KILLER QUEEN. โ”โ” โจ TUA. โฉ

By multivoid

79.3K 2.6K 539

โ› my lady killer. โœ โ”โ”๐’ƒ๐’š ๐’Ž๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’—๐’๐’Š๐’…. More

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๐‘ฝ๐‘ถ๐‘ณ. ๐‘ฐ. โ”โ” THE SINNERMAN IS BACK!
โฐโท, SEEING RED.


2.6K 115 51
By multivoid

—THREE, let it happen.



          Once the 'ceremony' finished, the house quickly emptied out like no one was even there from the beginning. In other words, it got lonely. And before he left, Klaus made sure to let her know he was leaving with Diego if by fat chance she wanted to come along—; She didn't. And Diego's opinion of her certainly hasn't changed from the past few hours so the last thing she would want to do is overstep on any boundaries.

          And once again, she was all that was left behind.

No one needed Zero anymore and the world certainly didn't either. With no purpose and no sense of direction, she got on her motorcycle; curious to see where the world will take her next. But she felt guilty doing so, even after promising Klaus that she would be here when he came back. The girl comfortably lied to his face, not caring about how anyone will feel returning to an empty house. Maybe they'll be relived. She closed her eyes shut and her jaw clenched in anger at the sound of their laughter following her.

They were making fun of her for being a coward, for running away again.

          Screw it. Screw them.


          Diego sat comfortably inside of a cop car, his eyes following Patch's every movement, who jogged over to the person calling her name from behind the yellow tape. The woman allowed said person to cross over as they walked together. He couldn't hear what they were saying but they seemed close by the way their shoulders brushed against each other. And he couldn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious person because of the hoodie covering their face.

          But that was no longer a problem.

          The person revealed their face to the world without a second thought with red curls bouncing off their shoulders freely.


          Diego's eyes widened and he shot out of his seat in a panic, repeatedly hitting the glass in hopes of catching either one's attention. "Hey!" He shouted.

Patch started turning her head but stopped at the feeling of Lucifer's gentle touch on her arm as she gave her a soft smile, bringing her back to their conversation. Diego glared at the redhead as he carefully watched the scene play out in front of his eyes, wondering what the she-devil was up to now. He was afraid of the outcome of this, after all her intentions were rarely ever in the right place.

          "Why are you looking at me like that?"

          Diego's body jumped at the sudden voice coming from inside of the car, his eyes landing on a smiley Lucifer that now sat besides him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he quickly looked back at the widow and saw her outside still talking to Patch.

          "You like?" Lucifer's voice broke his thoughts. "It's new. It came in a few weeks ago, still practicing. But it seems promising." She was talking about her powers. She was talking to him like they were friends. But they weren't friends, they weren't anything.

Diego's jaw clenched, "What do you want with her?"

          But as usual, Lucifer ignored questions. "You care about her." She gestured over to the woman outside, "I didn't know she meant something to you. If I had known, I wouldn't have—"

          "Bullshit." He seethed in anger.

          Lucifer eyes narrowed at the way he spoke to her, she understood his anger but she meant what she said. The girl didn't know about the two of them up until a few days ago when another detective mentioned someone who failed police academy, someone who Patch was seeing. She followed it up and she knew then that she was fucked.

"I'll ask again, what do you want with her?"

"She's my friend." She softly spoke.

"You betray your friends." He retorted, "Besides you just met her, you don't care about her."

Lucifer ignored the way her heart hurt when he said that. "You know it's nice that you still think of me."

          "I don't." Diego scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, looking anywhere but at her, "I haven't thought about you once since the day you've left. Not anymore."

          "Now we both know that's a lie." Lucifer told him, "How do you think I got inside your head?" She tilted her head, her dark red lips curving into a sly smirk. She was bluffing of course, it didn't work that way. She just said that to get under his skin and when it came to his reddening ears, something told her she isn't the only one that's lying. She wasn't physically here with him, she was just in his mind.  "I won't hurt her." She promised, leaning in closer to whisper something in his ear sending shivers down his back, "But don't push me."

