Travis x zain One Shot

Από percabeth1810

159 9 1

It will probably be just the one story but I might write another one, maybe. Περισσότερα

"just this once"

"want to get coffee?"

48 3 0
Από percabeth1810

Zane was far from the nicest person in the school, actually he was one of the worst, every since after freshman year he’s been a nightmare. He had grown some muscle and well, he also looked skinny still so no one expected it, he injured a lot of people, he pulled a lot of deadly pranks, and he did a lot of shit.
He had caught his eyes on the Travis kid since freshman year, however he hated the aphmau girl especially as she was friends with his brother and Lawrence.

When he caught people bullying Travis he got pissed, so he tended to just stand in front of him, eyes narrowed before the bullies ran away or he beat the shit out of them, yet before Travis could speak to him he was usually gone.
He was going to do that today, wiping his busted lip and bloody nose he tsked before he turned to walk away, only to see the older male blocking his way this time, which made him scowl.Travis was usaly bullied, he had three friends and one of them has made the entire girl population of the school mad at him, the others well, they always found themselves in the middle of trouble, plus he wasn't popular and openly pansexual meaning he had been getting bullied a lot, one day as some especially rough seniors were pushing him around and calling him some... mean names he heard one of them yelp and saw the two others step back. Travis didn't waste time before picking up his stuff, it only took a few seconds and the fight was over, one ran and two went down, he had gone to thank Zane but he had left, leaving his to be shocked. Today a group of werewolves were had cornered him as he was leaving the washroom and started hurling insults it him but when he didn't show a reaction other then looking down they decided they were going to get more physical, one had grabbed he and the other kneed him In the stomach, luckily for Travis though Zane came in before it could go any further. Travis stared in a bit of fear as he watched Zane fight two werewolves by himself, be wasn't scared of Zane, he was scared of Zane getting hurt. When Zane was done he was going to do his disappearing act again but Travis wanted to thank him so he quickly ran in front of him "t-thank you!" He yells going starfish as if trying to further block the path "Thank you Zane. I was wondering If I could buy you a coffee maybe one day as a thank you..." he mutters slowly turning red as what he was doing is embarrassing "if you want"Sure werewolves were annoying, but he could go head to head with his older and younger brother and still come out on top, which he has, so a couple weak ass werewolves were nothing for him. He immediately scowled and pulled his mask up over his lips and nose as he stared at the white haired boy, blinking as he then tsked and huffed. Yanking his bag over his shoulder he tsked and walked passed the taller male, shoulder checking him in the process “Yah whatever” he muttered, at least not disagreeing.

Zane was always far more violent when people were rather homophobic with Travis, the werewolves had broken bones and were knocked out, it was actually bad enough the school nurse came to get them.

Zane was far from being open about his sexuality, he claimed to be straight for his own sake as he didn’t want to believe he liked guys, however after experimenting with multiple guys..including gene as well as some girls from outside the school he knew there was no doubt he was gay, females were not attractive to him in any way, he couldn’t even get hard with them unless he thought about a guy, however he hadn’t come out, especially to his family, their father was iffy, and he knew Garroth didn’t want to take over the company and well, he was afraid being gay would change his fathers mind on handing the company to him.

Wandering outside he pulled down his mask and lit a cigarette, huffing and blowing out some smoke, he was done with school for the day, so he began to wander home as he headed towards his house, knowing Garroth was probably going home as well as he was getting out early today, he just preyed he didn’t run into him. Whail the other was smoking Travis got a call from his friend vlad, apparently him and aphmau wanted a sleep over and it wouldn't be the same without there buddy so he walked to meet vlad at the entrance and they all walked to vlads house "vlad, aph! Let's watch mew mew Tokyo magical girls!" Travis suggest flopping on the couch, the other two were also excited with this idea so the floped beside him as they all cuddledWhen Zane came home after having taken a break elsewhere to get more cigarettes along with other things he did not expect to see Vylad, Aphmau, and Travis, and since Aphmau was here Garroth was definitely gunna come down to hang out and try to flirt with her.
Clenching the strap of his bag he then sighed and walked passed the couch on Vylad’s side, purposely kicking him while a soft mutter of “reject” left his mouth as he headed upstairs and slammed his door, locking it shut and dropping his bag as he sat down and scowled.Travis ears peek at hearing the door open "Oh hey Zane! Wanna watch mew mew Tokyo magical girls?" He asks before watching the others movements and hurtful words. Vylad looked down with a sad smile at the others comment "zane you butt head!" Aph yells up at the other before giving vlad a hug "he's a jerk, dont mind him" she says before the other just smiles "it's fine, he's just upset and I'm easier to blame" he laughed awkwardly before looking back at the tv. Travis didn't understand Zane, he protected him from bullys but bullys his own brother "I... I need to go to the washroom, can I use the upstairs one? The downstairs has too many pictures and I feel like pepole are watching me pee" he asked "sure dude" vlad respodes allowing Travis to slip away. As Travis walked upstairs he past the bathroom and went to zanes room slightly knocking on it He didn’t care that aphmau called him some stupid name, he didn’t care that he hurt Vylad’s feelings, he didn’t care what they thought of him, to him his feelings and comments were deserved, shit would have been so much better without Vylad in the picture, he may have gotten attention or more focus from his family, instead he was left in the background and just given shit to keep him quiet or from acting out too much, but well, that didn’t work obviously.

