Miss Americana // The Beatles

By MinnieMckellar

18.7K 693 477

In 1957, Sasha McCartney, a teenage girl with a dream to become a famous musician, moves to her half-brother... More

The History of Miss Americana
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 24

288 18 23
By MinnieMckellar

Author's Note: I really appreciate if you are reading this story. I would love to hear what you think so far, please leave comments and let me know. Thanks!

Chapter 24

November 9, 1961

I  couldn't believe that  Mr. Epstein had decided to drag me along to the  Cavern to see the  Beatles. When the record came in for the boy that  ordered it, me and  Mr. Epstein listened to it. He loved it and wanted to  see what all the  fuss about the Beatles was. So, here I stand, my palms  sweaty and a  million things running through my mind. It had been two  years since I  had set foot in the Cavern, the last time being with John  of course.  That was back when he fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme,  back when I  thought I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with  him, and  back when he was the John that I loved. It was before we even  knew of  Hamburg and the way it would ruin him and our beautiful romance.  I knew  I would see him tonight. After all, Mr. Epstein wanted me to  introduce  them if he liked their style. I knew that Mr. Epstein was big  in the  Liverpool music scene, but I didn't know that he was a manager  looking  for new talent.

"Sasha," he said, walking up to me on Matthew Street, "I'm glad you could make it."

I smiled at him, "I talked to Paul, my brother, this morning. They're eager to meet you."

I had apologized to Paul for the way I had acted earlier in the year a couple of months ago, and we had become close again. I was glad since now I had someone to talk to you on account of Stuart being in Germany.

"Good. I hope they're as good as everyone says."

I  followed Mr. Epstein  into the entrance of the Cavern. The bouncers recognized him and we didn't have to queue. The cobblestone  street being traded  for slick cement as we made our way to the stairs.  Down we climbed to  get to the underground club. The lights and noise  were blinding.  Couples and singles were dancing in front of the stage  with drinks in  hand to another band. Mr. Epstein chose a table in the  back so we had a  pretty good view of the stage.

It seemed like  ages  before the disc jockey finally announced the Beatles to the stage, and he also announced Mr. Epstein's presence at the club.  The  now four piece band took their places on the tiny stage. Pete was in   the back at the drum kit. I noticed that he didn't have the same   hairstyle as the other boys, the one that Stu had gotten first. George   was to the far left of the stage, Paul in the middle, with a bass guitar   now, and finally, John was on the far right. He took my breath away. I   had to admit that he looked quite handsome with the new hairstyle. I   hadn't been this close to him, face-to-face, since Hamburg, and I wasn't   quite sure how to feel about it. All I knew was that I missed him.

They  began to play  their set, the crowd rocking to their sound. They had  gotten better  since I last heard them. It seemed like they finally had  their style. I  couldn't keep my eyes off of John. I missed him. I wished  that I was  here as his fiancé or even wife cheering him on. After the  show, I  wished I could greet him with a kiss like I used to, and then we  could  head back to a bedroom at our house, and he could make sweet love  to  me.

I shook my head to get  that thought out of mind. I  couldn't do this. I couldn't think about  what could be. It was over. We  were over. If he wanted me back, he  would've come and apologized by now.  Nothing would ever be the same  between us.

I suddenly felt hot and crowded, "Mr. Epstein, would you like something to drink?"

He looked at me and shouted over the music, "I'll have scotch and coke."

I  walked away, not  letting my eyes leave John on stage. I didn't know  what I would do if  he returned the stare. I ordered the same thing as  Mr. Epstein to give  it a try.

The bartender recognized  me from the  gigs I used to do, "Sasha McCartney! I haven't seen you  around here in  ages! You still play music?"

"No, actually, I don't do that anymore," I replied. I really didn't want to talk about this.

He frowned, "It's a shame. I thought you were really talented. I suppose you're not with that fellow in this band anymore."

That hurt, "No."

I  grabbed my drinks and  didn't say anything to him as he told me to have a  good night. That  was the first time anyone else other than close  friends has asked me  about John, and considering it was a little over a  year since our messy  break up, it hurt more than I think it should have.

I  sat down with our  drinks and prayed for the show to be over soon, but  then I would have  to be inches away from John. I didn't know if I could  handle it.

When the boys were done,  I led Mr. Epstein backstage to  meet the Beatles. When we walked into  the room, John kept his back to  me. Paul must have warned him that I  was coming. Paul turned and ran to  give me a tight embrace.

"Everything will be okay. Just look at me," he whispered before pulling away.

