From Friends to Lovers - Book...

By KrisBlowe

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The fourth installment of the series, From Friends to Lovers. If you haven't read Book III, please stop! Save... More

Chapter 1 - Crimes of Passion - May
Chapter 2 - Paging Doctor Jackson - May
Chapter 3 - Revelations - May
Chapter 4 - Next Level Bromance - May
Chapter 5 - Who He Cheating With? - Early June
Chapter 6 - Retail Therapy - June
Chapter 7 - Everybody's Plotting - June
Chapter 8 - This Thing Called Love - June
Chapter 9 - The "Comeback" Divo - Late June
Chapter 10 - The Darker Side - Late June
Chapter 11 - Cheers To You - Early July
Chapter 12 - Breaking Boundaries - Mid July
Chapter 13 - Busy Bodies - Late August
Chapter 14 - Don't Be Suspicious - September
Chapter 15 - That's What Love Can Do - Mid September
Chapter 16 - Bad Influence - Late September
Chapter 17 - I'm The Real Deal - Early October
Chapter 18 - The Interviews & The Confession - November
Chapter 19 - Tying Up Some Loose Ends - November
Chapter 20 - Family Ties - Thanksgiving Week Late November
Chapter 21 - Getting Caught Up - Late November
Chapter 22 - Sexual Eruption - Early December
Chapter 23 - Ultimatums - Mid December
Chapter 24 - Many Hours Later - Mid December
Chapter 25 - Sexploration - Mid December
Chapter 27 - In Conclusion - February - August

Chapter 26 - Six Degree of C² - Late December - Early January

420 19 44
By KrisBlowe



When Luis returned to his empty hotel room, he flung himself into bed and started to cry. Once he became tired of weeping. He thinks about all stuff that he's been through over the past few years. Luis decides that the best way to deal with his issues was to write them down. He started to make his list when there was a knock on the door. When Luis checks the door, he finds Anthony standing on the other side. Luis jumps into Anthony's arms and attempts to squeeze the life out of him with the biggest and tightest hug he could give.


Luis: I thought you left?

Anthony: I did ... I was in the Lyft and then ... [shrugging his shoulders as he thought about what he was feeling]

... I just couldn't leave you like that. I know you going through some things, so I came back. Got a room upstairs and started looking for a good paying job or one I can get a better job with. There's this gym/rehab/recovery center opening soon. They're looking for an assistant manager. I applied and I got the job.

Luis: wow ... okay. I'm actually happy for you.

Anthony: I also wanna say sorry for what I wrote in that ...

Luis: [cuts Anthony off] ... no, no, no ... you were right. I'm the one that owes the apology. I'm sorry for treating the way I did.

Anthony: I can't stay mad at you.


Luis and Anthony do the preverbal 'kiss and make-up' thing. They sat down and talk about what each other felt about the situation. Anthony told Luis that he felt that he wasn't appreciated for the things that he did. He explained how he dropped everything to make it to Atlanta when no one in his family came.


Anthony: I mean, it's not like I need your praise and applause for doing something "I" would have done regardless. But it just seems like you don't care 'bout shit I do.

Luis: yeah, I know I'm a selfish whore sometimes. You know I love being the center of attention, and you give it to me. That's why I love you so much.

Anthony: do you?

Luis: I do, and from now on, I'mma show you with my actions and not just my words. Baby, I love you. And the fact that you didn't leave me lets me know you love me too. Maybe a whole lot more than I deserve.

Anthony: promise to be good to yourself, cause I'mma be good to me.

Luis: I understand. If I'm treating you like shit again, let me know. Don't keep that shit inside and then blow up on me.

Anthony: okay. [the two exchange kisses and a long loving hug]

... I found a place you might like.

Luis: [smiles] okay when can we go see it.

Anthony: tomorrow.


Luis hugs Anthony and then leads him over towards the bed. Luis tries to make up for the way he treated Anthony in one of his favorite ways.