Hearing the knock on his door he got up, his mask was off his face and he had put his hair up in a small bun, he thought it was Vylad or Garroth, which is why he didn’t cover his freckles or the scaring on his right eye that had gone blind by now.
Opening the door harshly with a growl he snapped “the hell do you want” he growled before he saw it was Travis and blinked before he just casually shut the door in the males face, put his mask back on and put his hair down before he opened the door “this ain’t the bathroom, it’s over there” he said bluntly pointing to it, trying to get rid of Travis.Travis turned all sorts of flustered at seeing the others freckles 'ohmygod' his mind was full of that one image. When Zane walked back and gave him directions he blushed again "i- um I know, actually I was wondering if maybe we could hang out?" He asks a hopfull look on his face "p-please?" He asks fiddling with his fingers“Your friend is downstairs, go hang out with the reject” he said bluntly as he gave a blank look, he wanted to relax and take his mask off, he wanted to let his eye breath a bit but no way in hell would he let the male see him in that sate. He just huffed and cocked his head “if that’s was all then you can go back to my “brother” now” he spoke, you could hear the air quotes in his voice even though he didn’t move his hands to show that’s exactly what he had done. Travis frowned "t-thats very mean zane, calling your brother such a thing. And I thought maybe you were nice" he says crossing his arms "and I will go hang out with your brother, because he is nice" he says turning around to head back downstairs“What gave you that fucking idea? It’s not my fucking fault he just had to be some damn child prodigy and the fucking aftermath of my mother cheating. Shut up on shit you don’t fucking know. I’m nice to you because I fucking hate homophobic pieces of shit” he growled out. He shut his door as his hand twitched, he then tsked and grabbing his cigarette before he left his room and walked passed Travis, again shoulder checking him as he went outside in the background and shut the door, lighting a cigarette as he knew he needed to chill out a bit, he was anxious and angry. Travis pulled out enough money to buy a medium coffee at the cafe near his school, he then put it on the desk with a sticky note saying "for the coffee" then walking out before noticing the small pride flag on the back of the door "I knew it!" He says  "still dosent mean I have   chance but the chances just got higher" then he realised what he said to the other "and there go my chances.." he sulks walking back downstairsWhen he came back inside he pulled his mask up, he hated people in his house, he was so damn uncomfortable with them, yet he didn’t go upstairs, he just went into the kitchen and huffed out as he grabbed a cupcake and sighed a bit, grabbing another cupcake he then walked out of the kitchen, plopping the cupcake on Vylad’s lap as he was the only other one in the family who liked sweets as much as zane did, but Zane only shared his cupcakes with Vylad, though that was due to him knowing deep down it wasn’t truly Vylad’s fault that Zane was neglected.
Wandering back upstairs to his room he slipped inside and shut his door before he saw the money and sticky note, he then pulled down his mask and shoved his hair from his face. Putting his hair up and taking his mask off he took a bite of his sweet, a sigh leaving him as he grabbed the money and went downstairs without covering up, he handed the money to Travis “four tomorrow” he said bluntly before he went back upstairs after taking another cupcake and once again hiding in his room. Vlad saw the other come up with two cupcakes, when ever Zane insulted him he would give him a cupcake, they would sort of bond over there obsession of sweets, though after trying (and failing) baking together they decided that maybe it would be safer to bake at different times "Thanks Zane!" He called out. Travis was kind of happy to see the other give a cupcake, then he saw the other come back downstairs, without his mask. Travis stared in awe at how someone so tough could be so beautiful, then the other spoke causing a shiver to run down his spine. When Zane went back upstairs he looked at the others with fear "I have watched this guy beat up almost every asshole in are school.... I'm going to die" he says, aphmau laughed and vlad was too happy eating his cupcake to care "aph! He's going to kill me! And all I wanted to do was buy him a coffee" he sulks "good bye Travis" aph jokesZane didn’t hear a word more when he got to his room, a sigh leaving him as he shook his head and sat down on his bed, he then glanced around his room, looking everywhere before he huffed, he knew Travis had to have seen one of his pride flags, and well, Travis was the only fucking one who would know what it meant aside from Vylad but Vylad wasn’t anything special because he was not allowed in Zanes room whatsoever and Garroth just thought they were rainbows.

