A Crystal Away •[ BNHA Katsuk...

Par MoriiiMoriii

308 18 2

To explore every corner of the world and discover whatever remains unknown or to be the greatest hero alive a... Plus

• Meet heroes from Land of Dawn! •


13 1 0
Par MoriiiMoriii

This chapter doesn't contain any BNHA characters yet but you'll get there real soon. I'm sorry if it's taking too long for Katsuki to show up :')

     The trip to barracks was spent wiping your tears. You didn't have to walk for long since the said building is close to the palace. You didn't have to worry about your fellow warriors-in-training seeing you.

     Since it's night, everyone is probably asleep especially that a big event will be held tomorrow just for them. An event you've been dreaming to be a part of yet they just had to take it away from you.

     You entered the barracks through the main door. It was dark and silent inside and you want to keep it that way. Slowly, you shut the door in order to prevent anyone from waking up.

     "Hey look! It's (Y/N)!" Your body flinched when a loud voice broke the silence. Once you turned to look, a guy was peeking out from his room door. Everybody else went out of their rooms to take a look at you as the lights were all opened and the silence was filled in with whispering and gossiping.

     "So, how's your day with the Lightborn? Got in trouble again, haven't you?" One guy came to your side and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 'Damn... this guy smells!' You scrunched your nose at the unpleasant odor his armpits are emitting.

     "I did not! Leave me alone will you?!" You took his arm and shoved it away as you attempt to leave. "Why do you smell like shit?!" Another guy bumped you on your back. He had a teasing grin as he looked down on you and you figured it's best if you backed away.

     More people came and surrounded you. You roamed your eyes, trying to find an opening between the crowd. All you want is to be alone right now and with all this people teasing and mocking, you're starting to feel even worse.

     "Awww is baby gonna cry again?" A guy mimicked a little kid's voice and teased you even more. You didn't even notice that tears were starting to form in your eyes 'till one of them pointed them out. You can hear them laughing, you can hear them making fun of you.

     "C'mon guys stop this!" You hear someone squeeze through and went infront of you. "Can't you see their not feeling well?" You looked up to the boy who just arrived at the scene. It was shocking that someone actually bothered to help. Everyone went quiet and stared at you and the boy.

     "It's fine now!" He faced you and wiped away your tears. His huge smile showed some reassurance and you gratefully returned it to him. "Thanks..."

     "You're no fun, Zenji!" One of them complained and everyone else agreed. Though, Zenji didn't mind and ignored him. "I know you feel bad because you can't join the graduation rites tomorrow but I have something that can make you feel better."

      You were curious yet you didn't ask anything. You felt his hands leave your cheeks and you saw him shove them both in his pockets.

     He quickly pulled his hands out. You didn't get a chance to see what was in it when you felt a slight pang hit you at both sides of your face. "Surprise!"

     A sticky and gooey liquid dripped from your cheeks. You hear everyone gasp at what happened and it didn't take long 'till laughing started.

     You opened your eyelids and saw egg yolk and whites coating your mud-smeared face. It was a cold and disgusting feeling on your skin and the eggs' smell made you wanna throw up. 'Are these rotten?!'

     "You really think I was on your side?" Zenji joined in with everyone's laughter. "What a dumbass! You gonna tell the Lightborn about this? You think they're going to believe you? HAHAHA"

     You thought you finally have a friend with your fellow warriors but in the end, they were all the same. Everyone here hates you because you were always the Lightborns' favorite. Everyone thinks you were doing that intentionally so the spotlight only shines on you.

     You've had enough as you pushed your way out of the crowd. Everyone still cackled and teased you from behind. Yet, you didn't want to care about them anymore. You hastened to reach your room and slammed the door shut as you entered.

     Gladly, your room always gave you a comforting and a safe ambiance. It was something you really needed after everything that happened today.

     You headed towards the huge window across your little room. You're actually lucky because you got the spot where you can see the entirety of the Imperial Sanctuary. That window occupied the whole wall and it is the first thing anyone would notice once they enter.

     You pushed the curtains to the side, letting the moonlight shine in your dim room. Then, you proceeded to open the window pane doors which is quite heavy due to their size.

     You sat on the window sill and let your feet swing back and forth. You were a bit high from the ground, high enough to see the rooftops of the houses outside. The late night breeze easily entered through your window and you felt it brush by your skin.

     You were still a mess. You're covered by bandages, a few twigs and leaves are still in your hair, the mud kinda dried out on your uniform and same goes with the rotten eggs on your cheeks. It felt really weird but you were too lazy to fix yourself at the moment.

     Instead, you simply gazed at the stars that always accompany the moon every night. They were always so beautiful even if you already saw them more than thrice in your life.

     Somehow, the scenery didn't help push away your thoughts. You're now calm after everything but you couldn't help feel frustrated. For you, it's still unfair that the princess wouldn't let you graduate when you've worked hard. They even managed to notice you!

