The SCP Hunter

Por Helgon33

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The one man who caught, found and killed more scps than anyone else in the foundation. A/N : I may make one o... Más

Suiting up
SCP 007
SCP-053 #2
Chaos Strikes
Scp-106 (Con Breach)
No rest for the Wicked
The O5 council
The New Doctors


646 27 27
Por Helgon33

(I know this isn't the original pic of her but I just couldn't say no so this is what this SCP-953 is gonna look like)

Agent Riot: H-004
-Entry Log # 142-

It's not often I deal with a sentient SCP and even rarer to come out unharmed but this one was surprisingly easy. Bare in mind I don't say that often, especially with how dangerous this one is.


I'm sitting in the medical bay in Site-19 where Olivia is begin treated for her wounds. Those red dogs sure did a number on her and me but my injuries are just humble flesh wounds. She is covered from neck down with bloody bandages with a few scratches on her face. Her skin is as pale as the bed sheets she lay on which also has a few blood stains on.

Olivia and I did nothing but talk to each other. I would ask things like what she was going to do when I was gone and she'd give a funny answer like hook up with the Docter or randomly lie motionless in a hallway to freak out some scientists.

Riot: "You know, you could also spend some time with Greta. Get to know her, she getting to know you. Or if you are lucky you can see if you can interact with Glykós."

In a weak but stable voice, Olivia responds with a confused question.

Olivia: "Who is... Glykós?"

Riot: "She is a friendly water elemental, or well I think it's a she. Either way, you'd be lucky to see her because I hear they are constantly doing tests on her."

Olivia: "I'll try seeing both. If I can get put of this bed."

She gives a faint giggle which only causes me to smile. However the giggle is cut. Short when someone I haven't seen in a long long time enters the room.

Louise: "H-004. I need to talk to you."

She has the usual white lab coat with the foundation logo to the right. Her coat is not buttoned allowing a Thor Ragnorok t-shirt to graze my eyes. She wears what look like pajama pants with fluff sheep running as it's designs. Ever her hair looks like it just went into a blender.

Riot: "Sure..."

Confused and concerned for Lousie's health I follow her outside the room and immediately put the back of my hand on her forehead.

Riot: "Are you okay? You look sick and tired."

She simply waves off my concern like an annoying fly hovering around some food.

Louise: "Yes, I'm perfectly fine but it's you I've been worried about! You don't come to me anymore, I never get any reports from you anymore! Not only that you constantly leave for your next mission without a proper brief!!"

She has a point, ever since SCP-682 I have not has the time to see Louise. And I've been gone for a long long time. What else would one expect when one captures 78 SCPs from 861 to 939, including 682.

Riot: "So what? You want to give me a briefing?"

She crosses her arms and looks to the side, frowning and pouting. Louise doesn't want to admit it but she misses me.

Louise: "...... Yes."

Out of nowhere she pulls out a yellow file and hands it to me.

Louise: "This is your next mission. There have been reports of bodies being found in a large town in South Korea. The locals believe its the working of an evil nine-tailed fox spirit. Your task will be to find this spirit and-"

Riot: "Bring it in."

Louise: "Exactly. However you won't be going alone. We've already lost one hunter by unknown means so you'll have two other hunters to aid you."

The thought working with other hunters leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Sure I've proven I can work as a team with Olivia but she was untrained. We were more like master and student but other professional hunters... somewhere we are going to bud heads.

Riot: "Why can't I just wait for Olivia to get better?"

Louise: " know why."

Riot: "Fine, but I'm still taking my truck."

Louise: "Don't worry, they other two hunters said the exact same thing."

There isn't much else to talk about so I give her nod before walking off. Strangely, she didn't let me leave without a hug from behind. Her arms wrapped around my stomach with her face buried in my back. In a soft voice, I hear her say.

Louise: "Please visit more often.... Greta and I are missing you...."

Riot: "Sure... I can do that for you two."

It was nice knowing there is someone waiting for me back at "home". Be it a cyborg girl or a director of a site of horrors.

Seven days later, with my truck safely transported and my equipment ready for action, I made it to the town. A beautiful place with vibrant red, orange and blue colours. The locals were also extremely polite and fluent in English, making my life easier. What was even more surprising was that they were expecting me. The locals explained how my partners were here to rid the evil spirit from their town and that they were waiting for me on top of a hill nearby.

Not to my surprise there were two other trucks here with two men sitting by a fire. At the time they were in a good, talking about how this was the one SCP they are excited to contain. One of them even joked how they wanted to keep the SCP all for themself. Their mood immediately changed when I stepped out.

Their eyes focus on my like lasers pointing at a target. Their smiles vanish and is replaced with glares. It did not bother me as I simply walk up to the fire and sit on a log.

Riot: "Found anything?"

Hunter 1: "No."