Before Diego could say anything else, Lucifer had disappeared in a blink of an eye. And he turned his attention back outside to see her standing alone now, giving him a small wave before following Patch inside the shop.


          The very next day, Zero found Five brooding in his old bedroom alone as he stared outside his window. She thought now was a good time to talk than never. But before she could even open her mouth, he beat her to it. "Vanya was just here." He turned around to face her, "You missed her, but you can probably still catch up with her."

          "Actually, I'm here to talk to you." Lucifer admitted.

          "Oh," Five was now curious, "What about?"

"The day of your disappearance." She softly stated, not wanting to step out of line. "Do you remember that?"

He turned his whole body to look back outside once again as he mumbled under his breath, "I remember everything."

"You know what I did." Lucifer began. "And yet you don't seem pissed with me. Why?"

"Because you couldn't have stopped me." Five strongly stated. "Even if you tried to talk me out of it, you still wouldn't have succeeded. There's nothing else that could've been done but let it happen. It would be a waste of time to blame you."

"Besides you don't need that, figured you feel guilty enough already," He shrugged.

Lucifer pursed her lips in thought before finally deciding on reaching out to him. She stepped forward and grabbed his free hand in comfort. It was all she could offer. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Me too." Five whispered, looking at their connected hands and then over to her blue eyes. She's okay, she's alive. For now. "Me too."

Lucifer smiled and let go of his hand as she started making her way out, feeling content with how they left things. But before she could even step out, she heard movement coming from inside of Five's closet. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she stopped in her steps. Ignoring Five's protests, Zero quickly opened it only to find Klaus staring back at her with a shit eating grin on his face. "You guys, that was so sweet." He cooed.

"Klaus?" Lucifer asked, helping him out of the tiny compartment, "Did you drag Pogo into playing hide and seek with you again? You know his poor heart can't handle it or should I say, you."

"I wish." He told her, pointing over to Five who looked annoyed that he practically tattled on him. "I'm here because of him."

Lucifer turned over to look at the smaller boy and placed her hands on her hips, giving him one of her famous looks. This one in particular? The 'you need to me what the hell is going on, right now!" look.

Five glared at Klaus for not keeping quiet, knowing he has to explain himself and possibly drag her into his mess sooner than he wanted to.

He's in trouble.


          After what felt like a long moment of uncomfortable silence of Klaus not opening his mouth and Lucifer not moving an inch, Five grew restless. She didn't look pleased even when he tried his best to explain himself, sparing the single most important detail of all. And she could easily tell he was leaving something out as the spaces between his story didn't make much sense. But Lucifer couldn't leave Five alone with Klaus, afraid he'll annoy him to death. Besides she was interested in seeing how all of this will turn out. 

"Alright," The red head finally spoke, uncrossing her arms. "I'm in."

          Klaus giddily clapped in excitement.

          He looked shocked, "You are?"

"I'm bored." She shrugged.


"Look at you two," Klaus sighed in awe, "I love you guys."

"Will you shut up?" Five shot him down. "I thought I told you to put on something professional." He gestured to his outfit.

Lucifer rolled her eyes, it has officialy begun.

"What?" He pulled a face, "This is my nicest outfit."

"We'll raid the old man's closet." Five said, stepping out of the room and into the hallway with the two following behind him.

"Whatever. As long as I get paid." Klaus told him.

"When the job is done." He retorted.

"Okay, but just so we're clear on the finer details, we just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old parents, correct?"

Five forced a smile on his face, "Yeah, something like that."

"What's our cover story?" Klaus asked, before nudging Lucifer in the side. "Hey, you're good at these."

          "Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrows at what he was implying.

          "What? What are you talking about?"

          "I mean, were we really young when we had you? Like, 16? Like, young and terribly misguided?"

"Wow, sounds exactly like us." The girl mumbled under her breath.

