The Hinata Sisters (Brothers...

By Phoenix_SWAG01

41K 1.4K 172

(I don't own brothers conflict, only Lisa) - - - - - So, I noticed that most fanfiction about Brothers Confl... More

Chapter One - Meeting Them
Chapter Two - Lisa To The Rescue
Chapter Three - Breakfast Revelation
Chapter Four - Midnight Memories
Chapter Five - We're Going On Vacation?!
Chapter Six - The Twins' Event
Chapter Seven - Boatride and Parasailing
Chapter Eight - A Kiss Under The Moonlight
Chapter Nine - Catching Cold
Chapter Ten - Hanging Out With Subaru
Chapter Eleven - Drinks and Heartaches
Chapter Twelve - Entertaining The Idol and Meeting My Idol
Chapter Thirteen - Favours and Encounters
Chapter Fourteen - Finally, I'm Home
Chapter Fifteen - Hospitals and Blood
Chapter Sixteen - A Date With... Ulrike
Chapter Seventeen - Panzer of the Death with Nee-chan
Chapter Eighteen - A Crush on Poor Big Brother?!
Chapter Nineteen - Trouble With The Twins
Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco
Chapter Twenty-One - Rollercoaster Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Devil, The Vampire, and Miwa's Request
Chapter Twenty-Five - Christmas Eve
Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deals With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Embarassing Moments
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Idol and My Idol
Chapter Thirty - Risen From The Ashes
Chapter Thirty-One - Unravelling The World
Chapter Thirty-Two - Detective Tsundere
Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince
Chapter Thirty-Four - Finding Out The Truth
Chapter Thirty-Five - Lisa's Reasons
Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Beauty and the Writer
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lisa's Errands
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Valentine Birthday Debacle
Chapter Forty - The First Confession
Chapter Forty-One - The Revelation
Chapter Forty-Two - The Second Confession
Chapter Forty-Three - Comforting the Seiyuu
Chapter Forty-Four - Forgiveness and Unveiling
Chapter Forty-Five - The Autumn Trip
Chapter Forty-Six - A Visit From the Past
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross
Forty-Eight - Kisses and Interview
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Siblings' Feelings
Chapter Fifty - Goodbye

Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere

570 21 4
By Phoenix_SWAG01

"I'll see you again on New Year's Eve, little bug." Kuzuha-kun kissed me on the cheeks as a sign of goodbye and left the studio.

"See you there Kuzu-kun!" I teased. For those who don't get it, 'Kuzu' means trash.

'What? He calls me "Little bug", I think it would be fair if I also have a nickname for me. Besides, it is part of his name.'

A few moments ago, we were practising for the performance on New Year's Eve. I had a great time with Kuzuha-kun, he seemed like a scoundrel at first, but he is just a joker and a flirt.

'No wonder his fans adore him,'

After getting to know and work with him for a few days, I don't mind working with him anymore. Even if the condition Sebastian-san suggested was a bit too much.

'I should probably go home, I still need to study for the mid-term exam.'

"Thanks for the hard work guys, I'll see you guys too on New Year's Eve!" I packed my things and hurriedly left the studio.

"Bye Lisa!" Nishida Takumi and Yoshida Naoki said farewell. Those two will accompany us for the performance on New Year's Eve. They are our drummer and bassist, but even if they are just going to accompany us, I couldn't help but consider to let them join Kuzu-kun and I. Sadly Takumi-kun and Naoki-kun seemed to reject the offer, they just wanted to try something new.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

"I'm home!" I announced and entered the living room.

"Hey, welcome home." Yusuke Nii-chan greeted. "Where have you been?"

"Just hanging out with some friends," I said and sat beside him. "Watcha doin'?"

"Well... uh... you know how there was that end of term exam?" he uttered.

"Oh, yeah. I heard Nee-chan had a hard time on that one, especially on the math section." I stated.

"That's right, maths!" He exclaimed. "So for the math exam, I got a low grade... The teacher said I can't enjoy the mid-term break until I finish the given assignment..."

"I see..."

"To be honest, I don't feel it but... It's not like I can not do it so, I here draining my brain to finish this stupid assignment." He grumbled.

"Haha," I chuckled.

"Oh, hey! Stop laughing!" He fumed with his face turning the same colour as our hair. Although, my hair seems to be in a darker shade than his.

"It's not that I'm laughing at you, It's just that you're so sensible Nii-chan. You aren't thinking 'I just won't do' or anything like that. I thought you were that kind of person," I contemplated.

"What! Of course not!" He screamed. "Look! You're getting in the way of my studying! Go to your room already!"

"Muu, you're mean Nii-chan. I rarely see you and you are pushing me away instead" I pouted. "I was even thinking of helping you with that,"

"Huh?! It's fine, what are you on about!" He exclaimed and his face becomes the same colour as the shade of my hair.

