Emotionless Mutation (Book Th...

By hope_forever_18

143K 7.7K 4.3K

"However, you say I am human in a sense, that my body is simply fused with the robot that I have been raised... More

Chapter 1: Heartless
Chapter 2: Hopeless
Chapter 3: Lessons in the Outside World
Chapter 4: Emotionless
Chapter 5: Nameless
Chapter 6: Lessons in Contact
Chapter 7: Lessons in Food and Fun
Chapter 8: Branches of Love
Chapter 9: Lessons in Friendship
Chapter 10: Lessons in Anger
Chapter 11: Lessons from the Scars
Chapter 12: Lessons in Wisdom
Chapter 13: Lessons in Leadership
Chapter 14: Lessons in Jealousy
Chapter 15: Lessons in Working it Out
Chapter 16: Lessons in Laughter
Chapter 17: Lessons in Feelings
Chapter 18: Lessons in Choice
Chapter 19: Lessons in Outbursts
Chapter 20: Lessons in Strength
Chapter 21: Lessons in Doubt
Chapter 22: Lessons in Paranoia
Chapter 23: Lessons in Planning
Chapter 24: Lessons in Tentativeness
Chapter 25: Lessons in Sacrifice
Chapter 26: Lessons in Hesitance
Chapter 27: Lessons in Stories
Chapter 28: Lessons of the Heart
Chapter 29: Lessons in Family
Chapter 30: Lessons in Vigilance
Chapter 31: Lessons in Pathfinding
Chapter 32: Lessons in Combat
Chapter 33: Lessons in Change
Chapter 34: Lessons in Taking the Next Step
Chapter 35: Lessons in Adjustments
Chapter 36: Lessons in Working
Chapter 37: Lessons in Flight
Chapter 38: Lessons in Preparation
Chapter 39: Lessons in Dance
Chapter 40: Lessons in Patrolling
Chapter 42: Lessons in Battle
Chapter 43: Lessons in Adaptability
Chapter 44: Lessons in Injury
Chapter 45: Lessons Learned
Chapter 46: Lessons in Home
Author's Note

Chapter 41: Lessons in Finishing the Fight

2.6K 139 48
By hope_forever_18

Dusk has fallen and the early December air gets crisper with each passing minute. As the sunset fades and the sky melts from purple into the dark blue of oncoming night, a dark shape soars silently along the rooftops, stirring the scant snowflakes that have managed to fall so far.

Sarina lays on Destiny's back, head resting between her shoulder blades, lost in thought. She's fully equipped in her battle suit, from the helmet down to the boots. All she can think about is the moment before the group left the lair.

She had strapped her last boot on and stood, slipping on her helmet with ease, then turned to Donatello to find him smiling at her. She arched an eyebrow and asked him what was wrong, to which he simply laughed and said, "You...you just look like this time traveller I know."

They bantered, chatted aimlessly as they prepared with the others, but now Sarina has a sense of dread worming its way into her gut. What if this is truly it? What if, after tonight, the life that she has just obtained shatters and disappears with the lives of her friends? To lose them now would be devastating in the least.

The t-phone in Destiny's hand goes off and she answers it without a word. "Destiny, how is it so far?" Leonardo asks.

"It's quiet," she replies. "Are the others in position?"

"Waiting for your signal. Remember the plan."

She nods, then sucks in a shaky breath. "Gotcha. See you soon." They hang up and Destiny keeps flying in silence. Sarina sighs, adjusting her grip, and Destiny glances sideways. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just want to make sure that I have the plan completely memorized," Sarina says, eyes flashing. "Can we go over it again, please?"

Destiny knows that Sarina is the last person who would need a run through, but she also knows that she's only asking to do it because she needs something to take her mind off of what could happen. Destiny takes the chance and runs with it.

"So, step one is that we're splitting up instead of going in large groups. You and I are a team, then there's Leo and Donnie, Raph and Mikey, Splinter and Diaval, and April and Casey are the getaway drivers since April's leg is still healing. Melanie is staying at the lair as home base commander. You do step two."

"Right," Sarina says. "Splinter is going to wait with Diaval on top of the Wolf Hotel. Casey will be waiting with the Party Wagon. April is positioned outside Shredder's base."

