Gabrielle Carrington

Door TJLew182

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Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. Meer



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Door TJLew182

I drove my motorcycle from the airport home. When I walked in Dad, Cristal, Fallon, Grandpa, Sam and someone else we're stood in the foyer.

"Guess who's back bitches." I yelled pulling my bike helmet off.

"Language." Dad, Fallon and Grandpa said to me as Sam ran and picked me up.

"Girl, you are looking golden." Sam said.

"Barcelona was great. I even learnt a little bit of spanish just don't try to have conversation with me about it." I said.

"You know I didn't realise how much I would miss such an annoying person." Fallon teased.

"So you're not going to protest if I give you a hug?" I asked. Fallon hugged me.

"When do I get to meet this boy that makes my baby girl so happy?" Grandpa asked hugging me.

"Uh depends how long you're staying?" I asked.

"I don't know." Grandpa said.

"I'm gonna head upstairs and take a shower." I said before sprinting upstairs. I showered and washed my hair before changing.

I sat down studying for my midterms when Fallon walked in.

"You look pretty dressed up to sit up here and study." Fallon said sitting at the end of the bed.

"Grandpa's here and I've gotta at least make it look like I care about my appearance."  I said studying for math.

"Do you need any help with studying?" Fallon asked.

"Uh, I think I'm good. Thanks." I said.

"So tell me about Barcelona." Fallon said.

"It was beautiful. The food, the music, the views. I loved it. It was nice to be away from all the drama for once." I said.

"I'm heading out with Monica if you wanna come." Fallon offered.

"I'm gonna stay here. Before you go who's that woman downstairs?" I asked.

"Iris, Cristal's sister and Sam's mother." Fallon said.

"Okay. Thanks, have fun with Monica." I said as Fallon left. I walked downstairs and joined Grandpa, Dad, Cristal, Sam and Iris in one of the seating areas.

"Iris this is Gabbie. Gabbie this is my sister Iris." Cristal said.

"Hi." I said sitting next to Sam. The woman shook my hand.

"So, Iris, Cristal tells me it's been 12 years since you've seen each other?" Dad asked.

"And six since I've seen my boy." Iris said.

"I couldn't manage being away from my kids that long." Dad said.

"Maybe mom could tell you about it." I muttered. Grandpa smiled.

"You do what it takes." Grandpa said.

"Actually, Thomas, I regret it. I regret every day that I wasn't around to see my son become this amazing,
beautiful, young man." Iris said about Sam.

"Oh, stop it. But, like, don't." Sam said.

"I won't make that mistake again. I want to stay in America." Iris said.

"What?" Cristal and Sam asked.

"Maybe I'll apply for a job at Carrington Atlantic." Iris suggested.

"Smart move. I hear they're taking anyone these days." Grandpa said.

"I'm hoping you have some pull. I could move here
legally on a work visa, stop depending on Cristal's
money and your kindness, Blake. I like to work hard for what I have. I can type. I'm good on the phone. Anyway, it's just an idea." Iris said.

"Not that you've given it a lot of thought. Obviously." Cristal said.

"Well, I'd have to run it by the COO." Dad said.


I was sat in my room with a huge projector screen watching Home Alone 2 eating popcorn and marshmallows while drinking hot chocolate.

"Room for one more?" Fallon asked standing in the door.

"Always." I smiled. Fallon came and sat next to me.

"Why didn't you just sit in the movie room?" Fallon asked.

"When I asked Anders if I could put my bed in the movie room he was like no but I'll put a projector in your room." I said leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Have you seen Steven?" Fallon asked putting her arm around me.

"No but I heard him and Dad yelling about someone called Ted Dinard. I didn't even know he was home." I said.

"Steven went on another bender while you were in Barcelona. Grandpa brought him back." Fallon said.

"Who do you reckon I could have a snowball fight with?" I asked.

"Sam or Josh and his siblings." Fallon said.

"Sam's busy with his mom and Josh, Taylor and Jade are all in New York for Christmas with their grandparents." I said.

"Come on let's just watch the movie. Even though you watch this movie all the time." Fallon said.

"It's a good film plus what else do I have to do around here? Fall asleep to you and dad talking about business? Try and work out what Steven does? And hanging out with Sam is always great but all we do is watch films." I said.