By the end of school next day Zane headed to the cafe, there was a smoking area and no one ID’ed anyone so he got away with smoking. He ordered a coffee with barely anything in it as well as a sweet as he waited for Travis to show up at the cafe, blowing out some mask as he had his mask down, but his eye was covered.Travis shakily made his way to the cafe but he decided if he was going to die he wasn't going to look scared so he walked up with obviously fake conference "hey Zane!" He says walking up to the other then coffing as he waved the smoke away "are you smoking!?" He whimper yelled "I won't tell anyone but damn" he says "so I'm not quite sure what you want to do with me, kill me or take me on a date- for coffee. Take me for coffee" he correctsHe glanced up at the male when he heard his name, he blew out some smoke and put the cigarette out as he sighed and tilted his head back “Yah, don’t tell anyone” he said bluntly as he then blinked at what the male said, he then hummed and picked up his drink, sipping from it “you wanted to go out for coffee, we are out for coffee” he said bluntly as he leaned forward a bit and stared directly at the male, his scars somewhat visible as his hair didn’t completely cover his right eye right now.Travis couldn't get enough of Zanes face, sure he was always good looking but the way he looked with his mask off and his hair out of the way had Travis week in the knees. "Oh... um yes! Thank you for helping me with those jerks, I don't know if you noticed but I'm not exactly strong" he laughed leaning on a wall near Zane. “I noticed” he muttered as he laid his head back against a wall and glanced at the older male as he sipped his coffee again as he sighed and shoved a hand into his pocket. “You saw them didn’t you?” He asked referring to pride flags as he took another sip from his coffee and avoided looking at the older male as he didn’t know what to do, he knew the male knew, even if he wished he didn’t.Travis heard the other as he looked down embarrassed "the pride flags? Um yeah" he fiddles with his fingers "b-but I don't judge! And I won't tell anyone unless you're ready, outing someone before they are ready is just wrong" he says defensively "if you want I can get you in touch with a therapist that specialises in lgbtq+, but you don't have to" he offersHe sipped the coffee and sighed out before he heard Travis and laughed “I don’t want or need a therapist” he spoke bluntly, that was untrue considering he definitely needed some form of help. He sighed and sipped his coffee again before he set the cup down at his table and lit another cigarette, flicking it slightly before he put it to his lips again and sighed out as he glanced at the male “just don’t tell anyone, I don’t care how out you are or how close you are with my family” he spoke calmly as he huffed out. This was long before Vylad would find out he liked more then just girls so as of right now he was the only person in his family that was in the LGBTQ community.Travis just laughed "of course, and I'm only close with vlad, garroth always flirts with aph and it makes us really uncomfortable" he says making a face is if he remembering a bad memory "dose your brother do that with other people or does he just like seeing me and vlad cringe" he asks giggling "anyway I'm going to go get a coffee" he says walking onto the cafe He flicked his cigarette and sighing out as he blew out some smoke before he sighed and glanced to the side “he’s liked Aph since we were six, me and her anyway. She doesn’t really remember shit about being friends with “us” so it’s like starting all over, but Garroth rememberers her, he’s going to get rejected multiple times though” he said bluntly as he sighed and then nodded “alright” he spoke. He brought the cigarette back to his lips.Travis buys a hot chocolate and makes his way back outside "I changed my mind, they have a new flavour! Apple pie" he says takeing a sip "w-would you like to try?" He asks offering the cup to Zane with a red face "o-or not it's fine. Sorry that was weird" he pulls bake as red as a beatHe blinked at what the male said, he then hummed and blinked again as he chuckled a bit, he noticed and then moved closer to the male, he gently took the cup and took a sip before he handed it back to Travis, flicking his cigarette away from the male as he leaned back against the wall and sighed “wanna try?” He asked holding up the cigarette, head cocked as he glanced at the older male and hummed.Travis was a brilliant red as he saw Zane take a sip, it should be criminal to look that good drinking. At zanes offer Travis looked at the cigaret then looked around to see if anyone would see them, when the cost was clear he nodded "y-yes please!" He said "but you will need to tell me how" he saysHe just sighed and smiled a bit as he brought the cigarette to the males mouth and helped guide him  through it, he was close to the other male, holding the cigarette himself as he helped guide the male through how to smoke, muttering softly to the male giving some tips. Travis could barely focus on what the other was saying, he was more going crazy at how close he was. Being a dumb teenager he desides to take a long breath in causing him to to start coffing like crazy, he was trying to impress Zane but just managed to make a fool of himself "yeah.." he coffes "I deserve that" he mutters to himself referring to him being stupidWatching the male cough made him snicker as he stepped away a bit, bringing the cigarette back to his lips and then sighing out “you’ll get the hand of it if you smoke again at some point” he said calmly as he shrugged his shoulders and put the cigarette out. The younger male then made sure he didn’t smell like smoke only to glance at Travis again, he didn’t know what to say, so he just enjoyed the silence as he leaned back against a wall again as he huffed out and waited around.Travis blushed at the others face as he smiled. Travis stood up too his full (small) height after Finnishing coughing, instead of going back to his spot on the wall he went right next to the other and leaned against the wall next to him, being shoulder to shoulder with him as he continued to drink his hot chocolate thinking about they tecnicly had a indirect kissHe glanced at the male when he moved closer, but he didn’t make a comment, he just pulled up his mask and glanced away as he sighed out, he only had his mask down to smoke and drink his coffee so there was no reason for it to be down now. He didn’t mind the slight touching, he wasn’t exactly a touchy person after all, and he was okay with this small touch. He sighed out and glanced around after a bit, tapping his fingers as he then glanced at the time, he was worried about being caught with Travis, not because Travis was pan, but because he was gay and not out whatsoever.Travis was not worried what so ever as he was in pure bliss, he is standing next to his crush and not just standing, HE WAS TOUCHING HIS CRUSH! "H-hey would you.... um would you maybe want to go on a.." he gets extremely quite "a d-date with me" he asks before covering his face, he didn't know know where it came from but all of a sudden he had a burst of confidence but as he spoke his conference dwindled so now he was question his life choices and hiding in his own handsHe heard the male and looked at the male as he rose a brow, however when he heard the male continue to speak and then heard the question. Looking away from the male he tsked and shifted around a bit “sure whatever” he muttered bringing his mask up more as his face began to grow red, he then sighed out and stood up, he then tugged the males shirt before letting go and heading into the cafe. He got something to eat and another coffee before he sat down at a booth with the male and sighed, pulling down his mask again and sipping the drink.When Zane said yes Travis whipped his head to look at the other in pure shock but that quickly turned into joy "yes! Yes! Yeeees!- i mean, of yeah, cool cool" he says the last part trying to look cool but failing. Travis felt his shirt being pulled then followed Zane in to sit with him "so um, what now?" He asks wishing he also had a mask to cover his red faceHe found it amusing that the male tried to play it cool, he then just sighed and sipped his coffee again as he crossed one leg over the other and huffed as he glanced around “we can talk a bit, I rather waste as much time as possible before I have to go home” he said bluntly, it was obvious Zane did not like his family though he mostly hated his brothers, especially as they were prioritized over him and he was neglected for them, he had some strong hatred, envy and resentment.Zane heard the questions that were asked and he thought a bit, head tilting slightly as he thought of how to answer “Yah..I train” he muttered softly before he heard and saw Travis get cut off from his next question. Looking at his brother he narrowed his eyes, almost immediately he looked away, tapping his coffee cup as he sipped from it and huffed out “its the cafe closest to school, why not be here? And what’s it to you huh?!” He growled at his brother, he was already upset garroth showed up and called them out for being together at the cafe, as he heard the next question he kept silent and stared directly at his brother, looking pissy as he tsked and stared away from him, shifting around uncomfortably. Garroth smiled at his brother "and why do you and Travis both smell like smoke? I know you smoke but I'm pretty sure that Travis never has" he says "were you guys smoking...*together?" He asks obviously suspicious

