A Pirate's Crush

By Nordryd

38K 889 363

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... More

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
4. A Simple Walk
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy
9. Spiraling
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
19. Morning Tea Chatter
20. Busted!
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

5. He's Proud of Me?

1.7K 37 3
By Nordryd

A/N: Before we start, I want to mention that I went back to previous chapters and retconned things. I didn't play Iris of Light and Dark or Skybound Oratorio , and thus didn't bother to read the story, only going off Jean's quotes alone. Having read the stories now, they put her and other characters' quotes in context and give more insight into their characters, and I have new plans for how this story will develop. Some slight revisions have been made in previous chapters to facilitate this. Jean Bart should be more in character from this point forward. I apologize for not doing my homework. Thankfully it's early in the story, so I think we can recover. Anyway, I hope you enjoy Ch.5, and thank you for reading.


My second day as secretary ship began mundanely, consisting of more paper sorting. However, that quickly changed when a Siren fleet was spotted en route to port, and I was deployed to the frontline fleet: a main fleet consisting of Richelieu—our flagship—Shoukaku, Zuikaku, and myself; and a vanguard fleet consisting of Algerie, Belfast, and Le Malin.

Little did we know this particular sortie would be escalated to emergency status.


I hopped back as a bomb was dropped right in front of me. A towering column of water erupted in the bomb's wake, peppering me with water. But no time to breathe. Another plane roared above me, dropping a bomb and forcing me to dodge again. It was a nonstop barrage. Richelieu, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku weren't faring much better, having to do similar dances to avoid damage.

I'm deployed for sorties often, so I figured this would just be business as usual. But somehow, nobody knew about the gigantic Siren aircraft carrier spearheading their fleet—a gargantuan armored tank, steamrolling everything in its path, and impervious to even our heaviest ordnance. It also harbored an endless supply of planes, keeping our frontline busy, and really testing their anti-air capabilities. On top of all that, the carrier was guarded by a wall of cruisers and destroyers, mass-produced and shipgirl alike.

Richelieu spoke over comms in a desperate voice.

"Commander, where's our reinforcements?!" she beckoned. "We can't hold much lon—"

"Incoming torpedoes!" Algerie cried.

She sidestepped, revealing the rapidly swelling water approaching Richelieu and me. We dodged to opposite sides as the torpedoes' shadows passed harmlessly.

"Richelieu, Jean Bart! Reload!" Shoukaku cried.

"We can cover, but only for a moment!" Zuikaku cried.

They unleashed a barrage of fighters to meet the enemy planes head-on. Both sides were annihilated, giving Richelieu and I just enough time to reload.

"Richelieu?" the commander said over comms. "Richelieu? Come in!"

"I read you, Commander," Richelieu said. "I repeat, we can't hold much longer! They're pushing us back with alarming efficiency. Where's our reinforcements?"

"They're en route," the commander replied. "But we're far from port. It'll still be a few minutes before they arrive. We must hold until then!"

I watched Richelieu purse her lips, clearly frustrated. Even someone as patient has her has her limits.

"...copy," Richelieu said.

She made the cross symbol across her chest before addressing the fleet off-comms.

"We hold our ground!" she cried. "Reinforcements are on the way! Victory for the Azur Lane! For liberty and glory!"

"Bombers inbound!" Belfast cried from in front.

"Look out!" Le Malin shouted.

The planes soared over us, dropping a blanket of bombs, forcing everyone to dance to avoid.

Damn it all... I thought we'd be done with this soon enough and I could be back to the office with the commander... but no. Apparently, that's asking too much.

Mind you, I ain't mad at my fleetmates. I'm just mad in general.

"The carrier's hull remains unbreached!" Algerie cried. "What kind of armor is this thing made of?"

"Argh! Damn cruisers keep shooting down my planes!" Zuikaku said.

"Our bombers can't get through!" Shoukaku cried. "We can only stall them for a moment."

"Focus on the frontline!" Belfast called. "Create a window for our carriers!"

"There's so many of them..." Le Malin lamented.

"Zuikaku! Above you!" Shoukaku cried.

Zuikaku looked and dodged a bomb being dropped directly on her.

"Phew! Thanks, sis," Zuikaku said. "How many planes do they have?!"

Alright, I'm loaded. Aiming... and...!

"Eat this!"


My salvo ripped through the sky, achieving a direct hit on the bow of the carrier, but did nothing except blacken the hull more. The many burn marks might as well be mocking us.

"Hold strong, Jeanie! No armor can hold forever," Richelieu cried. "Taste holy fire, heathens!"