Hunter 2: "That's your job."

The other reason for their excitement must be because they don't intent on doing anything at all. Great, a bunch of lazy asses. I sigh under my breath and just stand up before heading to my truck. I yell to them as I walk away.

Riot: "Fine. But I'm tired so I'll start tracking tonight."

They said nothing back. Sometimes I wonder how they have survived for this long. I mean, not only are they lazy but stupid as fuck. They thought I'd be a good idea to track the SCP down without me. I can't even begin to guess why but other's theorized that the huntets thought this SCP is a Kitsune which, according to myths, is playful and full of tricks and trickery. Kitsune have also been known to be seductive which.... is what lead others to believe the men went alone. Horny fucks...

Anyways, after I woke up they were not there. Thankfully they left pretty obvious tracks behind.

The tracks are fresh and clear, just want I need to know where they went. From the looks of it they headed up the shrine on top of the hill. On my way I came across a small stream running down the hill.

Riot: -Hmmm... seems like they followed the stream.-

I did so as well and eventually came across a steaming pool with a gently waterful. Lush green moss covered the walls as beautiful pink and purple flowers compliment the pools surroundings. But not of those were what caught my eyes. Underneath the waterfall stood a woman with glistening smooth skin. Her wet whitr hair lays flat on her back as if every stand of hair was glued there. Her body's curves plays perfectly with the smooth round rocks in the crystal clear water. Her lips matches the same vibrant pink of the flowers around her. Her ears, that of a fox, flinched and flicked here and there. Finally there were her tails, all nine of them soaked with water.

It didn't take her long to notice me as she turns her head and looks at me. She would have been staring into my eyes if it wasn't for the helmet. My intimidating appearance with my armour didn't seem to phase her as she gives a calm, sweet smile.

???: "Are you with your friends?"

Riot: "If by friends you mean two men looking for you... then yes."

She gives a cheerful giggle before covering her body with a black rob resting on the rocks. She walks right up to me and carefully puts a hand on my chest. It's strange because even though her hand is soft and smooth it still feels like the grip of death... but that can easily be chocked up me knowing she is evil. However, it seems to me she doesn't know I know her plan so I'll play along with her and see what she had done to the others.

I look down at her hand and chuckle.

Riot: "How about you take me out to dinner first?"

Her response was expected. A more seductive giggle escapes her lips.

???: "That can be arranged~ Come with me to my home and I'll make some food for you~ Do you have a name~?"

She starts walking towards the shrine.

Riot: "Ethan Riot. But please just call me Riot. And you?"

???: "Just call me Meka~"

She vigorously wags her tails, temporarily casting a rain to fall onto me. Once Meka is done she turns and smirks before continuing to lead me to the shrine.

Inside is a layout expected of a shrine. A large statue on the opposite end of the door. Candle lit lanterns with a round paper cases gave the shrine a light red glow. In the middle stood a low round table, tall enough to fit perfectly when one sits down. A pot of steaming stew with noodles was placed directly in the middle of table. Off to the sides lay my "partners", sleeping on floor high mattresses. Meka seems to have noticed my gaze as the first thing I hear is her giggling playfully.

Meka: "Don't worry~~ They are just resting after our play session~ They were so much fun! But I can tell you are special so I hope you and I will have more fun than they did~"

She kneels down at the table while keeping her eyes locked on me. There is a certain evil glare mixed with seduction. I kneel as well before taking off my helmet. A look of geniue surprise takes over her face as her eyes dart through all my facial features and scars.

Meka: "Oh my... you have had quite the life. An experienced man. I like experienced men~"

She leans over the table with a more seductive look. To be honest this is getting more annoying as time goes on.

Riot: -It's about time I end this foreplay-

Riot: "I know who you are and I know what you are. I know my partners are dead and I know that stew is made of maggots and blood. And from what I can smell you have all your other victims hidden away in this shrine."

Meka's happy, playful, seductive attitude fades away as a wicked smile with her devilish eyes replaces them.

Meka: "I knew you would be fun but I didn't know you were resistant to my illusions."

Riot: "I'm not. I just have a good sense of smell and deductive reasoning."

Everything I mentioned before finally revealed itself. My partners, who were sleeping a minute ago, are pale as ghosts with holes in their armour. The food shifts and turns as live maggots wiggle around in the crimson blood.

Meka: "So~ you figured me out~ What's your next move~? Because I can easily pounce on you and rip out your liver faster than you can pull out any of those fancy weapons of yours~"

My hand is already on the desert eagle, just iching for a chance to shoot.

Riot: "I'll take my chances."

In that moment, Meka pounces over the table towards me with her hands open revealing razor sharp claws. But I pull out my pistol just as quickly as her pounce. One shot is all it took for her to dodge to the side and back off. It's incredible to see how she is able to manipulate her direction by moving her body, like how a cat or a squirrel always lands on their feet no matter how they are. Meka slowly backs off into the a dark corner where only her eyes are visible to me.

