Subject X

By 06-0156V

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After being rescued from an illegal quirk experimentation facility, Miyasaki Masuyo was recommended by the he... More

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By 06-0156V

Back in the arena, she had seen Hizashi leave the booth for lunch but not Aizawa so she assumed that he most likely slept there instead. He had her lunch so she was on her way to the booth so he could feed her. They were still keeping her from using her arms too much. 

She was walking along a hallway when she heard two familiar voices coming from the stairwell. She wisely remained unnoticed by the two pro heroes as she listened to their conversation.

"I haven't seen you since the rescue mission months ago, huh? I saw you, so I thought I'd say hi. Miyasaki always waits for you to visit, you know." All Might greeted.

"I see. Well, you've already done that. Leave." Endeavor snubbed him. It was so different from the tone that he would use on her, "You think I'd have tea with you? What a joke. I'm going to go to the restroom."

"Don't be so cold! Your son, Shoto, did wonderfully without even using half of his power. Is it because he was taught well?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Why, I seriously want to know how to raise the next generation."

"Do you think I'd tell you? You look clueless as usual, and it's getting on my nerves."

"Gomen." She could hear the meekness in All Might's voice. He was always so gentle with others.

"Just remember this. I will make that into a hero that will surpass you one day. That was why I created him."

Miyasaki's eyes widened at what he said, What did he mean 'created'?

"What are you...?" All Might asked in confusion.

"He's in his rebellious stage right now, but he will definitely surpass you. I'll make sure of it! As for Miyasaki... It's best that I keep my distance from her now that she has met my son." 

Miyasaki's eyes were shadowed as her head bent down. Her hand left hand hung limply to her side while her other hand covered her mouth as if to quell the rage that built up inside of her. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It all began to click in her mind. Now she understood why Todoroki was showing so much aggression today of all days. His father was the reason why. 

Create? Was he like me?

She might not be close to the half and half boy but that didn't mean she did not understand the feeling of being a mere tool made to defeat or surpass All Might. She felt disgusted by what Endeavor had done to his son. Most of all, she felt somewhat betrayed and torn by his admission. Endeavor, the one who saved her from the people who bred her to become a tool was the same as them. 

She heard footsteps coming her way and her defense mechanism kicked in. Her eyes have gone pitch black as she locked every ounce of emotion she had in the recesses of her mind. 

Eventually, Endeavor rounded the corner to see her standing there.


She held up a hand as she picked her head up and stared straight through him with the coldest eyes he had ever seen. She heard him give a shaky sigh before attempting to reach her.

"Do not touch me." Her cold tone stopped him from doing so.

"You heard." It wasn't a question.

Miyasaki didn't say anything to him and merely walked passed him to All Might who heard Endeavor. He was standing at the landing of the staircase, looking at her in concern. He had seen the change in her eyes as well. 

"Yagi-kun, please tell Aizawa that I'm not hungry and won't be eating lunch." She spoke so quietly that if it weren't for the fact that there weren't any other people there, they wouldn't have heard her. Without another word, she left them in the hallway. Both pros stared at her retreating figure. One had a concerned expression and the other was shamefaced. She didn't care at the moment. 

She felt numb.


Miyasaki hadn't spoken a word to anyone as she walked next to her female classmates who were all in cheerleading outfits. She watched them with a vacant expression as they realized that Mineta and Kaminari had fooled them into wearing that.

She vaguely paid attention to Present Mic as he announced the resumption of the games. They gathered in front of Midnight once again as she explained the mechanics of the battle. One of her classmates got her attention as he requested on withdrawing from the competition. She stared at Ojiro but stayed quiet as her classmates questioned him on why. 

She heard his explanation on not remembering a thing since the cavalry battle and her eyes immediately shifted to Shinso's. He was looking at her as their eyes met but his widened a fraction as she stared at him without any emotion at all. 

Others joined in on backing out but she didn't pay attention as her eyes settled back to Midnight. She didn't hear that the two of her teammates back in the cavalry battle backed out as well as they felt Miyasaki was more deserving to be there than them. 

The screen flashed the participant's bracket for her to see that she would be battling Kaminari.

But before any of that, they were sent off to do recreational games which she didn't participate in and opted to sit in the waiting room. 

Finally, the final tournament started and Miyasaki stood beside Midoriya in the hall that leads to the arena grounds. She kept quiet as the Midoriya tried to calm his nerves. 

"Hey!" Toshinori's voice called from behind them. She saw him glance at her briefly before addressing Midoriya. 

"Sorry, I'm late but you figured out One For All, right?"

"All Might... No, I'm still worried." 

Miyasaki listened to Midoriya as he explained his trouble with the quirk. He still hasn't got the proper mindset to handle it and it will keep breaking his body for sure.

"Yes, as you remember what Miyasaki had told you before, what your body can release right now is about five percent."

"Hearing that, I really feel like I've been blessed with friends and luck." Midoriya looked down.

She saw Toshinori rubbed the back of his head before karate chopping Midoriya at the top of his head and the side of his neck, "You should just say, 'I'll do my best, damn it', you prince of nonsense! Is the image of the hero you're trying to be that flimsy?" he scolded Midoriya.

She turned them out as they had their sappy moment together as mentor and student. Midoriya turned to her and asked, "Miyasaki-san? Are you alrig-"

Toshinori quickly placed a hand on Midoriya's mouth, silencing him. He shook his head at the boy in a silent warning and cast wary glances at her. He whispered something in Midoriya's ear and the broccoli paled as he too cast her a wary glance.

She knew they were talking about her but she didn't care. The roar of the crowd reached them, telling her that the games were about to start.

"Cementoss is done with the stage. You're up first, Midoriya." She said, breaking the silence that ensued between the three. He nodded silently and left, leaving her with Toshinori.


