The Hinata Sisters (Brothers...

By Phoenix_SWAG01

43.4K 1.4K 173

(I don't own brothers conflict, only Lisa) - - - - - So, I noticed that most fanfiction about Brothers Confl... More

Chapter One - Meeting Them
Chapter Two - Lisa To The Rescue
Chapter Three - Breakfast Revelation
Chapter Four - Midnight Memories
Chapter Five - We're Going On Vacation?!
Chapter Six - The Twins' Event
Chapter Seven - Boatride and Parasailing
Chapter Eight - A Kiss Under The Moonlight
Chapter Nine - Catching Cold
Chapter Ten - Hanging Out With Subaru
Chapter Eleven - Drinks and Heartaches
Chapter Twelve - Entertaining The Idol and Meeting My Idol
Chapter Thirteen - Favours and Encounters
Chapter Fourteen - Finally, I'm Home
Chapter Fifteen - Hospitals and Blood
Chapter Sixteen - A Date With... Ulrike
Chapter Seventeen - Panzer of the Death with Nee-chan
Chapter Eighteen - A Crush on Poor Big Brother?!
Chapter Nineteen - Trouble With The Twins
Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco
Chapter Twenty-One - Rollercoaster Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Devil, The Vampire, and Miwa's Request
Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deals With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Embarassing Moments
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Idol and My Idol
Chapter Thirty - Risen From The Ashes
Chapter Thirty-One - Unravelling The World
Chapter Thirty-Two - Detective Tsundere
Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince
Chapter Thirty-Four - Finding Out The Truth
Chapter Thirty-Five - Lisa's Reasons
Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Beauty and the Writer
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lisa's Errands
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Valentine Birthday Debacle
Chapter Forty - The First Confession
Chapter Forty-One - The Revelation
Chapter Forty-Two - The Second Confession
Chapter Forty-Three - Comforting the Seiyuu
Chapter Forty-Four - Forgiveness and Unveiling
Chapter Forty-Five - The Autumn Trip
Chapter Forty-Six - A Visit From the Past
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross
Forty-Eight - Kisses and Interview
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Siblings' Feelings
Chapter Fifty - Goodbye

Chapter Twenty-Five - Christmas Eve

604 24 1
By Phoenix_SWAG01

Christmas Eve

'Yey! It's Christmas Eve! I'm sure this will be the best Christmas celebration Nee-chan and I will even experience!'

"Lisa?" Nee-chan entered my room. "Do you mind helping Ukyo-san and I finish prepping the food? We just need to carry the food out, but it is excessively numerous."

"Sure!" I jumped out of bed and slipped on my slippers. "You made my favourite, right?"

"Of course, smoked salmon carbonara cooked and ready." Nee-chan chuckled.

"Yey! Let's go!" I grabbed her by the arm and rushed to the kitchen. "Wow, there are so many foods!"

"Well, it is a feast. It's thanks to your sister that I was able to finish prep so quickly this year. Thank you so much for your help," Ukyo Nii-chan said.

"Oh, no. I had so much fun preparing things with you. I'm so glad that I could be of use to you," Nee-chan smiled.

"I-I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help Nii-chan," I apologized and bowed.

'If you guys don't remember, a conflict kind of irrupted between the two of us and ever since then, I still haven't apologized to him.'

"You don't have to apologize, Lisa. You were busy with your mid-term exams and since I've heard that you and Yusuke have done well in your exams, this will be your congratulatory celebration." Ukyo Nii-chan said.

"T-Thank you, Nii-chan." I smiled.

"Haha, well we'll enjoy the party now!" Ukyo Nii-chan exclaimed and grabbed the last food from the counter.

"Kyo-tan! Onee-chan! Hurry, hurry! Everyone is here now!" Taru-kun hollered from the dining room.

"Well then, shall we go?" Ukyo Nii-chan proposed.

"Okay!" "Let's go!"

"Now that Imouto-chans and Kyo-nii are here, why don't we start a toast! Masa-nii?" Kana Nii-chan proposed.

"Huh? Me?" Masa Nii-chan asked.

"Naturally," Kana Nii-chan inferred.

"Erm... Well, It will be simple..." Masa Nii-chan cleared his throat. "This year our family grew, and this is our first Christmas together. Especially for Lisa-chan and Ema-chan, I hope you will enjoy today, our annual Asahina Christmas party! Everyone as well, let's stay together and enjoy our time today. Well, then. CHEERS!"


'Sadly, we youngsters will be drinking soft drinks while the adults can have champagne.'

"I'm not so good with stuff like that..." I heard Masa Nii-chan muttering beside me.

