Bloodbath of the Fallen Crown

Autorstwa danaxramirez

102K 3.7K 956

*Book two of the Queen of the Underworld series* Time has passed and Anastasia Bianchi has changed. For bette... Więcej



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Autorstwa danaxramirez

Mateo was already waiting outside the warehouse by the time we got there. I left Nicolas inside the car and got out, the gift box in my hands. "Where is everybody?"

"I didn't let your parents know." Mateo ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. "You had said to only inform them about things if you tell me. Elijah and Diego are inside. Gabriel said he's on his-- there he is."

I turned around just as Gabriel got out of his car and ran towards us, hands out. "What happened? I got a message to get here quickly."

"We were attacked." Mateo's tone was the same as when he spoke to me. He sounded unsure. It was unsettling

"Attacked, but how?" I asked, not being able to leave out the edge from my tone.

Nicolas walked slowly to us, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing twice. I turned to look at him and he rolled his lips into his mouth. "Looks like we're in quite the pickle."

I froze, forcing myself to not turn around and look. We're in a pickle. It's code for I think we're being watched.

"Let's go inside. Phones stay at the entrance, got it. Any other electronics too."

All three men agreed, following after me as we walked inside the warehouse. As we walked further in the warehouse I turned to one of the guards that walked the halls. "Destroy the-- actually, better yet, turn off the phones that were collected at the front and put them away. Don't turn them on until I give the order face to face. No matter what. Understood?"

He nodded, taking off without another word. I guided them inside the meeting room, closing the door after Elijah and Diego came inside.

"Elijah, turn off the power everywhere. Send everyone home except our core group. Tell them the truth; that we were attacked and I want to clear out the comprised area. Call the security at my parent's villa and tell them to be on high alert. Bring in candles and a cassette player. Be back here in twenty minutes."

I turned to Diego. "You go home."

His face paled, looking betrayed. "But Boss, I--"

"Go home," I repeated.

He seemed like he wanted to protest, but in the end nodded and walked out. We waited in silence until Elijah came back. I could barely pay attention to anything else, only being able to focus on the cassette tape and red dress laid out in the table. My lip was bruised and bloody by how much I had bothered it.

When Elijah came back, Vee was right behind him. She looked angry and ready to burst. Her eyes shot daggers at Mateo. "Tell her. Now."

I turned to him. "Tell me what?"

Mateo looked between Veronica and I, swallowing hard. "She was here."


"Kiara. She was here," Mateo said. "And I mean physically here. I saw her with my own two eyes. She was right here in front of me and told me call you and tell you we were attacked. I let her in."

I stood up, nearly losing my footing. "You what?"

"I let her in," he repeated. "She was at the front with Fiorella Canci and... you're not gonna believe this."

"Try me."

"Marco Ramirez."

It took me a moment. I was confused at first, unsure of what he meant by the name before the realization came to me like a the crash of a wave. "Marco Ramirez as in son of the leaders of Muerte Silenciosa? As in the one who was abducted and we thought was part of the collection of people Mussolini had?"

Mateo gave one sharp nod. "Kiara was here with both of them, standing beside a car. I have no idea how she discovered it, but she came all the way here."

"And you let her in?"

"Yes. She walked towards me with no gun or anything and told me that she has something you desperately want. She just wanted me to call you and hear your answer while she watched. Fiorella and Marco stayed outside. She threatened with jeopardizing the thing you want if I didn't do as she said."

I swallowed hard. All eyes were on me. "Did she say what it is I want?"

Mateo looked around. "Yes. But... I'm not sure you want everyone to hear."

I blinked at him. Instead of calming me, every word from his mouth simply pushed me closer to the edge. "What do you mean?"

He walked closer to me, grabbing my wrist. I watched as Nicolas stepped closer to me. His way of warning me not to exclude him. Mateo looked between Nicolas and I anxiously. "Let's go out," I gestured outside. I looked to Nicolas, "stay here."