          "Sure." Five said, going along with it so he could stop.

          "Your mother, that slut." He spat.

          "Hey!" Lucifer frowned.

          "We met at... the disco." Klaus grinned, "Okay, remember that, honey?" He glanced at the redhead who looked amused.

           "A disco baby..." She trailed off in thought before smiling over at Five and squishing his cheeks together with one hand. "I like it."

           He smacked her hand away and shook his head in disapproval, "Don't entertain this."

           "Diego's going to be so jealous when he hears about this." Klaus snapped his fingers and began to sway. "Oh my god, the sex was amazing."

          "Too far." Lucifer looked disgusted, blocking out what he previously said, "Too far."

"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." Five commented.

"Don't make me put you in time out."

Lucifer ignored Klaus dragging his feet from behind them and turned to look at Five, "You mentioned Vanya earlier. So she's here?"

"I'm sure she's still around."

"Good." She nodded before running off.

"Lucifer! Don't leave me alone with him!" Five called after her, receiving no response. "Great." He muttered.


          "You're an adult now, Vanya. You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself." Allison's words stung, and they weren't even directed at her.

A voice broke the silence before anything else could be said, "Allison." The girl turned her head around and her eyes slightly widened at the sight of Lucifer's tall figure standing at the top of the staircase, having witness the whole thing. "She already apologized," The red-head took a few steps down, making it half-way as her hard stare settled on her, "No need to take your anger out on her anymore."

          "Typical." Allison shook her head, looking between the two. "Lucifer always coming to Vanya's defense just like when we were kids." She bitterly scoffed. Once having the last word, she walked away.

           Lucifer finally made it down the stairs and stared at Vanya, who had a frown on her face over what just happened. "You okay?" She asked.

"Allison's right," Vanya sighed, "I shouldn't have—"

"Don't." Lucifer cut her off. "Listen, I have five minutes before Five comes looking for me." Vanya smiled softly at the thought of them being close again, just like when they were kids, as the redhead linked their arms together. "Now c'mon, I'll walk you out."


          "Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you."

"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Five spat in frustration.

"Well, that's not my problem."

"Alright honey, settle down now." Lucifer put her hands on Five's shoulders to calm him, forcing a sweetly smile on her face. "He got his father's temper, this one." She said through her gritted teeth, the annoyance very clear on her face as the man wasn't easily budging. "His looks, now that's all me."

The doctor's gaze settled on the petite woman standing behind the smaller boy in a protective manner. "You seem like a nice woman. Surely you can make your son understand-"

         And just like that the fake nice act dropped.  "What the hell did you just say to me?" Her cold blue eyes narrowed in on him, almost like she was inching for the kill.

          "Oh shit." Five mumbled under his breath.

          The man's eyes widened in fear. He was a stuttering mess, "I-I just meant—"

          "And what about my consent?" Klaus spoke up, basically preventing Lucifer from doing anything to the man because of what he implied.

"Excuse me?"

"Who gave you permission to speak to my wife that way?" Klaus glared at him before he started tearing up, "And who gave you permission.... to lay your hands.... on my son?"

"What?" The three of them said in sync, looking over at Klaus in confusion.

"You heard me."

"I didn't touch your son." He argued.

"Oh really? Well, then how did he get that swollen lip, then?"

"He doesn't have a swollen lip—"

Klaus started getting up from his chair, basically cutting the doctor off by lifting his hand in the air and slapping Five across the face, the force of the hit sending him a few steps aback and into Lucifer's arms as she dramatically gasped. "My baby!"

Five gently pushed her off and gave the redhead a look. But she only shrugged in response, giving her full attention over to what Klaus was doing.

Klaus inhaled sharply, leaning on the desk, "I want it. Name, please. Now."

"You're crazy." The man shot back.

"You got no idea," He darkly chuckled, picking up the snow globe, "Peace on Earth. That is so sweet." Klaus smashed it against his head as Lucifer and Five stepped back in surprise. "God! That hurts." He groaned in pain.

