Banana Bus Squad Preferences

By Coffee-Addict-020

14.4K 291 63

Yay another preference about a few of my favorite youtubers aka The Banana Bus Squad. VanossGaming (Evan F... More

How You Met-
How They Ask You Out-
First Date-
Phone Contacts-
Best Friend-
How You Sleep/Cuddle-
Favorite Place To Kiss-
Nervous/Bad Habit-
Who He's Jealous Of-
Who You're Jealous Of-
His Turn On's-
Your Turn On's-
They Caught You Singing-
Lazy Days-
Little Quirks He Likes-
On Your Period-
Mental Health Issues?-
Mental Health PT 2, Story Line-
They Slap Your Butt-
Height Differences-
What You Steal Of His-
What He Loves Seeing You In-
He Finds Out You're Ticklish-
When You Play with His Hair-
Dinner Dates-
When He Protects Your Innocents-
What He Does When You Cry-
Baking Together-
When You're Injured-
You Make Them Blush-
They Make You Blush-
When You Have A Disability-

He's/You're Sick-

141 5 3
By Coffee-Addict-020

VanossGaming (Evan Fong)-  Lately you've began to notice something wrong with Evan, he's not as cheery and happy as he used to be. He seems to be more tired than usual and he doesn't crack a lot of jokes these days. You were worried something happened but you began to notice him blowing his nose and or sneezing you could finally relax and think he's probably sick from not only the Canadian weather but stress can sometimes make people sick so they can stop and relax for a while.

You knew Evan was also stubborn as fuck and wouldn't take a sick day but you being his girlfriend were going to force him to calm himself and rest. It was around the afternoon and Evan was getting some recording/editing done. You were currently making herbal tea, had antibiotics with water, and were making soup for Evan.

You had crackers incase he has an upset stomach and a thermometer to check if he had a fever. Once you had finished making everything, you set everything on a serving tray and walked up to his room. You struggled to open the door, but once you managed, you walked in seeing Evan on his computer and sniffling/coughing away. You sighed "Ev, get off the computer right now and lay down" you said,

Evan sighed "not right now" he groaned weakly. You set the tray down and walked up to him. You pulled his chair back, made sure his editing was saved and shut down the computer and plugged it out because you knew he was too weak to even try to plug it back in "what the hell" he complained miserably,

You put your hands on your hips and gave him a stern look. He sighed "get on the bed right now" you ordered, he weakly got up from his chair and onto his bed which made him sneeze and cough a bit. You grabbed the thermometer and looked at him "open" You said, he rolled his eyes but opened his mouth as you put the thermometer in his mouth and waited a moment.

You felt how warm his head was which made you sigh a bit. The meter beeped, which made you look to see it was at 101.5. You frowned "you have a fever Evan, you need to rest" You said, he sighed "I'm not tired" He pouted like a child, you rubbed his hair "Don't care. I brought medicine, tea, water, crackers and soup so eat up then go to sleep and get better. If I even see you attempt to get on your computer I'm going to tie you to the bed" You explained,

Evan laughed but coughed again "Kinky okay" he joked, you smiled and shook your head as you brought over the tray of food "Eat" you said, he sighed but nodded as he ate his food, drank his tea and took his medicine. You were about to leave to let him rest, but he grabbed your hand which made you look at him "Stay?" he asked,

You smiled softly but nodded which made him smile as he pulled you into his bed. You both got comfy as you were big spoon and he was little spoon. You rubbed his back and his hair and soon enough he was out like a light which made you giggle softly and soon enough get some sleep yourself because why not?

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- Oh you knew he was sick and he knew he was sick but what did he do? Absolutely nothing, he was very, very stubborn and no matter how many times you scolded him about being sick he acted like a huge baby claiming he wasn't sick and that he was fine...

He was sneezing and blowing his nose a lot let alone having coughing fits. He groaned all the time and didn't eat much of anything. He was constantly in and out of the bathroom and that's when you finally called it quits. You turned took his computer cord and hid his camera so he couldn't record or edit videos and that's when he finally got pissed.

You made him some tea, got him advil and made him some soup and crackers. You walked up to his room and walked in to see David looking miserable on his bed. You smiled sadly "Aw finally succumb to your sickness?" you asked, he looked at you and sniffled "well, if someone didn't take the fuckin computer away I wouldn't be here" He pouted,

You rolled your eyes "you young man are sick and need to rest. So feckin eat and rest or I will take away the entire internet" you threatened and handed him the tray of food. He just sighed and nodded as he took his medicine before eating his food.

