It's Me and Her | SaChaeng

بواسطة LionChaeng

13.6K 732 259

It all started in the kindergarten المزيد

First Day
Good Riddance
Mission Sana
The Beginning
Broken Jar
Reunion II
Idyllic Recollection
Ardoristic Chapter
Lid Ajar
Own Plan
Own Ways
Own Measures
Own Ending


688 43 8
بواسطة LionChaeng

To think about what happened last time; trouble after trouble, a misadventure that lead her to meet someone, Dahyun and Tzuyu had noticed Chaeyoung who's zoning out every time. Even this time, in a serious class hours, the two other friends cannot help themselves but to get worried about her. It's been almost a week. Though they were just trying to let her be, their concerns are increasing way too much. "Bro! You're staring at nothing again..." Dahyun poked Chaeyoung, the latter's sitting in of front of her while Tzuyu's seat is just behind her. Chaeyoung was surprised by the older's abrupted touch. She didn't catch the words Dahyun whisper-shouted so she just looked at her confusingly. "Dude, you're like this these days. If you have setbacks or something, don't carry it yourself." Tzuyu said, backing up the oldest. Unfortunately, the teacher's ears were too sensitive as he heard his students mumbling something at the back, where the three friends are sitting. He punished them by standing outside their room. The three are used to this though so there's nothing to be afraid of. And it is the tiem to use this as an advantage, they could talk properly at this moment.

"Now, tell us." Dahyun crossed her arms. Chaeyoung was thinking so keenly if she will tell what happened because even her moms don't even know about that. On that same day, after Mina drove Chaeyoung home, the latter didn't waste any time. She immediately went straight to her room to combust for a while. She was having a hard time, why she keeps on making mistakes, failing others, causing troubles and such. Once she took a glance of her brand new skateboard, she thought of an idea to search the lady's name on google, hoping for it to show some results of the lady's social media accounts. She attempted to type the certain person's surname for more than five times before she got it right, her eyes dilated after she scrolled a bit. She found Mina's Instagram account with an interesting bio under her displayed name. "She's a... Mina eonnie's a chief executive officer of a company in Japan?!" She half yelled, with her open-mouth expression and widened eyes, Chaeyoung was absolutely surprised. That's the reason why she's so freaking rich. Even in her pictures posted in her account (though there were only three pictures in total), Chaeyoung can't deny how affluent Mina looks. She might be insane to follow the lady without hesitation but at least that way, she could thank her endlessly by messaging her directly. Pondering of what happened earlier, she's still clueless why the latter didn't show any aggressiveness nor an annoyed expression. That is a big fucking mystery for her.

"Hey!" Chaeyoung snapped back out of her thoughts when Dahyun shook her body. She was staring at nothing for about three minutes. "Ah... Yeah... I'm all fine, don't worry." It is better for Chaeyoung to keep her secret this time. "You sure? If you're not feeling well today, we can ditch the food fest later." Oh yes, that food festival which Tzuyu was talking about. She is also waiting for this day to come, hoping to spot someone who's important so she told her friends that they will come no matter what.

"So what's the plan later? Should we wear something cool?" Chaeyoung just got an idea when Dahyun asked them. "Why not raid my closet after school?" Chaeyoung suggested. Since the two know her sense of fashion, they'd like to try something new. Some of their schoolmates also praise her looks, it may be a nice idea to wear her style on the fest day.

The teacher asked them to enter the room again. After a minute of scolding session, Dahyun, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung gave themselves in the serious class topics. The latter was having a hard time, zoning out again and again but she managed to listen at least, waiting for the teacher to dismiss the class with patience.

"It's nice to know your bike's already fixed." Tzuyu looks relieved, glad that the older finally got to take her bike again. However, Chaeyoung's heart beats rapidly, anxious inside. Well... She did her best to fix her thing as soon as possible and to be honest, she isn't still flexing that new board Mina bought for her. Her parents may dig on to it more, she's certain they'll ask her where did she get the money to buy this expensive board. Dahyun and Tzuyu might ask the same thing as well so it is better to keep that skateboard safely in her hands. She was only using her feet only this past days, taking a bus sometimes when going to school. She's hitching a ride with Dahyun's bicycle when going home. That was the whole situation for a week. After yelling their signiture chant, they finally left the school and scooted directly on to Chaeyoung's house together. Nayeon was the only one inside, watching some movies of her desire when they came. Of course, Chaeyoung's friends were welcomed warmly.

