into the sunset.


Back home Liam collapse onto his bed, he wanted to tell the world but he had to keep it a secret. The boys are not allowed to have any serious relationships (that involve any physical contact) until they were 16 and Liam still had three years to go.

Oh well, one little lie won't hurt him. Right?

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