Even a traitor may mend || Th...

By MagicofNarnia

35.4K 1.1K 351

Edmund's journey from before the lion the witch and the wardrobe throughout the film More

He just wanted his Dad
A talk about war
Off to school
First day
There's a reason
Three years ago
End of term
He didn't understand
You're not Dad
Into town
Peter's birthday
Disappointment and guilt
In trouble
A little different
I guess you don't care anymore
For the first time in months
He meant what he said
Ask for help
Back early
The Blitz
It's too dangerous
Into the country
The wardrobe
The White Witch
With the beavers
In the dungeons
First signs of spring
Across the river
The witches camp
They can't know
I don't wanna talk about it
I forgive you
A traitors blood
He understood
Let me fight
I don't regret doing it
If dying was what it took...
Thank you
Cair Paravel
You'll be a great king
Back home

Back to Narnia

475 17 6
By MagicofNarnia

Edmund swallowed hard as he slowly walked into his and Peter's room after Lucy, sighing when he heard her telling Peter all about Narnia.
Edmund at that moment was feeling really rather sick, and he didn't pay any attention to Lucy as she told Peter about Narnia, or to Peter as he tried to figure out what she was on about, or even to Susan, who came running in the room telling Lucy that she'd only been dreaming.
His head snapped up though when he heard the words: "And this time, Edmund went too!"
He stared at his siblings, unsure of what to say.
"You- You saw the faun?" Peter asked, looking still half asleep but confused.
Edmund immediately shook his head.
"Well, he didn't actually go there with me." Lucy said, standing from where she'd been sat on Peter's bed and turning to face Edmund. "He-" She frowned for a moment. "What were you doing Edmund?"
Edmund stared at her, before smirking slightly. "I was just, playing along." He said, noting how Lucy's eyes almost immediately lost their sparkle. "I'm sorry Peter-" He carried on. "I shouldn't of encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days, they just don't know when to stop pretending."
Lucy by this point was in tears, she brought her hands up to cover her face and suddenly ran from the room, leaving behind a rather smug looking Edmund, an annoyed looking Susan, and an angry looking Peter.
Edmund stood from the bed he'd at some point sat down on, only to receive a hard shove two seconds later, sending him falling back onto the bed. "Ow!" He cried after Peter as he ran from the room, obviously going after Lucy.
Edmund sighed as he slowly sat up, his thoughts immediately going back to his meeting with the so called "white witch" and the Turkish delight she'd given him.
At the very thought of the Turkish delight, Edmund's stomach did a flip.
Why did he feel so sick at the thought of it? He remembered it being the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted, but how could something so good, make him so sick? He hadn't eaten that much of it.
He sat there for a good ten minutes, trying his hardest to force back the sick feeling, but in the end he gave in.
He leapt from the bed and ran from the room, pushing open the door to the bathroom.
He just about managed to fall to his knees before he threw up, choking as tears rolled slowly down his cheeks.
Edmund would've groaned if he could, of course Peter would find him, and he wished then that he'd closed the door... and locked it.
He saw Peter run in and fall to his knees beside him, placing one hand on Edmund's back and the other on the back of his head, gently stroking his hair.
After a minute or two, Edmund had nothing left to throw up and collapsed back against Peter.
"Ed are you alright?" Peter asked, Edmund being able to hear clearly the worry in his voice. It seemed Peter had completely forgotten about what had just happened with Lucy, atleast for the time being.
After Edmund had recovered enough, he slowly sat up. "I'm fine." He muttered, wiping his mouth.
Peter frowned. "Why did you throw up?" He asked quickly. "You aren't coming down with anything are you?"
Edmund pushed Peter's hand away when he tried to check his temperature, scowling at him. "I said I'm fine Peter." He snapped. "I dont think dinner agreed with me is all."
It was the only excuse he could think of, and he hoped Peter would believe him.
It didn't seem like Peter really did, but he still nodded slowly. "Alright." He mumbled. "Let's just get you back into bed."
"I can get into bed by myself." Edmund said quickly as Peter stood and held out his hand towards him.
Peter just stood there, waiting for Edmund to stand too.
Edmund rolled his eyes and quickly stood, maybe a little too quickly though.
He swayed and tripped, Peter having to Quickly catch him before he ended up face down on the floor.
"You were saying?" Peter said, smirking slightly.
"Oh shut up." Edmund grumbled, pulling from Peter's grasp and staggering all the way back to his room.
"You're too stubborn for your own good Edmund." He heard Peter say as he lost his balance and collapsed onto his bed. "I only wanted to help."
"I don't need your help." Edmund muttered, pulling off his dressing gown and throwing it at the end of his bed.
"Course you don't." Peter sighed, sitting on the edge of his own bed.
"No, I don't." Edmund answered, lying down and pulling the blankets over him, but not before Peter's eyes went wide. "What?" He asked.
"You're bleeding!" Peter exclaimed, pointing at Edmund's ankles.
Edmund looked down, and sure enough, where the dwarves whip had caught him, there was a fairly large cut on both ankles. "Oh that." He said slowly, trying to think up of some excuse. "I, um-"
"Ed what happened?" Peter asked firmly.
"This evening, you know earlier I went for a walk?" Edmund said, meaning after dinner when he'd gone for some time alone outside. He wouldn't really call it a walk, he'd just sat and stared ahead of him.
"Yeah?" Peter said.
"I got some nettles caught around my ankles is all." Edmund lied, shrugging.
Peter stared at him. "Well why didn't you say anything?" He asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Because it's fine." He said.
"Maybe I should clean them?-"
"No." Edmund cut him off. "Its fine, just go to sleep."
Peter frowned. "Fine." He sighed. "Oh but don't think you've gotten away with what you did to Lucy." He said suddenly. "I want to talk to you in the morning. If it wasn't for you throwing up, I'd be talking to you now."
"I never thought I'd say this but thank God I threw up." Edmund muttered, before closing his eyes and ignoring whatever else Peter had to say.