"I want to hang out with you!" I whined. "Plus, of course, you'd be the one answering the questions. But of course, if there's a question you can't answer, it's more productive if there's someone else there to help you, right?"

"It's fine! Just go do what you're supposed to do already!" He insisted.

"Okay!" I chirped and started placing my notes on the coffee table.

"Huh? What are you doing?" He said.

"You said to do what I'm supposed to be doing and I am," I replied. "I was thinking of studying here myself as well, so I guess we can be study buddies for a while."


"Here, you'll do your work, and I'll do mine. If that's the case, you don't mind right?" I smiled.

"Fine... D-do what you want!" He grumbled and focused on his assignments.

"Hehe, if there's anything you need, there's no need to be shy." I teased and continued writing my notes.


'So one-third x plus ten plus one-sixth x is equal to x. All I need to do is find the least common denominator to remove the fraction and solve the equation! Wow, Ukyo Nii-chan's tips sure do come in handy,'

"Ughh... Erghh..." I heard Nii-chan grumbling on the other side of the couch.

"Nii-chan, are you okay?" I asked.

"I can't anymore," He crashed on the couch. "I want to sleep..."

"But, if you don't complete that then you won't be able to enjoy our mid-term break," I said.

"That's right, but..." He sighed.

"What part are you stuck with?" I asked and went to his side. "Ohh, this line of questions..."

"Like hell can I answer that," He complained.

"This is a question about arithmetic progression and seeking the greatest numbers so... Nii-chan, do you remember the equation for it?" I asked as I studied his assignment.

"Nope, what's that? Does it even exist?" He asked.

"I think I also have it on my notes," I reached across for my notes and handed it to him. "Here, you can use it as a reference."

"Ok, so... An...? Huh?? What's a's 1 or d or whatever?" He scratched his head and grumbled even more.

"A's 1 is the first term, and d is a common difference. Look it says it here doesn't it?" I pointed on the statement written on my notes.

"In which case... I just need to insert this into the equation?" He asked.

"That's right!" I confirmed and gathered my other notes so that I could remain by his side while we both study. "Once you've used the equation, it's same as calculating n."

He seemed to have understood what I was saying and continued solving, "That's right if you move this here..."

"The answer is... 17, is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's correct!" I chirped. "Amazing, Nii-chan! You were able to properly calculate it on your own! That's awesome!"

"No, just now it was because the way you thought it out was good I think..." He muttered.

"But it was you that was able to calculate it! I just handed you my notes," I assured.

"...nk you"


"I said... Thank you!" He babbled.

"You're welcome, Nii-chan!" I smiled. "Hehe, okay. So let's continue at this rate and finished it quickly so that you could slap it on your teacher's face when you see him!"

"Ughh, there's still this many left huh..." He whined as he scanned the other pages.

"If you finish it properly, tonight's dinner, I'll make sure it's anything you'd like." I bargained. "So, study hard! Okay?"

"For real?" He gasped.


"Alright! But so that it could be fair for the both of us," He uttered. "If you pass your mid-term exams, we'll go to a place you want to go!"

"Yes! You are so on!" I exclaimed could feel enormous energy rushing to my bones.

"Yep, let's do this!"


"Huh? Yusuke-kun, Lisa? What are you two doing?" both Nii-chan and I looked at the source of the voice and saw that it was Azusa Nii-chan and beside him is Tsubaki Nii-chan.

"C-can't you see! It's called studying. s-t-u-d-y-i-n-g!!" Yusuke Nii-chan pointed out.

"Really? Neko-chan did you cast a spell on Yusuke? He's never been the type to study for anything," Tsubaki Nii-chan mocked.

"HA?! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Yusuke Nii-chan snarled and was ready to charge at Tsubaki Nii-chan if I wasn't able to grab a hold of him to stop him.

"Of course I didn't, Nii-chan. This is all Yusuke Nii-chan, he may seem like a delinquent but he sure is a hard worker." I said.

"Shup, you keep your mouth shut!!" He snapped. "Now get off of me!"

"Do you promise to not attack Tsubaki Nii-chan and just continue to study?" I asked.

"Tsk... I promise," He assured and knowing that he will keep his word, I let him go and sat beside him.

"Alrighty then! Let's work hard, right, Yusu Nii-chan!" I chirped.


- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

December 24

'Wah, today is the day where Yusuke Nii-chan and I's hard work will come to an end!'

Nii-chan and I found out that our exam day was on the same day so both of us studied all night yesterday. To the point where we didn't notice that it was midnight already and slept late.

"Good morning," I yawned as I walked downstairs to the dining room.

"Good morning, Lisa." the brothers greeted and I sat on my chair and slumped my head on the table.

"Studied all night?" Masa Nii-chan asked as he sat beside me.

"Y-Yeah," I groaned and tried not to fall asleep.

"What time is your exam?" he asked.

"Later at ten o'clock. It will be done online with the instructor watching over me through video call," I replied.

