The Strongest (RWBY x Male re...


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Remnant, a world full of fight. Humans vs Grimms, Humans vs Faunus, and even Humans fight themselves. Between... More

Chapter 1: Y/N and the Rose
Chapter 2: The strongest
Chapter 3: Dealing with a Schnee
Chapter 4: RWBY & JNPR VS Y/N
Chapter 5: Lending a hand
Chapter 6: Rescue
Chapter 7: Different?
Chapter 9: Giving Hope and stopping Roman
Chapter 10: Stress and the son of light
Chapter 11: Departure
Chapter 12: Taking care of the Fang
Chapter 13: The Schnee
Final Chapter: Farewell Remnant, hope i see you again

Chapter 8: The big bad wolf

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I was on my dorm, ready to go to class, before Alicia, who i learned her name a few minute ago, grabbed my sleeve

Alicia: W-What am i going to do?

Y/N: You're coming with me to class, but first we have to eat

She jumped on my back, a smile on her face

As we were walking, Team RWBY walked out of their dorm, and they greeted me

Ruby: Good morning Y/N!

Yang: Are you okay? You look like you didn't sleep at all

Y/N: Because i didn't

Blake: Why is that?

Alicia looked at them, and waved at them

Y/N: That is the reason

In a instant, Weiss and Yang was in front of me, and had puppy eyes after seeing how cute Alicia was

Yang: Oh my god she is so cute

Alicia: Your hair is so cool!

She touched her hair, as Yang was laughing

Yang: Of course it's cool! It's my hair after all!

Weiss: Who is this adorable little girl!

Alicia: I'm Alicia! You are so pretty with your white hair! You look like an angel!

Weiss patted her head, as they were still chatting, me in the middle

Blake: Say Alicia, who is Y/N to you?

Alicia: He is my Papa!

I dodged an incomming punch from Yang, and a kick from Weiss

Y/N: Why did you tried to hurt me?

Yang: When did you kidnapped her!

Weiss: You truly are disgusting!

Y/N: I saved her yesterday from a Grimm attack

Yang: Like i believe you!

Alicia: He is saying the truth!

The two looked at Alicia shocked, before she got off my back, and explained

Alicia: When the meanie where about to hurt me, Papa kicked it away, and told me to get on his back
There were so much Grimm, but Papa took care of them like they were nothing!
He was like PAW! And then the Grimm were ROAR! But Papa was then BAKOOM! and when the biggest one was there, Papa was like " i got this" and then, and then!

Y/N: Calm down, i didn't save you to let you die because you didn't breath when you explained my story

Alicia: Okay Papa! When the big meanie was here, Papa one shoted him with his bare hand!

Y/N: Okay, that's enough explaining, we have to go eat before the class start

Weiss: We don't have class you dunce, it's the Week-end

Y/N: Neat, then let's grab something to eat for the day

Alicia: I want a strawberry Cookie!

Ruby: Me too!

Y/N: Okay calm down cookie monster team, you will have your cookie

Alicia grabbed my hand, leading me to the lunch room, even tough she didn't know where it is

We entered the lunch room, and could see every student looking at us

Alicia was getting scared, so i grabbed her, and look sternly at everyone

They turned their look, as we took our food and sit down at JNPR table

Jaune: Dude, where did you got that kid? You're babysitting?

Alicia: He is my Papa!

I dodge a fork from Pyrrha, as it landed on Cardin's back

Y/N: Alicia, explain to them sweetie

Alicia: Okay!

She started to explain, as i looked around, before i heard a yell

I turned to Alicia, and see her crying, and Cardin behind her

Cardin: That will teach you, brat

I punched him in the jaw, breking his aura, and making him fall to the ground

I then kicked on the gut one of his team mate, and slammed the other head on the table

I then looked at Alicia, and see her bleeding

I gave her a little of my aura, so she would heal faster

After a few second, her wound dissapear, as patted her head

Y/N: You're okay?

Alicia nodded her head, as i catched a punch coming from Cardin

I twisted his hand, breaking it, and kicked him away

His team grabbed him, as the ran away

I sat back, as i could feel everyone looking at me

Y/N: What is it? You're all jealous and you want some too?!

They return to their things, fearing what might happen

I was soon called to Ozpin office, as Alicia was starting to eat

Y/N: Sweetie, i have some business to do, you can stay with team JNPR?

Alicia: Okay!

Y/N: General Nora

Nora: Yes sir!

