The Kidnapped Beauty [S. UCHI...

By ceoofhappiness

73.6K 1.7K 474

Minnow was a stunning princess living in the Land of Snow. A couple days before Min was going to be married o... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Min's Story
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23: Alternative Ending

Part 1

8.2K 139 42
By ceoofhappiness

Before y'all start reading, if you would like to see a story with a specific character x reader, I am more than happy to write it for you! Just message me or leave a comment here with the character you want and what kind of plot you want!
"Team 7, I need you guys to go on a mission in the Land of Snow to protect a princess." Tsunade said, studying the four people standing in front of her.

"Oooh a princess? I hope she's pretty! How old is she?" Naruto said with a huge grin, earning himself a punch on the head from Sakura.

"You idiot, it's not like she'd ever go out with you anyways." Sakura growled.

"Relax everyone, she's the same age as you are and that's all we have been informed about. The king and queen will tell you what to do when you arrive." Tsunade said calmly.

"When do we leave?" Kakashi asked with a bored expression.

"Now. You need to get there as soon as possible. Now hurry up! Shoo!" Tsunade said gesturing to the door.

Team 7 set out on their journey shortly after.

"I don't know if I'll be able to deal with this lady." Naruto said while they were walking.

"What are you talking about Naruto? You have to deal with her. You've just sworn to protect her. This is an important mission. An A-ranked one." Kakashi stated.

"This is an A-ranked mission?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"I don't really think our babysitting a little pampered princess will be all that difficult." Sasuke added.

"That's not true Sasuke, princesses like her are targeted all the time. Whatever the case, be on your guard everyone." Kakashi said as he pulled out his book.

After traveling for three days, Team 7 finally arrived to the castle in the Land of Snow.

"It's amazing!" Sakura gasped out. "I've always wanted to be a princess!"

"Woahhh" Naruto breathed, staring up at the castle while Kakashi and Sasuke silently admired it.

They were admitted into the castle by the guards who were stationed at the front gate.

If they were impressed by the exterior, they were completely blown away by the interior. The hallways seemed to stretch on for miles and everything was perfectly decorated and cleaned. Sunlight filtered into the room from the overhead glass ceiling. It must be so luxurious to live here.

The four of them were led to the main room where there were two thrones placed next to each other, one slightly smaller than the other. Beside the smaller of the thrones was a large, white, silk pillow.

Seated on the biggest throne was the King, an unfriendly looking man with graying hair. Beside him on the smaller throne was a beautiful woman with cold eyes and obviously dyed hair.

On the silk pillow sat a young girl who seemed to bear no resemblance to her parents. The girl had medium-length, wavy black hair and matching raven eyes. Her skin was a gorgeous tan color, one that puts any fake tan to shame. Her perfectly shaped lips complemented her face incredibly. She was truly beautiful.

The team approached the royal family and bowed.

"Your Majesty, we are the shinobi you have requested from the Hidden Leaf." Kakashi stated formally, still holding his bow, the rest of the team following his actions.

"Excellent. You may stand up straight now." The king ordered.

"This is my daughter, Princess Minnow." He said, gesturing to the girl seated on the pillow. At the mention of her name, she raised her gaze to the team standing in front of her and gave them a polite smile and nod, causing Naruto to nearly faint.

"We are expecting you to protect her for the next three days nonstop. Make sure nothing happens to her, we need her to be alive to marry her off. That is all we ask of you. Another thing, do not enter her room at night or you will face a severe punishment." The king's demanding voice boomed.

At the mention of severe punishment, Princess Minnow shifted a little in her seat, earning her a death stare from the queen.

"Princess, head back to your room, these shinobi will follow you there." The king said loudly.

All eyes shifted to Princess Minnow. She nodded and stood up, making her way down the stairs delicately, her rose gold gown trailing behind her. She shot a bright smile to the team, "follow me."

As she walked, Kakashi and Sasuke couldn't help but notice the limp in her steps. Both of them brushed it off as they continued on their journey to the Princess' room.

"This is my room, come inside." The beautiful girl said sweetly, opening up her door for them to enter.

"Your room is absolutely beautiful!" Sakura squealed.

"Thank you so much!" The Princess said with gratitude.

"Wow it must be nice to be a princess." Naruto said wistfully, flopping onto the perfectly made bed.

"It's not all that great." Minnow replied softly.

Naruto sat up on the bed, "what do you mean by that? You have everything done for you! You're living the life!"

Minnow sat down and played with the lacy gloves resting on her hands.

"You don't get it." She responded even more softly.

"What is there to get? You're li-"

"Enough Naruto!" Kakashi interrupted.

"Princess I am so sorry for his behavior," he said, bowing deeply to her.

"Stand up, you don't need to bow to me. And don't be so formal, you can just call me Min. That goes for all of you." She said with a soft smile.

A knock announced the arrival of a butler, who opened the door and began speaking, "all you shinobi, please leave her room at once. The time is now 9:00. You are to be stationed outside of her room and under no circumstances are you allowed to open the door." He said sternly.

"Goodnight," she said with a small bow and sad eyes as she watched them leave the room after returning the farewell.

She leaned back against the wall.

Here we go again.

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