Miss Americana // The Beatles

Af MinnieMckellar

18.7K 693 477

In 1957, Sasha McCartney, a teenage girl with a dream to become a famous musician, moves to her half-brother... Mere

The History of Miss Americana
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 25

277 18 13
Af MinnieMckellar

Chapter 25

December 13, 1961

Dearest Sasha,

How are you? I know I'm not writing as much as I used to, but my health hasn't been the best lately. The other day, my classmates brought me home from college because I had fainted whilst painting. I don't recall it really. I just remember waking up at Astrid's. Astrid is worried about me, and she's written to my mother who insisted I come to England to see the doctor. Astrid's mum has got me at the best doctor in Hamburg, so I don't think that's necessary. The headaches come more often now. The doctors have done tests and xrays, and well they don't show anything abnormal. I hope I get better soon, I hate being ill. I miss you, Sasha. Hope all is well.

Love, Stuart xxx

I took a sip of my tea as I finished reading the letter. The headaches that Stu had started getting at the end of last year would come more and more frequently, and now he was fainting as well. I worried about him because I know he is stubborn. Hopefully, his doctor can find out what is wrong. Just then, the door buzzed.

I walked to the front door and opened it to reveal George standing there with a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath.

"George," I smiled, "I wasn't expecting you today."

He kissed me on the cheek, "I know, but it's your birthday, and I picked these up in between gigs. I know we weren't supposed to see each other until next Wednesday, but..."

"George," I stopped his nervous rambling, "They're beautiful. Do you have time to come in?"

"For a bit, yeah," he exhaled.

George followed me inside and to the kitchen where I was drinking my tea before. Last night at Brian's party for the boys, I had agreed to dance with George. I smiled at the nervous way he had asked me out and then the bold way he kissed me before the night was over. I thought about him until I fell asleep last night, and I thought about him when I woke this morning.

I took the bouquet from him, "You didn't have to do this, it's so thoughtful of you."

"I wanted to. It's your birthday after all," George spoke as I filled a vase with water and arranged the flowers in it, "I had a great time dancing with you last night."

I smiled at him, "I did too, George. Are you hungry?"

"Oh, no, I ate at the Cavern," George replied.

"Tea?" I asked, smiling.

George wrung his hands together, and I wondered why he was nervous, "No, I have to get going. We just finished our lunch gig when I went to buy those, and I have to get back to rehearse for our evening gig. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday. You should come see me play tonight."

"Thank you, George, but I think I'll stay in tonight," I replied.

Truthfully, the thought of going and watching the Beatles play at the Cavern tonight didn't sound appealing to me. I wondered if John had seen George and I dancing last night. I wondered if he had seen George kiss me. It was then that I remembered him snuggled up to that blonde girl at the party.

"Will you ever come see me play?" George blurted out.

I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, "I just, you know the other lads, their birds watch them play, and I know it's different for you, but I just..."

"George, it's okay. I'll come see you play, just not tonight. I have to get up early to work tomorrow."

"Oh, I'm sorry, really," George said, "Well, I have to get going. Happy Birthday."

I followed him to the front door, "Thank you, George. The flowers are beautiful, and they're my favorite kind."

"I'll see you next Wednesday at the cafe, Sasha," he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Goodbye, George," I called after him as he walked down the sidewalk.

I found myself disappointed that he hadn't kissed me on the lips. I grinned and admired the flowers he brought me. I couldn't wait for Wednesday.

December 20, 1961

I  took a deep breath in  the mirror. It was Wednesday. I think I looked  alright to meet George  for lunch. I hadn't spoken to him since my birthday, but I  hadn't stopped thinking about him. I never thought  that I would feel  this way again after John, and yet, butterflies would  erupt in my  stomach each time I thought about George.

I  looked at myself in  the mirror. I had actually done makeup today for  the first time in  months. I wore a dress with my hair up in a high  ponytail. I grabbed a  lipstick tube off of my dresser and pigmented my  lips with the red  stain. John had always liked when I wore red lipstick. I shook that thought out of my head.

I  slipped my feet into  high heels. John hadn't liked it when I wore high  heels because he  wanted a nice height difference between us. I thought  of how tall  George was and grinned to myself. It was foreign that I had  grinned  thinking about someone else besides John.

I made my way   downstairs and grabbed my purse off of the table by the front door. I took a deep breath again as I locked the front door. I was starting to get nervous to go on an actual date.

I  got to the café a  little early and expected George to be late like John  would've been,  but he was there at a table in the corner. His chocolate  eyes met my  blue ones, and he stood and waved. I walked over to him.

He kissed my cheek after giving me a warm hug, "You look beautiful."

I  smiled at him. George  pulled my chair out and helped me in. He really  had no idea how nice  that was considering that John would've never done  that.