He seemed angered for a moment, but took a deep breath and shook his head at me. "Not a chance."


"No," he insisted.

"I thought you trusted me," I accused.

His eyes narrowed defiantly at me. "I thought you trusted me."

"I do. Doesn't mean there aren't things I don't want you to hear."

"Yes, it does."

I gave him a warning look. "Don't do this, Nick. Don't push me."

Nicolas began walking backward, eyeing me angrily as he did. He pointed a finger at me, "you tell me after, Anastasia."

I didn't say anything, just walked out the room with Mateo. "What's wrong, Mateo? Why can't anyone hear?"

"I-I'm sorry," he began to stutter, fidgeting with his fingers nervously. "I don't want to... I don't want to be a bother. I just... Kiara told me... she said-- fuck."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly. "You can't be a bother. You're my brother. Tell me what happened."

He inhaled deeply and looked away from my eyes. I thought I was having delusions when his eyes got teary. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but shook his head and shut his eyes hard, instead. I grabbed his hand and walked us to the bathrooms, locking the door. "These rooms are impenetrable. Signal doesn't not go in or out. No one can hear you here, Mat. Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it."

He leaned into the sink and looked at me through the mirror, eyes red and glassy. "I'm not sure if you can."

"Then I'll support you when you do."

He shut his eyes and hung his head, hands in fists. I felt like crying while looking at his shaking body. "I definitely can't."

Growing more anxious and impatient, I put on a poker face and stared him down. "Tell me what happened, Mateo."

Mateo opened the faucet and splashed water on his face and hair. He nodded at me and exhaled. "I've never told anyone this. No one knew it except... except Michael. Not even Gabriel or Nicolas know. Much less Lorenzo."

"Okay," I said slowly. "I'm guessing this is very important to you."

He nodded at me, running a hand through his hair. "Remember what I told you about my backstory? How I came to be recruited by Michael?"

"Yeah," I said, remembering. "Your dad beat you up. Why? Does it have to do with your dad? Does she have your father?"

"No," he shook is head. "If it was my dad, she could have the bastard for all I care. It's... it's my sister."

My eyes nearly popped out of my skull. "Your what?"

"Sister. I have a sister."

"Older or younger?"

"Younger," he smiled softly upon remembering. "By six years. Her name was-- is Daniela. She'd be around fifteen right now."

It took me a moment to let it sink in. "Okay. Explain to me how your sister is involved."

"I was the first one to walk up to her when she showed up here. She showed me a picture of my sister. I mean, I haven't seen her since she was like eight or nine, but somehow--"

"Wait," I interrupted. "How? Michael took you when you were like thirteen. She's around six years younger than you. She would have been seven when Michael took you. What do you mean nine? Did you see her after?"

"Not exactly. After left with Michael, I asked him if I could take my sister with me. He had told me no because it wouldn't be a good environment for a small child. He said he would take care of it."

My blood ran cold simply listening to him. "Did you ever find out how?"

"Yeah. Michael arranged for Colombian child services to take my sister away from my parents and get them locked up for abuse and murder, making it seem as if I had died. I got to see from afar as she was moved to a foster home. He would keep me updated as time went by, but eventually sold me on the idea that it would be best to forget her. For her good and mine. He said she would be safe and I believed him."

"How do you know it's her? How are you so sure that it wasn't one of their little robot kids?"

"For one, she has a mole on her neck that helped me recognize her. I could see it in the picture. And a necklace, too. I had given it to her."

I huffed. "Mateo a necklace and a mole is not enough to prove this girl is you--"

"I was fucking broke as shit, Anastasia. I handmade that necklace for her out of a white string of yarn I stole from my teacher and an ugly ass heart-shaped penny I molded for her with her name written on it in sharpie. I gave it to her when she was five and she never wore it in front of my parents. Only her and I knew about it. She vowed to never take it off."

That does sound hard to duplicate. Still. "How do you know she vowed to keep it on?"