"Dad should of known you wouldn't go into business when your bedtime story would literally be him talking about business. You never lasted longer than 10 minutes." Fallon said. I nodded and turned back to the film.

"So you're sleeping with Jeff." I said.

"What no." Fallon said.

"Then who did you sleep with because I know you and Culhane still don't talk and Jeff is the only guy that shows an interest in you?" I asked.

"Why do you assume I'm sleeping with someone?" Fallon asked.

"You have this face that you have when you've had sex and it's not obvious to anyone else but me and you smelt like Jeff's cologne." I said.

"I'm not having this conversation with my little sister." Fallon said.

"Just don't let me walk in on you two in the office." I said. Fallon nodded.

"Why am I not surprised you two are watching this film?" Grandpa asked walking in.

"It's a good film and it's funny." I said.

"Gabbie has a crush on Macaulay Culkin even though he's like 40." Fallon said.

"Excuse me? I would take Josh over him any day." I said.

"You know there's other good funny film out there on the net." Grandpa said.

"Yeah. I need to show you better films." Fallon said.

"You still watch black and white films." I said.

"This is about your poor choice in films not mine." Fallon said.

"Is Sam still alive? I haven't seen him or heard him since earlier." I said.

"His mom is here and he's happy that's why you haven't heard him." Fallon said.

"How's that engineering thing going?" Grandpa asked.

"She's doing great passing all her classes. Top of the class in both engineering classes and 4th in math." Fallon said.

"I'm enjoying it." I said.

"Your father doesn't like it does he?" Grandpa asked.

"He still doesn't think girls can be engineers. That's why Gabbie works with me and Jeff at Morell Corp." Fallon said.

"The pay's not bad either." I said. Grandpa said.

"Yeah considering you're all college students you all earn the same as a qualified engineer at CA." Fallon said.

"You always were the one that stood out a bit more." Grandpa said. "Doing what you want, not even going near CA, dropping out of college to study business, becoming and engineer." He smiled.

"Steven would blame all that on the brain damage I got from boxing." I said.

"Oh honey you were born with brain damage. You clearly weren't born with musical talent or looks or brains." Fallon said.

"1. I am an amazing guitarist and drummer. 2. I look this good and didn't have to have surgery fix my nose or teeth and I have brains just not academically. I'm street smart. Don't forget I can wrap all of Rap God too." I said. Grandpa left.

"I guess you are kinda special." Fallon said.

"I know I'm special I don't need you to tell me that." I said. Fallon looked taken aback.

"Oh I like that fire. Good on you for knowing your worth." Fallon said. We watched the movie and I fell asleep while we were watching Parent trap. I felt Fallon kiss my head before I fell asleep.

"Night baby sis." Fallon said.


The next day was Christmas Eve so we were having a party. Fallon and Steven were looking bummed out on the couch. I decided to join them.

"What's up with you?" Fallon asked Steven.

"I know it's dead wrong, but I wish I could call Stansfield. I know, there really are no good deeds." Steven said. "I don't know why I let the ghosts of Christmas past and present get to me."

"Well, maybe we can perform an exorcism before midnight." Fallon joked. "OK Google, where can I find a priest?" Fallon asked her phone.

"Here are the top search results..." Her phone said.

"How useful." I said.

"Yeah. If only it could play CDs." Fallon said.

"Getting nostalgic for your high school mixes?" Steven asked.

"No. Jeff gave it to me." Fallon said.

"Oh, that's personal, for a co-worker." Steven said.

"I gave you mixes." Fallon said to him.

"Don't be weird, Steven." I said.

"I haven't had a CD player in years. Maybe you could ask Culhane." Steven said.

"Nobody uses CD players anymore. We all stream music from our phones." I said.

"Really? We can do that now?" Steven said.

"Don't joke about something like that it's sad." Fallon said.

"Well, you three better brighten up if you want Santa to bring you diamonds and not lumps of coal." Sam said pulling me to my feet.

"Our family reunions are a little more siesta than fiesta." Fallon said.

"Well, this is the first Christmas I've had with my whole family in 12 years, so stop sucking all the fun out of it." Sam said.

"By all means, don't cry for me, Argentina." Fallon said.

"We're Venezuelan." Sam said.

"Just take the win." Fallon said.