Once Clay heard that Erica wanted to quit and go back to Curaçao for good. They started the process of looking for her replacement. Using the same firm that Giovonni used, Chris and Clay couldn't agree on who to choose. Clay didn't want a stranger to live in the house, so he asked his mother what she thought about him asking his grandmother to come and stay with them and help raise the twins. Clay's mother was skeptical of asking that big of a favor from the recently widowed seventy-three-year-old. But she told Clay that closed mouths don't get fed and that there was only one way to find out if Betty would agree to become a live-in grandmother. When Clay told Chris about his idea, he too was skeptical about Clay's plan.


Chris: after the drama with Erica, I'm not sure if having another family member employed like that is a good idea.

Clay: [chuckles] my grandma ain't 'bout no drama. That's my no drama gran-mama!

Chris: [chuckles and smiles at Clay as he takes a few seconds to gaze into Clay's eyes] ... baby, if this is what you want, then I'll support your decision.

Clay: [winks at Chris] I had a feeling you'd see it my way.

Chris: [chuckles] do we really ever say no to each other?


Clay calls his grandmother, puts it on speakerphone and asked her what she thought about moving to Atlanta and helping Chris and him raise the twins.


Betty: I don't know if I have the energy to deal with two, almost two-year-olds. Clay, I've been so lonely here without your grandfather. [sighs]

... I would get to see you and Carl. And those boys do need a woman in there lives. And Chris is so sweet for paying that tribute to me. [becoming more and more upbeat]

... okay, I'll do it. But, I need everything taken cared of here, you know.

Chris: [clapping quietly] Mrs. Betty, we'll have everything done for you. The royal queen treatment. Thank you so much.

Betty: oh, you have me on the speaker?

Clay: yes ma'am.

Betty: cooking and cleaning too?

Chris: no, we have a staff that does that.

Betty: oh wow, the royal queen treatment indeed.

Clay: okay grandma, we'll get the detail together and let you know.




When Clay left to check on the site to check on the progress, Giovonni came over to visit, bringing along Gabby and Mrs. Maria. Erica and Mrs. Maria were taking the kids shopping for some summer clothes that fit. Once Erica left with the children and Mrs. Maria, Giovonni began to flirt with Chris.


Giovonni: ssssssssssssup?

Chris: [laughs] that was a whole lot of "s's."

Giovonni: [chuckles] yyyyyyyyup. [slaps Chris on the butt]

... where's your hubby?

Chris: looking at the site.

Giovonni: [slaps Chris on the butt again] really?

Chris: [blushes] yes really.

Giovonni: [acting frustrated] damn!

Chris: what's the matter?

Giovonni: nothing just the rumor.

Chris: [rolls his eyes] oh that.

Giovonni: yeah that ... soooo, what you think 'bout it?

Chris: [chuckles once] well ... [shrugging his shoulders]

Giovonni: [laughs] yeah, yeah.

Chris: [giggles] I'm just saying.

Giovonni: [after a long pause] ... he know about Miami?

Chris: yes.

Giovonni: yeah? [Chris nods his head]

... oh okay, he didn't say anything about when we ... [pausing]

Chris: ... fucked? [takes out his and scrolls for a bit before doing what seemed to be texting from Giovonni's point of view]

Giovonni: he told you about that?

Chris: yes.

Giovonni: oh wow. No secrets huh? [when Chris smiles and shakes his head, Giovonni chuckles]

... I still can't believe all that happened. You know I been thinking 'bout that night ... like all the time now. The way I nutted. It was fucking so much, it was crazy. [chuckles]

... that day during the concert ... it felt like you were still inside me. All I kept thinking 'bout was them little twin makers swimming all inside me. [they both laugh]

... a nigga nutted inside me. All up in my asshole. Witchur DICK! In my asshole.

Chris: [chuckles] yes, I know, I was there.

Giovonni: soooooo ... how was it? How did I do?

