Fat Girls Return

By MissRapunzel

22.3K 632 273

Sophomores Elle Gable and Rosemary Everly live through daily torment because of their weight - 295 pounds eac... More

Cast & Settings
1. Elle-phant
2. Teddy Bear
3. Runaway
4. Good Luck Charm
5. New Quarter
6. Hieroglyphics
7. Happy Birthday
8. TGIF Does Not Apply
9. Killer Brownie Aftermath
10. You Lied, But I Still Need You
11. Panic! In The Hallway
12. Lonely
13. Weekend
14. The Dress
15. Study Date
16. Pink Slips Galore
17. You Like The Sims?
18. Daaaaate
19. Every Ounce of You
20. Worth It
21. Remains
22. Frustration
23. Forgive
24. Sleep is Important
25. Preparing for the Perfect Night
26. Prom
27. The Aftermath of a Dream Night
28. Romance and a Reunion
29. Disaster Area
30. An Opportunity for Escape
31. Told You So
32. New York to LA
34. Meeting the Boys
35. Breaking Point
36. Forgiveness and French Butterflies
37. Pancakes & Snowcones
38. Extended Reprieve
39. Salt in the Air
40. James Bond Villain
41. Weight Loss Journey - Day One
42. Keep It on the Low
43. Awkward Encounters
44. Surprise
45. Competition & Mixed Feelings
46. Carousels & Cotton Candy Roses
47. Too Many Goodbyes
48. Friendly Tension
49. Enter Juliet
50. Vulnerability
51. Ceroid Cacti
52. Lies to End July
53. Walls Come Tumbling Down
54. All Kinds of Tension

33. Mixed Emotions

292 12 0
By MissRapunzel

Elle's P.O.V

Once we hit the calmer streets close to Elizabeth's house, she rolls the top of her convertible down. The warm sunlight envelopes us like a hug and we sing along to a few more songs before we reach the McMansion the Wexler's apparently get to call home.

"Wow," I breathe, lifting my sunglasses up to fully take in my surroundings as we pull in to a brick-paved semi-circle driveway.

Lush, green grass blankets the wide yard, a burnt-orange stone path interrupting the green as it leads to the backyard. The house is clearly inspired by a Spanish colonial design, with white-slate walls leading up to an amber terracotta roof. Two huge planters sit on either side of the garage doors, holding beautiful leafy-green hedges.

Elizabeth chuckles as I gape, "Yeah, took me a while to get used to it, too."

I smile, "You have a beautiful house, Ms. Wexler."

Elizabeth frowns playfully, pointing a finger at me. "If I ever hear you call me anything but 'Beth' or 'Elizabeth' again, you lose pool privileges."

"You have a pool?!" I exclaim, climbing out of the car excitedly. Rosie and Elizabeth laugh, sliding out after me.

"It's California," Rosie winks, "You gotta have a pool."

I blush after my sudden outburst, smiling when Elizabeth offers to give us a tour.

"I'll make Collin carry your bags up later," she winks, closing the top of her convertible before we head to the side of the house. "He's at his last basketball game of the year right now so he can't object."

Rosie tries to hide her anger at the mention of Collin but I notice the way her jaw tenses as she fights the urge to scowl.

Elizabeth continues with a teasing chuckle, blissfully unaware of her niece's seething rage stewing beneath the surface of her perky demeanor, "Since you're so interested in the pool, we'll start the tour there."

Once Elizabeth leads us around the corner of the house, a cerulean-blue pool appears in the back yard, the same burnt orange stone surrounding the edges. Four cream loungers with blue stripes line the far side of the pool, a diving board and ladder sit on the left, while the right side descends from the surface to the shallow water with multicolored, stone stairs. Potted plants dot the lounging area along with a shaded bar and grill station.

We walk through a pair of sliding glass doors to enter the house, my mouth still gaping as I take in the open floor plan. The living room area is directly across from the back entrance, a blue couch and two armchairs centered around an elegant glass coffee table and flatscreen TV. Painted canvases and a variety of resistance bands are neatly lined up on the floor beside us, along with an array of other hobby-related equipment. Elizabeth gestures to different areas as she gives us the tour and explains a few basic things along the way.