The next morning he was woken to Peter shaking his shoulders.
"Go away." He grumbled, turning with his back to his brother.
"Ed its almost 9 o'clock." Peter told him. "I know we were up last night but you really need to get out of bed."
"I'm tired." Edmund replied sleepily.
"Are you feeling okay now?" Peter questioned, Edmund feeling a hand land on his arm.
Edmund sighed and with a groan slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes as he turned to face his brother. "I feel fine." He said. And it was true, he no longer felt sick, and all he wanted right then was to eat more of that Turkish delight.
"Well that's good." Peter said. "It obviously was just something you ate."
Edmund nodded slowly. "Well, I suppose I should get changed then." He muttered.
"Wait." Peter said quickly, his voice growing stern as he placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund glared at him. "Yeah, yeah." He said. "I'm in big trouble for what I did to Lucy, and encouraging her probably isnt the best thing to do, and it was really spiteful and blah, blah, blah."
Peter didn't look impressed and raised an eyebrow at his brother. "It was mean Ed." He said.
Edmund shrugged. "Well guess what, you can't punish me." He snapped. "You're not Dad."
Peter rolled his eyes. "For goodness sake Ed." He muttered. "I get it!"
"Well you obviously don't." Edmund replied. "Otherwise you'd stop acting like you were in charge."
"I am in charge." Peter answered.
Edmund glared at him. "You're supposed to "look after us" not boss us around and tell us what to do."
Peter sighed. "You know what." He said. "Just get up and get changed, breakfast is in 10."
Edmund nodded slowly before climbing out of bed, walking over to the wardrobe to grab his clothes.