Chris: it was okay, you were alright. [shrugging his shoulders again]

Giovonni: [shaking his head] damn, just okay and ... alright? I thought I was better than that. Cause you know if we switched roles, it would be ... [bobbing his head from side to side repeatedly]

Chris: [chuckles and blushes as he gently puts his hand on Giovonni's chest] ... you'd still be okay, and I'd still be the best you ever had.

Giovonni: really? Better than when Cl ... [stopping because he believed that he just offended Chris]

... umm, I mean ... you think?

Chris: I know that you're not used to doing that, so I couldn't go all out like I wanted to.

Giovonni: [blushes] you wanted to go all out?

Chris: [giggles] hell yes. Listen, I'm not saying it wasn't good. I'm saying this was your first time, so I made sure not to do it like I really wanted to. It was SUPER TIGHT!

Giovonni: [laughs] I better be, I never had nothing go ... in there. [looks at Chris]

... and what else you wanna do to me?

Chris: [smiles and blushes] making you moan when I got to taste it and the way you pulled me deeper inside you. I wanted to start pounding you. [sucking in air and moans as he shakes his head]

... It took all I had not to destroy that booty. [slapping Giovonni on the butt]

Giovonni: so then it wasn't "okay" like you said, it was good as fuck. You owe me some Red Lobster.

Chris: [laughs] so you think that was Red Lobster quality booty?

Giovonni: yeah, cause you put all-a that twin maker inside me.

Chris: you said that already.

Giovonni: nah, you not getting it. I'm telling you, it felt good ... I lost my mind for a second, and then I felt my nut coming, and all I wanted to do was keep it going.

Chris: [blushing some more and giggles] oh really?

Giovonni: [blushing as well] your dick is a whole bigger than I thought. [looking down at Chris bulging pants and licks his lips]

... umm ...

Chris: [stopping Giovonni from saying anything else] ... Clay will be home in an hour or so.

Giovonni: y'all should come over tonight and see what happens.

Chris: you sound extremely ... [laughs]

Giovonni: eager for another round.

Chris: I was going to say horny, but your statement is true as well.




After Clay came home, the family had dinner together, and Clay told Chris that Carl was coming to spend the night. Carl and Clay were going to batting cages in the morning, Chris said that it's been so long since he held something the big and hard that wasn't Clay's dick. Clay blushed and promised Chris that he'd be the one holding something big and hard tonight.

When Chris told Clay about the way Giovonni was practically begging to have sex with him, Clay chuckled and suggested that they should "run a train" on Giovonni. Chris laughed and said that would be so wild and how the mere thought of it was getting him excited.


Clay: too bad we can't do it tonight.

Chris: well then, we shouldn't do anything tonight and save it for our ...

Clay: our ...

Chris: [giggles] our side piece.

Clay: [laughs loudly] yup.


When Carl arrives, he walks over to Giovonni's house with Chris and Clay for some drinks. As the night went on, Carl watched the interactions between Giovonni, Clay, and Chris. He noticed that something was different in the way they were acting. Once the liquor hit their systems, the dialogue went from friendly to flirty. When the conversations went from fast cars and sports to sex, Clay teased Carl about catching him and Chris two years ago.


Giovonni: [laughs] ... so you walked in on them? [asking Carl as he gestures towards Clay and Chris]

Carl: [laughs] nah, I just went up to check on him, [pointing at Clay]

... and that's when I see him [points to Chris]

... handling business. [clasping his hand around the remote control and strokes it like it was a penis]



Clay: [chuckles] big business. [Giovonni laughs and says, "dammmmmmn!"]

Carl: [laughing] the other time I caught them ... I ran downstairs so quick. I never went back upstairs again. But then me and Mom caught then going at it in the living room. All I saw was two naked asses running upstairs.

Chris: I didn't know you caught us that many times.

Clay: maybe he was tryna learn how to do it right. But he was up in asses way before any of us.

Carl: NIGGA!