Lucifer continued to stare at Klaus with wide eyes, noticing that he was now bleeding. He must really be in desperate need for money, She thought.

"I'm calling secur—" Klaus ripped the phone away from his grasp. "What are you doing?"

"There's been an assault, in Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" He yelled into the phone before throwing it, "Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant."

"It's... Lance." He quietly said.

"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna barge through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder 'what the hell happened?' and we're gonna tell them that you...." Klaus trailed off as he pouted, "beat the shit out of us."

"Holy shit." Lucifer whispered as she grinned. He actually pulled it off, all on his own, (not that she doubted him to begin with), she was just proud.

"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you." Klaus started moving his hips, "Oh, my god, you're gonna get passed around like a..."

The girl shook her head, "Please stop."

"You're just— You're gonna do great." He waved him off, "That's all I'm saying."

"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard."

Once again, Lucifer dramatically gasped, a smile breaking onto her face as she covered Five's ears, who didn't look amused by it. "Language, doctor." She mockingly warned.


          "Well, this is not good."

After receiving some bad news about the eye, the three walked out of the building as Five sulked about what this now meant.

"I was pretty good, though, right?" Klaus turned to Lucifer, ignoring Five's presence entirely. "Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?" He giddily chuckled as the girl gave him a nod in approval.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter!" Five argued, bringing the mood down as their attention shifted over to him.

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?"

"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."

"Sounds like fun." Lucifer commented as she seemed to be in a daze.

"Are you even listening to me?" He huffed in frustration.

"Yeah, can I get that twenty-bucks, like, now, or what?" Klaus asked.

          "Your twenty-bucks?"

          "Yeah, my twenty-bucks."

          "The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" Five raised his voice, staring at Klaus and then over at Lucifer, who's mind was anywhere but here, in disbelief.

"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumbling'."

Five shook his head, "You're useless... You're all useless!"

His shouts broke Lucifer from her trance and she blinked, frowning at his sudden outburst. "Oh c'mon, don't be like that." She followed after him as he sat down.

"Oh, come on, you need to lighten up, old man." He groaned. "Hey, you know what I've just realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" Klaus laughed as he walked over and joined them on the ground.

Lucifer made a face, she should've just walked away. Why didn't she walk away? "Oh, I'm regretting helping you now." The red head stated, glancing over at Five who softly smiled in response.

"All those years by yourself." Klaus continued to ramble, "It's gotta screw with your head, being alone."

"Well... I wasn't alone." Five said.

"Oh?" He made a noise, "Pray tell."

"And that's my cue," Lucifer grunted, standing up as she started to walk away, not sparing them a second glance as Five shared, "Her name was Delores. We were together for over 30 years."

"Thirty years? Oh, wow!" Klaus exclaimed. "God, the longest I've been with someone was... I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep." He didn't seem to notice that Five wasn't there anymore.

"He did make the most fantastic osso buco, though. It was.... Five?"

Lucifer kept walking until she felt someone's hand tighten around her shoulder, and the next second she found herself sitting in a taxi with Five. "Don't stop." He told the driver who appeared startled, "Keep going."

The pair looked out the widow as Five saluted Klaus, who was heard shouting after them. "Hey, Hey, hey, hey, hey, what about my money!"


          "What the f—?" The redhead had so many questions as any normal person would if they ended up walking the aisles of a closed 'Gimbel Brothers.' Five obviously ignored her and the fact that she was looking through the racks of clothes, her blue eyes widening in excitement when she came across a black leather jacket that she liked.

          Lucifer quickly disregarded of her old one, throwing it aside as she slipped into the new one. This was already so much better.

          "Delores." Five's voice disrupted her train of thought when she was checking herself out in a mirror. "It's good to see you."

          "I've missed you.. obviously." He sighed. "Well, it's been a rough couple of days."