"We can't be late so we have to hurry." Chaeyoung throws some clothes at her friends as she was searching in her walk in closet. "I'm worried." Tzuyu uttered while checking the clothes thrown at her. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, knows what the younger was talking about. The size... "I am offended." Chaeyoung said adding, "But don't worry I have some oversized clothes here. You can choose." Chaeyoung joked and let the youngest to choose her own fit for the fest later. Dahyun wore what she likes as well so easily as her size is not far from the younger's.

The three of them arrived at the rumored school so early. Deokseong high is filled with booths on the open grounds. Students are all welcoming as well. "Disciples, where do we head now?" Dahyun asks her two younger friends. Sooner, the campus is getting more crowded than before and it is getting dark too. They can't recognize other visitors, and concluded they are from different schools. Chaeyoung wanted to look for the student council president but she's certain that the person's busy at this moment. They decided to pass by the booths, and have a glimpse of foods served for free tastes. The first set of booths are too dull and bland, students over there explained that those are just appetizers for the main theme of their food festival. Once they stepped on the main section of the festival located in the right part of the campus, they'll meet these marvelous booths. "World in a Day." Dahyun read the sign hanged on the entrance way. Each booth has different vibes, representing different countries that are offering some fine foods. Tzuyu invited her friends to try all of the booths, and enjoy each countries' cuisine. Dahyun suggested something opposite to Tzuyu's, she invited her friends to meet some pretty girls. "We can part ways though. Let's just meet at the school entrance after the festival." Chaeyoung had also a plan in her head. Dahyun and Tzuyu agreed to that so they ended up parting each others' ways.

Chaeyoung observed how Dahyun was found talking to someone that easily while Tzuyu is just trying every food that was served in front of her. This place is absolutely wonderful. It's like when you take one to two step, you'll arrive at another country. Chaeyoung was just walking slowly, enjoying the view as if she's in a music video when someone approached her from behind. "Hi!" Chaeyoung turned around to see a group of girls smiling at her. Chaeyoung didn't hesitate to greet the girls back with enthusiasm, they even shook hands. "What school are you from?" One of the girls asked. "Ehwa University..." Answered by Chaeyoung, the girls giggled after and told her they are students here in this school. The latter doesn't know what to respond so she just told them she was invited by their student council president, and she brought her friends as well. She heard one of them complimenting her voice in a flirty way. "Can we take a picture?" One girl pulled her arms forcefully for a picture, taking a lot as she's snapping endlessly. The other girls are also asking to take selfies with her, making her a bit irritated at that time but of course she didn't show that she is instead, she just flashed a thin smile. "Can we get your phone number? SNS?" She can't take the girl's questions anymore, and the skinship's getting more and more irritating for her. She wanted to combust but that would leave an impression to the students here; Ehwa students are not approachable? Something like that. Chaeyoung gently removed their hands away from her and attempts to run away until she reached that one booth and tried to hide from them. She pretends to order something, while catching her breathes. "Takoyaki... Please..." She asked. She just realized she's in the Japanese booth. The students working there told her to sit on her desired table. Luckily, the girls have lost their track in finding her so she left a deep sigh. She bided her time, patiently entertaining herself as she used her phone and planning an escape to find her friends. Later on, someone serves the takoyaki formally. The one who served it caught Chaeyoung's attention so she lifted up her head.

'What am I feeling right now?'

'Calm down Chaeyoung...'

'Is this even real? Am I dreaming?'

Their eyes met. Their eyes met as if everything has stopped, the time, the people walking, even Chaeyoung herself was found so stiff on her seat...


"Wow! You look so good in your traditional outfit Sana!" It's already four in the afternoon and everyone's been busy like ants, working hard to finish their booths as soon as possible. Jihyo looks so proud as she checked Sana who just went out of the fitting room. The cotton or synthetic fabric, and unlined of the Yukata that Sana is wearing right now is so comfortable for tonight's festival. She volunteered to represent her own country and to work at their Japanese booth. Jihyo's idea was to make her a server, a strategic plan to use her visual to catch everyone's eyes. The latter stays in her school uniform, a ribbon with 'Student Council President' written on it was tied around her fine shoulder. They put on a light make up before heading out the room confidently.

