An answer to my dreams(Damian...

By Smiles1781

5.1K 185 10

Another of these full trigger warnings. I don't own DC and all that yeah enjoy. Sorry if it sucks. ... More

House of bats
Monkeying around.
Nature vs Nurture...
Mannerly men
Mornings and meditation
Time flys
Ice cream and birthdays.
Respect all trust few
The fine art of bullshit
T is for tramua
Ripping my heart out for you know the intergalatic demon also...
I dont like this
Hey one question: what the hell!
Does water usually not do that...?
Lets disappoint each other
Kicking the assassins ass
So...i dont feel so good
The hospital
Hey guys...
The end


105 6 0
By Smiles1781

Today I see the doctor. I got a message stating Damian will be fine for a few more days, so what ever I find out today I can't tell anyone about...except Starfire that is. I'm going to have her come since I'm not an adult yet and stuff, she can pretend to be my mom, I'll tell her it's an undercover mission as a parent of me. She'll love it. In fact I told her about it last night as I drank kool aid. And she jumped around. So in a few minutes she is coming in her disguise. I push myself out of the bed. Throwing on some normal clothes and shoes, then making my way out of the room. Where I'm meet with a very tall looking normal woman, who just so happens to be my'Mother' today. We make our way out of the building, and get to the hospital, I go in sign in and then wait with Starfire. Korri is her name on the paper. "L/n" I hear a lady call out. I stand from the seat feeling my eyes flutter as my vision spots. Korri follows with me as they check my height temperature weight blood pressure, and pulse. Then they take me into another room and me and her sit there. My head didn't feel as bad today so I'm hoping that it was just nothing. And the worst is behind me. Then again, this was something I occasionally experienced when I was growing up so maybe there is a real problem. But who knows. There's a knock at the door and a nice lady comes in."Sorry we forgot to hand you the paperwork in the waiting room it seems." I smile,"it'a alright." She nods."since nobody else is here at the moment though, I can ask you the questions on the paperwork, and write them down for you." I nod."that would be very appreciated." I smile. She asks me my last  cycle..*hem**hem* I answer. Aka-ward.. she asks about cough, lumps any swelling, eventually we get down to why I'm here,  how do I explain."It started when I was little as was in and out till recently, it just had been a lot worse recently. It started with the loss of taste in the things I liked. My mouth being dryer and everything not processing in flavor. Then I progressed with my head ringing and feeling like it was going to implode. After that I got random nausea spells through out the day, and couldn't hold down solid food anymore, and now I have a really bad cough that feels like my lungs are folding themselves." She nods,"Have you had any other symptoms?" I nod."When I stand up my eyesight blacks out for a second, and sometimes I see spots when I'm doing something, my feet and hands feel numb and tingly and get really cold a lot. " she nods."I'll send the doctor in in a moment." I nod. When she leaves, another woman comes in."Hello I'm Dr.Alice" I smile,"hi." She takes a seat on a small chair."so I understand you've had a few concerning symptoms recently. And that they've happened before?" I nod. She repeats back to me some of the things I listed and then, she asks me to lay back, checking my breathing. When I lean forward. Another coughing fit hits. Bad... I feel my lungs pushing something out. Almost like when you cough and have a small amount of water in your mouth. Except instead of water blood comes out. It's quiet for a second once a clot comes out then she sits back."Has that happened before?" She asks. I shake my head."that's blood...why is there blood." I look to her."I am not sure yet. Excuse me." She stands up, leaving the room, coming back with a two nurses. They give me an IV, then put me on a heart monitor."we're going to monitor your vitals and take some blood." I nod."Mrs. could you please leave the room." Starfire nods, standing and exiting to the waiting room. I sit there. As a nurse comes and takes blood."You said you've had very bad migraines as well right." I nod. She comes over and checks in my ears."You don't have an ear infection." I nod and she says."Open wide." I open my mouth for her to see my throat." I'm going to see about having you get an MRI as soon as possible ok sweetie?" I nod. An hour or so passes it's about mid day now, another lady comes in and takes me to another room with a very odd look I'm circular machine. She says that ones for CAT scans. She shows me a more tube like machine and says this ones for the MRI. She helps me into the bed and lays me back, i am told to just hold still. I sit there focused on the ringing in my ears.  