          Zero raised an eyebrow, "Why are we looking at a ma—" She shut herself up as her mouth formed an "O" in realization. "So, this is Delores?" She asked, pointing up to the woman with the ugly yellow hat, noticing the way he was glaring at her. Now was not the time.

          "S-she's really pretty." She nervously chuckled, feeling very uncomfortable "I'll just... I'll be over here."

{ Don't Stop Me Now by Queen is playing. }

Lucifer sensed something was wrong.

"Do you hear that?" She wearily asked as she scanned the store, her eyes landing back on Five who lovingly gazed up at Delores. She rolled her eyes, about to walk away but Five's shouts caused to quickly turn around. Two dark figures in masks started approaching them from the front, their guns raised as they started shooting at them. Poor Delores got most of the damage, her being the only reason Five looked enraged.

Zero rolled out of the way, cussing Five out for dragging her into his mess. She was supposed to lay low, not get into trouble. Those were the orders. And she disobeyed just because she had a soft spot for helpless people.

The redhead reached for the gun tucked in her waistline. As she counted down the seconds before she got up on her two feet to defend herself — A strong hand knocked the weapon out of her hand.

          Lucifer's jaw clenched in annoyance, glaring at Five who was now leaning down next to her, Delores in his arms, for cover. "Where the hell did you get that?" It sounded like he was scolding her.

          "This isn't exactly my first gun fight." She shot back, raising her voice so she could be heard over the shooting, "You know this!"

          Before he could say anything, Zero yelped in surprise as the shooting got closer to where they were hiding.

          "Hey assholes, this is a new jacket!"

          "That you stole!"

          "So! At least I'm not the one that got us stuck in this situation in the first place!"

          "Shut up and run!"

          They split up in a hurry, going their separate ways. They had no plan but to keep running. Lucifer turned invisible as she carefully navigated through the store, coming face to face with one of the masked. She tapped the guy on the shoulder as he turned around, letting herself be seen by him before she disappeared again.

          "Hey, I know you!"

          He started shooting not knowing she was standing behind him. The redhead didn't waste a second to kick him straight in his private area.

          The man groaned, bending over in pain.

          Before she could do any more damage to him, Five quickly took her by the arm again, teleporting them to another spot by the cashier registers. He looked tired and out breath. "We're not gonna win this today."

          "Then get us home." Lucifer told him.

          "I can't." He softly said.

          Their flashlights settled on their faces as police sirens were heard in the background, distracting them for a moment. Lucifer took the opportunity to grab Five's hand, turning them both (and Delores) invisible.

"The bastard jumped again."

"Come on, let's go."

"They're gone."

Five loved Zero, once.

          Back when he allowed himself to feel things, he loved and accepted her as part of the family. She wasn't there from the beginning like the rest of them were, but with time he learned to care for her all the same. He gave her a chance to prove herself, something the others weren't so willing to give, and she didn't let him down. Zero has saved him countless of times yet for some reason, he was failing to save her.

          And as she tried to snap him out of it, to tell him that they're safe now, all Five could see at that moment is Zero's lifeless eyes staring back at him. And he relives the moment when he finds her body near Klaus, buried under all the destruction. Her lively red curls framing her dirty pale face as her hand reaches out to him. "You could've saved us," Her ghost whispers to him. "So why didn't you?"


His eyes hardened and he harshly pulled away from her, "You shouldn't have done that."

          Lucifer frowned at his sudden change in behavior and glanced over at the mannequin, "Your boyfriend sucks."

           So much for Five & Zero.



I'm not very experienced at writing action scenes but I hope I did alright nonetheless. 😔😔 I don't know if you've noticed but this chapter is longer than the last one. Do you prefer long or short chapters? Or maybe a mix of both. Anyways I think I'll only be  updating once my chapters get over 30 or 40 votes and maybe a couple of comments. I don't want to do that to y'all but I'm tired of the ghost readers 🥺

please don't forget to vote and comment
your thoughts!! i'd really appreciate it and it'll motivate me to continue writing and updating.

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