A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

513 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Troggie business
Skull Cave
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Puerto Mico
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday

Moving Forward

22 2 1
By Hydranga2

"Alright, let's meet back at the boat- er- ship. After we finish meeting whomever we were assigned." Sally said in a suggesting tone causing Warwick and Rachel to nod and leave.

"Bonnie, and Subodai, you guys are in charge of getting the supplies and watching this boat-ship!" Sally said scratching her hair under her captain's hat.

Bonnie and Subodai share amused looks and nod.

(Gonna go with the swashbuckler story line mostly because it has more story line and dialogue.)

Sally enters the building with the swashbuckler symbol in curiosity. She is met with a raccoon woman, "And who is this?" The raccoon asks, she takes note of Sally's attire, "A pirate?"

"I'm Sally, erm, a swashbuckler..." Sally says awkwardly.

"A Swashbuckler? Marvelous!" Morgan Lafitte chirps happily. "You have come to train, yes? To sharpen your reflexes and skills, to be a great fencer. I will teach you."  She gets to work setting up training dummies for Sally.

"Um, Avery chose me and my crew to find Gunn's gold." Sally said watching Morgan rush around setting things up for her.

Morgan stops and turns to Sally in shock, "Avery has chosen you to find Gunn's gold?" 

"And my crew-"

"Bold choice! Seek out my sister in arms, Sarah Steele. Ask the barkeep at the Kraken Skulls Tavern." Morgan said. Sally begins to leave, kind of disappointed at not learning anything, but Morgan taps Sally's shoulder with her sword. Sally turns to look at her.

"But before you go, young Swashbuckler, it is time for your training to begin. Observe!" Morgan said causing Sally to smile and pull out her parent's swords in excitement.


Sally goes to the tavern and goes up the barkeep, Skinny Pete.

"Excuse me have ye seen anyone by the name of Sarah Steele?" Sally asks politely.

"Sarah Steele? Aye, she's here, young Pirate. The treasure hunters are in the cellar, meetin' in private. Head down through the trap door yonder." Skinny Pete said continuing to clean the glass in his hand as he gestures with his head to the trap door.

Sally heads down the trap door stairs and is met with quite the sight.

"Mind your tone with me, rat! You may be lending your ship to this enterprise, but the Will is mine. I'm the leader!" Sarah shouts at Ratbeard. 

"Hey Sally." 

Sally jumps and turns around to be met with Rachel and behind her was a Pelican with a large pick-axe.

"Rachel hey hi, wow ye scared me..." Sally said placing a hand over her heart.

"Sorry...by the way this is Peter Quint, Is it alright if he joins the crew?" Rachel asked gesturing to the Pelican behind her.

"Sure the more the merrier." Sally said the girls then go back to watch everything go down.

"So, I'm ta be naught more than a lowly pilot, then? Pshaw! How do we know ye even have the Will?" Ratbeard mocks.

"What's going on?" A drunken voice says from behind the group. The group minus Sally jump at Warwick's sudden drunken appearance.

"SHHH!" Rachel whisper shouts at him.

The shark behind him raises an eyebrow but says nothing.

"Oh I have it, all right!" Sarah said pridefully.

"Hoe don't do it" Warwick said watching Sarah.

"It's right here." Sarah boats holding up the Will.

"Oh my god..." Warwick and Sally mutter shaking their heads and the stupid move while Rachel face palms.

"Har! Get'em boys! And take that Will!" Ratbeard crows out to some other rats.

Sally not wanting to stand by and watch Sarah get jumped rushes into Battle to aid her.

Rachel follows behind eager to shoot something. Warwick follows half drunk and begins unleashing spells on the goons.

"By the way, Lassie, this is Carcarius Grimtooth!" Warwick told Sally.

"Nice to meet ye." Sally grunts pushing back a goon who was a good two heads taller then her.

While Sarah was busy fighting some goons she didn't notice Ratbeard sneaking up behind her until he stole the Will.

"I've got the Will! The treasure's mine, you lubbers! Finish 'em off, lads-I'll meet ye at the hideout! HAR HAR HAR!" Ratbeard laughs running up the stairs.

"Fuck..." Warwick said as they finish off the last of the goons.

Sarah turned to Sally, "I owe you guys my life and I'll gladly join your crew to repay the debt." Sarah said causing Sally to nod with a smile before she turned to the stairs.

"Let's catch that thieving Rat!" Sally told the rest of her crew as they all barrel up the stairs.

Rachel in her rush accidently bumps into Prospector Zeke, "Sorry, by the way, have you seen Ratbeard?" Rachel asks him a rushed tone.

"You chasin' Ratbeard? He come barrelin' through here like a greyhound with his tail on fire! Ran out the front door! Go git 'im!" Prospector said encouragingly.

The crew nod and rush out and see another toad. Warwick asks for Ratbeard next.

"You lookin' for Ratbeard? He went that way, toward the docks." The toad explains, they rush to the docks.

"Did we miss him?" Sally asks as the crew looks around.