Paul  made the boys line  up to face me and Mr. Epstein. I kept my eyes locked  on Paul, but I  could feel John's eyes tearing into me as soon as he  turned around. I  knew he wanted me to look at him, but I wasn't going to  do it.

George smiled, confidently saying, "And what brings Mr. Epstein here?"

I kept my eyes on Paul,  "Boys, this is my manager at NEMS  Record store, Mr. Brian Epstein. He's  interested in managing your band,"  I turned to Mr. Epstein, "This is  my brother Paul McCartney."

I  was doing well so  far, but now for the difficult part. I took a deep  breath, "This is  John Lennon," I looked at the floor as I introduced  him.

He stuck his hand out to  shake Mr. Epstein's hand. I  instinctively flinched when his hand came  so close to me. He dropped it  to his side again.

I continued to introduce the other two, "This is George Harrison and Pete Best."

"Well,  it's certainly  nice to meet you all," Mr. Epstein said, "I am truly  struck by your  talent and personal charm. We will need to set up a  meeting if you are  interested in me being your manager. I believe I  could get the  recognition this band deserves."

"It sounds great," John spoke, and his voice sent shivers down my spine, "We can meet day after tomorrow."

"Perfect," Mr. Epstein replied, "Sasha, thanks for introducing me to the band. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Mr.  Epstein went on his  way. I looked up to find young George staring at  me, and I still felt  John's eyes on me as well. George was always the  youngest, and the  member that I never got really close to, mainly  because I was with John  and Stu most of the time. His staring made me  uncomfortable, so I  began to look around awkwardly.

Within a split  second,  my eyes jerked the wrong way and locked with John's. My whole  world  stopped. His eyes were pleading, and mine probably looked afraid. I   couldn't believe that I was inches from John, looking in to those hazel   eyes with tiny specs of green. They weren't the cold eyes that I left   in Hamburg. They were the eyes of my John, soft and pleading.

I  felt tears surface  and choked as I tried to speak. I clamped my hand  over my mouth and ran  from the boys to the stairs to get out of here.

"Sasha!" I heard John call my name. His voice sounded good saying my name, and I had missed it, but I just had to run.

I  got outside in the  cold air. My breathing was heavy, and my heart was  racing. A hand  grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to face  Paul.

"You scared me. I thought you were him," tears were streaming down my face.

He  brought me into a  hug, "It's just me. You're okay," he pulled back from  our hug and  searched my eyes, "Sasha, please move on from him. Don't  let it hurt  anymore."

I was confused, and when I didn't answer he spoke again, "He's moved on, and you should too."

"What do you mean?" I choked out through the tears.

Paul looked sorry, "He's got a girlfriend, Sasha."

I couldn't feel a thing.

December 12, 1961

I sat on the edge of Paul's bed as he tied his tie. Mr. Epstein was having a party at his house tonight to celebrate the fact that two days go, the band agreed to be managed by him. I stared into space just thinking about lyrics I was stuck on. I had kept my promise to Stu, and starting writing songs again. They had flowed out of me when I started again. All the emotions and events that had happened since I had last written. Stu was right, it did help.

"Please come tonight Sasha," I heard Paul say, pulling me out of my trance.

"No, John will be there," I said shaking my head, "I don't belong there anyway."

Paul sat down next to me, "Sasha, John has a new girlfriend. She'll be there, and he probably won't even notice you there."

That  hurt my feelings  more than it should have, "I just don't want to see  him. It'll bring  back too many memories. Good and bad," I told him  standing up and  walking to the window.

Paul stood too, "Sasha,   you're being silly. You can stay by my side the entire night. You don't   even have to look at John. Dot won't be able to make it, so you can be my date."

"No Paul," I said turning and facing him.

Paul sighed, "Sasha, The Beatles just got a manager. We're going to be famous, and my sister doesn't even care."

"I care."

Paul  gave me a look,  "It would mean the world to me if you would come to  this party.  Celebrate with me, this is a big deal. Maybe Brian will sign  you as  well if we tell him about the real you."

I didn't say anything, I just sat down on his bed again.

"Sasha, you were so good," Paul said, bringing me out of my thoughts, "Your songs were amazing."

"I just don't think I should go," I said.

"Please come to  this party, and be proud of your little brother," Paul  said kneeling  down in front of me, "You're already dressed too.  Please, please,  please."

Paul made his already  puppy dog eyes look  even more like puppy eyes with his pleading. He  stuck his bottom lip  out in a pout and clasped his hands together to  beg me.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Alright, just never do that dopey face ever again."

