Kylo Ren Imagines

By hlgarcia

45.7K 446 48

A Collection of Kylo Ren Imagines. More

Author's Note
Beauty and the Beast
Little Cupids
Latenight *SMUT*
Face Beyond the Mask Part One
Face Beyond the Mask Part Two
Face Beyond the Mask Part Three
Face Beyond the Mask Part Four
Dark Empress Part One
Dark Empress Part Two
Night Terrors
Another Night
Dreamless World
Jedi Dame
Unlikely Bond (Smutish)
Over Night


3.4K 38 1
By hlgarcia

Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader

Word Count: 1,209

Warning: None

Summary: The reader is a high ranking officer in the Resistance army that also happens to be force sensitive, as the universe would have it, she gets connected to the Supreme Leader of the First Order.

The door opened and closed, behind you. Whomever, the person was that entered the room, was radiating with hesitation. You were sitting at the opposite head of the table as General Leia. The Resistance was in the middle of a very important meeting, to discuss the next move against the First Order. 

Coming into view, was one of the lower-ranking officers for the Resistance. You hadn't gotten around to introducing yourself to him, the feeling of guilt washed over you. That was something that you liked to know, you prided yourself with getting to know each of your fellow officers.

"I..I..I'm sorry to disrupt."  His nervousness was evident in his voice. "One of the pilots has requested the presence of Colonel Y/L/N." He spoke addressing the Resistance army.

Without looking at Leia, you could tell that she was sending a skeptical look your way soon replaced by a smirk.

The Captain and Leutient weren't all too pleased that you were requested elsewhere, allowing you to get out of the meeting. 

"Wait a minute here." The Captain spoke in a stern tone. "Why does this...this pilot need Colonel Y/L/N, and not someone else?" 

The officer stood, with widened eyes, as the color drained from his face. 

"Colonel Y/L/N, is too important to this meeting to go off and deal with some mediocre assignment." Huffing, he crossed his arms while leaning back in his chair. "Someone else should go."

"Enough," Leia spoke up. "That is nonsense." She cleared her throat before locking eyes with you. "Miss Y/L/N was requested. I will fill you in later. Now go."

Curtly nodding your head, you quickly gathered your belongings before rushing out of the room, with the officer on your heels.

Once the door was shut, you turned toward the officer. "Colonel Y/L/N." You spoke, holding your hand out. "But everyone just calls me, Y/N."

 Nodding, the officer accepted your hand gently shaking it. "Private Smith." 

As you walked side by side, you continued the small talk. "Do you prefer being called that, or do you go by something else?"

Clearing his throat, he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Well.. Everyone else in the ranks either calls me Dave or Jak. Because I'm from Jakku."

Nodding your head, you smiled at him in which he warmly returned. "Okay, Jak." 

Continuing the venture through the halls, you continued the conversation, until you heard two voices that belonged to your two best friends.

"Y/N!" Finn was the first to reach you.

 Quickly he tugged you in for a firm hug. You had just gotten back from a top-secret mission with one of the other members of the army. Your team was lucky to get back in one piece.

"You're safe." He whispered more to himself than to you.

Pulling back slightly, you gripped his arms giving them a light squeeze. "I'm here Finn. I'm okay." You spoke softly offering him a warm smile.

"Y/N!" Poe pulled you in for a tight hug. "We were so worried about you." 


As you sat at the dinner table with your friends, the sound of laughter filled the air. The feeling of coziness and warmth washed over you. It was something you had missed while away on your months-long trip.

"Poe, and Y/N." Leia spoke, standing in front of your table. "Can I please speak to you two?"

Sending each other a worried glance, you excused yourselves and followed Leia into the hallway.

Leia stood before you, with her arms crossed over her chest as a stern expression was written along her features. 

"Poe, the next time you want to see miss Y/N, and she's in a meeting..." Her voice broke off. "You need to have an excuse ready." She winked at you both, before giving you both a hug. "Now, please try and stay out of trouble you too."

Once Leia, was out of sight, you turned toward each-other giggling, before long it was full-blown fits of laughter in the hallway. The laughing fit, earned glares from the other Resistance soldiers passing by.


As you were getting ready for bed, the feeling washed over you. The same feeling that you had almost all your life. You were force-sensitive, something that you had in common with Leia. More often than not, that was something that you always spoke to her about. You hadn't understood it since you had it.

Lately, you were getting these feelings more and more. You hadn't been connected with anyone yet, nor had you heard a voice that didn't belong to you. However, that changed all changed.

Sitting on your bed, staring at your hands you were able to sense the presence of another. Someone that you weren't familiar with. A dark presence.

Looking up, at the figure in front of you, you were quick to scramble to the other side of the room, clinging onto the wall for dear life. Quickly, you recognized the figure. It was Kylo Ren, dressed head to toe in his black uniform. As quick as he appeared, he was gone. 

Climbing into bed, you attempted to sleep. Tossing and turning, the thought of Kylo Ren standing before you in your bedroom, plaguing your mind. His image before you was only in your room for a split second, the time had seemed to go slow feeling like hours had passed. Quickly, questions had replaced the image of Kylo.

'What if he was able to see your surroundings?'

'What if he could see where the Resistance was?'

'What if-'

The sound of soft, but firm knocking on your door pulled you from your thoughts. It also caused you to jump out of your skin, making your heart race rapidly.

Making your way to the door, you opened it slightly, peering into the hallway. 



"I...I couldn't sleep." Finn spoke, dropping his gaze to his feet. "I had a nightmare."

Opening the door, you allowed Finn access into your room.

Time passed before there was another knock on your door. Sighing, you threw the blankets off making your way towards the door. You were surprised to see who was standing on the other side.



"General Organa." You spoke firmly. "Can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Of course." 

Following Leia into a more private room, you let out a sigh of relief.

"What is it?"

"Have you...Have you ever been connected to someone through the force?" You questioned gazing out of the window, into the airplane hanger, watched the pilots getting their planes ready for the next battle.

The sound of Leia's soft chuckle filled the air around you. Stepping beside you, she followed your gaze into the airplane hanger. 

"Yes, my brother Luke." 

"Are you able to see each other's surroundings?"

"No. We've only been able to see the other person." 

Silence fell between you.

"What is this about?" She questioned in curiosity.

"Oh, uh nothing."


Giving you a knowing look, she glided towards the door. "Just...Be careful."

Nodding your head in understanding, you placed your hands on the windows ledge once the sound of the door shutting echoed off of the walls. Hanging your head slightly, you let out a deep breath. The feeling of uncertainty overwhelming you. As your mind began being clouded with thoughts, the same feeling of darkness began washing over you.

"We meet again."

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