"I don't think so, what you said was actually heartwarming. Plus, it is fitting to hear from the eldest brother when it comes to these kinds of things," I said.

"She's right, you know. It's your place as the eldest son." Ukyo Nii-chan imparted.

Masa Nii-chan chuckled, "By the way, Ema-chan and Ukyo, thank you for preparing all of this immaculate looking food."

'Unrelated to him being the eldest son, Masa Nii-chan always gives kind words of encouragement and praise in times like these...'

"With such an amount to prepares, she was such amazing help." Ukyo Nii-chan said.

"But, with so many family members it's a given. I hope everyone will be able to fill up!" Nee-chan exclaimed.

I agreed with Nee-chan and went to grab another drink and saw Louis Nii-chan also there.

"I'm glad that you could join us, Louis Nii-chan. I know that you're always busy with your job," I said.

"I am too, I was given the evening off today," He smiled. "After the party tonight... Can I style your hair Lii?"

"Eh? Lou-chan sure is sneaky. I also want to touch Imouto-chan's hair..." Kana Nii-chan whined. "Can I? Imouto-chan?"

"Nii-chan is prohibited from it," I quickly replied.

"Eh? Where's the Christmas spirit? Can you reciprocate my love just a little? Maybe a kiss?" He said as he leaned a bit closer.

"Would reciprocating really be appropriate? It's too bad, but I can't return your love, sorry." I replied.

"Lii-chan, that was strict." Louis Nii-chan stated.

"How cold, Imouto-chan." Kana Nii-chan pouted.

"When it comes to wanting your love, there are many here that would say the same, don't you think?" Louis Nii-chan whispered in my ear.

'Them? Liking me? I don't think so, I mean they're my brother. I'm sure they only think of me as a sister as I do with them... Well, maybe with an exemption of one.'

"Ah-Zu-Sa! Merry Christmas! Cheers to us!" I heard Tsubaki Nii-chan exclaimed from the side.

"Tsubaki... year after year you give the same speech..." Azusa Nii-chan said. "Can you let go of me?"

"Isn't it fine for today, Christmas is an event for lovers to enjoy themselves, Right? And for us, it's a day off of work!" Tsubaki Nii-chan beamed.

"Right, now you're inviting misunderstandings again with the way you're talking. Please stop," Azusa Nii-chan requested.

'Hahaha, I remember that. When Nee-chan thought Azusa Nii-chan and Tsubaki Nii-chan were dating, but it turns out they were just practising for something.'

"C'mon Azusa. I know you adjusted your schedule just for me," Tsubaki Nii-chan crooned.

"Just for you huh? Fine, that's enough now. Okay?" Azusa Nii-chan complied.

'I don't know if Tsubaki Nii-chan is drunk already or he's just being his cheery self. However, I am glad that they were able to take some time off work to celebrate with us.'

*Phone Ringing*

"Hello?" I answered the called.

"Happy Chrismas, little bug." I heard Kuzu-kun greeted on the phone.

"It's not even Christmas yet," I chuckled.

"I know, I just wanted to be the first one to greet you." He chuckled. "It's sad I couldn't celebrate Christmas Eve with you, your day would have been great with me on it.

"You are such a flirt," I smiled. "But, thank you. For the greetings, Happy Christmas to you too."

"You know you love it. Anyways, I'll see you soon Little bug. Dream about me!" Then he hangs up.

"Haha, that guys sure is something." I chuckled to myself.

"Who were you talking to, Lisa?" Iori Nii-chan asked.

"Oh, just some friend. I'm getting hungry, aren't we going to eat yet?" I asked.

"You're always hungry, Lisa." Nee-chan laughed.

"I have a fast metabolism!" I pouted.

"Well, then let's eat!"


"Here, Lisa." Nee-chan handed me the plate of smoked salmon carbonara.

"Thank you, Nee-chan!" I exclaimed and took a big scoop of the pasta. "Hmm? It tastes a bit different. Did you add something to it, Nee-chan?"

"I added a bit of cajun spice, is it to your liking?" Ukyo Nii-chan asked.

"Yes! It is the best carbonara pasta I've ever tasted! Thank you, Ukyo Nii-chan!" I chirped and took another mouthful of the pasta.

"Easy there, Lisa. You might choke." Azusa Nii-chan said.

"I'll be fine, Nii-chan," I assured and stole a piece of pork tonkatsu on his plate. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Fuuto-kun around yet."

"He's performing some special Christmas Live that's been going on since yesterday," informed Kana Nii-chan.

"Oh," I mumbled.

'Will it also happen to me once I debuted as an Idol? I guess I should make this memorable while I can still enjoy Christmas with them,'

"It's unfortunate that Fuu-chan isn't here." Kana Nii-chan sighed. "Even though it is such a rare chance that we can all gather together."