"Promise," he said jumping to his feet, "Come on."

I  grabbed my sweater  and purse and followed Paul out the door and down  the familiar streets  of Liverpool. We walked up to the front door of a  big white house with  the boom of music echoing through the walls and  drifting through the  nighttime air. I followed Paul inside and through  the hordes of people  mingling, eating, and drinking. 'Roll Over  Beethoven' by Chuck Berry  was playing loudly throughout the house.

Paul  got me a drink and  stood with me whilst different people walked by and  briefly mingled  with him. I looked around at everyone. My gaze stopped  on John, who was  nuzzling against some blonde in the corner like he used  to do with me  at parties. I needed to get over him. Why couldn't I get  over him?

"Do you remember George?" Paul said, directing my attention back to him.

"Of course I do," I sipped some of my mulled wine. I felt uncomfortable at the party, like everyone was reading me like an open book.

Paul  spun me around so  my body was facing his, and he leaned closer, "He  fancies you a bit. I  told him you were going to be here, and he said he  was going to ask you  to dance."

I groaned, "Paul, I can't dance with George."

"He's  just a kid. Be  nice," Paul said, "and besides, you need to stop  thinking about John  and have some fun. You and George could have a great  time."

"I'm not sure I can do it," I said.

"Just do it for me," he gulped the last of his drink and chuckled, "It'll make little Georgie's night."

As  if on cue, George  walked up to us. He was so much taller than I  remember, and his hair  was longer than the other boys and brushed past  his bushy eyebrows,  "Hello, Paul."

"How are ya, George?" Paul asked, "Swinging party, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's gear. I can't believe it's for us," George looked to me, "You alright, Sasha?"

I smiled at him, "Yeah, George. You?"

"I'm great. I'm going to be famous," he laughed. His laugh was big and kind of cute. God, Sasha, stop!

A  few moments of  awkward silence passed before George asked the dreaded  question, "You  don't have to, but I was wondering if you'd like to  dance?"

I looked at Paul, who encouraged me with his eyes, "I'd love to dance with you, George."

George  took my hand and  led me to the center of the room. 'I Can't Help  Falling in Love' by  Elvis Presley began playing. George pulled me closer  by putting his  arms around my waist. I followed suit and put my arms  around his neck. I  looked into his gorgeous chocolate eyes while we  slowed danced. Our  bodies were touching, and something happened deep  within me. It was a  feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time. It had  been so long since  I'd had this feeling, that it was almost foreign to  me. George was very  handsome, and I looked deeper into his eyes, which  were looking into  mine lovingly.

"Your eyes are  beautiful, you  know?" He said. George's accent was a lot thicker than  the other boys,  and I found it very attractive.

"You're sweet," I replied.

George smiled at me, "You look extremely beautiful tonight as well."

"Thank you," I smiled, "You're not too bad yourself, George."

George  looked down at  our feet, and then up at me again, "This is so  embarrassing, but I've  wanted to dance with you for a long time. I've  fancied you for a long  time, but John scared me."

"John scared me too, to be honest," I chuckled. George laughed at me. John never thought I was funny.

He cleared his throat, "Can I ask you something?"


"Are you busy Wednesday?" He asked me.

For  the first time in a  long time, I felt attracted to someone. George's  presence was  certainly casting a spell on me, and I didn't hesitate to  answer him,  "I'm free on Wednesday."

"I was thinking that you   could meet me for lunch at that french café . If you like   French food, of course," I could tell that George was nervous asking me   out.

I smiled, "I love French food."

"Great, it's a date then," he said.

I  just smiled at him.  Dancing with George made me feel happy. Nothing was on my mind but  the man in front of  me, and it was a nice change. I hugged George closer  to me as another  slow song that I didn't recognize began. As we moved  in a small circle,  I saw Paul standing against the wall smiling at us.  George could be  something special to me. He was so sweet, and so far, he  was treating  me well. I could tell that he was gentleman, and his  mother raised him  right.

The second song ended, and George pulled away, "Sorry, Sasha, but I have to head home."

I frowned slightly, "Oh, alright. I had a lovely time dancing with you. I'll see you Wednesday at noon?"

"See you then," he said, "Bye, Sasha."

Unexpectedly,  George  leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. As he pulled away, I   smiled. It was a good kiss, and I hadn't wanted it to end. I watched as   George left the party. I stayed and talked to Paul a few more minutes   before heading out myself. I was blushing all the  way home thinking  about George.

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