Clay: what? I ain't say what you and L... [Chris hits him before he can embarrass his brother any further]

Chris: sshh!

Giovonni: no worries my nigga, we all got one them ones we wanna forget about. These two always all over each other and shit.


When Chris and Clay became hot and heavy with each other, Giovonni takes Carl to the garage shows off his new toys.



Carl: [extremely excited] ... damn, I need to come over here more often.

Giovonni: shiiid ... the way you stroking them balls outta the park, you gonna be able to buy like ten a these. I'mma be looking the way you look right now.

Carl: man, I hope so.

Giovonni: go ahead, have a seat. [opens the door for Carl]

Carl: [sitting in the extremely low exotic luxury sports car] ... damn, the things I do ... [gently rubbing his hands across the steering wheel, dashboard, and seats]

Giovonni: ... [giving the "oh really?" look]

... [chuckles] be careful what you say 'round people in the entertainment and sports industries.

Carl: [looks at Giovonni and chuckles to himself] ... yeah.

Giovonni: so, what's the first thing you gonna buy when you sign that major league contract?

Carl: depends on what team signs me and how much I get. If it's out in California, I'll get a house. If I go up north, I'll pay off my mom's house and get a car to beat yours.

Giovonni: what 'bout Florida, don't they got like four teams?

Carl: nah, that's Cali, Florida on got two. But if I get drafted by one of them, I'm moving there and buying a car that beat yours. [laughing as he jokes with Giovonni]

Giovonni: well, since you broke up with your girlfriend, you gonna be free to get the baddest bitches 'round town.

Carl: nah, I ain't break up with her.

Giovonni: oh, my nigga already stackin' em? [chuckles]

Carl: no, it wasn't what you think. [shaking his head as he tries to avoid the true reason he was asking how to get someone upset with him]

Giovonni: you can drive this tomorrow if you want.

Carl: [shocked] fa real? Nigga! You got a true number fan right here.

Giovonni: you my little nigga not no fanboy.

Carl: iight bet. [daps it out with Giovonni]

... I'mma go to bed, tell them horny asses not to stay up too late.




Carl was the first person awake and eagerly ready to head out, as he stated numerous times that morning. In truth, he just wanted to drive Giovonni's Lamborghini Huracan. What was supposed to be a boys day out turned into a family outing, as the nannies brought the children along. Erica drove Mrs. Maria and children, while Clay and Carl raced each other.

While they were at the batting cages, Giovonni, Chris, and even Carl draw crowds. Giovonni and Chris had their fans recognized them as the celebrities they were. The people that were watching Carl knew him as the star first baseman for the Georgia Bulldogs. The only person that was barely recognized was Clay, besides the few people that knew him as Chris' boyfriend or Carl's older brother, that was dating Chris. Clay soon garnered some attention as the sound of the baseball getting crushed by his bat reverberated around the facility.

After the employees in the batting cage area cleared the gawking spectators away, Chris and Clay flirted with each other as they usually do. Chris gave Clay the "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules" applause to Clay after he showed off his powerful swings. While in the adjacent batting cage, Giovonni was struggling with his timing, stance, and swing. Seeing that Giovonni was struggling, Carl decided to give him some pointers. Amongst the chuckles, Carl guided Giovonni into a better batting stance. Chris joked with Clay that Giovonni might like Carl's help more than he willing to admit.


Clay: [chuckles] you the one that got him feening for this. [slides his hand across Chris' crotch]

Chris: [chuckles] I can't help it that I can turn the possibles into the definites.

Clay: [laughs loudly] okay, okay. I know that dick definitely be hitting the spots. I wish I didn't fall asleep.

Chris: maybe that's why he "gave" it up. He didn't want his booty boy seeing him take it. [playfully slaps Clay on the butt and yells]

... GOOD GAME! [looks over at Giovonni in the other batting cage and yells]

... YOU TOO!


