By anime411

17.8K 313 79

Y/N's is a normal girl, her parents got divorced and she got to live with her mother, but little did she knew... More



1.3K 25 5
By anime411

"Look at this tiny human here" black haired boy said. "Look at this giant ass human here" I said. "What did you say? Say it again" he said. "I didn't say anything" I said. He looked me up and down and he smirked. "Don't act like a bad boy. I can bet that you're just a little butterfly" I said and I rolled my eyes. "Is that what you think?" He said. "Yes" I said. I started walking and I sat on the bench. Bokuto came right after me. "What just happened Little-chan?" He said. "I don't like him" I said. "He's good person. Give him a chance" he said. "No" I said. The guy started walking toward us and he squatted in front of me. Because I was sitting we were the same height. "I think we haven't started well. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou" he said. "I'm L/N F/N" I said. He placed his hands on the bench, next to my legs so I was between his arms. It made me uncomfortable but he got up and leave. I saw Oikawa's girlfriend across the room and few guys were around her. She looked scared so I went there. "You're very cute" one guy said to her. "Thanks but I have a boyfriend" she said. She was not able to leave because she was in a circle of boys. I hot on boy on the back. "Leave her alone! Freaks" I yelled. They all turned around. "Oh my gosh, how did my eyes missed you?" One boy said. "Excuse me?" I said. "You're a good piece of meat" the boy said. I looked at him weird. Then I looked at Oikawa's girlfriend and she nodded and then she left. I took that as 'thank you'. Boys made circle around me now. "What's your name?" The one with bleached hair and piercing on his tongue. For unknown reason I got a dirty thought when I saw piercing. I blushed like crazy. "None of your business" I said. "Why are you blushing like that?" He said and he hot closer. Then I blushed even more. "Don't be that close to me" I said. "I'm not close" he said. "She said that you're close so step back" Oikawa appeared behind him. He took my wrist and he dragged me to the hallway. "What were you thinking?" He said. "What do you mean?" I said. "Why were you with them?" He asked. "Because I was protecting your girlfriend" I said. "She was not there" he said. "Wait. Why do you even care?" I said. "Because I do. Now please just go and hang out with other girls like everyone else" he said. "Babe! I was looking for you" his girlfriend yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Just don't be around guys" he said and then he went to his girlfriend. What in the world was that? Anyways I ignored what he said and I went back to Bokuto. He was with Akaashi and Kuroo. "Oh look! The tiny human, I mean L/N decided to join us" Kuroo said. Bokuto laughed and Akaashi had a grin on his face. "Don't call me like that you piece of" I said but I stopped. "Piece of what?" He said getting in my face. "I don't know" I said and then I turned around. The piercing guy was staring at me. "Hey, who's that guy?" I asked them. "Um that's Terushima" Akaashi said. "I don't like that guy" Kuroo said and he grabbed me by the waist and turned me to him. "Don't look at him" he said. I went RED! RED! RED! "Bokuto! Akaashi! I need you guys here" someone yelled. "We're coming. You don't need to yell Konoha!" Bokuto yelled even louder. Akaashi hit Bokuto on the head and they left Kuroo and me alone. "I want you to meet Kenma, Lev and Yaku" he said and he dragged me to Nekoma's sleeping room if I can call it like that.
I met everyone. I mean EVERYONE. I even talked with Terushima... I also had a lot of fun with Tanaka and Noya. They are funny guys. So anyways I also noticed that Oikawa was kinda avoiding his girlfriend. I didn't ask anything tho. "Hey Iwaizumi. Are we free after 8 pm?" I asked. "Yeah, we can hang out?" He said. "I wanted to talk to you" I said. He smiled and nodded.