Travis was looking between Zane and garroth before deciding to finally say something "actually I was coming to get the new flavour of hot chocolate and ran into Zane and we hun out as he smiled so the smell must have latched onto me" he lies laughing awkwardlyZane clenched his jaw, he knew Garroth, the guy was smart despite acting otherwise and he knew that he wasn’t going to by the lie. Glancing away he huffed sipping his coffee again “what’s it matter to you” he said bluntly, eyes narrowed as he growled. He hated that Garroth of all people had caught them, and he was uncomfortable now because he knew that he was going to be forced to come out cause Garroth knew when he lied. Garroth smiled "Oh nothing, I just find it surprising that your on, correct me if I'm wrong, a date" he smiles. Garroth wouldn't be upset that he was gay, he was upset he was dateing the friend of the school player.

Travis sees Zane obviously uncomfortable by his brothers presents but knew he probably shouldn't get involved in thisHe kept silent and clenched his fist as he sipped his coffee again, even graduated Garroth was a nightmare to deal with, he was fucking everywhere even though he didn’t even go to Phoenix Drop High anymore. He huffed out and tsked “yah sure whatever. Can you go away now?” He growled not even denying it was a date.Garroths smile went dark "with Travis?" He asks glaring at Travis "your dateing the school players best friend?" He asked with gritted teet "he might be the same baby brother, you should date a nice boy" he suggests

Travis was feeling really awkward at garroths slights at him causing him to look down kinda hurt, he knew garroth and him were never close but he didn't know garroth thought so low of himSlamming down his coffee he got up and immediately punched his brother in the face with a growl “oh yah? Compare him to his friend really now!? Your out there trying to dick down a taken girl, what makes you any fucking better. Get the fuck out and stay out of my damn shit!” He spat as he glared right at his brother, he knew that punch hurt, he could go head to head with Garroth after all. “Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to judge others just because your held on a damn pedestal and thought to be the best of the best to everyone doesn’t give you a right to be a fucking asshole or claim I need to find someone else cause he might be the same. At least I’m not trying to get with someone fucking in a relationship” he spat as he shoved his brother back “don’t fucking talk to me for a while. Maybe you and Vylad can go bond about how you’re the favourites, the reject who exists from cheating and the disappointment who won’t take over the company because he doesn’t wanna” he then went silent picked up his coffee and sat down, ignoring his brother. He gave a blank look “he knows we were hanging out today, I told you to meet up with me in front of him and aphmau” he said bluntly as he rolled his eyes, he then finished the water and got up from leaning against the counter. Waking off he ruffled Vylad’s hair only to head upstairs to his room, he hated Vylad sure, but he seemed to hate Garroth way more, he never made any kind gestures to his older brother.
Entering his room he let Travis in and shut the door behind him as he then opened his window and lit a cigarette, giving in as he put it between his lips and leaned out the window a bit.Travis blinked then giggled "Oh yeah!" He exclaims now laughing at how he had forgotten that. As Travis enterd the room he saw him take out a cigarette and light it "again? Didn't you just have two?" He asks leaning on the window frame beside Zane. Travis was acting like he didn't notice but the way Zane looked without all the layers of black on had him totally freaking out on the inside, like how can someone be that hot!?He glanced at the male and tsked before he huffed “I smoke when stressed or agitated” he muttered as he sighed out and flicked the cigarette as he glanced at the male and held out the cigarette “wanna have another go?” He asked calmly as he cocked his head, face on full view as he wasn’t hiding anything. His blind eye was visible his long hair wasn’t hidden by a coat and was put up, and the freckles dusting his pale skin were noticeable in the sunlight. He waited for Travis to make a decision he wasn’t gunna force and would just put it back in his own mouth if Travis said no.Travis blushed as he muttered under his breath, probably to quite for the other to hear "there are better things to do when stressed. Like me." Before seeing the offer, Travis smirked "uh yeah, and this time I won't die" he declares stepping into zanes personal bubble "can you hold it for me again?" He asks with a innocent smile on his faceHe heard Travis but he just glanced away and chuckled before he hummed as he heard the next thing, reaching out he put the cigarette to the males lips, watching him as he kept leaned up against the windowsill. He was amused by the male but there was no way he was going to fuck Travis just yet.Travis moved to be leaning against Zane as he took a puff of the cigarette then releasing it, this time only coughing twice "did I d-do better?" He asks red as a tomato. With the position they were in Travis was by his face and just barely apart from each other's mouthsHe brought the cigarette back to his lips and took a puff before chuckling “Yah, you did better” he said as he glanced at the male, his breath hitching slightly before he blinked. Calming down he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the taller males, cigarette hanging in his one hand as the other stroked the males cheek before wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer as he kissed the male.Travis kissed back eagerly as as he wrapped his arms around zanes neck, Travis pushes his body against Zanes body in a rolling like motion. Travis was finding it a little difficult to hold his breath much longer so he pulled away for a second before going back, this time with even more energy and well... horny power. Horny power can get you farHe caught his breath when the kiss parted but he immediately kissed back when the male brought his lips back to his. Pulling him closer he deepened the kiss and forced his tongue past the males lips, gripping the others hair as he opened his mouth for a breath before going right back to kissing the other. When he parted the kiss he huffed, cheeks a light red as he looked up at the smaller male, licking his lips as let go of the male and put his cigarette back to his lips. Travis was quite enjoying the kiss so when the other stopped it would be a lie to say he wasn't disappointed but that kiss was amazing, it had him wanting more but if Zane didn't want to then he wasn't going to continue to push. "t-that. Was amazing." Travis says as they stand there. Travis knew he was hard but he was not going push the other so he just shifted his position to hide itHe glanced at the male, watching him shift around as he let out a puff of smoke he chuckled and then put the cigarette out, sighing out as he glanced at the male. Standing properly he grabbed the males shirt and yanked him down, kissing him again as he ran his fingers down the males shirt, gently unbuttoning and unzipping the males pants he slipped his hand down to the males boxers, forcing Travis up against a wall. He continued to kiss the male palming at Travis’ clothed cock teasingly as he knew the male was hard, rubbing at his cock and squeezing lightly before he slipped a hand passed the band of the males boxers, rubbing his cock gently with his hand, running his fingers against the males slit and the underside of his shaft.He was surprised when he was kissed again, he was surprised when he was pinned and he was shocked when he felt the other at his pants. Travis was still pretty loud when he was by himself but being touched by Zane had him moaning into the kiss, Travis was trying to pull away so he could moan but Zane was extremely good at kissing meaning he just couldn't stay away from the lips for to long. Travis legs started to fail him and his body was craving more so he grabbed the side of Zanes shirt to A: keep him balanced, and B: pull him closerZane was enjoying every moment of this, he didn’t let Travis pull away too much as the male was loud enough as it was, so he continued to kiss him. He parted the kiss after a moment when he felt the male grab at his shirt, a chuckle leaving him as he then pulled the male away from the wall and shoved him onto the bed. Hovering over the male he kissed the male again, slipping his tongue past the males lips as he squeezed the others cock in his hand again, stroking the shaft in a quick manner as his thumb rubbed the males slit and the head of his cock.He didn't know why but being pushed down made him moan again. As Zane was jerking him off Travis was desperately trying to pull away so he could moan out but Zane just wasn't letting him, finally he managed to get away from the amazing lips so he could warn the other "c-cuming!" He yells trying his best to be quite but he ended up praticly screaming as he came. He didn't know why but the feeling of Zane doing that to him had twice as vocal though that whole thingHe chuckled and kissed the males neck as he continued to rub the male through his high, only gently pulling his hand away after Travis was calming down. He licked some of the males cum off his fingers before he hummed and opened his drawer, grabbing some wipes he cleaned off his hand and threw it away, only to grab a few more wipes and gently help clean up the other male before giving Travis another wipe fo finish cleaning himself up before he tossed away the others he had used. Sighing out he glanced at the male and then sat down on his bed properly.

