The bad boy and me

By Itsmajapapaya

519K 7.9K 1.9K

Cove Bentley. River Smith. Two complete opposites. While Cove has lots of friends, a great personality and an... More

Two encounters
Why is he nice to me?
Her savior
River vs Hector
Who's here?
With him
The layout
The storm
Meet my parents
Oh Ernie
First date
Oh Brad
Shots fired
The lake
Miss president
A what?
The truth
True love
New years
The "Boss"
A strange letter
Game on
Lucas Sacul
Him and I
Final A/N


14.5K 200 42
By Itsmajapapaya

I couldn't think of a picture to put, so here's Cove's aesthetic ^^

Cove's POV
The second I opened the door, everyone inside turned to look at us. Shocker. I looked up at River and he looked angry. Does it annoy him too?

We started walking down the hall and River shot harsh glares at everyone who looked at us, making them instantly turn away. This helps.

We walked all the way to class with everyone turning away the second River looked at them. I kinda love this.

Sadly the stares weren't gone for long, because as soon as River left to go to his class, everyone looked back at me and started asking questions. Seriously, aren't they tired of this yet?

I once again ignored them and went to my desk, sitting down with my head in my arms. This is so exhausting, why can't they just stop? I'm so tired of this.
I just want it to all go away.
🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊

It's now lunch time and River and I are walking to a table outside. He decided that avoiding everyone is our best option. I agree 100%, I don't know how I didn't already think of this.

River sat down first and pulled me into his lap. There's no one around, so I'm okay with it. I leaned back and rested my head on his chest. He started rubbing my thigh and I smiled contently.

I love being with with him and him alone. Just us, River and Cove. Sometime, I don't know when, my eyelids shut and I fell asleep in his arms.

I awoke to River lightly shaking my arm. "Cove, baby wake up," he whispered. I groaned and moved further into his lap. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't want to go back, I'm tiiireeedd," I groaned, making sure to stretch the end for emphasis. River chuckled and stood up with me still attached to him. "Don't worry, we're not going back."

That made me snap out of whatever faze I was in. "What? No we have to go, I'm up," I said and pushed back in River's hold. He didn't move one bit.

"Cove, you're tired. You just fell asleep, you can't be at school like this."Normally, I would have backed off, but school is very important to me.

"We can't skip! Plus, what about tutoring?" River stiffened and I can tell that he's thinking.

"You can start next week, we don't have any homework yet anyways. I'll let Brad know," he replied with a hint of finality in his voice.

I huffed and wrapped my legs around River's waist. He rubbed my back and started walking. "Go to sleep baby," he whispered and I put my head on his shoulder.

The last thing I felt was River carefully setting me down in the seat and buckling me up before I was out like a light.

🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊

I woke up in a room that's not mine. Looking around, I quickly realized that I'm in River's room. Speaking of River, he's not here but the bathroom door is cracked open with the light on.

I carefully slipped off the bed and walked to the door. "River," I called softly.

The door opened and he came out.
"You're awake," he sighed and walked towards me. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. "You slept forever."

"I'm still tired," I whined and pulled back from our hug so that I can go back to his bed. I barely took two steps before he pulled me back to him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't go," he whispered and started leaving small kisses on my neck.
I froze. It feels super good, like my body's going to explode from pleasure.
I let out a soft moan and River groaned. He started speeding up his pace, and I tilted my head to give him more access.

I snapped back to my senses when I yawned loudly. "Riveerrr," I laughed while pulling away from his grasp. Silently, I grabbed his hand and dragged him back to bed.

"I promise I won't go to sleep but we have to lay down," I said and pushed him down on the bed. He sighed and pulled my next to him. "Let's watch a movie then."

We decided on watching a marvel movie because "the action will keep me awake," well at least that's what he said.

River laid back and I put my head on his chest. The movie turned on and he started stroking my hair. After only fifteen minutes, River's phone rang and he got up to answer it, resulting in me letting out a small whine.

He gave me a sympathetic smile and muttered sorry, then walked out to answer. I continued watching until I felt my eyes drooping. River won't mind if I just close them for a second, right?

A second turned into a few minutes, and soon enough I let sleep overcome me.

River's POV
My phone rang and I was going to ignore it, but the caller ID read Ryan so it must be important.

"What do you want?" I answered, not bothering to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Sorry boss, but I have important news. Isaac wasn't working alone, we found three more moles an hour ago."

"Dammit, okay have them ready for questioning in an hour, I'll be there," I replied and hung up without waiting for an answer.

I furiously ran my hand threw my hair a few times and punched the wall.

Cove. I totally forgot about her. Hopefully I didn't scare her.

I hesitantly went back in, but luckily as soon as I entered I found her asleep again. This must be an exhausting week, It's barely even Wednesday.

After staring at her for a hot minute, I realized that I must look like a creep so I quietly walked over to her beautiful sleeping form. I dragged my finger down her face and smiled. She's so beautiful.

My smile dropped once I remembered that I have to leave. I don't know if I should leave her here and let her sleep, or bring her home. Dealing with the moles might take a while, but I just don't want her to go.

"River?" Cove asked and opened her eyes a tiny bit. "I'm right here baby," I answered with a smile.

She raised her arms and I instantly picked her up. "Cuddle with me?" She asked while burying her head into my shoulder.

"Only for a little bit," I said and laid down with her still in my arms. She quickly fell back asleep, but not before muttering "please don't leave." Oh Cove, I wish I could stay.