Giovonni turns to look at Chris as he gets ready to take his turn hitting. Giovonni witnessed Chris showing off why he voted all-state along with Clay, Carl, and Luis. Seeing that he was the worst hitter, Giovonni tossed the bat aside and accidentally stepped in from of the ball. When he got beamed with the 60mph fastball, Giovonni crumbled like a house made of dominoes. After everyone stopped laughing, they helped him to his car. Carl was happy because he got another chance to drive Giovonni's Lamborghini again.




Clay received a call from Joshua, asking for some help in finding a place to stay as the hotel double booked several rooms. Clay's first question was:


Clay: how the fuck you come to ATL and not tell me?

Joshua: cause we came for Nico's brother's case.

Clay: oh he's here?

Joshua: yeah, that stupid motherfucker out here doing the fucking thing.

Clay: what?

Joshua: yup. He got some rich couple that pays him to ... well you know. [sighs]

... so, can we ... crash there for the night?

Clay: umm, you gotta ask Chris.

Joshua: oh, that's my nigga.

Clay: [chuckles] oh yeah?

Joshua: you know he likes me more than your nigga.

Clay: well like I said, you gotta ask Chris.

Joshua: iight bet.




Joshua: thanks again for letting us stay.

Chris: oh sure, no problem. Anything for my friends from college. [laughs]

... the stories I've heard about you two.

Joshua: what stories?

Chris: one after leaving some club and one here in Atlanta.

Joshua: [shocked that Chris knew about his "encounters" with Clay] wow, okay. Umm, well, I'm kinda embarrassed 'bout that now. [chuckles from the nervousness]

Chris: [smiles] it's cool. You were there for Clay when he needed you to be.

Joshua: [blushes] ... aww!

Chris: [whispers to Joshua] plus, if I had a choice of who Clay would have got with, hooked up with, or dated, would be you.

Joshua: [shocked] really?

Chris: of course, nothing against your baby but, I just don't have that [waving his hands back and forth at himself and Joshua]

... feelings towards him. It's like he held more of a grudge against me than Clay did.


After Joshua shrugs his shoulder to agree with Chris without saying the words, Chris tells Joshua that he was going out to dinner with Nico. The plan was for Chris and Nico to go out to eat while Clay and Joshua planned to go to a bar and then a club.


Hoping to put their differences aside, Chris told Nico that he appreciates the way that he was there for Clay after he broke his heart. Thinking that Nico would thank him for the compliment, Chris was shocked to hear Nico's response.


Nico: well that's what a friend does when someone does what you did.

Chris: [smirks sarcastically] like a dog with a bone.

Nico: yup.

Chris: okay.

Nico: yup.


The rest of the time at the restaurant was very awkward to say the least. Meanwhile, Clay and Joshua ended up staying at the bar longer than plan. They got caught up watching the basketball games and talking about everything from family, friends, and their future plans.


Joshua: hope they dinner going good, cause Chris told me that ... [starts to laugh before he even tells Clay what he was thinking]

... I can't believe he actually said that if he could choose between Nico and me, he'd pick me.

Clay: [confused] pick you for what?

Joshua: [smirks] to get with you.

Clay: [blushes] fa real?

Joshua: yup, I was shocked, and I was shocked that you told him 'bout the night after the club.

Clay: [laughs] yeah, we agreed to be honest with each other over everything. Mainly about the time we weren't together.

Joshua: [blushing] oh damn, even the ass eating?

Clay: [chuckles] yeah, and the hand job and the finger. [laughs]

... he said, "I bet it was super tight!"

Joshua: [scoffs] fuck yeah, my booty was extra super virgin tight.

Clay: [takes a sip of his beer] is it still?

Joshua: [blushing as he snickers] kinda!

Clay: it's a yes or no, either it is, or it isn't.

Joshua: [smirking] why you wanna know so bad? You had a chance and you didn't take the shot.

Clay: [laughs] I had a shot?

Joshua: nigga stop fucking with me. [finishes up his beer]

... aww ... I gotta piss.