Kissing the male gently before he left the room and went home himself Zane then eventually came downstairs. Walking into the kitchen he grabbed something to eat, he opened it and began to eat it as he came out into the living room, glancing at Vylad as he had felt the male staring at him, he just blinked and rose a brow “what?” He asked calmly.Vlad WAS watching anime but when he thought he heard something weird from zanes room he passed his show and listened "i-im cuming!" He heard Travis yell and imedietly cringed knowing exactly what they were doing but I made him a little upset. When Zane came down he glared at him "what?" He heard Zane ask "I know you don't like me, you make it blatantly clear, but don't use Travis to get back at me, he's a good kid and he's been non stop talking about how cool you are for over a month, don't use his feelings for you too get back at me" he says glaring, normally he would just let Zane get his anger out on the but he would not let others get pulled into there petty dramaZane calmly set his snack down and shoved his hands into his pockets as he stared at the other, letting him speak as he cocked his head “oh so just cause he’s your friend means I’m using him? Really now? The Fuck is wrong with you. Yah I take shit out on you because you’re only alive because mother had to cheat. I’m not dragging him into fucking anything. Not everything revolves around you and Garroth for fuck sakes. Or did that not cross your fucking mind, I thought you were supposed to be smart, maybe I actually like him. But hell what would you fucking know” he spat. He had gotten close to the other until eventually grabbing his shirt “I’m not using Travis, I’m not fucking evil, don’t go putting words in my mouth or assuming shit cause he’s your friend. Him being over at my place made it easier for me to show my interest, I usually only beat up the fucking assholes who pick on him, especially for being pan. Him being here makes me more comfortable around him, it’s not all about you” he spat shoving the male to the ground as he left his food downstairs and went to his room. Slamming and locking the door he then lit up another cigarette and sighed. Travis was adjusting his shirt and pants when he heard the door slam, effectively scarring him "z-zane? What's wrong you looked fine when you went downstairs" he asks touching his arm lightly "did garroth come back?" He asks again worried about Zane. Travis was one of those people who if somone was sad he was sad and if somone was happy he was happy, he would be sad that they were sad and happy when someone else was happy, but he was always worried and right now he just wanted to make Zane happy. He huffed out and just leaned against the windowsill as he let out a puff of smoke sighing “no, that asshole isn’t home yet, first he assumes that you’re a whore and now that reject assumed I was using you to get back at his pathetic ass. Apparently I’m just not allowed to fucking like people” he growled putting the cigarette back to his mouth “you should head home, I’ll see you some other time” he spoke as he huffed out and blew out some smoke again.