"This area here is kind of a catch-all," she chuckles, referring to the wide variety of miscellaneous belongings that surround the back entrance. "That right there is obviously the living room. And over here," she continues, leading us past the couch to a gorgeous kitchen with stainless steel appliances, an island counter, and a multi-colored tile backsplash that makes me catch my breath. "Is the kitchen." She finishes, smiling proudly as she notices my awestruck expression.

"I love the tile," I breathe.

Rosie nods beside me, "Wow, you've changed some things since I've been here. This is gorgeous, Beth!"

Elizabeth beams, "Thanks, girls."

Elizabeth tells us to act like this is our home, insisting that we use anything our hearts desire no matter the time. "Our family chef is great about restocking the fridge and cupboards, so eat whatever you want," she says casually - as if every family has their own chef.

I have a feeling my jaw is going to get accustomed to being on the floor while I'm here.

Elizabeth leads us around the back wall of the kitchen to the wooden staircase hiding behind it. Rosie and I follow Elizabeth up the stairs, breathing heavily less than halfway through. Elizabeth doesn't seem to notice though, continuing right down the hall once we reach the top.

"There's a guest bathroom, that's a guest bedroom, my office," She rattles off the locations as we pass by different doorways, finally stopping in the middle of the long hall. "I set you up in the same room you used to stay in, Rosie," She opens a door on the left, revealing a large cream-colored space with beautiful pink accents.

The back wall holds glass doors that lead out onto a beautiful balcony, just like her room back home. A white vanity sits next to the walk-in closet entrance, fresh peonies on the surface with a cute card that Rosie smiles at and rushes over to read.

"Aww, thanks, Beth!" She squeals, running over to hug her aunt.

Elizabeth chuckles, "Of course, dear. I know you love fresh flowers." She clears her throat before surveying the rest of the room, "I hope you like the room. I left most of it the way it was when you used to visit more but I did add a few things that reminded me of you," she winks.

Rosie laughs, "I noticed! This bedspread is the cutest!" She beams, plopping herself down on the pink-rose dotted comforter. A lacey white canopy stretches out above her.

I find myself secretly hoping my bed has a canopy too.

We look in the closet, Rosie gasping as she sees a few sets of new clothes hanging in the otherwise bare setup. Elizabeth laughs as Rosie checks the size and holds the different articles up to her body. "These are so cute! Thank you!"

Elizabeth waves off her thanks like it's no big deal, a huge grin on her face. She turns to me, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Your room is right across the hall, Elle," She says, pushing me gently towards the door.

I laugh and enter my new room, gasping as I take in the sky-blue accents and a beautifully carved wooden vanity. My room looks almost exactly like Rosie's if you replace the pink décor with blue. Tears well in my eyes as I look around. I notice my bed does have a canopy, lacey white just like the one across the hall but my comforter is an adorable puffy, blue blanket.

A huge window seat with sheer, pale-blue curtains and built in bookshelves cuts into the far wall, overlooking the front yard. White calla-lilies are waiting on my vanity with another cute card.

Though I do my best to hide it, Elizabeth notices the tears in my eyes, her expression shifting from happy to concerned in an instant.

"Oh, honey," She coos, sliding an arm over my shoulders as she tries to meet my gaze, "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, smiling, "No, nothing's wrong. It's just- so nice. I've never-" I cut myself off, knowing that trying to explain my emotional state will just lead to more tears. "They're happy tears," I assure her, wiping the dampness away with my hands. "Sorry," I breathe.

Elizabeth squeezes me in a hug, a relieved smile on her face. "Aw, that's nothing to be sorry about, dear. I'm glad you like your room." She pulls away, her hands squeezing my shoulders as she makes eye contact, "And I'm really glad you're here, Elle."

I fight off another wave of emotion that I don't know how to deal with. Since my mom left, it's been weird processing situations like this where I feel a nurturing, mother-like warmth from someone. I'm getting that feeling from Elizabeth right now and it makes me happy but it also makes me long for the motherly love I used to have in my life. It's a bittersweet feeling and a vulnerable part of my mind that I don't like to face.

If my own mother didn't love me enough to stay, what does that say about me?

It's those kind of thoughts that I have to push down before I let them eat away at my mind and destroy me.

Luckily, Rosie is here to distract me.

"Eep!" I hear a squeal coming from the walk-in closet that will be mine for the next two weeks. Rosie bounces out, holding a few pieces of clothing that still have the tags dangling from them.

