The Kids Aren't Alright

By Alicornofweirdness

35.6K 1.8K 7.1K

It was just supposed to be a simple bonfire party. Dancing, talking, and maybe a little drinking. But things... More

Prologue / Introduction
โœฐ Chapter One โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Two โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Three โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Four โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Five โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Seven โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Eight โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Nine โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Ten โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Eleven โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Tweleve โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Thirteen โœฐ
Thinking Space
โœฐ Chapter Fourteen โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Fifteen โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Sixteen โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Seventeen โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Eighteen โœฐ
Thinking space 2
โœฐ Chapter Nineteen โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-One โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Two โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Three + Thinking Space โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Four โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Five โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Six โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Seven โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty-Eight โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Twenty Nine โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Thirty โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Thirty-One โœฐ
โœฐ Chapter Thirty-Two โœฐ
KILLER EXPLAINED - โš ๏ธ spoilers โš ๏ธ

โœฐ Chapter Six โœฐ

1.1K 66 192
By Alicornofweirdness

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗

"I never thought it would be her you know, yeah she could be mean at times but she wasn't a bad person." rarity wiped the running mascara off her face, "she's just-"

"A narcissist." Rainbow Dash

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yelled, slapping rainbow with her hat.

"What? It's true."

"Isn't that what you are, Dash?" Sunset laughed historically 

"Actually no, sunset" Rainbow Dash walked over to sunset tussling her hair. "Let me educate you right quick. And not just you Sunset, all of you since you guys want to look at me like that"

Rainbow Dash reached into her backpack grabbing her phone.

"I'm gonna sit this one out, dash is about to educate y'all" Soarin said sitting on the curb next to Sunset.

"uh yeah no shit, she literally just said that" Sunset grabbed her vaping pen.

"Oh, so you vape? I'm not really surprised since you hang out with Adagio too."

"Can you not? I hate when people judge me off a damn vape."

"Oh my bad, I didn't mean for it to sound rude I just hate people who vape you know?" Soarin turned his direction to face Sunset. "It hurts your lungs and it can really affect your skin in the future."

"You think i'm stupid? I know that. I use this pen because I have horrible anxiety. I'm glad that no one has seen me have an anxiety attack or they'd shower me with pity."

Soarin and Sunset just sat there silently. The only noise that could be heard is Rainbow Dash hollering about the difference between narcissism and Confidence.

Sunset put her head in her hands, groaned to herself, lifted her head up and faced the direction of Soarin.

"Look, I'm sorry for going off on you but it's just I already work 2 jobs, go to highschool, and live by myself. Therapy is SO expensive these days, and I don't really know who to trust."

"It's okay. I can't exactly understand where you're coming from but I can support in whatever you choose to do."

"Thanks. You know, Rainbow Dash is really lucky to have you. Wish I could have someone like that." Sunset's facial expression lowered, she turned the other way looking at someone.

Soarin caught her staring at Twilight Sparkle. "So, you like her?" he said catching Sunset's attention.

Sunset blushed at first then replied. "I don't know honestly. I think I like two people at the same time but I keep on stressing over the fact that I know I could never be with either of them."

"And why's that?" Soarin asked.

"Well for starters, I don't even know if Twilight is straight or not or even ready for a relationship with anyone. I feel like she's flirting with me, but some people just act gay or affectionate to people you know? and Flash, we dated before but then I started acting out and getting attached to drugs. I don't so drugs anymore but I still vape to help with my anxiety."

"I don't even know what to tell you to be honest. I've only dated one person and that's Dash and I'm straight so I wouldn't know how that feels." Soarin patted Sunset on the back, while sunset put her head back in her hands. "Hey, I'm not really good on advice but I just want to tell you that you should just let things play out. Life is honestly unpredictable."

"Thank you, Soarin. Maybe you should be my therapist because honestly that felt good to let out." Sunset sighed in relief.

"Yeah but i'm gonna have to charge you like 50 bucks so I can new tires." Soarin chuckled.

"Haha, like that's ever gonna happen" Sunset lightly punched Soarin in the arm.

The two started to get up off the curb, and just in time went over to everyone while Rainbow Dash finished speaking.

"So, Sunset," Rainbow Dash came over to her, "Do you now know the difference between a narcissist and a person full of self confidence?"

"Yes, Dash. Thank you so much for educating me." Sunset bowed down.

· · · · ୨୧ · · · ·

𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Everyone was so calm, but I just can't understand why no is stressed. We are suspects of a murder, why is no one taking this seriously.

