The Ten Commandments's Mistre...

By BlueGalaxy1993

44.1K 1.1K 691

Ryoko Kuromiya was a witch born with little to no magic capabilities as a result of her disability she was os... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Thirteen

1.3K 37 6
By BlueGalaxy1993

Meliodas buries his face into Ryoko's chest.

Ryoko tilts her head "Meliodas?" She asks in concern.

"You smell like warm vanilla and sugar, I like it" he muttered into her chest. Ryoko felt him carry her bridal style and he takes her to the bathroom, he locks the door. He turns on the shower and he turns on the radio turning up so no one won't hear them.

A Piano was being played in the beginning of the song.

Ryoko felt arms wrapped around her waist and lips pressed against her shoulder.

A woman voice was heard throughout the radio it sounded innocent yet seductive turning on the whole mood for the long lost lovers.

Meliodas kisses her neck pulling her closer to him, her back pressed against his chest, although the woman was singing Meliodas decided to sing the first verse to her, his singing voice was deeper than usual, sending shivers down her spine.

"The moon follows me home, I'm never alone.
It hangs like the shine in my sweet baby's eye.
Sings to me nightly, sings to me brightly
Tells me the secrets of the sky" he sang, Ryoko became hypnotized

He swiftly unclasped her bra from the front and Ryoko turns around in her arms pulling down her underwear and Meliodas takes off his pants. They go inside the shower and they shared a passionate kiss, soon things got really heated and their moans were drowned out by the loud music.


Akane went to Ryoko's house to check on her.

"Ryoko-chan!" She shouted opening the door with an extra key that Ryoko have given her.

She encountered the Ten Commandments.

"Hey everyone!" She greeted, Zeldris looks at her, she noticed Ryoko and Meliodas are missing.

"Where's Ryoko-chan and Meliodas?" She asks curiously, Zeldris's face turns red.

"They're busy" he muttered, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Gloxinia flew over to Akane "Hey Akane, I'm curious you wouldn't happened the same Akane from 3,000 years ago right?" He asks getting straight to the point.

Akane tries to brush it off, but Gloxinia was persistent "I mean I can understand Ryoko's situation given she was killed three thousand years ago and than was reincarnated. So unless you have been reincarnated, you have to be the same Akane from long ago" he remarks, Akane's bangs covered her eyes and she went into the kitchen to get herself a stiff drink and she takes a sip.

"I guess the jig is up than" she remarks looking at the Commandments her eyes are now an intense dark green indicating her shift in personality.

"What do you need to know?" She blurted while she calmly sips on her drink.


Ryoko and Meliodas were kissing intensively.

They separated for a bit, Meliodas's eyes trail from Ryoko's eyes to all the way down her neck and all he could think about was the black ring around her neck.

Ryoko frowns and she pulls him into a passionate kiss, Meliodas moans loudly, Ryoko pins him to the wall and she starts kissing his neck.

"Relax darling, let me take care of you" she whispered huskily into his ear, and she starts kissing his chest and abs before settling down on her knees.

"I remember how much fun we had back then" she purrs, she takes him into her mouth, Meliodas moans grabbing onto her hair roughly, Ryoko moves her head up and down while keeping herself balanced.

Meliodas moans loudly his face was turning red from pleasure.

"Y-Your mouth is amazing" he muttered pulling on her hair, Ryoko moans, she starts playing with herself she used more of her tongue driving the demon insane and he cums deeply into her mouth she swallowed everything not missing a drop.

"Feeling better, my love?" She asks him, Meliodas picks her up pinning her to wall. 

"Not yet" he blurted and he thrusts himself into her roughly, Ryoko screams in pain, Meliodas there's blood in the water, indicating Ryoko's virginity.

Ryoko cries in pain and Meliodas rubs her back "Looks like I'm your first and only again" he mentions, Ryoko smiles despite being a in pain.

"Yes but this time let's make it last" she suggested and Meliodas kisses her, soon moans and groans were heard throughout the shower and the water was turning cold but neither of them cared.

Ryoko and Meliodas panted from exhaustion still wrapped in each other's arms. The cold water pelting their skin and their foreheads leaning onto each other finally reunited after being separated for so long.


Akane had explained everything to the Commandments and to say the least they were surprisingly disturbed by the gruesome details of the original Ryoko's death.

"Yes she hanged over some nonsense spurred by Elizabeth and they took it with a grain of salt instead of finding proof back than magic as well as the supernatural were considered blasphemy and hysteria was all the rage" she explained.

"Both Ryoko-chan and I were born complete opposite side yet we rebelled against our clans as we don't see things so black and white, and don't blindly follow our teachings. I was priestess born with high spiritual powers and light magic and had the potential to be High Priestess just Ryoko-chan was born with high potential to be a powerful Grand Witch but we refuse to join a cause that's meaningless and we abandoned our clans and decided our own paths and over time love changed our views" She mentions.

"I fell in love with a goddess and of course Ryoko-chan fell in love with Meliodas and everything changed" she remarks, as she thought of Mael and how his death jaded her.

"And everything went straight to hell" she stated with a blank expression on her face.

To be continued

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