Bubbling over (Editing)

By bangtan_crackhouse

4.5K 214 42

Kim Taehyung is a young man who desperately wants to save his laundromat. Y/N is a lawyer with a dark past... More

60 (Finale)
Ending Note


58 3 0
By bangtan_crackhouse

Seolhee pulls me into the bushes.

"Are you trying to get us caught??" She whispers.

"To be honest, I don't even here. I would've preferred to spend my Saturday laying in bed watching Netflix." I dryly voice. My back and thighs are burning; we've been crouching behind a bush next to Home Depot's garden for thirty minutes. I turn my attention back to the oranged-haired man inspecting the plants of the Garden. He smiles at a dwarf lemon tree and walks off into the store. He comes back with an orange-vested Home Depot worker who is pushing a metal platform cart. The orange-haired man directs him towards the lemon tree, and the Home Depot worker lifts it onto the cart when the cart is loaded, both return into the door.

"Why is Hoseok buying a tree?" Seolhee questions, getting up from her previously crouched position next to me. I follow suit, and we both walk to my car.

"Maybe he wants to start a new project?" I suggest and shrug my shoulders.

"You think his new project would be growing a tee? That man is so busy it will end up dying, he knows that too." Seol says, unconvinced.

"Change of scenery?" I pull open the door to the driver's seat.

"As if!" She huffs and opens the door to the passenger's side. We both sit in our seats and close our doors.

"What I don't understand is why I have to help you stalk your boyfriend." I let out a breath and lean my head back on my headrest.

"One, you're the one with a car. Two you're my best friend, meaning you have the best judgment."

"I guess, but you owe me food after this." I close my eyes briefly to rest them. Five minutes later, my peace is interrupted by Seolhee shaking me.

"Look, he already put the tree in the back seat. He's about to pull out, start the car!" Seolhee panics. I shoot my eyes open and take out my keys from my purse on the armrest. I put the keys in the ignition and wait for Hoseok to start driving. I pull out of the parking space we were just in and subtly follow Hoseok's vehicle.

He drives for a while and eventually pulls into the parking lot of a Toys-R-Us.

This man surpassed the age of twelve many years ago; the hell is he doing?

I try to shake off negative thoughts; he's still my friend.

"Why is he here? Should we follow him in?" Seolhee asks.

"I don't think we should; he might catch us," I comment.

"Come on. We just have to be careful!" She gets out of the car.

Great, more moving on my LAZY Saturday.

I grunt and exit the car. We both follow Hoseok into the store at a safe distance. We trail behind him as he passes the doll section. He stops and looks from side to side. He then furrows his brow.

"Why does it feel like I'm being watched?" He thinks out loud.

Does he know?

My eyes go wide. Seolhee immediately pulls me behind a display cluttered with large dolls. Our faces are the only thing uncovered in a small gap. The border of our faces is covered as well.

"He's going to see us," I whisper.

"No he won't, just smile and don't blink." She and I both smile tightly before Hoseok turns around.

"Huh, I guess not. Wait." His eyes dart to the doll display we are hiding behind, and he walks closer.

This is not good.

He leans close and inspects the dolls. My eyes burn from keeping them open.

Please no.

"I didn't know they make such realistic dolls." He pokes my nose. My nose starts to tickle.

Come on Y/N, don't sneeze now.

"It's not what I'm looking for, though." Hoseok turns around and finally walks away. When he turns the corner, I finally close my eyes and let out a painful sneeze.

I swear I hate that man sometimes.

Seolhee and I step out from behind the display.

"You see, I told you!" She smiles proudly at me.

"Just barely." I sigh.

"Let's go; we have to see where he went." We walk and turn the corner. We spot Hoseok in the toy car aisle. Seolhee and I hid behind an aisle shelf that is diagonal from his. Hoseok picks up a Hot Wheels pack of cars and nods.

"This is the one." He says. In a flash, Seolhee grabs me and runs out of the Toys-R-Us. She doesn't stop until we get to my car. When we get there, I put my hands on my knees and pant heavily.