She's so pretty when she's crying, I thought to myself looking down at Rarity, but it's wrong to romanticize someone's pain.

She cried so hard, she eventually fell asleep on my lap. We were on the grass so I gently removed her head from my lap and walked towards everyone.

"Guys, we need to start thinking of plans and back up plans on how we are going to get through this." I took a deep breath, looking back at rarity and then focusing my attention towards everyone else. "We can't just treat this like a movie anymore, Reality and Fiction is different. In Fiction, you already know what's gonna happen but in Reality isn't hard to predict."

Big Mac rested his hand on my shoulder, "Eeyup. And since my truck is still where those police officers were, we are mostly likely just going to travel by foot."

"Damn Big Mac, that's the most amount of words I've ever heard from you" Rainbow Dash said while shocked.

"Euyup" Big Mac Replied.

"Yes and our first plan is to go back home because we have school tomorrow and the school already has doubts about us. Let's not start more rumors." Twilight responded, adjusting her glasses.

"Sounds like a good plan." Sunset smiled at Twilight. Twilight rubbed her shoulder and started to walk down the road and everyone followed her except sunset, me and rarity.

I noticed Sunset just standing there. I went over and placed my hand on her shoulder and rubbed it.

"I don't even know what I did wrong. It's just like everything I do, she's just uncomfortable." Sunset put her head down and let the tears run down her face.

"Are you crying over Twilight?" I asked.

"No, AppleJack. I'm just so stressed that i've been keeping everything bottled up and now it's starting to show because i'm getting triggered by such a little thing."

"I'm not going to ask what's wrong, but if you ever need to talk I'm always right here. I mean you even have my number."

"Yeah, that's true. Thanks for the talk but we really need to catch up with the others before we get left behind."

"Mhm." I turned around and walked back over to rarity to wake her up. She looked so peaceful, I just decided to carry her bridal style.

Sunset and I continued to walk down catching up with the rest.



"Are you gay?"

[ Gay panic ]

"No, I'm not. Why do you ask?" I replied calmly.

"I don't know, some people said you were gay because they saw you and rarity sitting on the grass together on a blanket right before this whole crazy murder happened."

"Uh, yeah. We were just talking, nothing happened."

"Oh okay."

It was silent until we finally caught up with the others.

"Okay so everyone lives in different neighborhoods. I live by Fluttershy, so me and her will go home together. The apple siblings live off the road so they can go together. Soarin, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are the only ones who don't live near anyone here. And lastly, Sunset and Twilight live in the same neighborhood." Rainbow Dash said. "Also guys don't forget to check your phones for any updates!" She said walking towards one way with Fluttershy.

"Bye AppleJack, please pray for me." Sunset said while walking towards Twilight.

Everyone scattered except for Big Mac, me and rarity, who i was still holding.

"Big Mac, I'll meet you there. I have to drop off Rarity."

Big Mac just nodded his head and started walking the other direction. I laid rarity on the ground, and tried to wake her by patting her gently. She finally woke up.

"Apple..Jack.." She said, her words fading out. "Where is everyone else?"

"I'll explain later but do you know which way you're house is? I need to make sure you get home safely."

"If we just walk through the woods, it will take us to Canterlot Estates." she pointed to the woods.

"The richest neighborhood here. Makes sense for someone as perfect and flawless as you." I flirted.

"Stop making me blush.." she smiled at me.

And we went walking through the woods together while holding hands.

· · · · ୨୧ · · · ·

𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙴𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎
𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"So are your parents home?" AppleJack asked.

"Not at the moment, they went on a business trip so it's just my sister and I."

AppleJack nodded her head.

I pulled the keys out of my purse and unlocked the door. I went inside and turned around to face AppleJack, who was standing outside.

"Hey AppleJack, I appreciate you walking me home. Maybe we should make that a daily thing." I smiled.

"Yeah we should. I should get going before I get in trouble with Granny Smith. She's old but she still knows how to hold a grudge." AppleJack laughed and so did I. She came in for a hug, and I hugged her back.

After she left, I closed the door and slid my body down against it. I was just so happy to see AppleJack. Not much later, it hit me. The realization that one of my friend's are dead and I'm not gonna see them anymore.

I went upstairs, locked my door and cried into my pillow. I cried so loud, even the whales would complain but I couldn't help it I was just hurt and angry.

It's hurts so much when you realize you will never see that person again.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·


also sorry to the people who read this on a computer but the words you cannot read are simply telling the time, location and perspective.

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