uninvited | glee one shots

By stberrylane

4.8K 59 98

"Like anyone would be, I am flattered by your fascination with me. Like any hot blooded woman, I have simply... More

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family brunch | wemma/brittana/puckleberry

362 4 4
By stberrylane

will and emma/brittany and santana/puck and rachel

DEDICATION: -max1moff for requesting this, hopefully this is what you were asking for! 💗


WILLIAM SCHUESTER THOUGHT he had it all figured out when he married his high school sweetheart, Terri. They'd had two beautiful children, Brittany and Noah (who called himself Puck due to a hockey incident that happened as a child). But for some reason, their beautiful little miracles weren't enough for Terri. A year ago, she packed her bags and never looked back. It took Will months to even look at another woman again, but then he met Emma and it was like his world starting spinning again after Terri tilted him off his axis.

Terri leaving affected them all. Brittany hadn't really smiled in awhile and Will could see that she was struggling. He knew nothing of how to take care of a girl. How was he supposed to be mother and father to his baby girl? Terri's departure didn't seem to affect Puck as much. He was already a pretty wild kid before she split. Will was sure Puck just used his mother as an excuse to not hold himself accountable. Truth is, Will was the one struggling. All these years, he'd spent being a teacher and coming home to his wife and kids and now he had to be both parents for them. He didn't know how to be a single father which was when he began having sessions with Emma. She brought him clarity and helped him see things through the lense of his children. That was all until those therapy sessions turned into flirting which turned into dates that had somehow formed a relationship.

The kids couldn't know. They'd be heartbroken if they found out that their father had moved on. Surely, they'd be upset that it was their guidance counselor. There was too much to consider at the moment and Will just wasn't ready to let them know anything. Even though he and Emma had been going strong for almost five months now, it was too soon. It'd break the kids.

Brittany was up in her room, attempting to sneak out of the window. Maybe it was a little unconventional being that it was daylight out and she could have just told her dad she was going out with a friend, but she hadn't thought that far ahead. She was just really trying not to let it get out that she was going out with Santana.

No one knew that Brittany was bisexual (though sometimes she felt that her mom did and that was why she left), and she planned to keep it that way. Santana was her secret girlfriend and she wasn't ready to come out yet and Brittany respected that, so of course she wouldn't come out either until her girlfriend was ready. They'd been fooling around for over a year, but only really became a couple a few months ago. There was that whole stage where Santana was in denial about her sexuality and only used Brittany for sexual relief, but they got past that hump and she finally realized that she just loved her and their relationship was born.

Brittany climbed down the ladder carefully, before she missed a step towards the bottom and fell down on the grass.

Santana popped her head out the window of her car, "Why didn't you just go out the front door?"

Brittany got up, brushing the dirt and grass stains off her skirt. "I like to make things interesting."

Brittany looked back at the house, seeing her dad's car still in the driveway and smiled, running over to Santana's car and giving her a quick peck. Her brother's truck was gone, but she thought nothing of it as they made their way to Breadstix for brunch.

Puck was already at Breadstix, but he wasn't waiting for his sister. Instead, his hand was grabbing another girl's across the table and he wore a lazy fool-in-love grin. Puck never thought he'd be the type to actually fall in love with someone, but Rachel did something to him. He didn't really understand it either. He was usually the type to just sleep with girls and never talk to them again, but he'd never even gotten into Rachel's pants and somehow, he just couldn't move on from her. It didn't make any sense. Their lives were so opposite that the two together was like a cataclysmic storm. Rachel was an artist. She was annoying and narcissistic and usually stepped on others to get what she wanted. She had a plan and knew what she wanted to do with her life. Puck just cleaned pools. He had no clue what he wanted to do, but being with Rachel gave him just a hint of clarity.

Rachel was staring at the menu. She looked up briefly to see Puck staring at her and she smiled shly. "What are you staring at?"