I reluctantly untangled her from my arms after a few minutes and gently set her on the bed. Then, I pulled up the covers and kissed her forehead, whispering a goodbye.

What is this girl doing to me? I thought as I drove away from my house. I may not have an answer now, but whatever it is, I love it.

🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊

I arrived to the warehouse and stormed in. All the anger that temperately left while I was with Cove came right back. And it hit me like a truck.

No one, and I mean no one, messes with me when I get like this. One mistake and I won't hesitate to shoot you.

I got to the elevator and pressed the last button. Floor X.

The elevator shook and started its decent. Every second that passed made me angrier and angrier. How could I let this happen?

It finally reached the bottom and I quickly exited. Floor X only has one room at the very end of the floor. It's only for the worst of all people.

By the time I reached for the handle, my hands were shaking with anger.
At this point, there's no calming down. I just have to control myself long enough to get answers before blowing their brains out.

I threw the door open and my eyes met the three disgusting moles'. All of them are tied up with chains so tight that they cut into their wrists. They're already cover in blood head to toe. This is only the beginning of the torture coming their way.

Their eyes widened with fear solely at the look on my face when I stepped in.
Good, they should be scared. I recognize two of them, Shay and Levi. They're brothers. I don't recognize the third one, must be a newbie.

I pulled out my gun and immediately shot each of them in the stomach twice. They all screamed and the newbie started crying. What a weakling.

"You better start talking, NOW," I yelled. I have zero patience right now. They all looked at each other, but stayed quiet. They should know better than that.

I sighed and walked toward one of the brothers. Gripping his hair, I dragged him to a corner and started punching and kicking him repeatedly. I kept going until he was nearly unconscious and spitting up blood.

"TALK," I demanded to the second brother. He stayed quiet too so I dragged him to another corner and did the same thing, except worse this time.

Finally, I faced the last guy. My bet is that he will crack. Sure enough, I didn't even have to say anything before he shouted, "I'll talk!"

I pulled him up and lead him to another section of the room, the questioning room. In the middle there's a large metal chair with straps, and in front of it there's a chair for the interviewer. The walls are completely lined with shelves and shelves of torture items.

"Talk," I said and sat him in the chair. I sat in the chair in front of him and waited. I hate waiting.

"Well you see, when I first joined your gang, Ernie approached me and offered me a deal. If I gave him information, he would pay me a bunch of money and guarantee me a secure spot in his gang once he brings down yours. As far as I know, he made similar deals with several people in this gang."

"How many moles are there?"

"I- Uh, you've caught all of them," he lied straight to my face. I hate liars.

"Bullsh*t!" I shouted and stood up. I stormed over to the the remote and turned it on.

The chair is a electric chair. With the press of a button, the chair starts shaking and lets out several waves of electricity. I left it in for about 15 seconds, all while the kid screamed and cried.

"I'm going to ask you again, how, Many, moles are there!!" I yelled, getting more frustrated.

The kid started shaking and cried harder. "Three! There's three more that you don't know about, I swear!" He cried out.

Damn, that was easy.

"Names," I stated coldly.

"Liam Remington, Joshua Williams and Peter Molina," he cried out.

I nodded and left him in the chair screaming and crying. The boys will probably get tired of his cries and will deal with him later.

As for Shay and Levi, I found them huddled together in a corner crying. How cute. I beat them up again to let out all of my remaining anger, then called for Andrew to gather the last three moles and lock them down here. I'm going to do a public punishment just to remind everyone not to even think about betraying me, ever.

With that, I got in my car and drove back home. Time to see my Cove again.

Cove's POV
I woke up alone in River's bed. Why did he leave? I begged him not to!

My stomach growled and I realized that I haven't eaten since breakfast. It's now 4:50, wow I slept a lot!

I got out of bed and skipped to his kitchen. He won't mind if I eat his food, right? I mean, he's the one who left me so it's the least he can do.

I decided on a pack of poptarts because why not? It's the s'mores kind, so there's no way on earth I can resist.

After eating the poptarts and drinking some milk, my stomach was finally satisfied. With a smile on my face, I went back up to River's room and decided to watch movies until he gets back.

Hopefully he gets back soon because I miss him a lot.

I started watching The Black Panther, (R.I.P Chadwick) and soon enough I heard the front door open.

"River!" I shouted and scrambled out of bed. I heard his footsteps approaching as I ran out of his room.

"River!" I cheered once I spotted him walking down the hallway. I wasted no time in running straight into his arms.

"Hi, baby," River laughed. In response I pushed myself further into his warm embrace.

"Don't leave me ever again!" I said trying to act strict, but it came out as more of a whine.

"Okay baby, I'm sorry," River chuckled and I accepted his apology. Eventually, River pulled back resulting in me whining and pulling him into another hug.

"Princess as much I love your hugs, we can't just stand here," he said. I just groaned and buried my head in his chest.

He sighed and scooped me up, carrying me to his room. He climbed into bed with me and I cuddled up against him.

"Let's watch movies," I suggested and River agreed. We stayed cuddled all evening watching movie after movie.

At around 7:00, River ordered pizza and we went downstairs to eat it.

"Cove, is it okay if you stay the night? We'll get up extra early to get your clothes tomorrow and I'll let you sleep in my clothes," he asked.

"Yay!" I cheered and River laughed.
"I take that as a yes," he mumbled and I nodded.

After dinner, we went back to his room and he gave me one of his shirts that went all the way down to my mid thigh.

We cuddled in bed and watched Netflix until I feel asleep with my head on his chest and his arms around me.

2375 words

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