Mateo looked away from my eyes, reaching under his shirt for a small chain with a pendant hanging off. It had a green gem, too light to be an emerald. Maybe Peridot. It was a birthstone. It made sense now, why he always had this particular chain on. I always thought he just really like green.

"I watched her when she visited my grave. She was crying and she... she promised me she'd have it on forever. I wish I could've told her she could take off that ugly ass thing, but you know. I was dead."

"So you're one hundred percent sure it was her?"


I frowned. "Then how are you so sure I can't help you get her back? What did Katerina say?"

"She said she'll leave my sister alone when you join forces with her. That's what her father wanted. The picture gave me nothing to go on. Finding her is impossible. They've probably had her in their hands since the beginning. She said she won't hurt Daniela as long as you don't come looking for her, but she told me I had to tell you about it, or else she'll kill her. I have no idea what she's playing at, but I won't take any chances. Not if my sister is involved."

I walked up to Mateo, leaning into the sink next to him. What the fuck. I turned to him, sighing. "Why could only I know? You were looking at me like it was top secret."

"Because it is." He stared back at me. "She told me I couldn't tell anyone but you. She said you'd know it was her the second you heart me say we were attacked. She said you were the only one who could know."

"Did she give you some sort of contact number?"

"No," he shook his head. "She just said you'll know."

I frowned, "I'll know? What does that even--" The thought hit me harder than a brick. "Fuck. Fuck."

Mateo straightened, following after me as I walked out of the bathroom. "What? What?"

I turned around, pulling my hair at the roots. "She's here, Mateo. She's fucking here. They haven't left. I thought Nicolas meant that he felt someone was around, which I would have guessed, but, no, Katerina herself is here, Mat. Fuck."

"Here? She's here? Are you sure?"

"Positive." I burst through the doors of the conference room, where they all stood up the moment I walked in. "I want this place locked from top to bottom. Every entrance sealed, every nook and cranny covered. Everyone stays here until I say so. Got it?"

Elijah stood up, walking to me. "What happened?"

"She's here."


"Yeah, she's right--" I looked around the room, my blooding growing cold. "Where's Nicolas? And Vee?"

"Nicolas went out to look for you and Vee-- oh, look there they are."

I turned around when the doors opened, walking right next to Nicolas. I grabbed his face and pulled him down to my level. "Don't you dare leave my sight, got it? Don't you fucking dare wander off."

He cupped my face, worry washing over his. "I won't, baby. I'm right here. What's wrong?"

"She's here." I told him.

Veronica grabbed my arm, turning me around to face her. "Where?"

I frowned, not liking the vile tone. She looked on edge, anxious and ready. I'm not sure what exactly she's ready for. "Here. Right outside. I'm going out."

"What?" Nicolas grabbed my other arm, twisting me to face him. "Are you in--"

"Insane?" I cut off. "Were you gonna ask if I was insane?"

"Sia, I didn't--"

"I'm not insane, Nick. I'm just fed up. If she wants to play, I'll play. I'd rather do it on my terms than have to fumble every time she catches me off guard."

He shook his head, tightening his grip on me. "No. That's too risky."

"It's all we've got. I go out, or she comes in. She won't kill me. She needs me. In the meantime, you all get ready. Get my parents, Emilio and Sienna to safety. Tell Rayaan and Ash what's going on. It's tonight or never."

Nicolas wasn't having it. "We can do that with you here. She wants you to go to her. You're walking right into her trap."

I smiled, "exactly."


"She's right," Mateo said. "That's the only way."

Nicolas gave him an icy look. "What were you two talking about, huh? Why'd you let her in? She got something on you? You did something you weren't supposed to?"

"Nick," I shot him a glare. "Don't do that. Mateo did nothing."

"Then why can't we know what it is? Why can't I?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

I made sure to keep my tone calm. "You do. He did nothing."

Huffing, Nicolas stepped away from me and towards Mateo. He looked dangerous. I didn't like it one bit. "Che cazzo hai fatto? Eh? Why does she have to go and sacrifice herself? What is she covering for you?" (What the fuck did you do?)