When Joshua stands up, he adjusts his underwear through his pants, as his erection was getting uncomfortable. Clay followed behind Joshua and used the urinal next to him. The two couldn't resist taking a few sneak peeks at each other's dick. They chuckled at themselves and each other as they shock the droplets of urine.


Clay: we so damn stupid sometimes. [glancing at Joshua's dick, which was fully erected at this point]

Joshua: I guess I missed my chance too. [shakes his head]

... we should go ... before ...

Clay: [laughs] we need a Uber or something cause we drunk as fuck.


On the ride home, the two drunk friends joked and laughed with each other. Taking selfies in the back seat and sending them to Chris and Nico. Then Joshua jokingly kisses Clay on the cheek, before laying his head on Clay's lap. The female driver makes a joke and Joshua's response gets Clay mind racing about including him into the sexual experiments he and Chris were doing.


Driver: please don't get it on the seats.

Joshua: don't worry, I'd swallow em.

The driver giggles and continues to drive to Joshua's destination. Clay chuckles as Joshua reached up and moved Clay's dick down off of his thigh and placed it in between his legs.


Clay: [... chuckles] ... you good?

Joshua: yeah, don't need your dick puncturing my ear.

Clay: [laughs] you mad drunk.

Joshua: [rubs on Clay's dick] but he seems sober.

Clay: umm, ... we need to chill.


After the driver pulls up to the hotel, Clay looks at Joshua and then tells the driver that Joshua gave her the wrong directions. Once Clay negotiated with the driver to take them home, she makes another joke at Joshua's expense.


Driver: you really gonna have to swallow it now.

Joshua: [laughs] don't give no ideas.


The next morning when Chris wakes up to an empty bed, the first thing he did was look at his phone and saw all the photos that Clay and Joshua sent him. When Chris goes looking for Clay, he checks the family room, kitchen, dining room, living room, and then the study before going upstairs to check the game room. Clay wasn't anywhere to be found. Fearing that Clay spent the night with Nico and Joshua, Chris knocks on the bedroom door before quietly opening the door to find Nico in bed alone.

As the panicked thoughts ran through his head, Chris rushed downstairs to check for Clay's car. When he saw that the car wasn't there, he looked for the phone with the app. Seeing that Clay's found was in the house, Chris let out a sigh of relief. Going back upstairs to check the other three bedrooms, Chris once again came up empty in his search for Clay and Joshua. Looking at the home automation/security app, Chris sees the video of Clay and Joshua holding each other up as they entered the house shortly after 1 AM.

The last room Chris checked was the media room, which he found locked.Hurrying to get the key from the kitchen. Chris opens the door to find Clay andJoshua passed out in the luxury home theater seating, watching the home videosof Clay and Chris having sex.



Chris: [punching Clay in the shoulder] THOSE ARE PRIVATE VIDEOS!

Clay: [jumps after he gets punched awake and retreats back against the seat as Chris continues to hit him] HEY, HEY, WHAT THE FUCK?

Joshua: [startled awake by all of the yelling between Chris and Clay] ... HUH? [sees Chris and smiles devilishly at him]

... hey porno star.

Chris: [points his finger at Joshua] ... you shut up! [taking the remote and turns off the enormous 90-inch television]

Joshua: what, I'm just admiring your flicks. You got some skills. I see why he never did ... well never go all the way with us. [laughs]

Chris: BE ... QUIET!

Clay: [hugs Chris] would you? [using his head to gesture at Joshua]

Chris: ... [looks at Clay, unsure at what his question meant] huh?

Clay: with him, would you?

Chris: [realizing that Clay was asking him about having group sex with Joshua] ... OOH! But what about you know who?

Joshua: what y'all talking 'bout?

Clay: you seeing what you just watched in person.

Joshua: oh y'all get down like that. Y'all want me to watch you fuck?

Clay: well ... more than that.

Joshua: [shocked] damn, my dick just got hard as fuck. [sighs]

... but Nico ...

