Say It (Kokichi Oma x Reader)

By Dumbhonkingbitch

202 13 2

OwO More

1. The Girl
3. Her Setback
4. Rolling Girl
5. Party Crasher
6. Puppy Love
7. Why
8. Insecurities

2. Him

36 4 1
By Dumbhonkingbitch

*your pov*

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone seeing how I was bleeding everywhere I had cut.
"I just want to know you better! I've told you this already." He said.
"O-oma can we please do this another day. I'm tired." I whined.
"Nope talk to me until you fall asleep!" He said.
"O-okay what do you want to know?" I asked.
"Well why do you always wear your blazer?" He asked.

*Kokichi's pov*

I smiled at her asking why she always wears her blazer.
"I get cold easy." She said.
"Okay well why were you on the rooftop looking longingly at the ground?"
"I wasn't I was looking at the ground." She said.
"Almost as if you wanted to jump?" I teased getting closer.
"I wasn't, okay!" She snapped.
"Or did you only not jump because I appeared?" I said.
"P-please back away. I'm uncomfortable." She begged but I ignored her.
"What are you hiding?" I asked only centimeters from her face.
"Nothing, I hav- YOUR ARMS!" She screamed grabbing my arm and pulling up my sleeves that I put on to not cause attention.
"Oh yeah this happens alot. But stop changing the subject." He said holding her shoulders.
"O-oma leave me alone please!" She cried.
"Fine." I sighed backing up.
"I want to be alone please." She sighed.
Finally I gave up and went to my dorm and not five minutes later I was bleeding.
"This is going to be a long time. I really have to find them to stop this." I sighed.

*Your pov*

I laid in bed waiting to fall asleep.
"I need to hurry up and die. Before anyone knows." I said.

I woke up to more pounding on my door I went to the door to see Kokichi.
"y/n Chan, why are you still asleep?!" He mocked.
"I was tired now leave I need to get ready." I said closing the door and getting ready and once I was Kokichi was still there to walk me to school.

*Time skip*

It was the middle of class when I asked to use the restroom.
Instead I headed to the rooftop and started slicing words into my legs and arms.

*Kokichi's pov*

I felt a stinging pain in my arm and legs. I rolled up my sleeve to see the words 'usless' 'worthless' 'stupid' 'nusence' but my eyes widened at one word.
"Dead." I muttered before rushing out the room.
"Kokichi stop running in the halls!" I heard Kirumi call as I ran past her.
I ran up to rooftop to see y/n standing over the railing, her wrists were bleeding the same places mine were.
"DON'T DO IT!" I yelled catching her attention.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because you have so much to live for!" I said.
"No I don't, I have no friends, I get bullied, no one cares about my existence and I have no soulmate!" She cried.
"You have Kaede, Shuichi and I, Himiko's a jerk anyways, I care about your existence and I. AM YOUR. SOULMATE!" I said yelling the last part.
"Yeah right. Soulmates are connected by red strings, first sentence on your wrist, unable to see color til you look into their eyes, you can interact in your dreams, their name is on your wrist. And how would we be connected?" She asked.
"When you hurt yourself you hurt me!" I snapped grabbing her blade off the ground and slicing my name into my arm where it appeared on her arm.
"How long?" She asked?
"How long have you known I was your soulmate?" She asked.
"I thought it was a possibility when I first met you, then when I went to see you and when you left." I said.

*Your pov*

I looked into his eyes where I saw tears build up.
"I hope you get a new better soulmate." I said smiling sadly at him before trying to jump off but was stopped by arms wrapping around me.

*Kokichi's pov*

She kept struggling and screaming trying to jump off but I managed to keep he run my grip.
"y/n please let me help you." I begged holding her tighter.
"NO, LET ME GO!" She yelled.
"Not until you stop struggling!" I yelled back.
I was waiting for her to tell again but she just went still and silent.
"y-y/n." I asked.
She still wouldn't respond so I pulled her away from the ledge and held her close to my chest.
"y/n I know your hurting but you'll get through it." I whispered into her ear.

After holding her for some time I noticed she wasn't conscious. I rushed her to the nurses office just to see the Ultimate Nurse about to leave.
"Please help her!" I begged.
"O-okay!" She said and helped y/n.

"Thank you so much!" I said.
"N-no p-p-problem." She said leaving.

Once I knew no one was around I went to her side and held her hand.

*Your pov*

I woke up to see Oma holding my hand. He was ton his phone texting someone with one hand.
"Hello?" He said putting the phone to his ear.

*Kokichi's pov*

"Kokichi, where are you? And do you know where y/n is everyone's worried." Saihara spoke.
"She's in the infermery with me and keep it secret but she's my soulmate. Just tell everyone she wasn't feeling well and I wasn't either so we both went home. Feel free to come see her but make sure no one comes with you."
"Okay." Saihara said before hanging up.
"So your ashamed to be my soulmate?" A voice asked. I looked at y/n to see her awake.
"No I'm not! I just don't want people to know what's going on. I want people to know your my soulmate but everyone knows my soulmate hurts themselves so Saihara is the only one we can trust."
"Okay." She sighed.

"Kokichi is she okay! Everyone went home so it's fine!" Saihara said opening the door.
"I'm fine." y/n muttered.
"She said she's fine." I clarified after seeing Saihara's face.
"So how'd you figure it out?" He asked.
"He cut his name into his arm and it appeared on mine." y/n said.
"No, I mean that's how I proved it but I figured she was from the hints." I corrected.
"Where'd you two run off to?" He asked.
"She went to. Um-"
"I was going to jump off the roof."

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