"Although someone is happy because of it," Hika Nii-sama teased.

"Hah! Yep, yep!" Yusuke-kun smirked.

"Even so, I can only hope that he can at least eat at home..." Nee-chan uttered.

"He surely is a pitiful guy," Hika Nii-sama said. "Imouto-san's roast beef is delicious,"

"Even though the one that Kyo-nii makes each year is also very delicious. It seems Imouto-chan outdid him," Kana Nii-chan said.

"Thank you very much," Nee-chan blushed.

"Yup, it's truly delicious!" Yusuke-kun exclaimed.

"Delicious enough to make you want to make her your bride, right?" Hika Nii-sama retorted.

"Ugh! A... A bride..." he stuttered as pink flushes to his cheeks.

'Oh right, I haven't asked him about that dream of his. Maybe he really does like Nee-chan,'

"But what I am hoping to taste is your cooking, Imouto-chan." Hika Nii-sama said as he handed me a piece of roast beef.

"I'll be sure to make you one in the future someday, Onii-sama." I chirped.

'Wah!! I need to get started on honing my cooking skills!'

"Then, I'll be sure to wait for it." He beamed.

"Eh? Why does he have to taste your cooking first?" Tsubaki Nii-chan whined.

"Because he asked me, I wouldn't want to decline Onii-sama's request. What kind of fan would I be," I replied.

"You certainly are wrapped around Hikaru's finger, aren't you?" Kana Nii-chan chuckled.

"Of course! I am a devoted follower of Hika Nii-sama!" I proclaimed and stuffed my mouth with another piece of tonkatsu.

"Well, in return for you cooking for me. I will surely give you something you will never forget." He smirked and I blushed so hard that I think my face will blend with the shade of my hair.

"Everyone, can you listen to me for a bit?" Masa Nii-chan called out. "In spite of everything, I still want Fuuto to spend some time with the whole family this Christmas... What do you think?"

"Eh?" "What do you mean?"

"Because Fuuto's live concert tomorrow is in Naeba Ski Resort Hotel... I think that some of us should go there too," Masa Nii-chan suggested.

"Well, well. A white Christmas? That sounds good!" Exclaimed Hika Nii-sama. "Right, Imouto-sans?"

"Yes, that sounds wonderful," Nee-chan replied.

"Doesn't Yusuke also want to do snowboarding?" Masa Nii-chan asked.

"Well, yes for the snowboard. But I don't care about his live concert," Yusuke-kun scoffed.

"Can you teach me how to snowboard, Yusuke-kun?" I asked.

"Sure, sure." He grumbled and took another spoonful of food.

"Hmm? First name basis now aren't we?" Kana Nii-chan said.

"Well, we are in the same line of age. I don't see what's wrong with that," I answered.

"I'm excited about the trip! Let's play together, Nee-chan!" Taru-kun chirped.

"Of course!" Nee-chan and I replied.

After dinner, Nee-chan, the brothers, and I started packing our stuff for the trip. Sadly, not all of us could go though because Iori Nii-chan is busy with the entrance exams, Louis Nii-chan has to work, Subaru Nii-chan has practice, Taru-kun wanted to join, but he already made a promise with Oka-san, while Ukyo Nii-chan decided to stay at home to take care of them. After packing up some stuff, we tossed them into the car and set course to Naebi Ski Resort.

"Lisa, did you pack you pillow with you?" Nee-chan asked.

"Yes, Nee-chan. You don't have to worry about me," I chuckled.

"Why does Neko-chan need to pack her pillow?" Tsubaki Nii-chan asked as he closed the trunk.

"Well, every time papa takes us on a trip by car, she always fell asleep on the way. I didn't want her to get a stiffed-necked." Nee-chan replied.

"Really?" Azusa Nii-chan asked.

"Yeah, I don't know why, but every time I'm in a car I feel like I'm being rocked on a cradle," I said.

"Well then, you could lay your head on my shoulders if you want." Tsubaki Nii-chan offered.

"Thank you, Nii-chan." I chirped. "Where are you riding Hika Nii-sama?"

"Sorry Imouto-chan, but I won't be riding with you. I have to get something from my apartment." Hika Nii-chan said.

"Muu, okay then. Have a safe trip, Nii-chan." I pouted.

"Don't worry, Imouto-chan. We'll have our own fun on the trip," He winked and left.

"Muu, how cold, Neko-chan." Tsubaki Nii-chan pouted.

"Well then, Let's go! The ice won't come here for us to enjoy!" I exclaimed and sat inside the car.

'Wait up Snow-chan! I'm coming for you!'

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