Meka: "Very impressive~ I had a feeling you were different, I'm glad I payed attention to it otherwise you would have got me."

I still have my gun pointing at her.

Riot: "Are you going to take all the time or are you actually going to fight?"

Meka wastes no more words as she charges towards me, only to dart back to the darkness when I fire again. This time I didn't stop firing, aiming for where her eyes are and seeing glimpses of her when the mussel flash lights up the room. I know I hit her at least once because of the scream she gave in the darkness. By the end of my rounds her eyes were no where to been seen. The quiet tip toeing of her feet disappear. Only her soft panting remains. At first I thought that that one shot did the trick, but I was horribly wrong.

She pounces on my back, ripping away the weapons I have before trying to tear through the armour with her claws. In that instant I reach back over my head and grab her long white hair, before swinging her over me and slamming her to the floor. The floor cracks with the force but not enough to give way. Meka instantly jumps up and knocks me down to the floor. A clawed hand swings towards my face and I barely have time to block it.

Right after that she pulls back her other arm only to stab her claws where my liver is. Luckily for me, the armour took most of the damaging. However her claws still dug an inch into my skin. Not letting the pain get to me, I grab her other before punching her across the jaw. Following the punch I make sure to pin her to the floor.

My plan was to pin her and let her know how things will be going but she is a quick one and managed to slip out of me grip. Now we are back to a stand still. Staring into each other's eyes.

Meka: "You annoying fuck... just die already."

Riot: "No going to happen."

She flew into a frenzy, charging at me and throwing a multitude of attacks. Most of which are just open-hand claw swipes but none of the lands as I am blocking each and every single one. She even goes for a high kick which is a big mistake on her part. I grab her leg mid kick and trip her to the floor, follow by a powerful punch to her stomach. The punch is powerful enough to make her scrung up into the fetus position. She coughs a few times, only for the final cough to be a bit of blood.

Deep down I want to stop but I know for a fact that she isn't beaten yet. So to finish things off I grab the base of her tails and the back of her collar. Only to throw her up against the ceiling where her back hit a wooden beam. On her way down she lands on my shoulder where I make sure she stays. Before she can react I throw my leg out behind me to slam her to the cracked wooden floor. We fall through into a basement where she took all the force of the fall, leaving me to with barely a scratch from the fall.

(A.N: Kinda like when Green Goblin slammed Spiderman through the floors in No Way Home.)

When we landed, Meka knocked an oil fueled lantern which falls and starts a big fire. The fire provides enough light for me to see hundreds of bodies hanging from the ceiling. They are all different whether it is gender, colour, age or deformities. But one thing runs common with all this corpses, all of them have a missing liver. One corpse in particular catches my eyes, with smooth soft skin and golden blond hair. She was a small girl with more injuries than the rest. The reason I gave that one more attention is because she looks so similar to Greta's human side.

The fire behind me only grew steadily, consuming anything that could satisfy it's unending hunger but I didn't leave yet. I still need to choose whether I leave her here to burn with the shrine... or do my job and contain her.

Riot: -"Are you worth the trouble..."-

The entire shire is now up in flames, acting like a beacon in the dark night. Bells ring in the town at the bottom of the hill alerting the good folk of the fire. Most of the grab any buckets they can grab and rush up the hill.

I on the other hand am still weighing my options until I see a wooden beam fall straight for Meka. My body acts on its own as I get underneath the beam and catch. Shit is heavy as fuck but with a deep breath I'm able to throw it to the side. I have my answer so without much hesitation I pick her up over my shoulder and rush to the outside.

Once I'm by my truck and Meka is lying on my bed I see the towns folk rushing to the shrine with their buckets.

Meka: "....y-you..... saved me..... why......"

Riot: "I don't know. Could be because I care or because I know what will happen to you next is worse than death. Who knows."

Without another word I slam her door shut, looking it to be safe.

-End Flashback-

And so I drove off without saying anything to those good folk. Later I learnt they were given amnestics to remove me and the hunters.

Meka was pretty quiet on our trip and pretty docile. She and I talked along the trip and I found out that she can only eat livers so I had to rage a few morges to her some. I'm not sure as to how it happened but one day she managed to get out and attack me. Not in the violent scene... I better keep that to myself. Louise and Olivia won't be happy if they found out.

Anyways, by the time I got back, Olivia was fully recovered, Louise was looking far better than the tired state I saw her in and the scientists doing research on Greta have made great strides in improving her motorfuntions. I'll tell you more after my next mission.

-End Log-

Well there you guys are ^^
sry it took longer cause it's a little difficult with University and family. But then the less, it's here and I hope you guys enjoyed it. See you in the next chapter!!

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