It's completely dark already and Deokseong high is finally open for everyone. At first, there were only few visitors heading inside but sooner it became massive unexpectedly. Of course, the president became excited at the sight, knowing that the program she made is having a successful progress. The Japanese booth is filled with guys drooling over the pretty server. Sana wanted to earn money for a cause of course so she did her best to serve those guys even though some of them are too much for asking her phone number. Sana rejected them in a better, approachable way. "Ms. Sana! Don't forget to rest when you're feeling tired, Chan can handle the rest." The latter's Japanese classmate who is in charge of cooking reminded her. "Yeah noona, Taishi hyung is right! You can take a break." Chan who's a junior student, wearing a butler attire, also spoke. They are only working for thirty minutes yet Sana can say she's exhausted that fast so she decided to rest at the very back of the booth and leave the rest on Chan. Not long after, the Japanese booth had lost costumers. It seems that they are just ordering there too see the girl. Chan looks a bit deranged for a while until this one girl came in a hurry. "Takoyaki... Please..." Chan observed the girl catching her breathe so he told her to sit on her desired available seat first, the girl obeyed. "Yo Hyung! Takoyaki for that cool pretty girl over there." The Japanese cook saluted before doing his job. However, Sana stood up. "Girl? For the first time we got a female costumer." Sana talked to Chan. "Yeah it looks like she was forced to buy here." Chan joked earning a soft punch from Sana. The latter took a look at the costumer. "Wait..." Sana gasped. "Oh... You know her noona?" Chan asked. Suddenly, a couple came to order as well so the younger guy has to leave Sana for the meantime and work on his job. "Ms. Sana!" Sana jumped on her place when Taishi called her, she was staring at the girl for a long time. "Yes?" Sana asked the cook. "The takoyaki's ready but Chan's busy taking others' order. Would you mind?" Taishi rubbed his nape. "Yeah sure! Hand it over." Sana showed her widest smile as she took the ordered food. She elegantly served it for the girl who was still catching her breath. She gently dropped the food on the table, waiting for what will happen next.

Their eyes met. Their eyes met as if everything has stopped, the time, the people passing by, even the girl in front of her looks stiff on her seat. She was the same girl she saw last time, the girl who looks so awesome while riding her bike. She can't deny how pretty the girl is up close. "Ch-Chaeyoung?" Her lips automatically parted and asked if she's really that girl. "The Ehwa eonnie!" Chaeyoung took a look outside, the girls earlier found her again, how unlucky. She's cornered right now. Pondering to give up, a soft hand grips her wrist pulling her up. The latter can't help herself but to let Sana. The visitor just gave herself to the Japanese girl, and they both try to flee together from the girls. It would be difficult for Sana to run though because of her foot coverings. The Geta she's wearing that compliments her Yukata seems too heavy for a long run.

"-breathes- I'm -breathes- so tired." Chaeyoung uttered, leaning her hands on her bent knees. She coughed a bit and realized that they ended up resting in the school's outdoor shed that is too far from the festival's venue. "Sorry about those freshmen. They're too flirty." Sana who's also catching her breath, apologized. "It's fine..." The visitor walks closer to Sana to say something. "It's been a while." The latter perceived it, the one who's standing right in front of her is really Chaeyoung. She doesn't know how to react at this time. "I... I never thought you'd come." That's the words Sana could utter.

'Nope, it's been years Chaeyoung.'

"Your student council president invited me and my friends here." Said by Chaeyoung who's rubbing her nape. She sat on a long chair and looks above to see the night sky. The full moon looks so alluring, it gives light in to their place. Sana also sat beside the visitor. "So... It means you..." Sana was about to say something when someone interrupted their moment.

"Hayoon! Why are you here? Oh Sana?" It was Jihyo who called them. She was looking for the Japanese girl lately, asking the specific booth's crew if they ever found her. Chan told her she ran away with someone. She just tried her luck to look in such unusual place like this. "Ah Jihyo, I'm sorry..." Chaeyoung stood up. "It is fine." The president flashed a wide smile, like what she did last time. "It's nice to meet you, Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung gulped after she heard that. So Jihyo knew it in the first place? "Yah! Don't feel sorry though, I know you're just playing safe back then. If I were you, I'd do the same thing, I'd fake my name to be safe as well." Jihyo laughed and offers her hand for another hand shake. Chaeyoung took it with confusion on her face. Jihyo is a really clever girl, she can say. "Seems you two both need to catch up lot. I'll leave y'all to have some moments. And um... Is there anything you'd like to eat? I'll ask our schoolmates to deliver here." Jihyo asked before taking a leave. "We're fine." The two said altogether. "Sure? Then see you later!" The president bids her goodbye to the two, leaving them peacefully.

