The Strongest (RWBY x Male re...


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Remnant, a world full of fight. Humans vs Grimms, Humans vs Faunus, and even Humans fight themselves. Between... More

Chapter 1: Y/N and the Rose
Chapter 2: The strongest
Chapter 3: Dealing with a Schnee
Chapter 4: RWBY & JNPR VS Y/N
Chapter 6: Rescue
Chapter 7: Different?
Chapter 8: The big bad wolf
Chapter 9: Giving Hope and stopping Roman
Chapter 10: Stress and the son of light
Chapter 11: Departure
Chapter 12: Taking care of the Fang
Chapter 13: The Schnee
Final Chapter: Farewell Remnant, hope i see you again

Chapter 5: Lending a hand

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We were at the lunch room, Nora was telling a story, but i didn't paid attention to it, as i was looking at Jaune

Since school started he was bullied by Cardin, and he looked like someone who want to kill themselves

I still had my arm in a cast, i could take care of Cardin even with one arm, but i doubt Yang would let me fight anytime soon

Pyrrha: Are you okay Jaune?

Jaune: O-Oh, yeah, i'm fine, really!

Y/N: You doesn't look like someone who is okay

Jaune: I'm fine, really

He forced a smile, but none of us buyed it

Y/N: It's Cardin, huh?

Jaune: Cardin? Nah, he is just joking around

Blake: He is a bully

Jaune: Tell me one time when he bullied me

Yang: The time he almost sent you into the forest with your locker

Jaune: Y/N was here to help me, so it's good

Y/N: Jaune, you are NOT okay

Jaune: I tell you i'm-

Y/N: You need help, and i will gladly help you, that's what are friend for

???: It hurt!

We turned to the voice and could see Cardin pulling on the ear of a bunny faunas, as he was laughing with his team

Cardin: I told you they were real!

Y/N: I'm stopping that

Before i could get up, Yang grabbed ly good hand, and didn't let go

Yang: You are not fighting with that cast

Y/N: Who said i will fight?

I walked toward Cardin, as he saw me, and smirked

Cardin: Well, if it isn't the monster of the school. What do you want?

Y/N: Let her go, right now

Cardin: Or what?

Y/N: You will finish in a hospital bed

He got up, and faced me

He was slightly taller than me, but it didn't scare me

Cardin: Like you can, you got a cast from just a mere punch, and you think you can beat me? Weakling

He punched me, but i didn't budge and let him do

He continued to punch me, as i didn't felt anything

As he was about to sed another punch, the lunch room door slammes open, revealing an angry Goodwitch

Glynda: What's going on here?!

Cardin: Y/N tried to attack me ma'am

Glynda: Y/N, you're comming with me

Y/N: And what if you ask everyone before you think of a culprit

Glynda: And what do you mean by that?

Y/N: That you need to think before talking, you retard

Every student gasp, as Goodwitch was fuming with anger

Glynda: You really done it, huh?

Y/N: Yeah and....

I munched the table with my casted arm, revealing my arm healed

Y/N: I don't care, if i want to, i can kill you right here, and right now

Ozpin: Now, now, we don't wan't a fight to broke when the student are around, right?

Glynda: Proffessor, he attacked a student!

Y/N: No i did not, you just belive everything they told you

Yang: He didn't attacked Cardin, he just told him to stop bullying someone!

Glynda turned to Cardin for confirmation, as he was looking away

Glynda: Cardin, you're having detention

She turned to me, as she had a scowl

Glynda: I don't want to hear anything coming from you, Mr. Y/N

Y/N: I accept your apologies

I returned to my seat, and continued to eat, like nothing happened

Everyone goes back to their business, as team RWBY and JNPR looked at me shock

Y/N: What?

Yang: You broked a cast like it was nothing, a week after you got it!

Weiss: And you're arm healed! You're Aura should be so powerful

Y/N: Yeah....

Pyrrha: That was nice of you to help that faunas girl

Y/N: That was nice, but why didn't you do anything? All of you

Weiss: What are you talking about? We could have been expelled if we attacked Cardin

Y/N: So you think of yourself first when you see someone get bullied

I got up, and walked away

Y/N: That's why you will never be a Huntress

I closed the door behind me, as i sigh and looked outside

I could see an Atlas fleet coming to Beacon, as i knew who it was

Y/N: Can he leave me alone for a second?


I made my way to Ozpin tower, as i could hear yelling coming from Goodwitch and the general

The door opened, as everyone looked at me surprised

Y/N: Yo

Ironwood: What are you doing here?!

Y/N: None of your business, go and search something for being "stronger"  like you always say

Ironwood: I will be stronger, when you be put in jail

Ozpin: Now, now everyone, calm down

Glynda: But proffesor!

Ozpin gave her a stern look, as she stopped talking

I looked at Ozpin, before i heard the door opening behind me, and dodged a sword coming from Winter Schnee

Y/N: Can we not do that today?