"Did we have to run out??" I yell.

"Yes! The check out would be by the door if we left while he was at the cashier he would've seen us. We can't leave after he leaves because we might be too late, and he drives off." Seol reasons. We both get into the car and wait for Hoseok to exit the store. "Any ideas for this one?"

"He collects cars? That explains the door locking incident." I answer.

He enters his car with a bag and pulls out of his parking space. I hastily pull out of my parking spot and tail him.

When Hoseok stops again, it is at a mall.

This man has gone all around the world.

Seolhee and I follow him into the Mall. Hoseok walks into Victoria's Secret, and Seolhee and I's jaws drop.

"The hell is he going in there for??" Seolhee exclaims, furrowing an eyebrow. We enter the shop and hide behind a rack of pajamas. We watch Hoseok as he samples lotions and perfumes in the store. Suddenly, a shadow creeps behind Seol and me.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Jimin questions, holding a bag from Villa Italian Kitchen.

He must have eaten here.

"I don't either." I huff out, and Seolhee elbows me. Jimin sees who we are looking at and smiles.

"Is that Hoseok? Hey Ho-" He begins to yell, but I cover his mouth and pull him down, so that our faces are shielded by the pajamas, Seolhee does it as well.

"Shut up!" I whisper. After a few moments, Seol slowly straightens back up and looks back at Hoseok again.

"We're clear." She confirms, and Jimin and I stand up straight as well. I uncover his mouth and turn back to Hoseok's direction.

"I'm confused." He states.

"We'll explain later," Seolhee assures and turns her attention to her boyfriend, who is buying a lotion. In a hurry, we rush out of Victoria's secret with me pulling Jimin behind us. We quickly exit the mall and reach my car.

"Get in the back," I command Jimin.

"Why?" He inquires.

"You're going to mess up everything if we leave you alone."

"Okay, I need a ride anyway." He gets in the back and closes the door. "Now, can someone please explain to me what is going on?" Seolhee retells her dilemma to Jimin and explains the mission we are on. As soon as the explanation is over, I see Hoseok come out of the mall. He only has a Victoria's Secret Bag with him.

"How about this one Y/N? Any ideas?" Seolhee stresses and throws her hands in the air.

"I got nothing," I say in defeat. Hoseok gets in his car and pulls out of the parking lot, we do the same and follow his car yet another time. Seolhee looks in the back seat at Jimin and tilts her head.

"I hope you know that you are sharing that food."


When Hoseok stops his car, he parks in front of a big beautiful house. He stands at the gate and rings the doorbell. After waiting patiently, a young woman with pale skin and short black hair comes out. She smiles at Hoseok and gives him a hug.

Who's that? Don't tell me he's cheating!

I look beside me and see that Seolhee is pissed. Jimin can be heard in the back slowly munching on the pizza he bought earlier. With anger present on my face, I am ready to jump out of the car and pounce on Hoseok. Before I can do that, someone else walks out the door. It's a child, about five or six years old. He runs up to Hoseok and gives him a big hug. Hoseok responds by hugging the child back. The biggest smile is on his face as he lets go of the child and takes a set of keys from the lady.

He has a kid?

I look over at Seolhee, I see tears begging to be released from her eyes. She hangs her head low.

"Jimin stop crunching on those damn garlic sticks." I snatch the box of garlic sticks out of his hands.

"Hey give those back," he whines. "What's Hoseok doing over there?" He points at Hoseok entering the house with the child. Seolhee gets out of the car and storms towards the house.

"Seolhee," I yell out the window, "Seol, wait." I quickly rush out of the car after her. I look back and see Jimin reaching into the front seat of the car to get his garlic sticks.

Greedy bastard.

Seolhee reaches the gate before it closes and walks up to the door. I run up to her and grab her shoulders. I turn her around and see tears slowly leaving her eyes.

"Let me go talk to him," I say calmly. I leave Seolhee and continue to walk to the door I can't even take in the scenery. The closer I get the more anger I feel towards my best friend's boyfriend.