Richelieu fired her own salvo. I watched in dismay as her rounds, despite a beautiful direct hit, only added more burn marks.

I felt the poisonous touch of despair on my heart. If Richelieu can't do anything... what chance do I have?

"Jeanie, look out!" Richelieu cried.

I glanced below and saw the swelling of a torpedo racing towards me. I managed to dodge, but just barely.

" Merde ... merci ," I said.

I can't get distracted! Not when the situation is so dire, and especially not when the commander's watching me!

"Wait a minute..." Algerie said. "I thought I sank that cruiser already!"

"I've seen a few repeat performances myself," Belfast said. "It would seem they're repairing their ships and immediately redeploying them."

"They heal as fast as we destroy them...?" Shoukaku said.

"Damn it, our reinforcements need to hurry!" Zuikaku cried.

This carrier was unlike anything we've fought in our training exercises, relentlessly pushing forward as if we didn't exist. Our frontline wasn't even focused on the carrier itself anymore, rather on the opposing frontline to keep their numbers in check.

Shoukaku and Zuikaku managed to annihilate another wave of bombers, giving Richelieu and I another window to reload. As I did so, I heard static on my comms device, followed by the commander's voice.

"Girls, reinforcements are almost here, but we need a better plan," he said. "If we can't destroy it, maybe we can just disable it!"

"Disable it?" I said. "Commander, how the hell do ya expect us to—"

"Incoming airstrike!" Richelieu cried. "Evasive maneuvers!"

In the faint smoke, I could see a flock of bombers flying towards us.

"Everyone, full anti-air!" Algerie commanded.

We focused all our fire on the impending airstrike...


Suddenly, explosions erupted on our frontline, enveloping Algerie, Belfast, and Le Malin in smoke and water.

What the hell...?

"Incoming... t-torpedos!!!" Algerie cried from the smoke, coughing.

"Brace yourselves!" Richelieu yelled.

The entire sea swelled as a wall of torpedoes raced toward us. Combined with the Siren planes dropping bombs overhead, there was nowhere to run.


"AUGH!!!" Richelieu screamed.

"Richelieu!" I yelled.


"Shoukaku!" Zuikaku cried.


"ARGH!!! SHIT!!!" Zuikaku bellowed, suffering the same fate.



I'm hit!


My ears rang as deafening shockwaves rattled my body. My vision was enveloped by fire and smoke, throwing me into a coughing fit.

Eventually everything settled, and the haze parted. My body was covered in bruises, and there was a cut on my thigh. I brought my fingers up to inspect a cooler-feeling spot on my cheek, only to see droplets of blood on my fingertips.

Wait... why does my rigging feel imbalanced?

I looked and gasped when I saw that half my right-side gun had been ripped off. Yes, literally half of my gun was gone. What remained was mangled and inoperable.

How did everyone else fare?

More of the haze cleared. Thank God, everyone was still afloat, albeit with plenty of cuts and bruises of their own.

Richelieu's cannons seem to have remained intact. That figures.

"Girls! Girls!" the commander called out on the radio. "Do you read? Respond!"

"Ten... ten-four, Commander," Richelieu said through a coughing fit. "But we've suffered severe damage. Jeanie, are you hurt?"

"I'm down one cannon, but I'm still floating," I said. "You?"

"Both cannons are still operational," Richelieu said.

"Good," I said. "What the hell was all that?"

"Those planes were doubling as a distraction," Algerie said.

"We can't take another attack like that," Belfast said.

"Well, I've got bad news," Zuikaku said. "They're readying another airstrike. And from what I can see, there's double the planes."

Unfortunately, she was right. Not only that, but the cruisers were readying another barrage of torpedoes.

"Um... what do we do now?" Le Malin asked.

Algerie clenched her fist. "We hold strong... and pray our reinforcements arrive soon."

"Prioritize defense over all else before reinforcements get here," Richelieu said. "Slow them down however we can."

She drew another cross over her chest and brought her fist against her heart, looking down.

"Heavenly father... we beseech thee for strength..."

For God's sake, praying ain't gonna help, Richelieu!

Hmph... whatever puts her at ease, I guess.

I looked at the blanket of planes about to be launched, and my stomach turned.

C'mon, Jean. You're a flagship too! There's gotta be some way to take this thing down. Think!

"Shoukaku, our joint attack!" Zuikaku said. "We could annihilate them together!"

"It's worth a try," Shoukaku said. "Let's— huuh?! Oh no! My flight deck is broken!"

I glanced and saw that Shoukaku's runway was mangled and blackened.

"What?! No!" Zuikaku cried. "How?!"