"Pssssssst!" Sally turns and sees a familiar old blind cat. "Blind Mew?" Rachel asks as the cat nods and motions them over.

"Looking for Ratbeard, are we Captain? I can help you, younglings." He says as the group walk over.

"I know precisely where Ratbeard has gone. How, you ask?" Blind Mew said.

"We didn't..." Warwick muttered using Sally's head as an arm rest.

"I may be blind, but I have acute 'earing." Blind Mew goes on to explain. 

"Isn't that all blind people?" Warwick muttered already tired of this old cat's talking.

"I distinctly heard a group of six pirates running by. From the sound of their panting and their distinct smell, they were definitely Wharf Rats. I heard Ratbeard himself call to raise sail for home. It's well known Ratbeard and his gang make port at the Blood Shoals in the channel beyond." Blind Mew says.

Sally grunts to confirm and she and others prepare to leave but Blind Mew has more to say, "There's no time to waste!"

"I agree so if ye can-" Warwick is interrupted.

"TAlk to Dockmaster Dan and take possession of that death trap- I mean boat."

"You know what ye meant-" Rachel sneers.

"Race to Blood Shoals- you'll find him." Blind Mew finishes.

Rachel and Warwick glare at the old cat while Sally goes to Dan.

"There's your ship. She ain't pretty, but she'll fly at least as far as Blood Shoals. Head up on the Pier to claim her, and be on your way. Good Hunting!" Dan says and points in the direction of the pier.

The group rush to the Pier and are met with their boat.

Subodai hangs up Sally's family's sail cloth.

"Rachel, I'm no good at Steering and something tells me Warwick shouldn't be at the wheel. So would ye like to commandeer the ship from now on?" Sally asks Rachel who salutes before going to the steering wheel.

The crew work together to unfurl the sails and prepare to sail to Blood Shoals.

Warwick lays in the middle of the deck drinking rum from his flask.

Sally looks down at him from where she was among the sails, she shakes her head amused while the rest of crew enjoy the wind blowing through their fur and hair.

"We're at Blood Shoals!" Rachel announces causing everyone to snap out of it.

Rachel parks the ship and they all jump off minus Warwick who falls face first on the sand.

Sally sighs at him and helps him up.

Sarah walks a little ahead of the group and spots something in the sand.

"Ratbeard will answer for his treachery!" Sarah said her voice dripping with malice.

"Hot..." Warwick mutters causing Rachel to raise an eyebrow at him. She then sees he wasn't talking about Sarah but rather the sun beaming down on him, Sally was fanning him with her pirate's hat with one arm, the other holding him up.

"It's all the rum ye've been drinking. Dumbass..." Rachel mutters.

Sally turns slightly, as best as she could without dropping the older boy, "Ye guys stay here for now, see if ye can find or buy us some better materials for the ship-er boat- no wait I said that right the first time." Sally says causing the others minus Rachel, and Sarah to nod in agreement.

"Sally be careful little one." Subodai said to the girl who he's been raising since her parent's death.

"I won't let anything happen to her, dai dai, and something tells me Rachel will kill anyone who'd try anyway." Warwick said his head finally clear enough for him to be able to stand again after Sally gave him something to eat and some water.

Subodai chuckles as he and Bonnie Anne lead the rest of the crew  near the vendors.

Sally and Rachel turn around and see Warwick and Sarah heading inside the cave.

"Okay then." Rachel muttered causing Sally smile amused at her then the girls follow.

Upon entering the cave they see the dead crew sitting at a table covered in food.

"Oh shit they be dead." Warwick said poking one of the dead crew members with his staff.

"Looks poison I wouldn't try eating this stuff..." Rachel muttered just as Warwick was about to eat a banana.

"Nevermind then." Warwick said throwing the banana at a dead pirate.

"Where is Ratbeard then..." Sally said as the group eye around the area they were in.

Warwick notes a door behind him and points at it to alert the girls, "Let's try that door."

The group jog over to the door only to interrupted by the sudden appearance of a ghost.

"Ah hell nah, the devil is a liar!" Warwick said pointing his staff at the ghost of a dead rat. He pulls Sally and Rachel behind him ready to ghost busters the rat.

"Wait! You still live- stay and hear my tale of woe, I beg ye." Lasko says pleadingly.

Rachel sighs tired, while Warwick and Sally groan.

"Whaddya want?" Rachel asked.

"Look upon us, you who yet breathe, and pity our cruel lot. Ratbeard, our captain-" Lasko is interrupted by Sally.

"Ye we got that yer wasting our time, what do ye want?" Sally said already annoyed at all these hold ups.

"In short Pirates, The food was poisoned! He killed us all and left us here, a feast for crabs. He'll have all the treasure for himself. Unless you stop him, that is..." Lasko says.

Sally, Rachel and Warwick eye each other tired and annoyed while Sarah shakes her head and throws her own back to stop her growing headache. The smell of the dead pirates mixed with the smell of mildew was starting to set in.

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