"Yup. Our job is to infiltrate the throne room and scope out where the henchmen and Shredder are. We signal the turtles if it's too crazy, like if Shredder is there or if all of the cronies are there."

"If Shredder isn't there, I will be on lookout for him. This is so I can conserve my energy for as long as possible."

"When Shredder is found, in that case, we retreat from the henchmen and engage if possible."

"Exhaust him, try to overpower him, and when the time is right, Splinter and Diaval will engage. Diaval will use his magic to distract or control Shredder to the best of his ability while Splinter fights."

"Then," Destiny says with a vengeful look, "we end Shredder, retreat, call Casey and April...the end."

Sarina purses her lips. "That is the best case scenario." Destiny remains silent, earning a gentle hug from her friend. "Shredder won't live to see the sunrise."

"That sounds very dark coming from you." There's a laugh in her voice.

"Well...it is a dark day." She perks up, peering over Destiny's shoulder. "Is that it up ahead?"

Sure enough, the cathedral that serves as the Foot Clan's base has appeared on the horizon. Its stained glass windows are decorated with a sheen of frost, giving the dark building a kind of beauty that it doesn't deserve. Too much has happened within those walls for it to be considered anything akin to beautiful.

Destiny presses the speed dial button. "I've got the base in sight. Going in."

"Roger that," says Donatello.

She swoops lower as she nears the adjacent building. She casts a quick look to Sarina, who flashes a thumbs up, and she flips onto her back. Sarina drops off and does her superhero landing, eyes flashing once, and Destiny lands beside her with a final flap. They head for the base in silence.

Far off, Leonardo and Donatello wait for the signal. Leonardo's face is utterly straight, emotionless, but his mind races with possible outcomes. They could all make it out alive, including the Shredder or not, they could all die except for the Shredder, but worst of all is the possibility that one or two of his family members perish and leave the others behind in grief.

For a second, an image of the Shredder shoots into his brain. He sees the cold winter sky, sees the glinting of his armour in the second before the blades knocked him down. His feet stop on their own accord and Leonardo nearly loses his balance, his knee twinging with memories of a pain long gone.

"Leo?" Donatello asks. He looks to his frozen brother, his footsteps crunching softly as he returns to his side. "Leo, are you okay?"

Leonardo sucks in a breath, forcing a nod as he squares his shoulders. "Yeah, I...I just..." Another breath. "The last time I faced Shredder, I barely made it out alive."

"You were alone then. Now you've got your family behind you and we all know the risks."

Leonardo doesn't meet his brother's gaze, afraid of the emotions he may see. Is Donatello just as scared as he is or is he pitying the cowardice flooding Leonardo's body? He needs to be strong, not just for the sake of his team but for his own sake. If he can't be strong now, they're doomed to fail.

A howl pierces the eerie quiet of the evening and Leonardo's head snaps up as Donatello whirls around. That's the signal for backup.

"Sarina," Donatello whispers. At the same time, Destiny's name leaves Leonardo's lips and without another moment to wait, the brothers break into a sprint.

They reach the Foot Clan HQ at the same time as Raphael and Michelangelo. The turtles reconvene near the roof, where they find Destiny and Sarina huddled in the shadows in silence.

"There's five of them in there, plus Foot bots," Destiny says.

"Shredder?" Leonardo asks. She shakes her head and he frowns. "Any sign of him at all?"

"So far, none, but that's what I'm here for," Sarina says with a tiny smile.

They go silent as the weight of their situation falls on their shoulders. Everything is far too quiet, even with the whistle of the wind and the occasional rumbling of a car driving past. The streetlights create shadows at all angles that loom over them as if watching for the opportune moment to strike.

"Guys, don't laugh," Raphael starts, shifting as his shoulders tense, "but it's an honour for me to call you my brothers and sisters. I...I really love you, guys."

Sarina's eyes flash and she can't help but hug the hotheaded turtle's shoulders. "We love you too, Raphael." Michelangelo joins them in the hug, his lip quivering behind his smile.

Destiny smiles at the moment, then looks to the other half of her team. "Ready?" she asks, holding out her hand.

The others nod and place their hands on top of hers in succession, creating a unified pile between them. They bounce it, breaking it as Michelangelo murmurs out a, "Booyakasha."

Leonardo slips a single katana from its sheathe. "Onwards," he whispers, and they melt into the shadows without another word.

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