"My bombers must've exploded before I could launch them," Shoukaku lamented. "Shit! That's why those torpedoes hurt more than usual. I'm sorry, Zuikaku."

...wait a minute.

I looked at the Siren carrier about to launch its next airstrike, and back at Shoukaku, and back to the Siren carrier.

All those planes... each carrying explosives...

"That's it!" I exclaimed.

"Huh?" Richelieu said, looking up.

"Everyone!" I commanded. "Focus your fire at their planes before they launch!"

"Jeanie?" Richelieu said. "How will that—?"

She stopped, seeing Shoukaku's busted flight deck, and then turned to view the Siren bombers preparing for takeoff. Her eyes widened.

"If we start a chain reaction then perhaps..." Richelieu said, pausing before addressing the whole fleet with newfound vigor. "Yes, just as Jean Bart said! Destroy their planes before they take off! Fire! Fire!"

The cry of the enemy planes' engines grew louder, signaling their launch. As they charged down the runway, we rained hellfire on them.

"Aim for the middle ones!" I cried.

I reloaded and fired as quickly as I could. Having only one gun and an imbalanced rigging made it difficult to aim, but I maintained my part of the barrage. All we needed was one lucky shot.

The first plane nearly reached the end of the runway as I finished loading my next salvo. I took care with aiming this time, knowing our window was closing with that front plane almost airborne. Eyeing down that frontmost plane, I compensated for my rigging imbalance and the plane's projected position and then...


I held my breath as I watched the rounds arc through the sky. The lead plane arrived at the carrier's bow... just as my salvo did.


A beautiful direct hit just as it was about to leave the runway. The fuselage was destroyed on impact, and a split-second later, the plane's on-board explosives detonated, consuming the plane in a cloud of fire. And just as I hoped, the initial explosion triggered a chain reaction that detonated the rest of the planes behind it. The entire deck of the ship was engulfed in fire, smothering the idle bombers too, also causing them to explode.


Just then, an earth-shaking explosion detonated from inside the carrier itself. The shockwave slammed against us with staggering force, causing the sea to swell. Once it passed, a giant hole in the side of the ship's was revealed. The bow tipped up as the sea began to swallow the stern.

"Jeanie... it worked!" Richelieu cheered.

Everyone started cheering, and I almost broke into a full smile. Almost.

Can't look too soft.

"Oh, look!" Zuikaku said. "Our reinforcements are here too!"

I looked behind me and saw a giant fleet of shipgirls arrive. And, as a pleasant surprise, a familiar battlecruiser rushed to my side.

"Bonjour!" Dunkerque said. "Apologies. We came as fast as we—"

Her eyes widened when she saw the sinking husk of the carrier.

"Oh... you've dealt with the carrier already?" Dunkerque said.

I smirked. "Don't worry. There's still plenty of Sirens to clean up."

When I turned to look at Dunkerque, she gasped.

"Goodness... your rigging!" she said. "Are you okay?!"

I guess she couldn't see it until I turned towards her.

"Don't worry, I'm alright," I said. "I've still got one gun left to kick some Siren ass."

Dunkerque sighed in relief, and even giggled. "As hardy as ever. Allow me to assist. Nobody harms my friends and gets away with it."

"Everyone, the carrier is disabled!" Richelieu cried. "Push them back!"

The cruisers and destroyers rushed forward to face the Sirens

"For Shoukaku!" Zuikaku cried, launching a volley of bombers.

Richelieu joined Dunkerque and I.

"With me, sisters," Richelieu said.

Dunkerque grinned. "No mercy for our enemies."

"Ladies!" We looked to see Algerie smirking at us. "Let's finish this!"

We nodded and rushed into battle with vigor.

Without their precious carrier to repair them on the fly, the remaining Sirens were sitting ducks. I might've had a single working gun, but I still managed to sink my fair share of Siren bitches.

After enough of their ships had been sunk, the remainder gave up and fled. Soon the commander's voice came over the comms.

"They're finally retreating," he said. "Finish off any stragglers and report back to the command ship for debriefing. Mission accomplished, ladies. It's over."


At last, we were back.

"Hah... finally," I sighed, feeling the pavement of the dock beneath my feet again.

"Hello, Jeanie," Richelieu said, walking up beside me. "That was quite the ordeal, wasn't it?"

"I'll say," I grumbled. "The repairs are gonna be heavy."

"I believe you and Shoukaku sustained the most damage," Richelieu said. "Is it just your rigging? Any bodily harm?"