"Here, have some Dandelion tea." Iori Nii-chan offered. "It may not be one of the most popular drinks, but it can also help you stay awake."

"Thank you, Iori Nii-chan!" I chirped and took a sip of the tea. "Wow, it tastes very similar to coffee!"

"Can someone wake Yusuke? He might oversleep and be late for his exam," Ukyo Nii-chan said.

"Nii-chan is still asleep? I'll wake him up!" I offered.

"Okay, here's a spare key to his room." He said and handed me the key. As soon as it is at my clutches, I hurriedly ran upstairs.

"Nii-chan!" I entered his room and saw him with drool coming out of his mouth. "Nii-chan, wake up!"

'Man, he sure is a heavy sleeper. Maybe if I pull off his blanket it would help,'

The moment I came to his bedside, Nii-chan stirred and pulled me into his arms.

"N-Nii-chan!" I tried escaping from his arms, but he was stronger than I am.

"Wataru..." he muttered. "Let me sleep for a little longer,"

"N-Nii-chan, I'm not Taru-kun! It's me!"

"Ema" He grumbled. "Then... I won't let you go,"


"I won't hand you to them," He muttered.

'Won't hand her to them? What does he mean? What the heck is he even talking about? Does he think that he's dreaming all this? If so, then why the heck is he dreaming about Nee-chan? Does he like Nee-chan? Ugh, I'll have to ask him later, he needs to wake up now!'

After being able to remove one of hand on my arm, I gathered all my strength and slapped his soul out of his body.

"L-Lisa!" He shrieked and let go of me. "H-H-How did you get in?!"

"I used the spare key Ukyo Nii-chan handed me," I answered and sat properly on his bed.

"T-Then why the heck did you have to slap me too hard?" He hissed and stroked his cheek which is not red.

"You wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I called you. So I have to take matters into my hands and do whatever it takes to wake you up!" I giggled. "Plus you won't let go of me,"

"S-Sorry, I thought I was dreaming." He blushed and seemed to have dozed for a bit.

"Well, now that you're awake we should go and eat breakfast. We don't want to be late for the exams right?" I changed the subject and stood.

"Yeah, thanks for waking me up." He said and stood from his bed.

"Erm... Nii-chan..." I blushed and stare at something else.

"Hm? Is there anything else?" he asked.

"Before going to the living room... I think you should wear your pants." I said and passed through him and exited his room.

"Huh?" He looked down and saw that he wasn't wearing his pants, only his boxers. "AARRGGGHHHH!!!"

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

After taking the exams online, I immediately went to Hinode High School to wait for Yusuke Nii-chan after taking his supplementary exams.

"Hello, miss." A girl greeted and walked towards me. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for Asahina Yusuke. He's taking the exams today and I plan on celebrating with him later,"

"Asahina-kun?" She asked.

"Yeah, do you know him?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm one of his classmates, Mahoko Imai." She said.

"Then you must know my sister, Hinata Ema?" I reassured.

"Oh! You're Hina's sister?" I nodded. "Wow, you look so cute! No wonder Hina couldn't stop talking about you!

"Nee-chan talks about me?" I asked.

"Yeah, she always tells me that she has such a considering and talented sister." She exclaimed. "So... is Asahina-kun your boyfriend?"

"W-What?! No, no! We're sibling, nothing more." I assured her.

"Oh, okay then! Well, I'm needed somewhere else. See you again next time!" She chirped and waved goodbye.

'I'm glad that Nee-chan has a friend here,'

"L-Lisa?! What are you doing here?" I looked to my side and saw Yusuke Nii-chan.

"I wanted to celebrate with you! For all the nights we pull off together, we deserve a break of course!" I exclaimed.

"Baka, you didn't have to wait out here! You could have caught a cold," He scolded and flicked my forehead.

"That hurts!" I whined. "So how did the supplementary exams go?"

"For once, I think that I did great." He blushes.

"Yey, so let's go celebrate!" I hooked my arm on his and led him somewhere.

"W-Where are we going?" He asked.

"It's a surprise!" I chirped and continued walking towards the cafe that I saw on the way to their school. As soon as we reached the cafe, we ordered drinks and a parfait to share.

"Here are your drinks, and a couple's parfait for the adorable couple." The waitress said as she placed our orders on the table.

"Wow, it looks delicious!" "C-C-Couple?!"

"This is the best Christmas Eve ever!" I cheered and ate parfait.

"Y-yeah," I heard Nii-chan muttered with a blush on his face.

"I'm so happy that we got to bond with each other, Nii-chan!" I exclaimed.

"You know, you don't have to call me Nii-chan. We're at the same age anyway," He said as he took a sip of his juice.

"Oh, that's right. Well, then, congratulations on doing well on your supplementary exams, Yusuke-kun!" I took a scoop of the parfait.

"Ha-!" before he could say anything I feed him the parfait and smiled.

'I had fun with him, I'm glad that I was able to get to know him more during this past few days.'

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