"You should get to the teacher's box, Yagi." She dismissed him as she moved to the entrance so she could watch their fight. She ignored the hurt look he had on his face as she did so. She wasn't in the mood for small talk so she didn't join her classmates at their seats upstairs yet.

To her surprise, he didn't leave but instead joined her. She didn't say anything and continued to watch. 

Midoriya stopped moving in the middle of the match just right after he answered Hitoshi. He seemed frozen in his spot. The grin Shinso had on his face clued her in that he was already using his quirk on him. 

They watched as Shinso said something to Midoriya making him turn and walk almost robotically towards the boundary. He was like a lifeless puppet to Shinso. 

"Brainwashing." She muttered languidly, finally breaking her silence. She thought it wasn't fair to treat Toshinori that way when he wasn't the reason for her mood, "No wonder he didn't make it to the hero course. He wouldn't have racked up the points he needed. His quirk isn't a physical one."

"What do you mean?" Toshinori side glanced her, surprised to hear her finally speak before going back to Midoriya. He was worried about his successor. He gripped the sides of the entrance as he started nervously sweating.

She briefly glanced at his direction before explaining, "I noticed his use of his quirk on his classmates at the beginning of the race. They all had similar vacant expressions while they carried Shinso obediently over the ice Todoroki made. That was my first clue on what exactly his quirk was. Now, seeing it work on Midoriya confirmed my suspicions. I believe he should be in our class. The entrance exam is a total disadvantage to his quirk. His works on real people, not faux villains. It's quite unfair."

Toshinori listened carefully to her explanation and thought about it. He agreed with her analysis and nodded. He kept forgetting how much knowledge she has in these types of things. It never failed to surprise him. When his attention went back to the match in front of them, he swallowed a lump in his throat at the situation his successor was in, "Midoriya-shounen! You can't come here!" he panicked as Midoriya got closer to the boundary. 

Miyasaki noticed a twitch in Midoriya's hand and sighed, "Have more faith in Midoriya, Yagi. He'll pull through. He still has a lot of fight left in him." 

That's when Midoriya snapped out of Shinso's brainwashing. Just as he was about to step over the boundary, Midoriya used his quirk to break free from Shinso's mental grasp on him. She watched as Shinso tried and failed to get a verbal response from Midoriya as he kept trying to pull him into a conversation.

"He needs him to respond to his quirk to work." 

Midoriya was finally able to push him but Shinso physically fighting him this time. Shinso tried in vain to place him out of bounds but Midoriya had flipped him over the boundary.

Shinso lost and Miyasaki didn't miss the frustrated look on his face.

Shinso walked towards the entrance where she was at but stopped as he heard his classmates cheer for him. Some pros from the audience were impressed by his performance and brought Shinso from his low at the loss of the first round.


Todoroki's match was fast. He used far too much power than what was necessary. Miyasaki's jaw clenched knowing exactly who riled him up that bad. 

Finally, it was her turn to fight.

Miyasaki and Kaminari stood at the center of the arena, faces each other. Kaminari was smiling at her, "When this is over, wanna grab a bite to eat?" he flirted with her for a bit.

She stared hollowly into his eyes but didn't comment. It unnerved her opponent making him stutter.

"D-Don't expect me to hold b-back just because y-you're a g-girl!" He was a stuttering mess. Something in her eyes raised red flags in his head but he stood fast. He seemed to regain some courage as he uttered his famous last words for the match, "Cause this match will probably over in a second!"

He instantly charged himself up then sent an incredible amount of electricity towards her direction. Instead of dodging it, Miyasaki took the blow. The crowd gasped as the massive amount of electricity hit her body. The impact brought her back a few steps as if she were punched in the gut. Electricity coursed throughout her body but what they didn't know was that it didn't affect her like they thought it had.

Gazing back to her opponent, she saw Kaminari had reverted to his dumb self. The effects of his quirk's drawback backfiring on him as he stood stupidly before her, giving her his signature thumbs-up whenever he went idiot. 

To everyone's surprise, Miyasaki moved even though the electricity Kaminari sent her would've sent any other person unconscious or paralyzed.

Kaminari had forgotten one thing very important: She could control the elements - natural or quirk made. 

"Gomen, Kaminari. I'll have to decline your offer. I have to win this."  

She raised her hand and discharged the electricity he had given her to the sky so no one would get hurt. She approached him in his weakened form before gently grasping his shoulders and guided him over the boundary without much effort.

"Miyasaki advances to the second round!" Midnight announced. Kaminari was brought into a stretcher to be sent to Recovery Girl.

As the fourth match started, she decided to head to the commentator's booth to ask Aizawa if she could borrow his sleeping bag.

She knocked quietly on the door and Hizashi opened it, looking surprised to see her there. 

"Hey, what's my favorite listener doing up here?" He smiled at her, "Congratulations on your match by the way... Are you okay?" He blinked noticing her vacant expression.

Miyasaki absently nodded, "I was gonna ask Shota if I could borrow his sleeping bag for a bit..."

"Is that Masuyo?" Aizawa turned in his seat to look at their direction.

"Yep! She's asking to borrow your caterpillar case so that she could sleep."

Hizashi let her in and steered her in front of Aizawa who also noticed her vacant expression. He locked eyes with Hizashi who was looking down at her in concern from behind her.

"It's over there," he pointed at the left side of the room.

Miyasaki quietly thanked him and crawled into the bag, "Could you wake me if it's my match next?"

"Sure, you go get some rest," Hizashi said, crouching down by her head and rubbed her hair before going back to commentate on the match. Both men shot worried glances towards her direction, wondering what happened to her. 

Her eyes felt heavy and she closed them. Soon enough, both men heard soft snores coming from her letting them know that she was asleep.

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