     It could be because of the troubles you make or the efforts you poured out in trainings. Either way, your fellow warriors hated the recognition you are getting.

     It's a good thing that you are close with the Lightborn squad. Your dream isn't to graduate as an imperial warrior alone to be a part of the Lightborn. Being close to them is an achievement for you.

     A Lightborn is always looked up to. They're the courageous and brilliant heroes who protect the people. You want to be just like them, just like your bestfriend. Because of that, you always go beyond your limitations.

     Yet, you crave for something else. It's been in the blood of your race for centuries. As a Leonin, you always want to seek adventures. It's your dream as well.

     Life is too short and we must spend it in the best way possible! That best way seeking adventures and witnessing beautiful sceneries that only a few could ever see and experiencing things that could only happen once in a blue moon.

     It's still confusing to which dream you should continue. Both of them are important and it's a very hard decision to choose. You could be a great adventurer or you could be a great Lightborn hero. You want them both!

     Yet, what Fanny told you was right. You can't go on adventures if you're training as a warrior especially when you're aiming for a higher position. You must follow the rules and one of the rules is: "Never leave the empire without the princess's consent!".

     You already explored every single inch of the empire but you wanted to see more! You strayed farther and caused the Lightborn trouble each time they need to find you when you're lost and when they have to delay their tasks for you.

     You are a troublemaker. You never asked for their help but they lend you a hand anyway. They always worry about you like you can't handle yourself. Maybe convincing you to follow the rules is fine but always doing things you can do on your own is similar to looking down on your capabilities.

     All you want is a life where you can live your dreams. Sadly, you can't have that life in the world you live in.

     A knock on the door kicked out the thoughts in your mind. "(Y/N)? It's me, Harith." You recognized the voice as he entered your room. An alluring aroma caught your nose and it made your stomach grumble. "You didn't join us in dinner so I brought the dinner to you."

     Harith placed your tray on a desk. You hopped off your sit and went to get your food while Harith took your place to sit on the window sill. "Why haven't you changed yet? You smell even terrible!" He covered his nose. "It's rotten eggs." Harith's face immediately curled into a frown.

"That's disgusting! Why that of all things?" Harith took one of your towels and threw it right at your face. You went in your restroom and dampened your towel in the sink. "Well, I-uh... I thought it would be a good facial wash."

     You figured it's best if the bullying is kept a secret. Your fellow warriors would hate you more and of course you don't want that.

     "That's stupid." He rolled his eyes. You began to slip in a more comfortable clothing and Harith didn't dare look your way as you change.

     "I'm sorry if I dragged you to all that trouble. I thought you would want to see the temple with me..." You headed to the tray and start to eat your dinner. It felt nice to finally fill your stomach with food. This was the only time you get to eat anything today.

     "It's fine. I actually enjoyed it! I liked the part when we jumped off the window and you squealed so hard." The both of you had a giggling fit. "You were screaming to! You screamed so loud, you sound like a girl!" You teased and he just gave you a light hearted giggle.

     A comfortable silence fell as you ate your food. Harith didn't bother you anymore and he lets you finish. In just a few seconds, your food was already gone. You start to clean up the dishes and utensils on your tray. "You know, Harith? You should go and have some rest. You've had a tough day yourself."

     Harith gave you a confused look. "Are you sure? It's fine by me if I stay a little."

     "I'm fine by my own. Thanks." He was convinced by your smile as he hops off the window and taking your empty tray. "I'll be in my room if you need anything, alright?"

     "Goodnight." You watched as your bestfriend whule he struggled to open the door with his occupied hands. "Night!" He shouts back before slamming the door shut with his foot.

     Somehow his absence made you feel lonely. He's already gone before you realize you actually needed someone to talk to. Just a few conversations to take your mind off of your frustration.

     You adjusted your sitting position and your thigh suddenly felt something small in your pocket. You pulled it out quite in a hurry. As you stare into the object, you were reminded of a recent adventure.

     Harith was gaping at the towering altars of the Moon Gods and you were mesmerized by something else. A necklace hanging on a statue's neck.

     The way the jewel glimmered caught your attention and you feel like it's actually calling you to come closer. It had an irresistible glow that you didn't even realize your hand already snatched it away from its place.

     The archer elves arrived and claimed that you and Harith were trespassing the temple. You weren't able to process anything after you just snapped out of your trance. Harith quickly pulled you out and jumped at the nearest window with you.

     You raised the necklace in your hand and the moonlight quickly shone on the jewel. It was very beautiful. It's pendant had the shape of a crescent moon that carries a galaxy entrapped in an orb. Though, even if the moonlight is shining on the jewel, it still appears a little dull.
"I wonder what this thing is?" You asked particularly to no one as you held the pendant with your other hand.

     You have so much free time tomorrow and you're planning to visit someone. There's something about the crystal that you want to find out. You had a feeling it can do something and you know just the person to help you figure it out!


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