You nodded proudly "Okay now, get some rest. I will be downstairs if you need anything" You said, "Can ya stay? Please?" he asked, you smiled and nodded as you sat with him in bed and you turned on some youtube and pretty much took care of the man child all day and night until he was better.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- Tyler absolutely hated being sick but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to take care of himself. Whenever he was sick he would always do everything himself and make sure not to risk you getting sick so he would try to hide that he was sick but you knew damn well he was and you would always, always try to help and offer him some relief but he'd just get irritated and complain about being sick but you were patient and if Tyler needed help he'd come to you...

Eventually a few days in, Tyler was only getting weaker and by that point he didn't leave his bed and would finally ask you for help. You'd make him soup, get him medicine and water, you would run him a hot bath and just stay with him until he felt better and when he did, he'd apologize for acting like an ass but either way you still loved him.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- Having ADHD sucks most of the times because you can't really stop yourself from doing things that'll make you sick and well one day it was pouring rain and you couldn't help but run around in it and well you woke up the next day with a fever, you were also cold, your throat hurt, your nose was runny but clogged and you just didn't feel well.

Jon of course teased you saying 'I told you so' but you could only pout and whine which made Jon smile at your sick pouty face and help take care of you. He didn't allow you to get up or do literally anything besides go to the bathroom. He was your personal nurse and even did a silly voice to make you giggle and smile which it did of course cause it's Delirious.

He made you food, got you medicine, stayed with you till you fell asleep and even held your hair back incase you threw up which you did a few times but he was always there for you 24/7 until you felt better which after a few days you did.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- It was around the fall time so it was starting to get colder which while you loved the fall and wintertime, there were some downsides to it, because you had an ED, you were very anemic so you could get sick super easily...also you never really told Panda that you could get sick easily and were anemic because you didn't think it was important and the fact that you haven't gotten sick so you didn't think it was a big deal...

However, whenever you'd get your daily exercise for the day and walk to get some coffee you didn't have the proper warm clothes. I mean you were wearing sweats and a jumper but you had no beanie or gloves on so let's just say after doing that for days on end and ending up sicker and sicker...yeaaaa wasn't a very good idea.

You didn't really think anything of it. I mean you were cold yea and you felt warm, had a slight cough and nose was runny but it's been like that for a few days now and you thought it was just everytime you go outside so you stopped going outside for a little bit in hopes that you would get better...but let's just say you didn't get better.

You began to cough more and sneeze more and that's when Anthony started to notice. You groaned as you walked into the kitchen with a blanket around your shoulders to get some coffee. Anthony was currently making food until he got startled by you sneezing. He jumped and looked at you "Holy shit you scared the hell out of me" He said,

You smiled weakly "C-can you make me some coffee please?" You asked nasally, Anthony frowned "Awe baby, what happened to you?" He asked, you frowned "I-I might've underestimated my ability to get sick" You said, Anthony looked confused "I'm anemic" you said, he sighed "This is why you don't go outside" he said,

You huffed and rolled your eyes "I know that now" You said and sniffled, Anthony chuckled "Yea and look at what happened" He said, you huffed "Fine. I've learned my lesson" You said, he chuckled and kissed your hot head "Good. Now go lay down. Let me take care of you" He said,

You groaned but nodded as you coughed and sneezed before heading back up to your room and plopped on your bed with a tired sigh. A few moments later, Anthony came up with medicine, food and coffee. You weakly sat up as Anthony helped you take your medicine "Poor baby" he said, you frowned "Just try and eat something and rest okay?" he said brushing your hair out of your face, you just nodded as he kissed your head and left you to eat and rest...let's just say you definitely learned your lesson.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)- You were currently at Brian's house, hanging out with him. You were in his room as he was making and editing videos. You didn't really feel well lately. Your head hurts, you were sneezing and coughing a bit, not to mention you were cold and hot. You whined a bit "B?" You sighed,

He looked at you and frowned "What's wrong beautiful?" He asked, "I don't feel good" You whined, he smiled softly as he got out from his chair and sat next to you. He put his hand on your head which was hot, you coughed a bit and sneezed which made you groan "Well Love, looks like you got a case of the flu. But don't ya worry. I'll take good care of ya" he said and pampered your face with kisses which made you giggle and smile a bit.