"It's nice to see you again," I confessed.

He grinned at me, "I almost called you. I don't think I should go without seeing you as long as we did this weekend."

I  smiled at him. The  waitress came and took our order and gave us some  glasses of coke,  which George had ordered before I got there.

He stared at me as I sipped my coke through the straw, "I really like you, you know."

"Already getting to the serious conversation?" I winked at him.

He chuckled, grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, "Fancy a ciggie?"

"Have you forgotten that I don't care for smoking?"

George lit his and puffed some smoke into the air, "I guess I never really paid attention."

George  and I kept the  playful flirting going on until our food arrived. George  told me about  all of his family, and I told him about mine. He talked  about the boys'  second trip to Hamburg in the summer, careful not to  mention anything  about John.


"So, we never had a cat again thanks to my mother," I finished telling a story from my childhood.

Suddenly,  George threw  his head back laughing like a little kid. The laugh lines  around his  mouth became deeper, and his eyes squeezed shut. John never  thought I  was that funny. George opened his eyes and looked into mine  deeply. He  grabbed my hand from across the table. We looked into each  other's eyes  for what seemed like an eternity. I studied him, and he  studied me.  George was much more romantic than John. I was so  comfortable around  him. I never thought I would be so comfortable around  a man like this ever again.

I trusted George. I felt  like I knew him  completely. I think I was falling in love with him. I  had to be careful.  I didn't want things to move as fast as they did  with John. I needed to  get to know George better, even if I felt like I  knew him enough. I  thought I knew John, but he turned on me.

Soon, George was paying   the bill, and we were walking down the block. George grabbed my hand  and  intertwined his fingers with mine. It felt nice to be holding  someone's  hand again. I was about to bring up John when George smiled  and looked  at me.

"So, every Christmas my  family watches 'A Wonderful Life'  and 'White Christmas' on the telly.  Mum makes Christmas cookies and we  all sit around reciting the lines  and singing the songs. It's quite  fun."

I smiled, "It sounds fun."

George grinned. His hand   squeezed mine, and I could tell that he was suddenly nervous. He  cleared  his throat, "Um, I was wondering if you would actually like to  spend  Christmas with my family. You know, for a change of scenery. Also, I   imagine Christmas to be kind of boring at the McCartney household," he  chuckled.

I looked at him. We had stopped walking now. Everything felt so right, "I would love to spend Christmas with you, George."

"Good," he exhaled, "You could bring your things and stay at ours for a couple days."

"I'll come the day before Christmas Eve and stay. It'll be a nice change of scenery, like you said," I said.

My  teeth started  chattering from the cold, and George brought me into a  warm hug right  there of the middle of the sidewalk, "I'm so happy. I  really like you a  lot, Sasha."

"I like you a lot too,  George," I  muttered into his shoulder, "I better get going, though. My  shift at  NEMS starts soon."

George pulled away from the hug, "I had a nice time today."

"Me too," I said.

We  stood there  awkwardly for a few seconds. This feeling was still so new  to me.  Suddenly, George leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms  around his  neck wanting the kiss to deepen. I felt his hands grab my  waist as his  tongue entered my mouth. The kiss was exhilarating, and for  the first  in over a year, the past was the past. I could look to my new  future,  hopefully with George.

He pulled away, "Wow."

"Yeah," I smiled.

George kissed me softly again, "I'll call you tonight."

"Okay, I'll be expecting your call."

George  and I hugged  again, and we walked our separate ways. I couldn't stop  smiling the  rest of the day. I couldn't wait for Christmas.

December 23, 1961

I  walked up to the  brick row houses on a street called Upton Green. I  walked to the front  door of the one that George had told me the number  and knocked. The  door swung open, and George scooped me into his arms.

"I missed you," he kissed me.

I smiled at him, "I missed you too."

It still felt a little weird, but I was hoping the holidays with him would allow me to loosen up some more.

George  grabbed my bag  for me, "Come in. My dad's here, but mum just went out  to the shop to  get a few things. My brothers and their wives are coming  tomorrow."

"Is your sister coming?" I asked, remembering George telling me about his older sister.

"No,  she can't make it.  She just moved to Canada with her husband,"  George explained to me as I followed him up the  stairs.

"Well, this is my room," George said as we entered a small room with a twin sized bed and a few guitars next to the wardrobe.

"It's cozy," I said, looking around.

George wrapped his arms around me, "I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me. I can sleep on the floor."

I  looked up at his  face, "You don't have to. It seems like it gets cold  in here at night,  and I might need someone to keep me warm."

"Cheeky," he smirked before kissing me softly.

George and I had spoken to each other every day on the phone since our date at the cafe. I really liked him. He was sweet and thoughtful, so different then how I thought he would be.