Elizabeth sighs, shaking her head with a chuckle, "You were supposed to leave those in there for Elle to find."

Rosie stops bouncing, "Oops." She shoots her aunt an apologetic smile before rushing over to hold a dress in front of me.

"Wait," I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused. "These are for me?" I ask, gesturing to the ensembles in my best friend's arms.

Elizabeth smiles, "They are! I was so excited to shop for a teenage girl for once," She rolls her eyes before continuing, "Shopping for Collin is not the same."

Rosie snorts, "You mean the boy who once wore the same hawaiian shirt for 6 days straight because he thought it made him look cool? Gee, I can't imagine why."

Elizabeth laughs, "Well, thankfully he changes his clothes regularly now but I can't say much has improved with his sense of style."

Rosie smiles back at her aunt, pursing her lips when she thinks neither of us is looking, seeming to remember her distaste for her cousin. I know her well enough to realize that the memory also made her sad. She misses having Collin in her life; which is a big part of why she's so angry in the first place.

Elizabeth strolls towards the wooden door in the back left corner of my room, looking back over her shoulder to smile at me before she opens it, "This is your ensuite bathroom." I return her grin and walk over to explore the room with white marble countertops and flooring. A holographic window cling creates fractured rainbows all around the room. A huge bathtub sits to the right, while a glass, walk-in showers stands to the left. Fresh eucalyptus leaves hang from the rainfall shower head up above.

Rosie and Elizabeth chuckle as they notice my wide eyes.

"Wow," I breathe, "This is beautiful!"

"Mine looks pretty much the same," Rosie pops up beside me with an enthusiastic grin, "The shower is amazing! You'll love it!"

I nod, smiling excitedly. Even with almost weekly sleepovers at Rosie's house, I'm not used to this much luxury.

I'm looking forward to experiencing a different life for the next two weeks, but a very pressing thought keeps fighting it's way to the front of my mind: Where the hell am I gonna live once we're back in Sleepy Hollow?


Rosie's P.O.V

Beth takes us out to an amazing pizza place right in the middle of Los Angeles once we finish touring her house. Elle and I can't stop gushing about how good the pizza is, but Aunt Beth doesn't seem to mind; she just chuckles and enjoys our enthusiasm.

By the time we get back to the house, I've managed to work my nerves up to the point of a near panic attack over seeing Collin for the first time in two years. I have no idea how he's going to act around me. I mean, if he doesn't want to talk to me on the phone, what's to stop him from ignoring me in person too?

All of the anger and hurt that I've pushed down for so long is now rushing to the surface and I can't control it.

I don't like not being able to control my feelings.

I'm half-expecting to see Collin's car in the driveway when we pull up but there aren't any new vehicles parked in front. I allow myself a quick sigh of relief, my stomach turning as my brain forces me to acknowledge the fact that it's only a matter of time before he does arrive.

No longer than 10 minutes after we've entered the house, a car pulls in the driveway. My heart skips a beat when I hear the engine shut off. I involuntarily cross my arms, steeling my gaze towards the TV as I try to swallow my anxiety. I feel Elle's eyes watching me from her position on the opposite end of the couch. She slides over to squeeze me in a one-armed hug.

I do my best to smile at her but I'm pretty sure I just manage to look overwhelmed.

"Oh!" Beth calls, running over from the kitchen. "Collin just pulled up! Come say "hi" girls!" She invites, beckoning us over to the front door.

I fight to hide a scowl, instead smiling at my aunt as Elle and I stand up from the couch. We walk over, stopping just before Collin opens the door. His eyes land on me immediately.

"Rosie!" He yells, nearly tackling me to the floor as he wraps me in a bear hug.

I can't help but laugh, mostly because I'm startled by his reaction and the fact that I nearly gained a concussion on my first day here.

Collin pulls away briefly to look me in the eye, his gaze running across my face. "I've missed you."

He hugs me again before I have time to process a response. Elle watches from the sidelines, her eyebrows arched in a way that tells me she's not sure what to think. The scattered thoughts overwhelming my brain draw a weird expression across my face, one that probably matches hers.

Beth is once again unaware of any bitterness. She beams at the two of us, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears as we hug.

Finally, I clear my throat awkwardly and pull away from Collin's embrace.