Brian brushed your hair out of your face "Let's see, let's run you a nice hot bat, then I'll make ya some nice hot soup and we can cuddle and watch whatever ya want deal?" He asked, you smiled and nodded which made him smile as he picked you up and took you to the bathroom.

You and him have had moments like this before but it doesn't mean it doesn't make you shy and embarrassed still. Brian set you on the edge of the bathroom sink and started up the bath. You shivered a bit and sneezed which made you whine a bit.

Brian chuckled slightly and came over to you and kissed your head "don't worry Love, I'll take good care of ya" he said and kissed your head which made you blush and smile. Brian helped you undress then put you in the hot water.

You let out a small sigh as the hot water felt nice. He washed your hair as he started cracking jokes and doing impressions which always makes you giggle and smile.

After your bath, you could manage getting dressed as Brian made you some soup. When you finished getting dressed, you sat on the bed and waited for Brain. When he got back, he had tea, soup and some Ibuprofen which made you smile as he set the tray of food in front of you and sat next you.

You smiled and leaned against Brian "Thank you Bri. I love you" You said, he smiled and kissed your head "Of course Love, I love you too" He said and continued to take care of you until you got better.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- Scott was such a HUGE complainer when he got sick and you knew he was sick because not only was he the CLINGEST person ALIVE but he would just bug you're lucky that you're Evan's sister so you can tolerate a lot of shit and Scotty definitely pushed so many buttons while he was sick. Not only was he coughing and sneezing ever minute, but he whined to you about everything about what he wanted to eat, the medicine, and what he wanted to drink or if he wanted to take a shower even to reach the remote for him.

You were SO lucky you loved him and wanted him to get better but he was the WORST when he was sick because he was just a sick little puppy who clung to your side and commanded you to do literally everything for him...But you knew once he was better, he apologized for being a little shit and made it up to you by getting you whatever you wanted, when you wanted.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- Having the flu was the absolute worse. One day you felt fine, the next you were puking up stomach acid to the point you began crying after everytime you threw up because it hurt you so bad. Your face was pale, you couldn't keep anything down, you were so dehydrated and exhausted. You were coughing and sneezing every minute. You were hot and so were just absolutely miserable and Marcel felt so damn bad for you.

You could barely talk, you could barely move, Marcel has tried everything to make you feel better and would do anything to make you comfortable. He got you anything you needed, made you hot baths, got you as much medicine as you needed and would stay with you until you fell asleep...

He felt so bad that you were so sick and that there was nothing he could do but just try and make you feel comfortable. Days and days went by and you started to feel better but you still couldn't talk. Marcel still wanted you to just rest and stay in bed and if you needed anything, he'll give it to you, so you did your best to just rest and hopes that you get better.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- You've been feeling pretty off lately and you didn't understand why, you thought it was your medication, the weather or allergies but your nose has been runny, you've been very cold and your throat has been scratchy all day but you mainly felt fine and you didn't think it was that bad.

Brock has been recording so you didn't want to bother him. You sighed and finished up the dishes then lied on the couch with a groan. You sniffled and turned on the t.v and placed a blanket over yourself. You shivered slightly and sighed as you watched random tv shows and soon enough you fell asleep.

When Brock finished making and editing videos, he sighed as he went to check on you. He knew you were downstairs doing the dishes so once he headed downstairs to hear the tv running. Once he got downstairs he walked over to see you sleeping on the couch.

However, you looked quite pale which made Brock a little worried. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and put a hand on your head to feel it was quite warm, he frowned and saw you shivering slightly. He sighed as he kissed your head and headed to the kitchen to make you some soup.

After a couple of minutes, you weakly fluttered your eyes open to the smell of soup which made your stomach growl. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and lifted your head up to see Brock in the kitchen cooking. You weakly got up and wrapped a blanket around yourself and headed to the kitchen.

Brock looked at you and smiled softly "Hey, you're awake. I take it you aren't feel well so I'm making you some soup" He said kindly, you smiled tiredly as you walked up to him and leaned against him "Thank you Brockie" you whispered,

He smiled and kissed your head "Of course, then after you eat, I'll run you a hot bath, I'll give you some medicine and we can cuddle all you want" He said, you smiled tiredly and nuzzled against him which made him smile, rub your back and kiss your head "I love you" you whispered, "I love you too" he said and took care of you until you felt better.

(Lmao these fucking suck and I rushed most of these, but whatever, enjoy!)

(3000 Words)

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