"You really broke into our campus huh." Sana started the conversation after. "Why?" She added.

"Let me explain Sana. The day before we sneak into your campus, Dahyun, Tzuyu and I decided to take a shortcut. It was my first time to pass by your school and I didn't expect this, I didn't expect to see you there, heading out after your class dismissal or whatever. You know, It's so great to see someone you're longing for that's why we did it." Chaeyoung slipped in her last sentence so she looked away. She didn't mean to say it for real, her mouth is so silly. "I mean, It's great to see my first best friend after so many years." Good thing, Sana didn't hear that cheesey words. Did she? However Sana was touched by her. Chaeyoung did really consider her as her best friend that time. She suddenly missed those moments after.

And they started all over again now that they can talk to each other comfortably. Chaeyoung learned that Sana's surname is Minatozaki so she made a mental note to add her on her social media accounts when she got home. She also brought up the memories back then. How Sana approached her for the first time, how she squeezed the strawberry clay Chaeyoung made for her, the time they're the only ones waiting for their parents to pick them up, it was so nice to reminisce those things. "Don't ever mention that strawberry clay again!" Sana pouted, crossing her arms at the same time. Chaeyoung burst into laughter, a cute scene for Sana. "I like your hair Chaeng." The latter accoladed, diverting other subject to talk about. "Ehwa allows us to do whatever we want to do to ourselves." Chaeyoung flashed a simper as she brushed up her blonde hair. "To be honest, I'm just a trouble maker in our school together with Dahyun and Tzuyu. I actually admires your school, and the students as well. Y'all look so neat and disciplined though." And Chaeyoung started to tell Sana her stories. From the very start until the day they broke into their school Campus. "You three are mischievous! Unbelievable!" Sana half yelled and scrunched her nose. Chaeyoung can't explain but Sana's so adorable even with that little movement. "And it's good to hear you three are studying at the same school. Bet your friendship's unbreakable." Sana was right. After that kindergarten, the three became closer that even their parents became close as well so they decided to let their children to study at the same school. "Yeah indeed." Chaeyoung took a look at her wrist watch. It's late and for sure her friends are waiting for her right now. And the visitors are also heading out, the festival is already finished.

"Thank you for the time Chaeng." Sana said as they both stood up.

"Likewise Sana and um..." Chaeyoung do really want to say something out from her heart but if she would tell right now, she might sound like a creep for Sana so she ended up telling this as a great start, a smart move. "Let's be friends again?" Of course Sana likes it. She's jumping on her place like a child who's excited to get what she wants. "And oh... Before I really take a leave, can we exchange?" Chaeyoung took something in her pocket, it was her phone. She raised it up and showed it to Sana.

"Sure! Why not?" Sana also took her phone and they exchange their phone numbers.


"Bro what took you so long?" Dahyun slapped Chaeyoung's shoulder, earning a glare from the latter.

"I met Sana earlier so we catched up a bit."

"And we missed that?! Unfair." Tzuyu complained.

"Don't worry, We exchanged contacts. Since this Mission Sana did not end up a fiasco, we can always take this way often so we can meet her, and Jihyo of course." Dahyun and Tzuyu agree to that statement of Chaeyoung.

"Oh the student council pres you mean? She really looks gorgeous." Tzuyu was caught off guard. Now, her friends are teasing her.

"Anyways let's head home now."

Chaeyoung went home safely. Nayeon and Jeongyeon already passed out in their bedroom. Once she locked herself in her own room, her phone suddenly vibrated so she took a look on it.

'That was fun Chaeng! Till next time!'

Chaeyoung smiled at that text message. Now that Sana told her surname, the girl didn't hesitate to follow her Instagram, after a few scrolls on her timeline, a red dot suddenly popped out on the direct message icon so she tapped to see a reply from Mina. She just remembered she sent a 'thank you' message to her.

'No worries. Let's meet again soon...'

Chaeyoung just sighed deeply...

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