Elijah walked between them, standing in front of Mateo. Gabriel stood behind Nicolas, pulling him back.

"It takes a little conflict for you to lose all your trust in me?" Mateo's face portrayed his utter disbelief. He walked around Elijah and got in Nicolas' face. "You really think I would betray any of you? Or do something que nos ponga en peligro? Carajo, man!" (that would put us in danger? / Fuck, man!)

Before Nicolas could respond, Gabriel pulled his back and pushed him hard. "Smettila, cazzo!" He warned him. It was nearly impossible not to notice how much Gabriel and Nicolas watched out for each other. They calmed each other down and beat each other's asses. Mateo had always been part of their group, but never as close as those two were. "You're on edge, quindi chiudi quella cazzo di bocca before you talk more bullshit. You know they're right." (Stop it, fuck! / so shut the fuck up)

Nicolas scoffed, pushing Gabriel off him. "Anche tu? You're okay with letting her throw herself into the pit of fire? Fine, non ti uccideranno," he glared at me when he said that. Then back at Gabriel, "but they sure as fucking hell won't sit down and chat over a cup of fucking tea." (You too? / they won't kill you)

"Of course I'm not okay with it, stronzo." Gabriel pushed him back to the wall. "But it's the only shot we got! We're giving them what they want because it's the only thing they won't expect us to do. We've been doing the exact opposite of what they ask for years. If we switch up, it'll knock them off their feet for a little. Give us an opening. Non lo capisci?" (asshole / Don't you understand?)

Nicolas was breathing hard, pulling his hair at his sides. He didn't look well.

We all turned to the sound of a gunshot, making it clear they were right at our doorstep. "I have to go," I said. "You do what you need to do. I can handle myself."

Nicolas walked up to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. He pinned me to the wall, holding my chin up with one hand. "I don't fucking like this."

"I know." I moved a strand of hair from his eyes. His hair was getting much longer. He had one haircut about two months ago. He doesn't get them regularly unless I am constantly reminding him.

His eyes lost their fire and stared at me softly. "Why does it feel like we're saying goodbye? I don't want to lose you. I refuse to."

"Then, don't." It wasn't as simple as that. We both knew it. Still, saying it like it is makes a fake comfort wash over us. Fake it 'til you make it. "Let's make it a 'see you later' then. We'll see each other when everything settles down." If it settles down.

He smiled, but I could tell it was for the sake of the fake comfort we had created. "I love you. Be careful. Please, don't do anything stupid."

I laughed, feeling like a tight cap just blew off my top and air was escaping. My entire body was tense and the slightest exertion would send me to an early grave, or well, simply grave. There's no such thing as early grave where my life's involved. I'll be lucky to live to my father's age at this point. "I'll try my bestest. I have to go now. Tell the others to make their way to the panic room underneath. And, please Nick, don't try to come up with a plan to rescue me or some shit. I got this, okay? And leave Mateo alone; he has nothing to do with my decision."

He huffed, pressing his forehead against mine. "I will. I acted like a dick, I know. I'll apologize. And if I see something going sideways, I'm getting a team and killing my way inside. I don't give a fuck."

"You could die," I argued.

"So can you," he countered.

Another gunshot rang. We sprang apart, the sudden noise heightening my senses. I didn't want to get to the third.

"I love you," I said. I stepped away from him, walking backwards towards the exit. "See you later."

He shook his head, closing the space between us and pulling me against him. "I'm not leaving without my goodbye kiss. Or see you later kiss, or whatever. Last time that happened I didn't get to kiss you for three years. I'm not doing that shit again."

I smiled, cupping his face in my hands. We both felt our time running out. "This time will be different."

He smirked at me, circling his hand around my neck. "Exactly." 

I wish it was longer. The anxiety, the fear and the looming threat of death made our kiss shorter than I wished it was. Too short to savor. To hold on to. I wished I could simply walk out of here and leave it all behind. But I can't. Not in this life. 