Edmund sighed a little as he stared up at the window.
At the window to the wardrobe room, only one thought on his mind.
How an earth was he supposed to get his siblings to the witch?
Peter and Susan wouldn't go anywhere near the wardrobe, and after last night, Lucy wasn't exactly very happy with Edmund.
He wasn't concentrating at all on the game of cricket him and his older siblings were playing, his mind trying to come up with some way of getting his siblings to Narnia.
He flinched when something hard and round hit him on the leg, swinging round to see Peter with a small smirk on his face. "Ow!" He exclaimed.
"Whoops." Peter laughed. "Wake up dolly day dream!"
Edmund rolled his eyes. "Why can't we play hide and seek again?" He asked as Susan threw the ball back to Peter.
"I thought you said it was a kids game?" Peter responded, tossing the ball from one hand to another.
Edmund sighed, right yeah... that plan obviously wasn't going to work.
"And besides." Susan stepped in, a smile growing on her face. "We could all use the fresh air."
"It's not like there isn't air inside." Edmund grumbled, ignoring the rather hurt look on Susan's face.
"Are you ready?" Peter asked rather impatiently.
"Are you?!" Edmund replied, gripping the bat tightly in his hands.
Peter shook his head slightly before throwing the ball as hard as he could at his brother.
Edmund unfortunately maybe hit it a little too hard. It flew through the air, straight into one of the upstairs windows, smashing it.
Edmund gasped in shock, he hadn't quite meant for that to happen.
All four siblings did nothing for a while, just stare at the broke window, before Peter muttered something under his breath and ran towards the nearest door.
Edmund, Susan and Lucy all quickly followed, all coming to a halt by the broken window.
It seemed the ball had also knocked over a suit of armour, and Edmund found himself rolling his eyes, of course that would happen, just add to the damage.
"Oh well done Ed." Peter muttered, turning to face his brother.
Edmund's eyes went wide. "You balled it!" He defended.
"What an earth is going on up there!?"
Edmund's eyes went wide.
"The macready!" Susan exclaimed, voicing everyone's thoughts.
"Come on!" Peter said quickly, dashing from the room.
The four literally ran around the whole of the house trying to get away from the macready, but whenever they went, she seemed to follow, and they were all starting to get confused.
Before they knew it they were inside the wardrobe room, Peter slamming the door behind them.
Edmund, after a split second of hesitation, ran across the room and swung open the wardrobe door. "Come on!" He exclaimed, staring at his siblings.
"You've got to be joking!" Susan said, shaking her head.
But when they heard footsteps outside, the other three ran over, and before they knew it, they were all crammed inside the wardrobe.
"Get back!" Peter whispered, taking a few steps back as he pulled the door too.
"Someone's on my toe!"
"I'm not on your toe!"
"Ow, who's touching me!"
Edmund stopped dead when he felt a branch dig into his back, and when he heard identical gasps from Peter and Susan.
They'd made it back to Narnia.
Stepping out from the bushes, Edmund glanced around, hearing a whisper of: "Impossible." From Susan.
"Don't worry." Lucy said slowly, something of a smirk on her face. "I'm sure it's just your imagination."
"I dont suppose, saying we're sorry would quite cover it?" Peter asked.
"No, it wouldn't." Lucy said, before throwing a snowfall at him, hitting him straight on the neck. "But that might!"
Edmund frowned and turned away as the three of his siblings began a snowball fight, catching sight of the two hills the Queen had said she lived between.
How an earth was he supposed to get his siblings there?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when something cold and, really rather hard hit his arm. "Ow." He muttered. "Stop it!"
Everyone came to a standstill, nobody speaking until Peter stepped forward. "You little liar." He snapped.
Edmund scowled at him. "You didn't believe her either!" He snapped back.
"I apologise to Lucy." Peter said, casting his sister a quick glance before looking back to Edmund.
Edmund just glared at him, not saying anything.
"Say you're sorry!" Peter suddenly exclaimed, taking a few more steps forward.
"Alright!" Edmund said quickly, looking at Lucy. "I'm sorry."
"That's alright." Lucy replied casually. "Some little children just don't know when to stop pretending."
Edmund rolled his eyes. "Very funny." He muttered.
"Maybe we should go back?" Susan said suddenly.
Edmund's eyes went wide. "Shouldn't we at least take a look around?" He said quickly, thinking fast.
"I think-" Peter said slowly, staring at Edmund, and for a moment Edmund thought he was gonna agree with him, but at the last moment he turned to Lucy. "Lucy should decide."
Edmund sighed. Of course.
"I'd like you all to meet Mr.Tumnus!" Lucy cried happily.
"Well then Mr.Tumnus it is!" Peter said, smiling as he disappeared back into the bushes.
"But we can't go hiking in the snow, dressed like this!" Susan told them, wrapping her arms around her.
"No." Peter said, emerging with four fur coats. "But I'm sure the professor wouldn't mind us using these." He handed one to Lucy, and then to Susan saying: "And anyway, if you think about if logically-" He then turned to Edmund. "We're not even taking them out of the wardrobe."
"But that's a girls coat!" Edmund said, staring at the one Peter now held out to him.
"I know." Peter replied, shrugging his shoulders.
Edmund sighed but took the coat, glaring at Peter.

Told you there'd be more missing scenes 😊 hope you liked them xox

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