Soon enough, she comes and gets me out. When I get back to the room, Starfire is there. I sit back on the bed. At some point they had had me change into a medical gown. I sit there. Another coughing fit hits and I cough up blood again. This time though into a tray thanks to a nurse. After she leaves, another tray next to me, a new nurse comes in. They're changing my room. I'm pushed through halls into a nicer room."Do you want something to draw with, a movie or channel put on, I have a few decks of cards also I think." I smile."A kiss channel works." She nods a sad smile on her face. I wonder why they changed my room. Starfire seems off as well."Y/n...They want you to stay over night for observation, they'll tell us the results of their tests tomorrow. I'm going to go pick some things up from the tower. Is there something you want me to bring you?" I nod."my laptop and it's charger would be nice." She nods."and maybe my blanket." She smiles."I'll be back soon." As soon as she leaves I peace together this isn't good. And that this is really bad. And then. I throw up into the tray. A nurse walks in. And gives me a new tray."oh sweetie." She pats my back."you haven't eaten all day have you?" I shake my head."Is there something you want me to get you? Pudding, jello, a sandwich?" I nod."I'll take a pudding and jello." She nods and comes back with both. I wonder if these will stay down. Surprisingly they don't. And I end up watching a nurse carry them away. I lean back and watch the cartoons on the TV. My head throbbing again. I cough not as bad this time. And rest back. Closing my eyes. When I open them. Starfire is here. She looks a bit sadder."They have results. And, all I know is they aren't happy about them." I nod slowly. Grabbing my blanket from her. Dropping it over myself. She looks really sad.A knock resides from the door. And in walks a new Dr."Hi I'm Dr.Tom" I smile."hello." He sits down grimly."This may sound cruel. I'm sorry to say..." he takes a deep breath, and moves a bit. I sit up looking towards him."With your condition as it is and the test results we received...the amount of time you have left is not long. I'm afraid maybe a mont or two, we have a medication to help with the pain and discomfort but I'm afraid there is no treatment." With that I stop treatment. I cut off whatever he's saying."Does that...does that mean..." I look him in the eyes."Am I dying?" He nods a grim face apparent."yes.I'm sorry." I take a shaky breath. Then I turn to Starfire."I don't want them to know." She nods."But wouldn't it be best-" no."No." I yell at her."sorry." I say afterwards."I don't want to worry them. And I will tell them...just not yet." She nods."but if I feel it out of hand I will inform the team." I nod. She and I listen to the doctor as he keeps talking explaining the issues I have and why they occurred. They give Starfire the prescription. She leaves and picks it up. I'm stuck here for the next week at least. Starfire said she'll tell the teacher I went to a resort and I'll be back soon. She also picked up the prescription for when I get back. I sit there for a while. The doctor said to try to stick to liquids as much as I can. Not to stand up to fast if I can help it and to use a wheelchair well at the hospital to make sure that if I collapse I don't meet the floor to harshly, because that is a high probability now it seems. Since this is a children's hospital though I was told there's an amazing games room, so I think I'm going to have one of the nurses take me to check it out. When star gets back I decide against it and ask her to take me instead. As she rolls me through the halls, I see other kids. Sick and wounded. I wonder how many are dying. I'm only going back because there's medical equipment there and they can help me just as much there as they can here. It's dark by now, and the room seems mostly empty, but there is a small child with a breathing mask sitting doing a puzzle and a toddler with an amputated leg playing on a slide with her mother. I see an Wii set up and point at if for star. We sit down and I convince her to play a Mario cart game. I pick daisy and she picks peach. We race a bit but she's not all that good. Another kid comes in. Probably about 14. He is in a wheel chair also. He rolls up,"Can I play?" I nod. "You must be pretty bad to be here, they only show this to the dying or severe injuries and illness patients." I don't know how to respond."How long have you been here?" He asks."they changed my room a few hours ago after getting some tests back." He nods."So you're really sick?" He asks looking at me. I shake my head."dying, no fixing me." He nods."that sucks, I was given the same a few...what's it been...months ago." I nod."oh. I'm sorry." He scoffs."Dont apologize, what's they give you?" I look at my hands."a month or two." He nods."oh." I grab the tray from Starfire, a coughing fit breaking out. I cough up the blood, wow that got worse fast. Then again this has been progressing my whole life I guess... I look back to the boy."so how old are you?" I ask him he smiles."just turned 14. How about you?" I smile."just turned 15." He nods."good luck." I chuckle at that."same to you." We play some Mario cart and Starfire comes back a new tray for me. "The game room is just about to close, I'll push you back to the room." I sigh."ok..." when we get back to the room she smiles."I told the guys I'm going with you on the cover up retreat. So I have both our bags packed and I'm not leaving your side." I smile. She's so cheery...then again I've changed too become more cheery also I guess... they have a pull out couch next to my bed in this nice room, so she has a place to sleep. This is going to be a long week.

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