The Bodyguard (Jeongmin Fanfi...

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He didn't know she's a woman. Több



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jeongminlove által

Everyone eyes the pretending couple waiting to fulfill the request of the famous actress. Jimin was glaring at Dakyung while Jeongyeon is feeling her nerves. This will be her first kiss if ever. Yes, she is a party girl before but she knows her limits. No one, not even one dared to steal a kiss from her because as far as everyone knows, she is a black belter in Taekwondo and she can crack their eggs in an instant. She has been saving her first kiss for her future special someone but it looks like it will be put into a waste in this task she has to accomplish. On the other hand, Jimin is frozen on his seat. He doesn't want to kiss his bodyguard. "How can I kiss a man like me?" he thinks in full disgust.

Dakyung speaks again smirking at Jimin, "What are you waiting for?"

"What a bitch," the Prince mumbled unconsciously tightening his hold on his bodyguard slash fake girlfriend. Somehow, he regretted doing this but he has no choice, this was his idea after all. He was about to stand when the King stood and walked on the stage asking for the microphone from Dakyung. The actress handed it with full respect.

"I am sorry to interrupt but I don't think it's a good idea to have my son kiss his girlfriend because first of all, it's forbidden unless this is their wedding day. I apologize but I won't approve of this. It doesn't mean that I am not in favor of my son's girlfriend but this is one of the rules of the Palace."

Jeongyeon had a breath of relief and Jimin can't stop himself glaring at Dakyung who's flushing in red due to embarrassment. He really hates her.

The event then went on with some performances and speeches. Jimin then decided to leave in the middle of the night's program pulling his fake girlfriend with him. There were still cameras and Jeongyeon immediately looked down hiding her face with her freehand. They rushed to the private backdoor so that they will be freed from the flashes and there, they waited for their car. While waiting, Dakyung suddenly appeared with her manager.

"The king saved your fake ass," the actress told him. The manager was about to stop her but she's too hard-headed. "Don't stop me or else I'll tell the President to fire you," she said to her manager. She then turned back her attention to the pretending couple.

"You two are just pretending, aren't you?" her eyes landed on Jeongyeon who felt so uneasy in her presence. She can't believe how rude the actress is in person.

Jimin kept silent and pretended like he can't hear her.

"Yah! Are you doing this to make me jealous? If that's so, it's not effective," the artist raised her brow.

The prince just ignored her until their car arrived on their front. Jeongyeon was about to open the car door for her master when he held her elbow. "Let me," he said softly but he surprised her with a force pulling her closer to him landing his lips on hers. She was shocked with her eyes wide opened feeling the soft lips of the Prince. Before she could pull herself away, Jimin released her and the next thing she knew, he is eyeing Dakyung asking her, "Happy now?"

Dakyung's jaw just dropped, shocked by the couple's kiss. Jimin opened the door and signaled his bodyguard to get in. Jeongyeon rushed inside still feeling flustered by the kiss. That was her first! Her f*cking first kiss! She wanted to scream at him but she can't. When Jimin hopped inside, he bowed to his legs wiping his lips. "That was so f*cking gross!" he screamed as soon as their car got on the main street.

Jeongyeon's hand is still on her mouth. She wanted to cry, she wanted to be angry, she badly wants to slap him but she can't lose this job. She turned her head facing the window, all silent then her tears began covering her sight. This is not the way she imagined her first kiss to be.

"Yah, give me that wine," Jimin ordered looking at the bottle in the compartment in front of his bodyguard.

"Get it yourself," Jeongyeon said in her real voice, her tone is stern and pissed. She wasn't looking at him as her tears cascade on her cheeks.

"Yah!" Jimin growled demanding, "You want to lose your job? Give me that f*cking wine!"

Jeongyeon then took a deep breath and wiped her tears with her hands. She got the bottle and angrily smashed it to the Prince... well... wishfully, that's what she wanted to do but she can't do that or else she'll find herself in prison. That would be worse.

She gave it to him without looking at him. She doesn't want to see his face, not now that she's pissed and still bothered by his kiss. As soon as Jimin got the bottle, he opened it and gulped an exuberant amount of the liquid. He needs this because for him, it's so disgusting to kiss Kyungwan even if he's in the female form. Just re-imagining it makes him want to vomit.

The ride was silent until Jeongyeon asked him, "Why did you do it?"