"Don't let our attitudes ruin things. Enjoy your family." Steven said.

"Someone should." I said.

"All right, everyone, gather 'round. There are a few things that I insist on during the holiday season, and this is one of them. Steven, Fallon, if you would do me the honor..." Grandpa said.

"We'll start with one of Grandpa's favorites." Steven said.

"And get it over with." Fallon muttered.

♪ Good King Wenceslas looked
out on the feast of Stephen ♪

♪ When the snow lay round about ♪

♪ Deep and crisp and even ♪

♪ Brightly shone the moon that night ♪

♪ Though the frost was cruel... ♪

♪ Deep and crisp and even ♪

♪ Brightly shone the moon that night ♪

♪ Though the frost was cruel ♪

♪ When a poor man came in sight... ♪

"They really put the white in "White Christmas"." Sam muttered to me and Cristal. I laughed.

"Sam, shh." Cristal said.

"Remind me to make other plans for New Year's." Sam said. Then Spanish music started playing. I Sam grabbed my hand.

"Wha... what? What are you doing?" Cristal asked.

"It's supposed to be a party." Sam said as we started dancing.

"Oh, my God." Cristal laughed. I finished dancing and walked over to Fallon who was stood with Grandpa.

Cristal took over and then Iris came out and pushed in.

"I never did anything but try to make your life better!" Cristal yelled at Iris.

"Is that what you told yourself when you abandoned us? When you got in that truck in Caracas?" Iris asked.

"I had no choice. I needed a doctor.It's not my fault you never showed up. Why didn't you?" Cristal asked. The silence told her what she needed to know.

"Because you wanted me to leave. You blamed me for what happened that night. That's why you think I owe you still." Cristal said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sam asked.

"Go ahead, Cristal, why don't you tell him? Why don't you tell everyone?" Iris asked.

"I can't take it anymore, Iris. Samuel... I killed your father." Cristal said. Sam walked away. I went to go after him but Fallon pulled me back.

"He needs time." Steven said. I nodded.

Later that night I was laying in bed watching Friends when Sam walked in.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked. "Nevermind stupid question."

"I'm gonna join you watching this show because it's apparently the funniest thing but I've never seen an episode of the show." Sam said. I laughed and moved over. Sam and I watched tv.

"Never leave me that long again. I was so bored." Sam said.

"Okay I promise." I said. "I'm sorry about your dad."

"It's alright. I can't sleep so I'm gonna go for a swim." Sam said. "Feel free food join me." He stood up.

"I'll meet you by the pool." I said.

I got changed and grabbed a towel and sliders. I walked past Fallon's room.

"Where are you going?" Fallon asked.

"Can't sleep so Sam and I are going swimming." I said.

"Okay. Have fun." Fallon said. Sam and I were goofing off in the pool when Fallon walked downstairs. She looked pissed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Monica just sent me this article." Fallon said holding her phone up with a news story.

Josh Hayes spotted kissing girl in New York

"He didn't did he." I asked.

"I'm so sorry Gabbie." Fallon said.

"I'm gonna call him." I said as my phone rang. Fallon grabbed it and answered putting Josh on speaker.

J: Hey, that article is fake. I didn't cheat on you. I promise I love you.

F: Hi Josh. Who's that girl?

J: Just let me speak to Gabbie.

G: Answer the question Josh.

J: She kissed me not the other way round.

F: Joshua, who is the girl?

J: She's an old friend but I didn't kiss her.

F: The girl is pinned against a wall Josh. How stupid do you think my sister is?

J: I'm sorry it won't happen again.

G: I know it won't because it's over Josh. I'm done with you.

J: That's over the top it was just a kiss.

G: We just came back from Barcelona Josh. And you lied to me about kissing her. Josh I can't be with someone that lies to me. Now we're just class mates.

J: Goodnight Gabbie.

Call Ended

"That was mature." Fallon said.

"I'm done with boys." I said.

"Wow, offended." Sam said.

"I'm done with straight boys." I said taking off the rings Josh gave me.

"Night you two." Fallon said before walking back towards the house.

"Hot tub?" Sam asked.

"What's a better way to spend Christmas?" I asked. Sam laughed and we got in the hot tub.

"You know what sucks?" I asked.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Josh and I got matching tattoos. I got a moon and he got a sun." I said.