Winter: If you accept to let yourself get captured, then yes

Y/N: I don't think Ozpin will let one of his student get taken like that

The Atlas duo looked at Ozpin in shock, as an argument was coming

I felt something strange on the rooftop, so i decided to check it out

Y/N: I will be going, and oh Ozpin

Ozpin: Yes Y/N?

Y/N: I think i found where she is

The door closed, leaving everyone shocked, except Winter, who was confused

I enter the rooftop, and could see Pyrrha and Jaune talking, and this dude seems like he had enough of his lies

Jaune: Please, leave....

Pyrrha was sad, and turned to the exit, but was shocked once she saw me

Pyrrha: Y/N?!

Jaune turned to me in shock and fear, as i walked to him

I was a few inches away from him, as he was scared

I patted his shoulder, and give him a smile

Y/N: I won't tell anyone, and trust me, having fake transcript isn't the worst thing

Jaune: Then what is worse than that?!

Y/N: Being forced to kill children is a worst thing

He flinched when i said that, but he looked at me in anger

Jaune: How can you know?! You're so strong, you don't need help and to be worried about being expelled!

Y/N: I have more chance for being expelled than you will in all of your life

Jaune: And ho-!

Y/N: Because i killed a thousand of people, and i'm a wanted man in the 4 kingdom

He looked at me in disbelief, before i sigh

Y/N: You want to be strong?

Jaune: Yes....

Y/N: Then i will train you on your body reinforcement, and Pyrrha here will help you with your skill

Pyrrha: Yes, and you will be strong in no time!

Jaune: Thanks guys, i appreciate it

Pyrrha leaved with Jaune, a smile on their face

I smiled, but it soon faded after i looked at my side to see Cardin, smiling at me like an idiot

Cardin: So, mr. Criminal, i guess we can have a deal

Y/N: TF you want, i was habing a good time right now

Cardin: If you don't do everything i said, i will tell Goodwitch about your past and Jauny boy fake transcript

Y/N: Do it then

Cardin: Huh?

Y/N: I don't care if you destroy my name in this school, because after all i don't have luch time left

Cardin: What are you talking about?!

Y/N: But....

I appeared in front of him, my sword on his throat

Y/N: If you try to destroy Jaune's life, i will kill you the second i knew it

Cardin: G-Goodwitch will stop you!

Y/N: Remember what i said at the lunch room?

Cardin: I-If you want, you can kill her....

Y/N: So, don't think that she will save you

I pushed him on the ground,and goes back to my dorm

I was going to sleep, and decided to skip Oobleck's class


We were at the Lunch room again, as Jaune was way more happy than before, and it bring a smile on my face

Cardin: Hey buddy!

He grabbed me from behind, and smiled weirdly at me

Cardin: You and I have something to talk!

Y/N: Fuck off, i'm trying to eat right now

Cardin: Oh yeah, a criminal don't eat that much good food right?

Everyone looked at Cardin like he was crazy, before he took out his scroll

He pressed the record button as we could hear my voice

Y/N: I have more chance for being expelled than you will in all of your life

Jaune: And ho-!

Y/N: Because i killed a thousand of people, and i'm a wanted man in the 4 kingdom

He stopped the recording, as everyone looked at me in disbelief, except Jaune and Pyrrha

Ruby: Y/N....

Weiss: I-Is that true?

Yang: Of course not! It's-!

Y/N: It's the truth, i was a criminal before coming here

Weiss: But why?!

I looked at her, and see she had tear in her eyes

Weiss: You were so kind! How could you be a murderer before all of that!?

Y/N: Because i had no choice!

I slammes my hand on the table, breaking it as Weiss took a step back

Y/N: Do tou think that's what i wanted?! To be a fucking criminal in my life?! I never wanted that, but i never had a choice in my life!

Hands were placed on my shoulder, and see it was Blake and Yang

Blake: Calm down, it's not like you

Yang: Take a break, you need it more than everyone

I sigh, before walking out of the lunch room, but not before breaking the leg of Cardin, as Nora was happy

I was outside, sitting on a bench, before i could hear someone comming my way

It was Ruby, and she was concerned

Y/N: What is it Ruby?

Ruby: I wanted to tell you something

Y/N: Yes?

Ruby: Thing changed from before for you

Y/N: What are you talk-

Ruby: You have a choice

I looked at her shocked, before she wore a calm smile

Ruby: You could have let me die at the initiation, but you didn't, you saved me

Y/N: That was just one time

Ruby: You could have just ignored the faunas being bullied, but you take the choice of standing up for her


Ruby: You could have just let me do everything when Roman was robbing the dust shop, but you saved me

She walked to me, and hugged me

Ruby: You always had a choice, you just never tought it was one

A few tear appeared on my eyes, before i wiped them, and hugged her back

While we were hugging, i didn't noticed my aura appeared for the first time

I let her go, as i smiled to her

Y/N: Thank Rubes, i needed it

Ruby: Everything for a friend!

She ran away, as i smiled to myself

As i remember, i could swear i saw someone that looked like her at Salem Castle, when i tried to escape

Guess i have to go back there

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