Y/N: I leave her protection to you, if someone want to hurt her, you can break their leg

Nora: Thank you sir!

I looked at Ren, and whisper to him

Y/N: Can you look after her? I don't want her to be a mini Nora

Ren: Trust me i don't want to, so don't worry

I walked to Ozpin office, as i could see Glynda glaring at me, and Cardin having a smug face at me

Y/N: I swear i was just defending myself

Glynda: The camera say other things

She showed me a video, where it's me beating Cardin and his team, before sitting back and healing Alicia

Y/N: Yeah, defending myself, that's what i said

Glynda: You broke his hand!

Y/N: He hurt Alicia, so i have every right

Ozpin: Alicia?

Y/N: The kid from yesterday

Ozpin: Oh i see, it is not what you told me Mr. Winchester

Cardin: Humm....

Y/N: Did he told you i attacked him without a reason, after i told him mean things?

Ozpin: Yes

I looked at them, before snickering a little, before going into a full blown laugh, as i was holding my side

Y/N: The most funniest thing is that Glynda believed them!

Opzin chuckled a little, as Glynda was red in embarassement

Y/N: Now, i guess that was all you wanted to talk with me, isn't it?

Ozpin: Well, not really. Team CRDL, can you leave us alone?

They leaved, but not before i hit Cardin on the back, as he falled face first

I waved them goodbye, before turning to Ozpin with a serious face

Y/N: Another grimm?

Ozpin: Yes, but this one is on a another level than the other ones

Y/N: What is it?

Ozpin: Koyasankaya

My eyes widened, as i glared at him

Y/N: He is sleeping, you know better than anyone to not wake him up

Ozpin: Yes, but it will be different

He stood up, as he walked to his window

Ozpin: You have an aura now, so he is now at your reach

Y/N: Just because i have an aura doesn't mean i can kill it

Ozpin: You can kill it, i know it

Y/N: Will i go alone?

Ozpin: No, You will have a Huntsman with you, and Atlas Ace ops

Y/N: For oum sake, please not them

Opzin: They will only open you a way to it, they won't be in your way

Y/N: And who is the huntsman?

Qrow: It will be me

Y/N: A drunkard, a team full of human looking robot, i feel sooooo safe

Qrow: If we kill that thing, then Grimm activities will go down so much, and your our only hope to kill it

Y/N: Guess i have no choice, when will we be going?

Ozpin: Now. Yesterday, there were sign of it waking up, so we have to be fast. The bullhead is waiting for you, departure in 30 minutes

Y/N: Understood, i leave Alicia to you

Qrow: Alicia?

Y/N: My daughter

He spat out his drink, spitting it at me

Y/N: Yes, you heard well

I walked out of the office, and walked to my dorm

When i arrived, i could see Ruby and Penny talking, as they turned to me

Penny: Hello friend!

Ruby: Where aee you going?

Y/N: Mission

Ruby: What?! But you're just a 1st year!

Y/N: Trust me, this mission is no joke, so please don't do that now

Penny: Is that a grimm killing mission? Can i come?!

Y/N: Yes it's that type, and no you can't come

Penny: Why is that?

Y/N: Koyasankaya

She froze, as Ruby was looking at us, not aware of what it was

Ruby: What is Koyasankaya?

Y/N: Don't worry about that, i leave in 10 minutes, so take care

I closed the door, and met with the team

Narrator POV

Ruby: What is that?

Penny: Koyasankaya is the most dangerous grimm that ever existed. It alternate between sleeping and destruction. No one was able to stay alive after they're encounter with it

Ruby: Then why is Y/N the one choose to fight it?!

Penny: Because Ozpin may know his true strengh, and know he can kill it


We were landing a few yard away from it's home, as Grimm started to spred around us

Qrow: Remember kid, keep your stamina to fight it, we open you a path

Clover: Right, now let's go!

They started to fight the Grimm, as i walked in front of the hole in the ground, and hear growling

Y/N: I'm going in!

I jumped in it, and landed on solid ground

I could hear growl in front of me, as Orange eyes could be seen from the darkness

Y/N: Alright....