Jimin was on his phone chatting with Taehyung telling him that he is on his way home. His cousin replied but before he could read the message, he heard the question of his fake girlfriend, "You can speak in your real voice now, drop your female voice because it reminds me of... argh, I don't even know what to call it... so disgusting."

"Then why did you do it if it's disgusting?" Jeongyeon asked in her real voice still. Her tone is cold and disappointed. She is still not looking at him.

"I said, drop your female voice Kyung!" the Prince expressed so irritated.

After that, the atmosphere went tacit. Jeongyeon's question is left unanswered as the Prince's attention is back on his phone.

They arrived at the Palace and Jeongyeon was about to go to her den when Jimin called, "Where are you going Kyung? Prepare my bath," he ordered.

She was about to suggest that the maids must do it instead but she heard her brother's voice, "The Prince doesn't trust anyone except Master Tae, Uncle Ji-ho and you. Even if you don't want it, you have to do the duties of the maids for him."

She sighed so deeply, "I will change first."

"Arasseo, ppali," Jimin demanded and went in the Palace.

As Jeongyeon is changing, she can't help it, the memory of the kiss still lingers on her mind. She screamed throwing the dress on the floor. "How dare he steal a kiss from me," she said lowly but the annoyance on her voice is screaming. She immediately went to her comfort room and washed her face especially her lips. "He doesn't deserve to be my first kiss!" she exclaimed in her head. "I will sue you Jimin! I will sue you!" She badly wanted that but the reality bites and she can't do that. She turns so hopeless. "Why am I stuck in this situation? Yeah, right, it's my fault but this punishment is too harsh... I shouldn't have volunteered."

Suddenly her phone beeps continuously on her bed. She went out of the bathroom getting her phone flashing her twin's caller id. She answered the call and she took it away from her ear hearing a shout of "YAH!!!" on the line.

"YOO JEONGYEON!" the scream of her twin is so eardrum wrecking.

"What's your problem?" she asked annoyed and she heard Kyung taking a deep breath, probably calming himself.

"I just saw the news. Why are you wearing a girl's dress? Does the Prince know already that you're not me?"

"Chill bro, he still doesn't know. He made me do it. That was his idea to make me his fake girlfriend."

"And you allowed it to happen? Wae? Waeyo! You could have said no!"

He bribed me. Of course she won't tell that. Her brother for sure will be so mad at her.

"It was an order. I was just following what you told me to do everything that the Prince wants, right?"

"Still, this is overboard. Your face will be the headline of the news tomorrow. They will know about you, about us, about this lie."

"Don't worry Kyung, just don't get out of the house and we'll be safe."

"Yah! You're giving me a headache. I will brief Omma about this."

"I am sorry. I am really sorry Kyung."

"I understand, just don't cause any trouble in the Palace," Kyung hanged up still annoyed.

Jeongyeon then turned off the phone throwing it back to the mattress. She is throwing tantrums in everything she does feeling that Jimin is turning her life so miserable. She wants revenge so when she readied his bath, instead of filling the tub with lukewarm water, she filled it with mostly hot water, just enough to cauterize him. She has that devilish grin as she walked out from his room. The Prince went to Taehyung's room to find something. When he went out, he passed by his bodyguard whose face is unreadable. He rolled his eyes and went inside his room to prepare himself for the warm bath.

He was fully naked underneath his robe and he wore it off as he entered his bathroom. He already felt the warm temperature as he walks towards the tub. He felt that something was off but still he went on putting his feet in the tub. A deafening scream followed disturbing all the serenity in the Palace. Jeongyeon heard his scream and she can't help it, she laughs so hard on her way back to her den.

"Finally, Jeongyeon, one point for you," she muttered happily to herself.

One of the maids heard the scream and rushed to her, "Kyung, you must check on the Prince."

"Waeyo? He's alright in his room."

"But didn't you hear it? His scream? He might be in danger," the maid worries.

"He's gonna be fine, trust me."

"Oh Kyung, it's still your responsibility to check on him."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, "Arasseo."

She was on her way to the Prince's room when she saw him already walking in his robe towards her, his eyes are on fire. He's f*cking pissed. Uh-oh, she knows, her life is in danger. Before she could run away, he rushed to her grabbing her shirt, pulling her to his bathroom. He locked the door and throw his bodyguard near the tub. Jeongyeon was outbalanced falling on the floor.

"I won't let this pass, take off your clothes and bathe in that!" Jimin ordered angrily.

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