"Nothing but some nicks on my skin," I said. "Hmph... probably could've saved my gun if those planes didn't distract me."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Richelieu said. "It caught everyone off guard. The important thing is that everyone's safe. And we have you to thank."

"Me?" I asked.

"Of course," Richelieu said. "Your quick thinking allowed us to sink the carrier. The commander is very pleased."

"...he is?" I said.

"I just spoke with him," Richelieu said. "He's quite impressed with your performance."


Ah... crap... don't blush in front of Richelieu of all people!

"Well... good to hear," I said. "Something had to be done, or else we were done for."

"You're a strong leader," Richelieu said. "It's... little wonder why you could rally so many to follow you."

My eyes widened. "What?"

A pause... and then she gasped.

"Oh! Oh my..." she said. "That... that didn't come out right. What I meant was, you have an inspiring presence on the battlefield. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound so backhanded."

We stood frozen, staring. Suddenly the air between us was heavy. Not even the commotion of nearby ships disturbed us.

I know what she's referring to. The splitting of the Iris Orthodoxy... and the splitting of us.

I want to believe her, that she didn't mean to backhand me, but that comment didn't come from nowhere. Even though there was regret in her eyes, it was as if, for a split second, Richelieu's true colors showed.

"Please forgive me," she whispered, bowing her head. "It was meant to be a compliment."

"I-I know," I said. "It's okay."

...is it?

"Richelieu! Jeanie!"

Hm? We looked, and Dunkerque was approaching with a basket in hand. Algerie was right behind her, munching on something.

Thank God. Please come ease this tension.

"I was wondering where my other favorite ladies in the world went," Dunkerque said.

"Only the most powerful battleships a vanguard could ask for!" Algerie said.

They were smiling... until they saw how tense Richelieu and I were. Then they looked worried.

"Is... everything okay?" Algerie asked.

Richelieu and I shared a look. Although, the look in her eye wasn't what I expected to see. It was shame. I know because I felt it too. Dunkerque and Algerie know all too well about our rocky relationship, and to have one misspoken compliment set us back...

"Richelieu? Jeanie?" Dunkerque coaxed.

"Ah... my apologies," Richelieu said. "We're okay. To be candid, I said something that... didn't translate well."

I nodded. "We're fine, though."

I saw Richelieu purse her lips at me. There was still shame in her eyes. She probably wants to drop the subject as much as me, so I left it at that.

"Ah... alright then," Dunkerque said. "Well, would an after-sortie cruller cheer you up?"

She smiled, holding the basket out to us. It was filled to the brim with an assortment of crullers. Did Dunkerque stow these on the command ship somewhere? When did she have time to make these? Although, I'd also believe Dunkerque, of all people, could summon a basket of sweets outta thin air.

"That sounds delightful," Richelieu said, taking a pink-ish one—probably strawberry. "Merci."

"Jeanie?" Dunkerque asked, holding the basket to me.

"There are lemon ones in there," Algerie said, winking.

I perked up. I looked, and sure enough there were a couple with little yellow lemon zest shavings.

"Don't mind if I do," I said. "Merci. "

Dunkerque smiled big. "Of course! Nothing like a palate cleanser after a rough sortie, hm?"

"You said it," I said, taking a bite. A delicious swirl of spongey cake and lemon enveloped my tongue. "Mmm... so good..."

Dunkerque's treats have a way of making ya forget about your troubles for a moment. I hope Richelieu feels the same way.

"Delicious as always," Richelieu said. "Where's Le Malin? I'm sure she'd love one too."

"Oh, she already took a handful and went back to the dorms," Dunkerque said. "Poor thing must be exhausted."

"She's earned a nap after that battle," Algerie said.

"Hey, Dunkerque!"

A different voice. It sounded like Zuikaku.

We looked. Sure enough, Shoukaku and Zuikaku were approaching, also munching on crullers. Dunkerque must've found them first.

"These are sooo good!" Zuikaku said, taking another bite. "Thanks a ton!"

"Mm... the way they melt in my mouth is so satisfying," Shoukaku said. "I think the vanilla ones are my favorite. Thank you so much."

"Aw, you're welcome," Dunkerque said with the biggest smile. "Seeing everyone's spirits lifted makes me so happy."

"I'm glad to see everyone in relatively good health," Shoukaku said.

"Likewise," Richelieu said. "You and Jeanie sustained the most damage of us all. Any bodily harm?"

"Only my flight deck," Shoukaku said. "It'll be a while before I can sortie again, but I'll be okay. Thank you for your concern."

Shoukaku turned to me.

"I hope you're alright, Jean Bart," she said.