After 8 pm I waited for Iwaizumi outside. "Hey, I'm here. What's up?" He said. "Why is Oikawa avoiding his girlfriend?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious? He's always looking at you because he doesn't want you to talk to other guys. He likes you" Iwaizumi said. "It doesn't make sense" I said. "Iwa-chan!! Did you see L/N?" Oikawa said getting out. "You're here!" He said. "Yes" I said. "Okay. Just making sure you're okay" he said and he went inside. "I will go too. Find me of you need someone to hang out with" Iwaizumi said and he went to take a shower. I wanted to take a shower too. When I finished I realized that I left my clean clothes in the sleeping room. Ugh. I wrapped towel around me and headed to the room. I was lucky enough to met Terushima on my way there. He took a shower too. I could tell because he was shirtless and his hair was wet. "Whoaa wait up" he said standing in front of me blocking my way. "Terushima, I have to go and take my clothes. Let me walk" I said. "I don't think that's possible" he said. "And why's that?" i said. "You're very hot" he said. I blushed. "Let's go on a night date. Go put your clothes on. I'll wait outside" he said. "What?" I said. "If you don't come, I will be very sad" He said and he left. I went to the room and I put my pajamas on. I'm to lazy to find an outfit. It's not like we're on a real date. I just brushed my wet hair and I headed outside. He was there. "Are you crazy?" He said. "Well I don't know. Why?" I said. "It's cold outside and your hair is wet. And you are in your pajamas! Here, take my hoodie" he said handing it to me. I put it on. "Let's go for a long walk" He said and he grabbed my hand. I had a dirty thought again. We talked a lot. He actually seems like a good guy. "Are you still cold?" He asked. "Kinda" I said. "Then that means I'm left without a choice" he said "I have to warm you up" he said. I had no time to react. He pulled me by my waist and he kinda pushed me to the wall. One hand was on my waist and the other was on the back of my head. Be licked his lips and he kissed me. I kissed him back. That's how our make out started. He lifted me up and pushed me to the wall even harder. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started kissing my neck and I think that he left me few hickeys. It felt so good like I can't explain it. That's when Oikawa appeared in my mind. I suddenly stopped Terushima. "What's wrong?" He said. "I can't do this. Sorry" I took off his hoodie and I went inside. I rushed to bed and I started crying. Lucky no one heard me. In the middle of the night I had big need to go outside so I did. I saw Oikawa there. Crying. I sat next to him and I just hugged him. He was surprised at first but he saw me and he just hugged back. I don't know why is he crying but I want to know and I don't want to ask. "L/N please tell me that you are not with Terushima" he said. "I'm not. Don't cry" I said and I hugged him even tighter. "I saw you two" he said. "It was nothing Oikawa" I said. He pulled off of the hug and he wiped his eyes. Then he placed his hands on my cheeks. "I can't hold myself" he said and he kissed me. He actually kissed me. I kissed him back of course. He pulled me so I was on top of him but then he stopped kissing. "I don't like this. Can I be on top?" He said. I blushed and I nodded. He flipped me and he was looking at me. He took off his shirt and he told me to get up so he can put it under me. "That should be okay" he said. Then he laid me back down and he started kissing me again. It was dark outside and there was no light. He tangled his fingers with mines and I noticed how is his hand much larger than mine. I liked this, I feel butterflies and everything is perfect. "Oikawa stop" I said. "What's wrong?" He said looking me in the eyes. "I don't want to do this. You have to break up with your girlfriend first" I said and I got up pushing him away. "I will break up with her. That will be the first thing I'll do in the morning" he said. "Okay" I said. "Now come back here" he said. "No. I told you to break up with her first" as I said that I went back to sleep. In the morning I noticed that Terushima left me hickeys. I know that Oikawa didn't touched my neck.  