I opened my eyes, and expanded my aura so i have a little safe zone

Y/N: Let's do this

It started to get up, as i could feel all of it's power

He was fully up, and he roared at me, as i could see his eyes, and his hideous mouth

His eyes glowed, as i dodge at the last second an incomming fire he sent at me

I rushed at him, and punched one of his eyes, as it roared in pain

He dissapear in the darkness, as i felt something on my side, seeing he was able to cut le

He reappeared, as this timew he tried to bite me

I stopped his jaw from closing, as i stabbed my sword on it's mouth and slashed it in

He spit me out, as he was getting more angry by the second

He sent his invisble paw at me, as i dodged it, and made my way to it's eyes, as i stabbed one, before a gust of wind send me back, but my sword was still on it's eyes

(Skip to 2:20 AKA his second stage)

He hide in the darkness, as i focused on my aura, and expense it to a yard

I felt him behind me, as i dodge on the last second, and jumped on it's face

I punched, kicked, and stomp on it, before i grabbed my sword and jumped away

This time he was faster, as he was able to cut me on my left arm, as i couldn't feel it anymore

Guess he paralyzed it

My aura stopped the bleeding, but i lost more aura than i did damage to him

I have to be more on the offense, and attack it without a stop

I rushed at it, and slashed everywhere on it's body, as his body glowed orange

(Skip to 4:27)

He blinded me with his eyes, before slashing me everywhere on my body, leaving me at the door of death

Before i could give up, i fekt a surge of power coming to me, as my wound were healed, and i felt more powerful than before

I looked at it with a smile, as i absorbed all of my aura in my body, as it would be the finish

I charged at it, as he sent fireball at me, but i dodged it, and i jump in the air

He charged a laser on his mouth, as he shoot it at me, and i did the most badass thing i've ever done

I slide on it with my aura, and charged everything i had in my fist

I punched his main eyes, as it roared in pain

I send my aura in it, as he was howling in pain, but after a few moments, his eyes turned blue, as i jumped away

(Stop the ost)

He looked at me for a second, before bowing his head a little, and nuzzle to me

I just tamed the strongest grimm that ever existed, and i'm still alive

I patted his head, as i patted my shoulder, as he nod

He transformed into a wolf size version of himself, but not with the floating eyes and all of that

I grabbed him and got out of the hole, as the grimm were fleeing away

Clover: How did it go?

Y/N: That little guy here, is the one i fought, but he is with me so don't worry

After i said that, i blocked an incomming stab from one of his team, as i glared at them

Y/N: I won't let you land a hand on him. Now that the mission is finished go back to Atlas

They walked to the bullhead, as i sigh

Y/N: They should lessen up a little, they're going to explode

Qrow: How did you get out of it without injuries?!

Y/N: Oh, i didn't just i was healed by i don't know who, or what

Qrow: You truly arr a mystery kid

Y/N: Oh shut up, i'm paying the dring tonight

Qrow: Now we're talking business

Y/N: Kaya

Qrow: What?

Y/N: I'm going to call it Kaya

Qrow: You are naming a grimm?

Y/N: Yeah, so what

Kaya nuzzled to my leg, as we entered the bullhead, and got back to Beacon

After i entered the door, Alicia jumped on me, and hug me

Alicia: Where were you?!

Y/N: Out

I walked to bed, as Kaya followed behind me, and make herself confortable

Alicia: What is it?

Y/N: It's Kaya, you can pet her

She walked carefully to her, before she patted her

Kaya licked her hand, as Alicia giggled

Y/N: I'm going to sleep, i'm so tired right now

Before i could sleep, the door slammed open to reveal team RWBY with concerned face


Y/N: Yes

Ruby: You're back!

Yang: Damn, you scared us when Ruby told us you were fighting that Grimm

Blake: Weiss was the most worried tough

Weiss: That's not true!

Ruby: Say, who is that wolf who is getting pet by Alicia?

Y/N: Koyasankaya

Tehy took a step back, and took their weapon, as Kaya growled at them, her eyes flashing orange again

Y/N: That's not the time to fight!

I patted Kaya, as she calmed down, and laid on my lap

Weiss: Get away from it!

Y/N: No, i tamed it

Yang: Bullshit! A monster can't be tamed!

I got up, not before placing Kaya on the bed gently, and facing them

Y/N: I had a hard time fighting it, how do you think you can kill it, or even hurt it?

They flinched, before they nervously got out of the room

Y/N: I will explain tomorrow, don't worry

Theu closed the door, as i sigh and look at the sleeping Penny

Penny: Zzzzzzzz

Y/N: People don't sleep like that

Penny: How then?

Y/N: They don't make noise, at all

Penny: I see, thanks for telling me friend!

She tried to sleep again, as i sigh and decided it was finally time to sleep

Y/N: Wait, where did they got their weapon if they were on pajamas?

My eyes widened, before i fell asleep

Chaper 8 finished

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