She rolled her eyes. "You're so cheesy."

"But you love me." Puck countered.

"Unfortunately yes." she joked, leaning over and pecking his cheek.

At first, Puck just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Rachel's lips on his kiss. That was until he opened his eyes and saw his sister. He panicked, throwing a menu in front of his face as he peered over the top of it.

Rachel scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as she looked around the restaurant, cursing to herself as Santana and she locked eyes. Santana didn't like her very much, which meant that she was probably going to come over and torment her. This also meant that Brittany would be following close behind and she'd see Puck with her.

Santana sneered, "What doofus is taking you out?"

Rachel frowned. She knew she wasn't the most beautiful or popular girl in the world, but it really hurt when people said those things about her. She thought she deserved more than that. She was getting tired of sneaking around with Puck. He was her boyfriend and she wanted to parade him around the same way Finn Hudson and Quinn Fabray got to do, but he was embarrassed of her. She knew he was.

"Shut up, Santana. That's my girlfriend you're talking to." Puck came from the menu with passion, glaring at the Latina in front of them.

Rachel looked on in surprise as Puck defended her honor. She wasn't used to Puck protecting her. He always did so after the fact, but not in the middle of the encounter. They had spent months sneaking around and they both knew if their relationship was found out that they'd be in a heap of trouble. Puck was the school's resident badass and dating Rachel was a death sentence for his reputation. He was risking a lot right now by telling the truth and defending her.

Santana crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him with a scowl. "And I'm just supposed to believe you find the hobbit so attractive you put the title on her?"

"Uh, yeah. The same way I'm supposed to believe that you and Brittany are just friends." Puck put air quotes around the word friends. Everyone knew they weren't just friends. Everyone except for their dad who had just walked in hand-in-hand with their guidance counselor.

In her horror seeing their father holding someone's hand that wasn't their mother, Brittany exclaimed, "Dad?"

Will's head whipped around, taking him out of his conversation with Emma as he looked to see his son sat at a table with Rachel Berry and his daughter linking pinkies with Santana Lopez.

"Kids. I, uh, I didn't know you guys would be here." Will stuttered. It was an awkward situation they all seemed to have gotten themselves into.

"Um, why are you holding Miss Pillsbury's hand?" Puck questioned with a raised brow.

Emma quickly dropped her hand from Will's embrace in embarrassment and he looked at her with a frown, grabbing her hand once more. He turned away from his children to whisper to her. "No. I love you. It's time, Em."

He took a deep breath, turning back to his kids. "Right. Noah, Britt--Miss Pillsbury is my girlfriend now and I-I know this might come as a shock to you and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I--"

Puck cut him off. "Whoa, Dad. Chill. It's cool."

Brittany nodded along with her brother. "Yeah. If you're happy, so are we."

"Really?" Will couldn't help the grin that came across his face. His children nodded once more.

Brittany unhooked her and Santana's pinkies and moved to entwined her girlfriend's hand with her own as she looked at her father. "Dad, Santana is my girlfriend."

"Really?" Will pondered and Brittany nodded nervously. Will let go of Emma's hand and pulled Brittany into a hug, making her drop Santana's hand.

He whispered. "I'm very proud of you."

"Hey, I have a girlfriend too! Where's my hug?" Puck interjected, making his family laugh.

Will waved his hand, making Puck get out of his seat to join in on the group hug.

"Why don't we all have brunch together, as a family?" Will suggested. "Your girlfriends can join us too."

Brittany and Puck grinned at each other. "We'd love that, Dad." Brittany replied, leading Santana to a wrap around booth as Puck and Rachel scooted in next to them and Emma and Will sat on the other side.

Family brunch. Maybe they could make it a weekly thing.

[A/N: so this took for freaking ever. mainly because i don't really ship wemma or brittana (don't kill me pls, i love them together. it's just a little bland to me). puckleberry owns me though 😭💗💗💗]

~ Dani

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