"I am, thanks," I said. "Outta commission for a while, but still breathing. Same as you."

"Well, it's good to count our blessings," Shoukaku said. "And when I sortie again, I hope it's with all of you."

"Aw, how sweet of you to say!" Algerie said. "You two are a delight. We also look forward to sortieing with you again."

"Thank you," Shoukaku said. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to rest."

"Oh wait, don't forget our invitation for Jean Bart," Zuikaku said.

"Invitation?" I asked.

"Oh, yes! Thank you for reminding me," Shoukaku said. "We have an idea to repay you for our incident yesterday."

"Incident?" Dunkerque asked. "May I ask what happened?"

Zuikaku blushed. "Ah... well... the short version is Shoukaku and I were practicing a joint attack, and... I lost control of my planes. They ended up divebombing Jean Bart and the commander."

"Thankfully Jean Bart was able to destroy the planes before anything catastrophic happened," Shoukaku added. "Thus why we owe her."

"Oh dear..." Richelieu cooed.

"Algerie and I did hear a commotion coming from the exercise area yesterday morning," Dunkerque said. "That must've been why."

"Probably..." Zuikaku said, not looking too proud.

"We made it up to the commander yesterday by making him dinner," Shoukaku said. "But we still need to apologize to Jean Bart. And I think we have just the thing."

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"Shoukaku and I recently bought an outdoor bathing kit from Akashi," Zuikaku said. "It's really just a giant hot tub. Shoukaku and I tried it the other yesterday and it was amazing . We thought we could all take a dip, break out some drinks and snacks, and pamper ourselves a little? I think we've earned it. Whaddya think?"

An outdoor bathing kit? They have those?

Hm... a dip in a hot tub sounds pretty damn good right now. And with some food and drinks?

"Sounds like a good time," I said. "Count me in."

"Yes!!!" Zuikaku cheered.

"Would anyone else like to join?" Shoukaku asked. "A little girls' night to relax after a rough battle?"

"I'd love to, but I was invited to drink with some Iron Blood ladies," Algerie said.

"Oh, sounds fun!" Shoukaku said. "What about you, Richelieu? You were our flagship, after all."

"I would, but I'm afraid I already agreed to a tea party with some Royal Navy ladies," Richelieu said.

Richelieu gave me a prudent look.

Yeah... I agree. Some time apart would be good.

"Dunkerque?" Shoukaku asked.

"Hm... I don't think I'm busy," Dunkerque said. "I'd love to, and I'll bring enough sweets for everyone."

"It's a party then!" Zuikaku cheered. "It's set up right by the Sakura dorms. Ya can't miss it."

"Don't forget your swimsuits!" Shoukaku said, giggling. "See you then."

"Lemme walk ya to the dorms," Zuikaku said. "Catch you all later!"

We waved goodbye as they left.

Now I've got something to look forward to after work.

"Oh, bonjour, Commander!" Richelieu said.

My heart skipped. Speaking of work...

I looked to see the commander approaching, followed by Belfast.

" Bonjour , Commander and Belfast." Dunkerque said. "Care for a cruller?"

"How kind!" Belfast said. "I'd love one."

"Me too," the commander said.

Belfast took a vanilla one, and the commander a chocolate one, both taking a bite.

"Mmm... delicious," Belfast said. "Many thanks."

"Yes, thank you," the commander said. "Just what I needed."

"You're very welcome," Dunkerque said, smiling.

"How is everyone?" the commander asked.

"No serious injuries," Richelieu said. "It's a blessing that only two of us need significant repairs."

"Indeed," Belfast said. "I've never seen such a monstrous carrier."

"Me neither," the commander said. "I apologize for the lack of intel. I would've sent more ships to begin with had I known."

"Well, the important thing is nobody sank," Dunkerque said.

"And should that situation arise again, we'll be ready," Algerie said.

"I still feel bad," he said. "Jean Bart, I'll order repair parts for you and Shoukaku first thing when I get back.'

"Thanks," I said. "And look, don't let it get to ya, alright? Take it as a lesson and move on."

"Right. Thanks," he said. "You all did great. Couldn't have asked for better. I'd love to stick around, but I need to get back to the office. That sortie really put me behind."

"And I'm coming with ya," I said.

"Oh, you don't have to," he said. "I think you should rest. You've earned it after your performance out there."

Ah shoot... don't compliment me in front of everyone. They don't need to see me blush.

"I ain't letting ya do all that paperwork alone," I said.

"You should get some rest, Jean," he said. "I can handle it, I promise."