I didn't say another word as I turned away from him and walked towards the doors of the warehouse. Having sent all our guards home was proving to be a good call. Last thing I need is my men dying for a show of power. I unlocked the doors and opened them just enough to fit me through the gap, closing them immediately after walking out.

I forced myself to remain calm. There were five people this time. Two of them were Fiorella Canci and Marco Ramirez. In the middle of them all, there she was. Katerina Mussolini. She looked so much like her father, that it was terrifying. I felt my chest constrict as I stared back at her. And she stared back at me. She was too far for me to see her facial expression, but I felt her stare on me. 

She was classy. Oozed of grace. I had expected her to look maniacal. To be over the top. But she wasn't. As I dragged my feet closer to her I could see her clearly. She was dressed casually. A pink trench coat and white boots. Her blonde hair was down. She looked like any normal girl our age. She didn't look lethal or menacing. It made her far more dangerous. "Hi," she smiled when I stopped right in front of her and her clique. Her hand extended to me, shaking slightly to indicate I should take it. I didn't. 

"You wanted to talk," I said. I didn't make my tone hostile or vicious. I kept myself at bay. "Let's talk."

She smiled again. A polite smile. I forced myself to not feel taken aback. "Yes, I did. I don't know if you noticed, but I tried to be a little more... diplomatic than my father."

I returned the smile, except mine was sarcastic. "Must've flown past me."

Her smile widened, like she was genuinely amused by my answer. "Well, you didn't get shot this time."

I took in a deep breath before answering. "But Nicolas did. Veronica got kidnapped. My mother fell into a coma. Giovanni died."

"But not you," she winked. "Still, you did kill my father, a few of my brothers and sisters. You sabotaged my organizations and blew up a few of my men. I'd say we're... even. Two peas in a pod. Especially now that we're the ones in charge of our businesses. We're more alike than you think, Anastasia."

I decided playing along was my best bet.

"Now that your father is out of the picture, maybe we can work something out, Katerina. We've both proven to be stronger than everyone else in this business. We'd be better together. Invincible."

Her eyes shone as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I forced myself to not tense up. "Exactly. That's all I ever wanted. My father was very ambitious. Too greedy to make it in this world. He had it coming when you killed him. I want to do things different. I want to work with you. We can rule together. Make this business completely ours."

I took her hand on my shoulder and shook it. "Then we should get to talking."

Her eyes narrowed for a moment, as if wondering whether I was serious. In the end, she gestured for someone to hand her something. It was a small syringe. I couldn't help tensing at the sight of it. "I think you can understand," she said slowly. "It's a sedative. Don't worry too much about the addiction. It's only enough dose to put you to sleep while we get to the safe house. We haven't exactly formed a bond, yet. Besides, if you came out here, I'm sure you know I don't want to kill you."

I raised my sleeve and held my arm out to her. "I'm here for business, Katerina. A deal with no trust is just a failure waiting to happen. I'm sure you know better than to wrong me."

"Oh yes," she half-laughed. Cleaning the surface of my skin and injecting the liquid. "I'll never forget you nearly killing me. I understand why, though, so no hard feelings. What I never came to terms with is you letting me live. I always wonder why you didn't kill me in that very moment. Who knows? Maybe you were waiting for this moment."

I felt a lazy smile on my lips. "I don't think that's why."

She laughed, moving a strand of hair out of my eyes. "I love your haircut, by the way! Short hair totally suits you, girl. Anyway, that may have not been why, but aren't you glad you didn't kill me, now? I mean, now we can both..."

I felt myself lose consciousness as she continued to speak. Soon, her words blurred into a lullaby that pulled me into the dark. Lights began a slow dance in front of my eyes, relaxing my body and mind as I fell into her arms.

Ayoooo hitman bang introduces!

Guys I had a second wisdom teeth removal surgery today and currently feel like I'd rather get trampled by a horse. Yet here i am posting for y'all.

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