"Um," I look down at the floor, unsure of what I'm feeling. "I've missed you, too," I mumble.

Collin smiles, throwing an arm over my shoulders, my neck squeezed lightly in the crook of his elbow. The smell of Irish Spring floods my nostrils and I wonder if it's still his favorite soap. The memories of familiarity with him overwhelm me once again. I duck my head out from under his arm, clearing my throat awkwardly again.

"Uh, this is Elle," I say gesturing to the brunette by the door. She blushes when she realizes the attention has turned to her.

"Oh, hi," She says quietly, raising her hand in a nervous wave.

Collin beams, "Elle! I've heard so much about you!"

I squint my eyes as he wraps Elle in a bear hug, making her laugh in surprise.

'You used to hear all about her. But we haven't talked in two years so you don't know anything about her! Or anyone else in my life for that matter!' I think bitterly.

My anger rushes to the surface again but for once I'm grateful for it. One defined emotion is better than a mix of emotions that I can't place, even if it's a negative one.

I hurry to fix my facial expression before anyone notices, plastering a fake smile on my face as Collin starts talking animatedly about the positive outcome of tonight's basketball game.

Elle and I chat politely with Beth and Collin for a while before excusing ourselves to bed when the jetlag hits.

I snuggle up in my rose-dotted comforter, breathing in the smell of Aunt Beth's fabric softener. Even with my pent-up frustration simmering underneath the surface, it feels good to be back after so long.


I wake up around 10 am the next morning and stretch, blinking my eyes as I take in the guest room with blurry morning vision, remembering where I am with a small smile. I yawn, rolling myself out of bed before stumbling to the bathroom where I take a quick shower to wake me up.

I peek in Elle's room, surprised to find her bed empty. I thought for sure she'd still be asleep. I hear the shower running and shrug, closing the door before walking downstairs to find a note waiting for me in the empty kitchen.

Gone to work. Help yourself to whatever! <3 – Aunt Beth

I smile to myself and open the fridge. A vast variety of options fills the shelves, clear organizing bins pulling everything together in an elegant way. I rummage through the freezer drawer at the bottom, beaming when I find blueberry toaster waffles.

I pop four in the toaster oven and put the rest away before pulling out a plate. Once my waffles are toasted and slathered with butter, I pour a generous serving of blueberry syrup over the top, deciding to enjoy my breakfast sitting at the island counter. I'm halfway through my third waffle when Collin walks around the corner, smiling at me.

The audacity.

I squint my eyes in response but Collin doesn't seem to notice, walking over to wrap me in a side hug but I stand up before he can, backing away from his outstretched arms.

Collin furrows his brow, looking hurt.

"Rosie?" He puts his arms down, looking unsure of himself. "What's wrong?"

My eyes narrow; my mouth starts to open but Elle's voice draws my attention away from the boy in front of me.

"Rosie!" She practically yells, her already wide eyes growing bigger as she startles herself, quieting her voice before she speaks again. "Um, I need your help, please."

I smile at her and leave the kitchen without a second glance at Collin, sliding my arms to my sides after I realize they're crossed.

We walk around the corner and climb up the stairs, moving together quietly until we enter Elle's room. She rushes to close the door, whipping around to stare at me with frantic eyes.

"Geez, Rosie! You looked like you were about to kill him!" She whisper-yells.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Collin!" Elle gestures wildly. "If looks could kill he'd already be dead!"

I purse my lips. "So you don't need my help?"

Elle rolls her eyes. "No, you need mine."

I huff, crossing my arms. "Oh, yeah? Why is that?"

My best friend glares at me, mirroring my body language with an arm crossing of her own.

"Avoiding a first-degree murder charge," she crooks an eyebrow to emphasize her point.

"A-" Words catch in my throat for a few seconds as I try to think of a response, blurting one out triumphantly once my brain catches up with me.

"First-degree murder is premeditated. If I would've killed Collin just then, it would've been a spur-of-the-moment crime and therefore, second degree murder," I jut my chin out defiantly.

Elle's mouth opens, her eyes squinting at me with a mix of bafflement and irritation. She groans and throws her hands up in the air, turning to walk away from me.

"Whatever. You're welcome for saving your butt by the way," she calls over her shoulder.

I scoff before spitting out a sarcastic "Yeah, thanks."

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