Chris: [rolls his eyes and then glares at Clay] that's your friend. [looks at Joshua]

... forget everything you saw in those videos.

Joshua: [chuckles] that ain't gonna happen.


Joshua shakes his head as he stands up and stretches. When he leans back, it reveals that he indeed has a full-on erection.


After having breakfast, Joshua and Nico once again thanked Clay and Chris for letting them spend the night before leaving for the hotel.


Chris: [rolling his eyes] ugh, I can't stand your little friend. He's such a f-ing bitch. [Clay snickers slightly]

... he keeps bringing up what you've forgiven me for.

Clay: [hugs Chris] don't worry 'bout him. I'm the one that matters when it comes to that. [kissing Chris]

Chris: good, because if they agreed. I wouldn't allow you to do anything with him.

Clay: [laughs] I'm pretty sure Joshua would try to kill you.

Chris: [laughs] I did want to see that "monster" you keep describing. [pausing as he thinks for a moment]

... you know, you've seen more dicks than I have.

Clay: [laughs loudly] that may be true, but yours is the only one I wanna see day in and day out.

Chris: aww, yours too. We need to finish packing.




Once everyone landed in Curaçao, tours were set-up for everyone as small groups and some for the entire entourage. Giovonni got to see Chris' childhood home and joked that Chris was "Richie Rich." Giovonni was only there for the concert and would be returning to Atlanta for Christmas. Giovonni's grandmother accompanied him along with his daughter Gabby and her nanny {"many"} Domineke.

This was also the planned last days that the twins would see Erica, so everything was focused on them spending as much time with her as possible. Chris' sisters also came to see their brother perform in their homeland. Chris received what some called a "royal welcome," as he was greeted by the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.


Plenty of sight-seeing, dining out, and shopping made the first two days fly by. Chris, Giovonni, and the rest of the concert performers rehearsed for two days to ensure everything would go as planned. The night of the concert went off without any hitches.


Giovonni: ... Ohhh

Chris: [Chorus]

When I look in your eyes, (Giovonni: I can see it in your eyes)
Can't believe your mine, (Giovonni: No, no, ohh)
Let's just take our time, (Giovonni: Baby let me take my time, oh yeh)
Your love's just like heaven in my eyes

Giovonni: Chillin' in the parking lot deep,
Hit him we meet on 21st street what,
You know how we loves when the weekend roles around,
That's how we put it down,
Listen now,
You on your way to your car,
You don't like them bugs that be hangin in the bar,
Lookin' so cool, but casual, fly, sexual, Sir,
You know I had to back this boy


Giovonni: It's hot on the boulevard,
Ice shinin' high, (Chris: Huh)
In your baby blue drop, (Chris: Oh)
Puttin' weight on them haters baby, (Chris: Yeh)
Your the cutest nigga on the block, [playful lifting Chris' chin up]
Had all the hustlas over from the park to the sweet spot, (Chris: Sweet spot)
They don't know your style,
All the things I do boy i'll put in my while,
I'll be the man that will spoil you,
With diamonds galore,
A ring with the stone,
Child in a home boy


Many people in the audience had their jaws stuck on 'dropped open' in shock as Giovonni changed the words up and appear to be singing directly to Chris. But as the chorus is sung by Chris and Giovonni, images of Clay and Chris appear on the wide screens behind them.



Giovonni: [waving his hands and then giving the throat cut signal to stop the music] ... wait, wait, wait ... I think the person that Chris sings to, needs to get the credit he deserves. Where's Mr. Carter. Hey Mr. Carter!

Chris: Hey Mr. Carter! [blowing kisses at Clay and the twins]

... hi MJ, hi CJ, daddy loves you. [blowing more kisses towards them]


The spotlight is focused on Clay and the twins as they appear at the side of the stage.


Giovonni: iight, iight, enough him and them little handsome players. Now get outta here, show stealers. [signaling for the music to come back on]

... Your love's just like heaven in my eyes ...