It was nearing ten years later when Zane moved back home, having gotten his house and surprisingly having moved onto the same street everybody from high school moved to, but for the time being that didn’t matter. Zane hadn’t spoken to Travis since he went to college, they broke up when Zane moved away for school as neither could do long distance and Zane felt it was better to not contact the other so he could find someone else.
The older male had grown a lot, he had multiple piercings his hair had grown much longer to the point he had it hanging over his shoulder sometimes, and well, he was a bit more broad and was now pushing six foot three. He definitely got the height from his dad. Zane was still definitely himself he just looked different, however he still wore a mask and he covered his eye to hide his face, he wasn’t comfortable with showing it. Through the years he had a slightly better relationship with his brothers, but they weren’t close, so when he found out Garroth and Vylad were down the street he sighed, planing to ignore them.
One day he was just walking around, cigarette hanging from his lips as he was ran into by a smaller white haired male, scowling as he didn’t even bother looking, he only tsked and walked passed him “watch where you’re going” he had muttered.Travis hadn't been the same since him and Zane broke up, he flirted with every girl that moved and ignored the fact he still liked boys. Travis had stolen one of Zanes sweaters and he wore it every night. Travis was walking down the street today when he bumped into a giant "o-oh sorry" he says looking at the other "z-zane? Is that you!?" He asks getting excited. Travis had stopped growing after high school and he was already a short kid in high school so now he looked like a dwarf, he was just barely taller than aphHearing the voice he blinked, yet when he heard his name he lifted his head and glanced over his shoulder at the smaller male, letting out a puff of smoke he then stared and sighed out as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, he glanced over the younger male, stepping closer as he took his cigarette from his mouth, flicking it after. Looking at Travis he hummed “yah” he said bluntly as he cocked his head, he wasn’t being rude now, that was because he knew it was Travis and well, he definitely still liked the guy despite it having been as long as it had been.Travis jumped and hugged Zane "Oh my gosh it's been forever!" He says releasing Zane "how have you been? Where have you been!?" He asks jumping on the heel of his foot. He was extremely happy to see his first love that he just couldn't stop smiling "and I see you haven't kicked that nasty habbit" he gigglesHe groaned when he felt the hug after the male jumped at him, he huffed a bit and looked down at the male, blinking “I finished college then kinda just stayed outside the city for a bit” he spoke calmly as he shrugged his shoulders before he looked down at the male, blowing out some smoke again as he flicked his cigarette. “I’ve been decent, what about you?” He asked calmly as he tilted his head slightly and stared at the smaller male, he hadn’t ever thought he was going to be taller then Travis but he was, he definitely was."I'm doing great now!" He says jumping about "damn you got so tall! Now I'm feeling like a shortie!" He says jumping trying to touch his head "your crazy tall" he says still trying to touch his head but being too short "wanna go grab some coffee whail we catch up? I'll pay" he offers grabbing his arm before releasing it, he was so use to being physical with Zane he forgot that he and Zane were no longer dating meaning he shouldn't be as touchy with himHonestly he didn’t mind the touching too much, he didn’t usually like people touching him or anything of the sorts, but it was different with Travis, even if years had past he still didn’t mind the male touching him. He was amused by Travis trying to touch his head before he just ran his fingers through the males hair, noticing it was longer then when they were teens before he hummed. He sighed out and glanced at the time as he put his cigarette back to his lips and nodded, he then put his phone away “Yah, I can get a coffee with you” he said calmly as he let the male let go of him before he began to walk off in the direction of a small cafe.Travis walked beside him even though it was more like jogging because of the others long ass legs "your hair is so pretty too! Where do you live about now? How's vlad? Garroth still the pretty boy? You still trying to take over your dad's company? Are you um dating anyone?" He asks the last one a little quieter“I love down the road, I was heading home. I don’t know or care about Garroth or Vylad all I know is they have places to stay, jobs, are safe, and not my problem. No, he’s not giving it to me, I’ll just run him into the ground with my own business” he spoke before hearing the last question and blinking as he looked away. Entering the cafe he ordered a drink and sat down at a table when he got it, sipping his coffee he sighed “no, I am not in a relationship” he said calmly as he shook his head a bit, his eye still covered but he didn’t have his mask up at least. He ordered a drink as well "one hot chocolate please!" He orders then sits down "that's surprising, you've gotten hotter since high school so I would have thought you would have been snatched up right away" he says nonchalantly "i would like to say I have a chance with katliyn but all she does is punch me!" He laughed "though I kinda deserve it" we laughed again before taking a sip of hot chocolate“I don’t like people still” he said bluntly and calmly, that definitely explained it, he naturally never liked people, and Travis was his only actual relationship. He has had multiple hookups but never once did he have another boyfriend. Hearing Travis he hummed and sipping his coffee “that’s nice” he said though it was obvious he didn’t care about Travis being with Katelyn, he had no interest in who Travis was with mainly because he knew he’d be jealous over it so he brushed it off.
Glancing at the male again he took another sip from his drink and cocked his head “did you actually get a normal hot chocolate?” He asked, used to the weird ass flavours Travis would get...every time.Travis looked up from his cup "hmm? Well yeah, they didn't have any cool flavours and the one they just introduced tastes like poop. Plus it makes me look childish" he says rubbing the back of his neck. "And that makes sense, I think I was the only one who you let touch you" he laughed at the memory " have you talked to anyone else from highscool? I hang out with the girls and Dante, I also sometimes see Lawrence and garroth but we don't really talk" he says sipping his hot chocolate again. Travis wanted to offer his hot chocolate to Zane but he didn't know if Zane would be comfortable with thatHe thought over the question before he shrugged his shoulders “I kinda became friends with Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan, but that’s it really, I don’t bother talking to Garroth but him and aph are friends still” he said calmly as he shrugged his shoulders again and sipped his coffee. “Katelyn doesn’t talk to me, I don’t talk to her, and I ignore most the guys as I still don’t exactly like them, Aaron is okay, I think Aph could’ve done better” he said bluntly. That hadn’t changed, he was still very blunt and honest which got him into shit sometimes but oh well. “I think it’s cute, watching you try the new flavours was always adorable, especially when you liked the flavour” he said calmly, not really thinking as he was just being honest.Travis smiled "I'm glad you made some friends zanie"  he says. He was glad Zane didn't change much but at the same time he wished that ment he wouldn't have a huge crush on him. Travis blushed at what the other said "t-thanks dude" he says covering his face with his hand to cover his blushHe heard the nickname and glanced away as he sipped his coffee, sighing out as he licked his fangs a bit and hummed, he then looked at the male again. Leaning forward he gave a slight smirk, his own cheeks taking a light pink taint as he chuckled “you know” he muttered as he entangled their fingers “we didn’t end on bad terms, I just didn’t contact you cause I wanted to give you chances with others and make sure you weren’t hung up on me” he said calmly as he rubbed the males knuckles and glanced away. Getting up he grabbed his coffee and leaned down to Travis, gently kissing his lips “I have to head out now, see you around” he spoke calmly as he ran his fingers through the males hair and walked off.
He left the cafe without another word, lighting another cigarette he went home, stretching once he was inside as he blew out some smoke. He then removed his coat and shoes, scrolling through his phone as he sipped his coffee. Travis was shocked at Zane touching his hand but he was not upset "i- wait are you serious?" He asks shocked but as he felt the lips on his he melted "I- yes, ok... let's uh, let's meet up sometime..." he says in a trance obviously to happy to think, he kinda looked like he short sircuted. "What. The. Fuck!?" He jumps up hitting his hands on the table causing some patrons of the cafe to look at him.Zane kinda stayed at home most the time, he saw Travis a couple times and made sure to talk to him when he could, but they hadn’t hung out, not cause Zane didn’t want to, but because he didn’t know what to do, or if Travis would actually want to.