I was curious about what will other say so I was not trying to cover them. This reminds me of middle schoolers making fake hickeys. Anyways I put on my clothes and I went to the gym. I caught Terushima looking at me. "HEYHEYHEY! Little-chan! Come here" Bokuto was yelling. I walked to them. He was with Akaashi, Kuroo and Tsuki. "Hi guys" I said. "Tiny humannn" Kuroo yelled and he hugged me."What's that on your neck?" He said, "What? Nothing" I said. "Little-chan! Who made you these" Bokuto said. "I'm pretty sure that's hickey" Akaashi said and he touched one of them. "It's not makeup for sure" he added. I looked around and I saw Oikawa. "I have to go guys" I said.I ran to him. While I was running his ex came to him and she kissed him. And he wrapped his arm around her? I stopped immediately. What the hell. He said that he will broke up with her. I felt a tear falling down. I wiped my eyes and I went to bathroom. Someone came right after me. It was Oikawa. "What happened?" He said. "What happened? Are you really asking that?" I said " You said that you will break up with her! What happened?" I said. "Oh, look I would feel bad for her. Can you wait until we go home?" He said. "Fuck that" I said. I wanted to leave but he grabbed my shoulder and he turned me around. "Who made you these hickeys? Terushima? I know I didn't" he said. "Why do you even care?" I said. "No one can leave you hickeys" he said and he came closer, then he started making me hickeys. I stopped him and I got out. Kuroo was standing almost in front of the door. He was talking with Kenma. "Kuroo, can you come with me" I said. I was trying so hard not to cry. "Is everything fine? You look like it's not" he said. "Can we go outside?" I said. He nodded and he said bye to Kenma. We went outside and I started crying like crazy. I told Kuroo everything. It's not like I fully trust him but I just had to tell someone. "I will kill them both! Oikawa first, then Terushima and then I will, I will, I don't even know. Can I tell Bokuto about this?" He said. "You can but only him. Please don't say anything to Terushima or Oikawa. I will work things out" I said. "I feel so bad for you" he said and he hugged me again. "L/N! You're here! I was looking for you" Oikawa said coming out. He reached for my hand but Kuroo changed places with me, I was standing behind huge black cat who's trying to protect me. I peeked on Oikawa. His face looked angry and sad. "Don't even dare to touch her" Kuroo said calmly. Oikawa straighten his back and he made a clam face, then suddenly he looked me in the eyes. "L/N I just wanted to let you know that I will not break up with her while we're on the camp. I don't want to ruin her experience" he said. "So instead of that you ruined L/N's experience?" Kuroo said. Oikawa's eyes widened when he said that. I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. Kuroo took my hand and he dragged me inside. "He doesn't deserve you" Kuroo mumbled through his teeth. I acted like I didn't hear that. Oikawa came right after us. "Wait, L/N! Kuroo!" He yelled. "She's not going to talk to you!" Kuroo said and he started dragging me again. I looked back at Oikawa, seeing him standing in place, his hand was in a fist. He just turned around and he went outside. This is just to much for me. I'm not able to see people hurt. I snapped my hand out of Kuroo's grip and I ran after Oikawa "L/N! Wait!" Kuroo yelled but I ignored him. When I saw Oikawa I ran to him and I just hugged him from the back. He took my hands and he turned to me. "L/N, Kuroo is right. I'm a terrible person. You can't be with someone like me" he said. "Look it's okay. Don't worry. Let's go back inside and we will act like nothing ever happened"I said. "Okay" he said. I noticed that he was crying, that broke my heart. We went inside. Bokuto and Kuroo came to me immediately. "Are you stupid Little-chan?" Bokuto said, his face was saying that he's worried but his voice says that he's angry. "He's using you! Don't be that stupid! I know I'm mean right now and that I'm saying bad things. But L/N please open your eyes" Bokuto said. "I love him. It's impossible to forget someone who's always in your head! It's hard to forget the person you care about Bokuto! He's a good friend, if this relationship don't work out then we can be friends like we are right now!" I said. He was just standing in front of me, giant boy looking me in the eyes, my eyes are teary and puffy. "Look Little-chan, you're one of my best friends. I don't want to see you hurt" Bokuto said. I started crying so I looked away. I just need a hug. Just a tight hug from anyone. As I thought that I felt someone's hands wrapping around me. I don't want to open my eyes and see who it is. I just know it's Bokuto. I can feel every single part of his arms and torso and the way he puts his chin on my shoulder... "I'm here Little-chan" Bokuto said. "Thank you" I said.

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