Like many of the other after parties for Chris and Giovonni, the party was a continuation of the concert. Chris put on a show, as usual, Giovonni joined in on the fun as many of the local dancers took this opportunity to showcase their talents.



Seeing Chris dance with everyone else, Clay steps to Chris and persuades him to dance with him.



It felt like the summer after Chris and Clay's senior year of high school and their first semester of college together. This was the honeymoon phase of their relationship, where almost everything they do, led to a passionate night of lovemaking or freaky and kinky sex. The way they were dancing together made them forget about anyone else in attendance. After their one and only dance together, Chris and Clay left for their hotel room.


(edited October 23rd 2021 - tired of the FLAGS)


The next day most of the crew also flew back to the states; only a few stay behind to enjoy two days on a tropical island. Giovonni, his grandmother, daughter, and Domineke return to Atlanta. Before they did, they all went to brunch with Erica and her family. Giovonni and his grandmother thanked Erica for helping him with Gabby when he first arrived in Atlanta. Many laughs were had and plenty of tears were shed as Gabby wouldn't let Erica go when it was time to leave for the airport.


Domineke: I'mma miss you girl.

Erica: and I, you. [hugs Domineke and kisses him on the cheek]

Giovonni: [hugs Erica] I'm gonna miss you so much. You already know you gotta come visit us and I definitely got a reason to come back here. [kissing Erica on the lips ever so gently before hugging her once again and whispers]

... you meant more to me than I can ever express with words.

Erica: [whispers] we didn't need words. [putting Giovonni on his back]

... okay, you need to get going. [wiping the tears from her eyes]




Spending Christmas their aunt mansion, the van der Berg children went to pay their respects at their parent's grave sites. Erica came over for a few hours during the Christmas party to spend time with Chris and the twins. Addison decided to speak her mind at how the family's actions affected people.


Addison: this family is so disgusting. All the people they've hurt in order to "protect" the family legacy. My mother's mother sought me out when I was in primary school. She told me how our father basically threw her aside after she couldn't have any more children. Then I found out how you all treated anyone that spoke badly of the mighty van der Berg.

Della: do not speak ill of your lineage. We are descendants of royalty.

Addison: no worries Auntie, I'm keeping the Jackson surname. But I guess I would have been treated differently if I were born a male. Because the gifts bestowed on Chris are so insulting to Brooke and me. All in the name of "keeping the van der Berg name alive!" [turns to Chris]

... nothing against you personally, but you did your part. I know she's thanking God your pull-out game is weak.

Della: [gasps] I never. [stands up and walks away]


Brooke laughs, but most everyone else was shocked that Addison was airing out the family's dirty laundry. The party was over after Addison's comment, but that didn't stop her from continuing on her tirade.


Addison: and of noble uncle couldn't even show his face to his daughter that he abandoned years ago.

Chris: okay Addison, that's enough. Please leave her out of this. I found out the person working to take care of your nephews is our cousin.

Brooke: I agree with Chris on that. She's the victim in all of this.

Addison: [sighs and rolls her eyes] I'm not here to argue with you two.




Chris and Clay talk about how they felt during the after party. Seeing that being around each other while having fun was what they were missing in their relationship.


Clay: I know you had to become responsible way before you were ready to, but we can be successful with everything we do, be great fathers, and still be young niggas, loving life, fucking when we horny and making love when feel the passion.

Chris: maybe we need to go the Curaçao more often.

Clay: just us and the boys, no van der Berg family drama.

Chris: [giggles] oh definitely not.

Clay: so are we done with the experimenting? Cause, I feel like I'm gonna do something and break your heart.

Chris: yes, I feel the same way. Plus, all those thirsty man-whores want you more anyway.

Clay: well, you ain't gotta worry 'bout that, all this is yours. [gesturing at himself by waving his hand in front of his face and his body]

Chris: all mine, and this is all yours. [mimicking the gestures Clay was making]


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