I trust you, Hoseok. How could you throw me and Seolhee's trust out the window like that.

I finally reach the door and knock. It takes a couple of seconds and then Hoseok finally opens the door. He lifts his head and his jaw drops as he is met with my furious face.

"So what the fuck is this Hoseok!?" I ask, fuming.

"I-I.... " He stutters.

"Care to explain who that bitch was!?"

"Y/N, calm down."

"Don't fucking 'Y/N' me. Why are you cheating on my best friend!?"


"Hoseok, I know you're not deaf, WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON MY BEST FRIEND?" I raise my voice. He flinches and closes the door behind him.


"No! That woman," I point to Seolhee who is standing at the gate, "who has given her days and nights to you to love you at her full capacity, is crying in front of a stranger's house while your cheating ass is baby sitting. I don't want to hear shit from you!"


"No don't you fucking say her name." I grit. "You don't deserve to." I turn to walk back to Seolhee. I put my arms around her shoulders to comfort her. She is still crying, snot is all over her shirt.

She doesn't deserve any of this.

I see a shadow join us and my blood starts pumping with adrenaline again.

"Get the fuck away from us Hoseok." I finally say. However, Seolhee grabs my arm and shakes her head. She turns and turns face to face with Hoseok. She takes a deep breath and looks him in the eyes. I hear a cracking sound as Seolhee's hand whips Hoseok's face, a red mark appearing on his skin.

"It's over Hoseok." She breaths, it's barely a whisper. She turns and walks out the gate. I look back at Hoseok.

"You're lucky that's the only thing you got."


It's been two days since Seolhee slapped Hoseok. She's been walking around the house a shitty mess and I have to deal with it. After what happened, Seolhee cried a lot the first day. I, however, have calmed down since the incident. I did try to go back inside and kill him, Jimin stopped me though. Now Seolhee and I are in the living, three tubs of Neapolitan ice cream and five kdramas later.

"He doesn't even love you sweetie!" Seolhee shouts at the screen. "He doesn't fucking deserve your kindness." She takes another scoop of ice cream. I sigh and then I hear my phone buzz. I glare at it.

"Seol I'll be right back, ok?" I say calmly. She nods under her pile of blankets and turns back to the screen. I go outside and answer the phone.

"What the fuck do you want Hoseok?" I stare out onto the other apartments on my street. The irritation and hate I feel for this man bubbling in my stomach.

"I want to give Seolhee back her stuff. I will send you the meeting address." He hangs up the phone before I can continue.

I guess he knew what was going to come next.

I walk back inside and turn off the tv.

"Heyyy" Seolhee complains, " what was that for?"

"We're leaving, get dressed."


"To meet that cheating bastard."


We're outside of an unfamiliar house.

Why is this the meeting place?

We walk through the open gate and knock on the door. No one comes. We knock again and get the same response. I try the knob and it turns. I raise my eyebrows and push the door open, allowing Seolhee to walk inside first. It's completely dark. We take our shoes off and walk towards the living room. We literally take two steps and then...

"Surprise!!!!!" Hoeseok, Jimin, Jin, Eunjung, Yoongi and that lady we saw yesterday hop out of random hiding places. Seolhee and I scream, she even falls on the ground. Hoseok takes a step towards us.

"Explain." I demand taking a step in front of Seolhee.

"This is me and Seolhee's house," He states. My eyes go wide and I look at an also confused Seolhee.

"I'm going to need more than that." I turn back to Hoseok. He walks over to the lady from the other day.

"This woman is my realtor and cousin." She bows her head in greeting. "That child that you saw me with the other day was her son." A creeping sense of embarrassment develops in my heart. I feel queasy and shocked.

I'm an idiot.

"She helped me get this house." He continues, "the house I want Seolhee to live in with me." I look over and see Seolhee sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck you Hoseok," She screams as she jumps on him, giving him a hug and a longing kiss.

Well, that escalated quickly.

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