One night he had been invited over to Aphmau’s house and he debated on going because everybody was going to be there, it was a New Years party after all, however Zane gave in and decided to go.
He was one of the first to show up, wearing a short black sleeved button down, some ripped black jeans and multiple accessories, he had his hair up in a ponytail and his right eye covered, he was surprisingly not wearing his mask but he had it on him for when he would need it. He decided to help out with setting up and cooking a bit, keeping silent aside from talking to Aphmau.Travis was so awkward around Zane that he gave up and started to avoid him but today was new years eve and he was going to that party if it killed him. When Travis enterd the house the party was already going so he just walked to the food table and grabbed a snack before going up to katliyn "heeey" he says grabbing her ass before noticing who she was talking to, It was zane. Before Travis could say something to Zane katliyn punched him in the stomach "hands off perv" she says glaringZane was reluctantly talking to Katelyn, he was far from her fan but he promised Aphmau that he would try to be friends with her, he then took a bite of his snack as Travis came up, he rose a brow as he noticed exactly what Travis was doing before he blinked and laughed when Travis was hit. He finished his sweet and hummed “you spent too much time around Dante” he said bluntly as he shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed as he flicked the males forehead “maybe you’d learn your lesson if someone did the same shit to you yah?” He said, stepping closer to Travis and leaning down so their faces were close, he knew this would make him flustered as shit, and that’s what he was aiming for because it seemed that only Zane could get Travis so flustered.Travis was rubbing his stomach "probably haha, but you can't stop the lady killer~" he says making a stupid face but when he saw and heard the other the stupid smug face turned flustered and embarrassed "h-hey now" he says stepping back "i g-get it!" He says even more flustered Zane stood up a bit and stared at the male when he backed up a bit, he stepped closer again and lifted the males chin, he then leaned down and hummed “come to my place after” he muttered to the male before kissing his lips gently and walking off back into the kitchen to avoid the crowd of people coming on in.

Katelyn rose a brow as she watched Zane kiss Travis she then smirked and crossed her arms as she looked at the white haired male “I don’t know why you keep coming after me when you have that wanting you. That’s sad Travis” she said as she shook his head and walked off to his see her friends as she didn’t want to deal with Travis much longer as she felt like she would end up punching him more then just in the stomach.With what Zane said he was a mess of red, he also happened to be hard as he let his mind wander at what they would do when he goes over "I- well- fuck" he said to katliyn before noticing his penises reaction "I uh got to go" he said walking to the bathroom so he could deal with his problem "you keep giving me away you shit" he says referring to his dick before taking a hold of his cock and starting to stroke itKatelyn noticed as well and laughed before she went up to Zane and teased him about Travis before saying his boyfriend would need a bit of help.

