Mistake Managed || Potter Twi...

By aphrostrophe

568K 14.9K 3.7K

A story of The Boy Who Lived. The light and hope of the Wizarding World. But do they actually know who it is... More

•|Green Eyes, Unseen Lies|•
•|Under the Masks|•
•|Birthday Gift|•
•|Hello Hogwarts|•
•|Starting Again|•
•|Well, That's Unexpected|•
•|You Did What?|•
•|Trolls! *Faints*|•
•|Hiss Hiss, Bitch|•
•|Letters Matter, Apparently|•
•|So... More Trolls?|•
•|Hey, Voldy|•
•|Finally! A Proper Wand|•
•|James the Git|•
•|Order of the Fried Chicken|•
•|Mysterious Medications|•
•|Aurors and Whatnot|•
•|Voldy's Diary and More Snakes|•
•|Red Apple? That's Blasphemy!|•
•|Tom's Obsession|•
•|Thanks Hermione!|•
•|Going on a Field Trip to Azkaban :D|•
•|About Damn Time!|•
•|Going Back|•
•|I Did Well Didn't I?|•
•|Thrilling Games|•
•|Sweets are Good|•
•|Cursed Scar or Cursed Not?|•
•|A Little Twist|•
•|Dark Red Almost Black|•


11.5K 327 37
By aphrostrophe

Hermione jolted up from her bed in the hospital wing. They had registered the Mandrake juice to the victims. She looked at her surroundings and saw familiar faces waking up. There is Nearly Headless Nick, Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Penelope Clearwater and also Mrs Norris.

A memory played in her head. Harry Potter. She remembered what had happened. She need to get to a professor quickly. She climbed off the hospital bed, and saw the professors standing near the door.
"Professor Mcgonagall! Professor Dumbledore! Anyone!" She frantically screamed, "Help!"

"What's wrong Ms Granger?" Mcgonagall rushed to her Gryffindor, catching her before she toppled.
Her muscles and limbs are still weak from not being used for a long period of time.
"The Chamber," Hermione trembled, "There... there's these big yellow eyes."
"Sit down Ms Granger. First of all, you should calm down," Mcgonagall lead her towards a bed and sat her down.

Madam Pomfrey gave her a calming draught, and left her alone with Mcgonagall. Dumbledore not far behind.
"Professor," Hermione croaked, "I... I know who opened the Chamber."
Mcgonagall looked stunned, and Dumbledore who was standing behind her approached them.
"And who is it, child?" Dumbledore asked softly.
"Ha... Harry Potter," she shivered.

"That's- Ms Granger, did you see him open the Chamber?" Mcgonagall asked.
"No, but I saw him with the... the snake. There was this large snake with yellow eyes," She explained.
"So you do not know where the entrance is?" Dumbledore asked, sounding a little bit dissappointed.
"No," Hermione admitted.
"Well, I believe that it is now up to the Ministry," Dumbledore sighed.


Harry Potter was sat between James and Lily Potter in the Headmaster's office. Both his parents certainly displeased. Dumbledore sat behind the desk that is seperating them. The minister, Cornelius Fudge came with an Auror, and they sat beside Dumbledore.

Harry knew this was going to happen. He knew very well that Hermione is going to rat him out. The only reason he petrified her is to give him more time to prepare.
"Did you open the Chamber of Secrets Harry?" Dumbledore said calmly.
The room was quiet and the atmosphere was tense. Harry felt Hogwarts' usually warm magic froze in the room, probably sensing the strained ambiance.

"What do you mean, sir?" Harry innocently asked.
Dumbledore took out a pensieve, and showed Fudge Hermione's memory.
"Need I remind you, Minister. Harry had also once been a suspect to the first... attack."
Oh yeah, that day where he nearly lost Mavka.
"Mr Potter, we will need to investigate your belongings," the Auror said.

Well, thank Merlin for his quick thinking. He had already burnt the diary Tom gave him to communicate. Last month, he had also sneaked anything dark related into the Chamber's study room. He had also told Pansy to give the diary horcrux to Lucius Malfoy when she went on break. He could not give it to Draco or Blaise, as the Aurors might try investigating them too. He had given Mavka to Draco, and Lorcan to Blaise a few nights before. They will say that Harry had gifted them his snakes, so that the Ministry could not take the snakes away.


They called more Aurors to help them search and organise Harry's belongings. The sudden entrance of the Aurors made students curious, and they, of course, started coming up with theories.  After hours of searching through Harry's things, they have found nothing. Just a few books that are way too advanced for students. But that is not illegal, just surprising.

So they went to search Blaise and Draco's belongings, as they share the same dorm. They could not be too sure, Harry might have placed his things into their trunks. They were searching, and none of the boys were allowed near their dormitories. The other Slytherins as well as the three boys were at their common room. Some glancing worriedly at Harry, who in turn, somehow looked... calm throughout this whole ordeal.

Not long later, the Aurors appeared from the dormitory's door. One of them holding a transparant bag with a book in it. Like seriously? It is just a book!
"We found this in Draco Malfoy's trunk. Care to explain?" The Auror asked.

Harry glanced at the book, and immediately recognised it. It is a book about the Dark Arts Draco had bought in an auction. Draco was rather fond of that book, and would constantly read it to Harry and Blaise. Draco looked stunned.
Before Draco could even open his mouth to say something, Harry answered, "That's mine. I left it in his trunk while on a hurry this morning."
He most probably is going to be charged guilty anyways. They had Hermione's memory of that day, which is a solid proof, and earlier that year, Dumbledore had reported him to the Aurors for suspicious activities.

The Aurors nodded, satisfied that they found something. Harry is just glad that they did not find the need to check all the dormitories, as the horcrux is in Pansy's possession. Well, that is an evidence that Harry is indeed into dark magic. The Aurors believe that people who does dark magic is dangerous and a criminal.

"Mr Harry Potter, according to the law, if there is enough evidence we are allowed to mark you as a suspect," an Auror explained, "The dark art book will be added to the charges you will face."
Another Auror took out magic dampening cuffs, and was about to put it on Harry.
"What is happening?" Snape glided towards the commotion.

"Mr Potter have been claimed as a suspect for petrifying students," the Auror said.
"And a cat," another Auror reminded.
"And a cat," he repeated, "Therefore, we will have to bring him to one of the temporary cells we have before the trial."
"That's absurd!" Snape snapped.
"No it is surely not Mr Snape, it is stated in-" the Auror continued.
"Yeah, yeah, in the Decree of blah blah blah or whatever law there is. You know, these stupid cuffs are rather uncomfortable. I will be most grateful to not stay in an uncomfortable position for another hour just because you guys decide to argue. So much of being "professionals", huh?" Harry blabbered.
Everyone were stunned. Harry is about to face heavy charges, yet he is still so relaxed.

They lead Harry to the exit of Hogwarts, as they cannot use the floo incase he tried to run away. Of course, seeing a student being escorted in cuffs by Aurors is not a daily occurence. The students stare, and many connect the dots to the petrification. Some faces were in disbelief, while some held satisfied grins.



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