The  next day, George's  brothers had brought their wives, and we had sat  around the television  watching 'A Wonderful Life' and 'White Christmas'  in true Harrison  family tradition. That evening George and I helped bake  cookies and  cakes with his mom. When the Christmas baking was done, we  headed  upstairs and cuddled each other until the morning. George was  really  growing on me. He was sweet, his family was sweet, and they  seemed to  like me as well. George really knew how to treat a lady, and I   appreciated the fact that he didn't really want to rush things. The   point we were at in this relationship was still the 'getting to know   each other phase' with lots of stolen kisses. There hadn't been any   pressure from him to go farther than that or say the L-word.

On Christmas morning, George shook me awake, "Sasha, it's time to exchange gifts."

I  nodded and got out of  bed. I stayed in one of his button down shirts  and a pair of his boxer  shorts. I brushed through my hair and grabbed  his hand so he could  lead me down the stairs. George had told me about  their gift-giving,  and he told that I didn't have to get anything since I  didn't know his  family yet. I got George a few American records that I  would give him  later, in private though. Mrs. Harrison handed me a mug  of hot cocoa  while I watched the Harrisons exchange Christmas gifts. I  didn't feel  left out at the moment, but I knew that next year I  definitely wanted  to be a part of this. His family was so fun, laughing and joking with each other as they opened gifts.

We had a large English   breakfast and lounged around until supper. Mrs. Harrison cooked a huge   meal again, and we pigged out once again, especially George. I was   surprised at how much a man of his stature could eat. It was quite   hysterical.

After supper, me and  George headed to his room for so  alone time together. I grabbed the bag  that I was hiding in the bottom  of my suitcase and handed it to him,  "Merry Christmas, George," I said,  kissing him on the cheek.

"Darling," he had recently started calling me that, and I swooned every time he did, "You didn't have to get me anything."

"It's Christmas," I said simply, "Open it!"

"Alright, alright," George grabbed some tissue paper from the top of the bag and pulled it out.

He  pulled out the two  records that I had wrapped individually in wrapping  paper. He unwrapped  and read over the covers of the albums, "Thanks,  Sasha. I haven't  heard of these before."

I smiled at him,  "They're  American. My mom always sends me the popular records at the  moment, and  I liked those so much that I told her to send me another  copy so I  could give them to you."

"Thank you. If you like  them, I'll like  them, for sure," he gave me a large toothy smile, those  laugh lines  growing deeper in his cheeks.

I laughed a bit, "You know, George, I've never noticed before, but you have fangs."

"What do you mean?"

"A couple of your teeth look like fangs. Like Dracula," I smiled.

George looked genuinely concerned now, "Really?"

I laughed at him, "Don't worry. I think it's cute."

He  giggled and leaned  toward me. Before kissing me on the lips, he dipped  his head down and  kissed my neck, gently biting the skin, "I am  Dracula," he murmured.

I laughed and grabbed the side of his face, "You're cute."

We  stared into each  other's eyes for a moment before I decided to get  heartfelt, "George, I  can't thank you enough for being so kind to me. I  was beginning to  think that all love ever did was end, but now, I'm not  so sure. I  didn't know if I would be able to feel this close to someone  again, but  you make me feel so special and wanted."

George stood  up from  the bed and walked over to his wardrobe. He grabbed a small gift  bag  and sat down next to me again, "I care about you a lot. I've fancied you for a while, I'll admit, but I wasn't sure I would ever get  the chance to be with you. These last few days, well, I think I've   fallen in love with you. You don't have to say it back, but just know   how I feel about you."

He handed me the bag and  motioned for me to  open it. I grabbed a box inside the gift bag and  pulled it out. I  looked up at him, and he gave me a toothy grin. I  still couldn't believe  that George had told me he loved me. I wanted to  say it back, but it  felt too soon. I opened the box to reveal a silver  necklace with a heart  pendant hanging from it.

I took it out of the box, "This is beautiful, George."

"Happy Christmas. I was wondering if you'd be my girl?"

I smiled at him again, which was something that I couldn't stop doing, "Of course I will."

George smiled at me. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I tried to hold them in, but a lonely one slid down my cheek.

George wiped it away quickly, "Don't cry, darling."

He  brought me into a  hug, and I held on tight to him, "I'm sorry. I just  thought that I was  never going to find someone again. I did love John,  you know, and," I  started to cry harder. That was the first time I had  mentioned John to  anyone other than Stu and Paul.

George pulled  away and  searched my eyes, "I know you loved him, Sasha. I know that a   relationship like that is hard to get over when it just ends. I saw everything play out, and I can   swear to you now, I will never betray you, and I will never hurt   you like he did."

I hugged him again as I  cried. I knew George  was being sincere, and I appreciated that. All I  could do now was look  toward the future. I suppose that I was finally  over John.

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