I raised my eyebrow. "Commander, there were stacks on the desk as high as your nose when we left, and ya know this sortie alone is gonna result in a ton of extra paperwork, on top of anything else that comes in. I appreciate your concern, but I ain't letting ya work yourself to death."

More importantly, paperwork or not, the Sirens ain't gonna take away my private time with him.

His eyes were wide, but not in an offended way. Rather... impressed.

"Well then," he said. "If you insist, then I won't turn down the extra help."

"Didn't I tell you she'd be a great secretary, Commander?" Dunkerque asked.

"And you were right," he said. "She's been a huge help so far."

Ergh! I don't need both of you making me blush!

"Heh... thanks," I said. "C'mon, we need to get back to the office ASAP."

"Right," the commander said. "Belfast?"

"Yes, Master," Belfast said, bowing. "I'm right beside you."

We all said our goodbyes and then headed for the office.

I'm looking forward to working on a comfy couch.


I sighed, picking up the next document and slouching back on the couch. The commander was at his desk also grinding away. The office was silent except for the ventilation.

As expected, the rest of the day was nothing but paperwork. We made great progress, reducing the workload from many stacks to just a couple smaller ones, but my brain was liquified. Thank goodness the commander was here, or this would've been even more excruciating. Anytime I needed another dose of motivation, I'd just glance at him and be reminded that he needed me.

Besides... I just like looking at him.

I glanced again. He was leaning on his hand with a glazed look in his eye. I'm not convinced he's actually reading the document in his hand. I haven't seen or heard him turn a page in a hot minute.

Come to think of it, what time is it?

I checked my phone.

Shiver me timbers... work ended an hour ago. No wonder why our brains are fried.

I'm pulling the plug.

"Alright, I think we've melted our brains enough for one day," I said, rubbing my eyes. "Let's pick this up tomorrow."

"Really?" he asked. "I still haven't gotten to today's battle report."

"So do it tomorrow when you're rested," I said. "Be honest, have you actually been reading that document you're holding, or just staring?"

He froze, pursing his lips. "Um..."

"That's what I thought," I said. "Trust me, you're more likely to screw up if ya overwork yourself, and then we'll have to go back and check everything anyway. Besides, you were gonna have carryover no matter what. If we keep this pace up tomorrow, we'll tear through the rest in no time."

He looked unsure about my decision, giving today's battle report a long look, before sighing and rubbing his eyes.

"Alright then," he said. "Thanks. You've been a huge help."

I couldn't help but blush a little. It's great to be useful, especially to your crush.

"Just doing my job," I said.

"Do you want the day off tomorrow?" he asked. "I think you should get some rest after today."

"Are ya kidding?" I asked. "Not when we're this close to getting ya caught up."

Also... I just wanna spend time with you. I don't really care if we'd be working.

He shrugged. "Well, the offer's open if you want. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"Sounds good," I said.

I sat up and stretched...

" Ow! " I yelped, faltering from a sharp pain needling my muscles.

"Huh? Are you okay?" he asked, eyes wide.

"Just... really sore," I groaned.

I tried again, but my muscles felt like they were engulfed in lava. I couldn't lift my arms, extend my legs, or twist my back without feeling pain.

"Shit... I've never felt like this after a sortie," I grumbled.

"Maybe your rigging sustaining such a huge hit caused a little bodily trauma?" the commander suggested.

"It must've," I said. "Jeez..."

I tried massaging my thighs.

Hah... that feels nice. Giving me some relief.

"Um... can I help?" he asked.

"I'll be fine," I said. "I just need a sec."

"Are you sure?" he asked again. "Maybe I could... give you a backrub?"

I paused.

"...a backrub?"

"It might help loosen you up," he said.

My cheeks reddened.

Isn't a backrub more of an... intimate thing? A brave offer.

Hold on... is he hitting on me? Is this an excuse to touch me?

"Besides, you did so well today that I feel like I should reward you," he said.

Oh... that's why.

Well, whether it's an excuse or not, a backrub sounds nice right now.

"Y'know what? I'll take ya up on that," I said. "Just don't get any ideas."

He smiled and came over to the couch. I tried taking my jacket off, but the pain in my limbs made me struggle.

"Here, let me help," he said.

I felt him grab the shoulders of my jacket, making me blush. I did my best to extend my arms back, feeling the sleeves leave my arms.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

I brought my ponytail around to the front, blushing because... there's a fair amount of skin showing without my jacket. More than I'm used to in this outfit. And... he's about to touch me.

It's okay. Just be cool.

Ngh ... oh god... he's touching me...

Tingles rippled through my body feeling his fingers on my shoulders.

"You feel tense," he said.

