An answer to my dreams(Damian...

By Smiles1781

4.9K 184 10

Another of these full trigger warnings. I don't own DC and all that yeah enjoy. Sorry if it sucks. ... More

House of bats
Monkeying around.
Nature vs Nurture...
Mannerly men
Mornings and meditation
Time flys
Ice cream and birthdays.
Respect all trust few
The fine art of bullshit
T is for tramua
Ripping my heart out for you know the intergalatic demon also...
I dont like this
Hey one question: what the hell!
Does water usually not do that...?
Lets disappoint each other
Kicking the assassins ass
So...i dont feel so good
The hospital
The end

Hey guys...

115 7 1
By Smiles1781

I leave the hospital today. Max said Emma's parents aren't giving a funeral so me and him payed respects to her room, with followers from the hospital shop. Then I said my goodbye to him. I can't believe she's dead.  I get out to the car Starfire narrowed from Bruce, and she puts the wheel chair in back. I sit in the front."you know I'm not using the wheel chair right." She laughs."Of course you're are. I'll Cary you if you don't." We drive for a while. Eventually we get to the manner. She parks and flies around and gets the wheel chair out. I shake my head standing. Then I'm picked up."fine.fine...I'll use the stupid wheel chair...but only at the manner. No way in hell at the tower." She sighs."I'll work with that." I sit down, and she pushes me up to the door. I tell her just go in, and then get the boys, so I can tell them. I roll around the corner and listen to them gather. "I wonder if this is what his secret research was about. ""Whats Starfire doing here""Why are we all being brought together." I hear Starfire call our."Thats all of them." I sigh."You all can hear me just fine right. I want you all to close your eyes." I hear dick yell."It's the surprise she was talking about, I can't wait to find out what it is." Once that happens. I hear."they're closed. Then i roll out."keep them closed. So recently I don't know if you heard or not but me and Starfire went on a retreat. It wasn't actually a was a visit to...the hospital. Dicks eyes fly open."oh no." The others eyes open."what happened." Asks Jason. I look down."I'm sick...the doctor said I only have about a month or two left... I haven't told Damian or the other titans yet..." I start to cry."I don't want to die."my crying turns to coughing and I reach towards Starfire. She flies to the back of my wheel chair bringing out a baggy. I cough into the bag, a goop of blood."no..."
I hear Tim say. I'm enveloped in arms."we'll find a way to fix this. Tim grabs his iPad ."Bruce found out yesterday, he's been trying to figure out how to fix it...I don't know if we can..." Dicks crying. Jason pulls away. Then storms out of the room. Starfire pulls Dick off me, and then to my surprise. I turn and see Damian in the door way. I watch Starfire pull dick out of the room. "I'm going to the cave." Says tim." Beloved." Damians voice is hoarse. He looks...scared."what..."he starts to walk towards me. My eyes release tears again."how much did you hear?" He shakes his head."what do you mean. Why are you in a wheel chair. My stomach turns. Oh no...I rematch the back of the wheel chair my arm extended back. I get a bag and vomit some blood and stomach acid again..."beloved." After that I cough a bit. Then I twist and knott the bag. Damian is still stunned." I'm sick." I say"I have a month or two to live." Damians eyes grow. "No." He marches towards me. I stand up and walk towards him quickly.spots dance in my vision. I look at Damian, and then I watch my world view drift to the side...not my, I'm eyes drop closed and I feel arms catch me."Umbra." Someone yells. When I open my eye again, I'm on a bed. Starfire is glaring."They said no running." I sigh."fine... it won't happen again." She nods."good." Then Damian is there."Beloved." He looks like he's going to cry."Damian..." I put my arms out and he engulf me in a hug."There has to be a way to fix this." He mumbles. I look away."no...the doctors said it's to late for treatment, and I'm terminal." He growls."then we find better doctors." I sigh."Your father and Tim are looking...please...just hold me." He lays on the bed.i pull close to him."I don't want to die." I say."I want to live. I want to grow old with you." I sob onto his shirt. His arms hold me tightly. Enveloping my frame. Pushing me closer to him. I lean off of him, gathering my breaths."the whole retreat was a cover up for the hospital visit. At the hospital I made a few friends. An 11 year old girl named Emma. She died yesterday. They told her she had at most a year, and she died yesterday. I don't want to die. I didn't want her to die. She didn't want to die. She wanted to turn 12. Why...why...why now. I...I don't want to die." I sob onto Damian. Eventually I pass out again, and when I wake up. Damian I sitting on the other side of the room. Yelling at his father."There has to be something!!!We can't just let her die!!!Please father!!!" Is he...crying. "I'm sorry Damian, I've looked at everything. No doctor. Nothing would help." I sit up."Damian..." I voice quietly. He looks over at me. Then back at his father he yells."No!!!i can't let her die!!!Please!!!no." I frown."Damian..." I push myself to the edge of the bed, slowly raising my body off the bed and onto my feet. I slowly walk towards