"Maybe, you'll be better off as friends." Sam said.

"Yeah fair enough." I said. "I gotta go to his place tomorrow cause I bought his siblings iPhones and an iPad each." I said.

"I'll come with you if you want." Sam said. "Now I wanna see this tattoo." I pulled my hair to the side of my neck to show my tattoo.

"Damn girl that's kinda cute." Sam said.

"No-one else knows yet." I said.

"I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Night Gabbie." Sam said getting out.

"Night Sammy." I said. He flipped me off walking inside. I got out and dried before walking upstairs and showered.

I got changed and pulled my hair into a bun. I walked downstairs and Fallon was sat out the backyard drinking coffee.

"This is the most bummed I've seen you at Christmas." Fallon said.

"Not bummed out more confused." I said.

"With Josh?" Fallon asked.

"I just though things were good between us. I mean we spent 2 weeks in Barcelona together. Nothing seemed off. Then we're back less than 12 hours and he's already kissing some chick." I said.

"Things happen for a reason. Maybe you'll find someone else or maybe you and Josh are just a meant to be friends." Fallon said.

"I hope you're right because Josh and I got matching tattoos." I said.

"Show me." Fallon said. I turned my head to show her my neck. "That's pretty."

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"No. Why would I be mad at you, Gabbie? You're old enough to do what you want." Fallon said. "You don't need my approval for everything or anything." I smiled.

"Sorry." I said.

"You don't need to apologise. What I'm about to tell you never repeat to anyone. When Mom left I saw a therapist and they said that I seek others approval because of the hole left Mom leaving. I think you do too without realising." Fallon said

"Yeah. Kinda hard to seek approval from a woman you can't remember." I said.

"Listen to me Gabrielle and listen good.You don't need approval from anyone. As long as you're happy doing what you're doing then you shouldn't care what other people think." Fallon said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"What would I do without you? You're practically my therapist." I said.

"I'm too messed up to be a therapist. I'm just your big sister. Doing what I should be doing." Fallon said kissing my head. "Your Christmas gift is upstairs. I'll show you later."

"You're up early." Steven said walking out.

"Well, it's hard to rest for Santa when you have a murderous stepmom sleeping down the hall." Fallon said.

"What's your excuse?" I asked.

"I got you something." Steven said handing Fallon a CD player. He handed me an Apple Watch.

"Now you'll actually be able to tell the time." Fallon teased. "Maybe you'll turn up to work on time."

"Enjoy memory lane." Steven said to Fallon.

"What are you three reminiscing about?" Grandpa asked.

"You know, back in the old days, we used to hire the help to make the beds, not sleep in them." Grandpa said.

"That's enough. Sam's my friend." I said.

"I know you think I'm just an old, white, closed-minded tight-ass." Grandpa said.

"Go on." Steven said.

"But I was young once. And a lot like you in some ways. I had my own lost weekend. Quite a few of them if I'm being honest. And your great-grandfather
snapped me out of it, just like I did to you." Grandpa said to Steven.

"What?" Steven asked.

"But that's what this family is, right? We love life, we get drunk, and we do cocaine with Stevie Nicks. But we're not kids anymore, Steven. And your father didn't get rid of your friend just so you could go down
that destructive path again." Grandpa said. Steven walked off.

"You couldn't have kept that to yourself? That was a rotten thing to say." Fallon said.

"Sometimes rotten things have to be said. And done, Carrington style. Now, I let your father keep his job. But if you think I'm gonna let him disobey me without any consequences, you're not the smart businesswoman I always thought you were." Grandpa said.

"It's called evolving, Grandpa." Fallon said.

"You should try it. Sooner the better." I said. We both walked off.

"Come on, I put your gift in your room." Fallon said. We walked into my room to see a little puppy sleeping on my bed.

"Fal, you didn't?" I asked.

"I did. I know how much you wanted a husky puppy." Fallon said. I smiled.

"Sam didn't know what to get you so he paid for a bed, leash and toys for the puppy." Fallon said. I sat on the bed as the puppy fell asleep on my lap.

"What's it's name?" I asked.

"He doesn't have a name." Fallon said. "You get to decide."

"Milo." I said.

"If you'll excuse me I have to go fix things with Monica." Fallon said before leaving.

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