Well, it's your damn fault, Commander.

I hope he can't see how much I'm blushing.

"I-I'm fine," I insisted. "Go ahead."

Be cool, Jean. Be... cool...

I pursed my lips, waiting for him to press—


My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth with my hand.

Was that... me ? I... oh God... I didn't expect him to press so perfectly into a big knot... nor for it to feel as good as it did.

"Was that too much?" he asked.

"No no!" I said. "I-It just surprised me, that's all. Don't mind me. Do what ya gotta do."

If my face wasn't beet red before, it was now.

But please keep going, Commander.

"Alright then," he said.

"Mmm...!" I grunted.

Oh my God... he's... really going for it. Hngh... that feels... amazing ... like the rocks in my muscles are melting...

I had to grip my knee and grit my teeth to fight against the embarrassing sounds that wanted to come out. Even so...

"Ergh...! Grgh..."

...it hardly helped. Every rub against a knot weakened my resolve, and every time a knot melted away...


...another humiliating sound would leak out. I couldn't help it. It always hurt a little at first when he rubbed a knot, but the relief that followed was euphoric.

"Ohh... hah..."

Knot by knot, rub by rub, my body sank into bliss.

"Ergh! O-Oh God..."

He hit a huge, stubborn knot, making me grunt loudly. He pressed hard, showing it no mercy, and making me white knuckle grip my knee.

This one... hurt a little more... but when it finally let up...


...the surge of relief almost made me collapse.

"Doing okay?" he asked.

"Huh?" I said stupidly. "Oh... um... y-yeah."

I heard him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I said.

"You're making some interesting sounds," he said.

I blushed. Hard. My entire body must be red.

"Sh-Shush," I said. "It's your damn faul— ohhh... "

I was interrupted when he started pressing his palms into my back.

"H-Hey... I-I was talking," I moaned. "I gotta say though... you ain't half bad..."

"Thanks," he said. "I'm just mimicking what Belfast does when she gives me backrubs."

"Sh-She must be good too," I said. "C-Could ya rub my shoulders a bit more?"

"Sure thing," he said.

" Mmmm..."

His thumbs pressed into the back of my shoulders. This is soooo good. I'm glad I took his offer. Hopefully he hasn't noticed me blushing this whole time.

"Okay, I think I got most of the knots," he said.


His hands lifted.

Oh... I guess he's done. Damn. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Maybe I can stretch now?

" Ergh...!" I grunted, stretching my arms much more easily. I stood up and stretched out everything else. "Oh, that's soooo much better. Merci."

He smiled. "No problem. It's the least I can do for your outstanding performance today. Here's your jacket."

"Ah, thanks," I said, taking my jacket back and putting it on.

He went back to his desk as I fixed my hair and stretched a bit more. As I looked at him, I realized something. There hasn't been a single mention of the cross-faction ball today. I mean, we've been busy with paperwork and that emergency sortie, but I don't think anyone else had made offers to be his partner today.

We're alone right now, and I'm in his good graces. Plus... we kinda shared an intimate moment just now. At least, it was intimate to me . I could be the first girl to make an offer today, and possibly the only one if I'm lucky. Furthermore, as far as I know, not even Richelieu's offered yet.

If there's any time to do it, it'd be now.

Hngh... crap. Even thinking about doing it is making my stomach turn. Would he think it's weird? Or would he make fun of me for thinking that backrub meant more than what it was?

I don't know, but I can't be indecisive either. Maybe I can ease into it? Yeah, I'll try that.

"Hey, before I leave," I said. "Have ya thought about partners for the ball?"

"Oh... not really," he said. "Today's been pretty chaotic."

"I figured," I said. "I'm just curious since you've had a night to sleep on a few offers. Who were they again?"

I remember very clearly who they were, but I wanna see if he singles one out over the others. Maybe I can gauge his interests.

"Hm... well so far there's Belfast, Dunkerque, Algerie, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku," he said. "Gosh... they're all great choices."

Yeah. They are.

"Hmph... burdened by choices already, Mr. Popular?" I remarked.

He blushed. A satisfying sight.

I chuckled. "Only giving ya crap. Any of them stand out?"

"I don't know," he said. "They're all so cool and beautiful in their own way. I think it's too early to say. A lot can happen in a couple months."

Crap... he ain't gonna give me any insight, is he? Well, except that he's having a hard time choosing between five girls who are all prettier than me.

Should I even bother?

...wait, what am I thinking? Of course I should! It's better than not knowing, right? I can see if there's any chance of... a thing between us.

Heh... just thinking about that gives me butterflies. All the more reason why I need to try.