Damian. And motion for Bruce to leave. I stand in front of him and cup his cheeks."I'm not dead yet, and I'll fight to the end to stay with you. I love you Damian. Do you hear me. I love you " he cries."I don't want you to die, I will find a way to save you." I wipe the tears from his eyes with my thumbs. And pull his lips to meet mine. "Just spend time with me now. That's all I want. "I mumble against his lips. He nods. Picking me up, and wrapping my legs around his waist. Moving me to the bed and dropping us both down. He hovers over me."I love you beloved." I smile."I love you too." I kiss him again."let's go to the tower now."and don't tell the others about this. I want to tell them, i m still figuring out how though. " he nods. And carries me to the wheel chair."but until then no wheel chair." I smile up at him. He sighs."then I'll carry you around." I smile at that."Starfire said the same thing just a lot more enthusiastic." I chuckle. We get to the car and Starfire smiles."You ready to go to the tower." I nod. This is going to be interesting. After a car ride of me and Damian singing together, as per my request and a lot of threats from Damian to Starfire we make it to the tower. I'd assume everyone is eating lunch about now. I slowly make my way to the elevator while the others get the bags. "I'm back" I say. And make my way to the kitchen."hiya." I smile. Beast boy and blue beetle are at the table eating pizza with raven."oh hey umbra." I smile, and sit down."so how are all of you?" I ask they nod."good. Blue beetle and beast boy made a special appearance on a cool talk show. It was awesome. Soon enough the conversation kicks off and I see the perfect opportunity." If you knew you were going to die soon, what would you do?" I ask the conversation drifting into silence. The others walk into the room. Damian and starfire Beast boy chocked on his pizza."what do you mean? Are you dying or something?" I laugh."No I'm not going to's just hypothetical. A hypothetical conversation." I say. That I hope sounded close enough to the truth."Hypothetical." Raven repeats for me." for example...if ,you suddenly lost your sense of taste, and you couldn't swallow anything other than liquids and keep it down. If your vision would suddenly go dark with out warning, and your head heart and let you with such a horrible ringing in your ears you couldn't sleep at night. And painful and bad attacks of nausea that seemed strange. If you went to the doctor and they told you it was to late for treatment. What would you do?" I ask. My voice wavering. Blue beetle speaks up."is this...really just hypothetical?" He asks. I sigh out. "Yeah." I say steady. There's silence for a second, and beast boy says."I don't video games until I kicked the can maybe." Raven looks at me."All of the things I had always wanted to do." Blue beetle sighs."see my family, and see them as much as I could."I nod. Turning back to Damian and Starfire. Their faces contorted."Right my wrongs and spend time with those I cared about." This time, Starfire gives me a good answer."Have fun, and sight see." I nod. Some of this actually possible, because the medications are helping still to a point just so long as I move slow. After our conversations end talking about where we'd want to go, I exit the room slow and make my way to my room. The second I make it through the door. Something feels off. My stomach has this acidic burning going off. It's sending tingles through my body. I crunch down. A hand flying to my mouth. I sit like that till a knock resided from my door and Damian walks in. I stand quickly. Thankfully this didn't mess me up, and I make my way to my bed. I sit down and save him. He walks over sighing"Why didn't you tell them." I look away."My friend Emma gave me some advice before she died. I'm following it. They don't need to know till it's mandatory." I smile. Then as we sit there for a while I smile saying."I think I want to see the watchtower." He sighs."Are you sure?" I nod."and Superman's fortress of solitude. And the Bahamas. And I want to go to a pretty beach and then see a jungle." I smile at him."I'll talk to father." I nod as he leaves the room. The second he's out the door. I make my way careful not to push to fast. And hurl into the toilet. I didn't know today could have been so stressful. I stand up again. I need a shower. I crawl in and sit in the ground feeling the warm water roll down my body. I'm going to die. I'm sick. I can't fix this. Might as well try to make the most of this. I push myself off the ground. I want to be remembered as fun. I push myself out of the room, and into the living room where beastboy is playing some video games."Can I play too?" I ask he smiles and nods."Sure." I grab a remote and we start playing some games.  Maybe just maybe I can make my last month or so fun. After video games are over, Damian walks in."Beloved are you ready to go?" I pop myself off the ground quick. Spots dance, so I stand there for a second waiting for my vision to return. Then I walk over to him. "Yep." He grabs my hand, And I wave good by to the others. First stop the watchtower. I can't wait. I mean, it's supposed to be amazingly cool there and I'm one of the few hero's who haven't seen it. This is going to be so much fun. And Damian is going with me.

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