Zane blinked before he understood and tsked, his cheeks a light pink as he went upstairs to the washroom, testing the knob he rolled his eyes when he noticed it was not locked, so he went inside and shut the door, locking it behind him as he stared down at Travis and hummed as he moved closer to the male, pinning him up against a wall “couldn’t wait till we got to my place?” He muttered in the males ear, nibbling on his lobe as he placed a hand over the males mouth, his other hand sliding down Travis’ body before he wrapped his fingers around the males cock, kissing at the males neck, beginning to stroke the males cock in his hand.Travis was shocked at seeing Zane "i- n-no, I would have been uncomfortable all night" he says before whining out "p-please Help me" he released his dick to show his hard cock to Zane as he looked away bright red. Travis dick also stopped growing when he did meaning he had what some pepole would call "a twink dick", it helped him get with a few guys but girls were sadly not so interested in something so smallZane personally had gotten bigger everywhere, and while they had sex when they were teens a couple times he had gotten a few inches bigger now, usually around eleven inches when completely hard. He huffed out and kissed the males neck as he rubbed the sides of the smaller males cock, Zane himself didn’t mind it as he usually topped the other and well, he enjoyed the male being small, it made it easier for him to rub it with his hand or take it into his mouth. Rubbing the slit of the males cock he then stroked his undersides, only to nuzzle into the male and squeezed Travis’ cock slightly.Travis grabbed the other and took him by surprise as he pulled him to meet his lips. As Zane probably remembered he was loud, like extremely loud, so doing it in a place like this was a bad idea but he was horny now and he didn't want to wait. Travis was moaning into the kiss, honestly the only thing that had grown in him from highscool was his appetite and voice. Travis was making every sound in the book as he desperately clawed at the back of the others shirt "m-more! Please give me more!" He calls out bucking his hips. Back in college he hooked up with a guy who loved how vocal he was so as he was already a screamer he just got (fake) louder for the guy, this though caused a lot of noise complaintsHe huffed out and kissed the male back as he held him closer, and squeezed his cock a bit more as he rubbed and hummed, he parted the kiss and put a few of his fingers into the males mouth letting Travis bite down on his fingers and rubbed his his cock a bit faster as he nuzzled into the male. He was thankful there was music going and people chatting downstairs as it helped block out the sounds of the males moans “bite down on my fingers” he muttered to the smaller male and chuckled a bit as he continued to stroke faster. Travis did as told, he was using the fingers to keep himself quite as Zane gave him a hand job. Travis wanted to say how amazing it was feeling but he knew he had to keep quiet. Travis started to bite harder and his legs were shaking, he knew he was close but if pulled of the fingers to warn Zane he would end up being too loud, soon enough Travises cock twitched and he came all over zanes hand and a little on his shirt. As soon as he calmed himself down he moved quickly to get on his knees, he unbuttoned the pants and quickly pulled down both the pants and boxer's "i need you to sit down or I won't be able to reach" he says looking up at the other with pleading eyesHe could tell Travis was close even without the warning, the way his face contorted in pleasure and as he bit down on his fingers as well as the way his legs twitched and shook were signs enough. He huffed out when he felt the males cum cover his hand, face a bit red as he cleaned off his hand before he felt his pants and boxers being pulled down. He knew he had been hard, but he didn’t think Travis would actually do something as he usually ignored his own erections and didn’t let Travis help him because he felt it was a bit awkward when he got hard just from Travis’ reactions, and well, Zane wasn’t one for physical contact all too often even with lovers. However he did as the male asked as he knew Travis just wanted to help him as well, so he sat down for the other and glanced to the side pulling up his mask now.Travis was surprised Zane was going to let him but he wasn't going to waste this opportunity, Travis quickly took as much as his small mouth could handle whail rubbing the rest with his hand, he did this all looking directly at Zane making sure to keep as much eye contact as Zane would allow. Travis was going all in, he never had a gag reflex his eyes would just start watering when he gave blowjobs. Travis bobed his head up and down at an incredible speed as he was actually enjoying sucking his cockZane noticed the eye contact and held it before he swore and gripped the males hair, huffing out as he groaned out and moaned a bit when he felt the male suck quickly and rub his cock he gripped the males hair even more and huffed out. Tilting his head back he bit his bottom lip bucking his hips into the males mouth again as he moaned again.Travis got excited hearing the other swear and was even happier when he felt the hand pull his head back and the other buck, it ment he was doing good and he liked making Zane feel good, Travis sucked as hard as he could on the others cock, as he let Zane do what ever he wanted with his mouth. Travises hands were on zanes legs as to stabilise himself because he knew that it won't be up to him for much longerHe gripped the males hair tighter and huffed out as he thrusted into the males mouth, groaning out as he tilted his head back and swore out as he shut his eyes tightly and huffed, not saying anything as he enjoyed every bit of pleasure he was receiving.
Moaning softly he eventually came and filled Travis’ mouth with his cum as he panted and shut his eyes tightly.Travis smiled as he looked up and swallowed "did it feel good zanie? Did I do good?" He asks happily from the floor. Travises hair was a mess he still had cum on his shirt and his face was flush, not to mention now his throat hurt and he could only talk quickly or his voice would crack but damn if that wasn't the best after so long, it made him want to just go to his place and cuddle the rest of the night like in high school but if they vanished from the party for too long people would be suspicious so he just shakily stood up so he could start fixing the way he lookedHe ran his fingers through his hair and huffed out as he got up and cleaned himself up before he fixed his clothes and helped the smaller male get cleaned up as well, kissing his shoulder gently as he huffed out and groaned a bit “dammit, that felt good” he muttered.
He rubbed the males back and then slipped out of the bathroom with him as he sighed and wandered downstairs, heading outside and lighting a cigarette.Travis beamed at what Zane said. When Zane left the room he waited a moment before also leaving the bathroom, Travis knew exactly where he was going after all he did date him for a year so he went down stairs and outside as well "hey if your still interested I would love to date again, I can't handle long distance but I never forget you, actually I um I still have your sweater, I wear it as pjs so I can pretend you're sleeping with me" he confesses so embarrassed but he had been waiting to tell Zane this since they saw each other after college but now he finally had the courage to say it "s-so I would would like to ask you" he pauses then starts up again "would you like to get a coffee sometime?" He asks with a goofe smileHe glanced at the smaller male when he came outside, blowing some smoke into the air as he smiled softly and just listened and watched the older male, staring at him “course I want to date again” he said calmly as he smiled a bit “and yah, a coffee sounds nice” he muttered as he kissed the males lips gently “that’s cute” he muttered a bit as he stroked the others cheek. At him agreeing to go on a date he let out a big sigh "thank God!" He says hugging him before eyeing him "I don't have to give you back your sweater do I?" He asks with a serious face "because Its mine now" he declared. Zane laughed "you can keep it".

The end

10560 words
Love you😘

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