But to my surprise, he was the first to speak.

"Hey, now that I think about it," he said. "While you're here..."

My heart lifted.

While I'm here? While we're talking about the ball? Oh my God...

"What's up?" I asked nonchalantly, keeping a straight face despite my heart being aloft.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He looked hesitant, like what he was about to say got caught in his mouth. A feeling I know all too well.

Don't hesitate, Commander! Ask away! You won't be disappointed, I promise!

He paused for a moment, looking away. I waited with hope.

When he looked back at me, I held my breath.

Go on, Commander. Ask. I'm ready.

"...do you think Richelieu would want to go?"



"Yeah," he said. "She seems like she'd enjoy a lavish party. What do you think?"

My heart crumbled... and my blood began to simmer.

What do I think? What do I think?!! Richelieu?! What about me?!! I'm right fucking in front of you, and you thought of Richelieu first??!!!

You teased me and lured me in just to shoot point-blank, you... you...!

...stop. Stop. Don't get mad... even if it feels like your heart's been shot. He has no idea how you feel about him. He can't know.

Crap... he's looking at me. I gotta answer him, don't I?

"Y-You... you wanna go with Richelieu?" I asked.

"Maybe," he said innocently. "I think she'd be a great choice. Smart, strong, beautiful..."

"...yeah," I mumbled.

"...elegant in everything she does..." he continued.

"...mmhmm..." I said.

"And a strong, reliable leader too," he continued still. "I can always count on her to be a great flagship."

Commander, stop. I'm fully aware of of how much better Richelieu is than me.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Oh, are ya done? No please, keep raving about my sister.

I sighed. "Sounds like ya don't even need my opinion."

"Well, I just wanna know if she'd be interested," he said.

Of course she would, dumbass!!! Every ship would, including me!!! But when ya look at me, you must remember that I'm the inferior Richelieu-class battleship, right? So why the hell should I matter?

I took a deep breath, pursing my lips.

Don't yell at him. Don't yell at him. Whatever you do... don't yell at him.

"I... I'm sure she'd love to," I mumbled.

"Jean, are you okay?" he asked.

"Oh... peachy," I fibbed. "Richelieu... would love to. And so would my other friends. They're... they're all great."

What am I gonna do? Talk shit on my friends?

"Alright then," he said obliviously. "Thanks for the input."

...that's it? Are ya really not gonna consider me, Commander? Not even a thought?

"A-Are ya forgetting anyone?" I asked.

He paused. "I don't think so. Not off the top of my head, at least."

Or right in front of you?

"You sure?" I pressed.

To my dismay, he nodded. "That's it for now."

"...I see," I mumbled.

I guess when Richelieu's a contender, I don't matter.

"Well... o-okay," I said, feeling my stomach churn. "Just making sure all your bases are covered. Um... if there's nothing else, then I'll head out. Don't work late, alright?"

"I won't," he said. "See you tomorrow, Jean Bart. And again, great job today."

Hmph... not great enough to be considered for the ball apparently.

"Yeah... see ya," I said.

Don't say anything else, Jean. Just leave.

I walked out. The door closing behind me was deafening. I walked down the hall with my head down, feeling like my heart's been stabbed. I clenched my fists, fighting the tears building up in my eyes.

I know I could've still offered, but what's the point? I can hardly compete with Dunkerque and Algerie, but Richelieu? I'm a literal downgrade from her. I have no chance, and the fact that the commander thought of her first proves that.

I did such a "great job" today, only to hear him rave about how strong and elegant my sister is. Worst of all, I can't even disagree. I know Richelieu's amazing. I've always thought that. Even after our little fallout earlier, I still think that.

Damn it. Just... damn it! It's so unfair! Commander... you insensitive jerk!

And yet... my heart still aches thinking about you. Why? Why won't my feelings go away even when I'm mad at you? I don't understand! What the hell have you done to me, you... you...!

...stop. Stop. I can't forget that he doesn't know how I feel about him. It's not his fault that... he likes Richelieu more than me. Getting mad would be selfish. Besides, what am I gonna do? Force him to like me instead? What would be point in that?

I sighed. I guess... he hasn't committed to Richelieu or anything. She's just a possibility.

...am I'm overreacting.

And he gave me a backrub. That was nice. Like Shoukaku said earlier, we should count our blessings.

Speaking of Shoukaku, I've got her and Zuikaku's thing to go to with Dunkerque.

C'mon, Jean. You're stronger than this. Go get your swimsuit and leave your baggage behind for the night. Don't ruin everyone's fun tonight by being a downer.  

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