Kamen Rider Gaim - Fruit Wars...

By MitchellDonnelly

13.1K 198 21

Yuuta is a young man who is from a family who are descendants of famous warriors who fought back in the Sengo... More

Characters (Updated)
Episode 1 - Transform! The Orange Samurai Appears!
Episode 2 - The New Sengoku Period
Episode 3 - Pulverize! Pineapple Arms!
Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!
Episode 5 - Samurai to Ninja! Go, Strawberry Arms!
Episode 6 - Arrival of a Rival! The Banana Transformation!
Episode 7 - The Man Who Fell in Love with the Enemy
Episode 8 - Melon Rider, Prepare for Battle!
Episode 9 - The Mother Tree
Episode 10 - The Final Showdown of Love! Orange vs. Melon!
Episode 11 - Legend of the Golden Fruit (REMADE)
Episode 12 - Encounter with Durian and Cherry! Unleash Watermelon Arms!
Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!
Episode 14 - The Orange's Fear and The Lemon's Determination
Episode 15 - Banana, Acorn, and a Familiar Face!
Episode 16 - The Truth Behind a Banana's Peel
Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!
Episode 18 - The Power of Oranges! Birth of Jimber Tangerine!
Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!
Episode 21 - Jam's Trial and Secret
Episode 22 - The Orange and Banana's Rescue! Siege at Akechi Castle!
Episode 23 - Back to the Front Lines! Raise Your Flag, Triumph Arms!
Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy
Episode 25 - Return and Recruitment! The Jimber's Potential!
Episode 26 - A Banana's Genesis Transformation!
Episode 27 - Counterattack! The True Battle Begins!
Episode 28 - Fallen Tiger, Rising Dragon
Episode 29 - The New Dangerous Threat! Rise of the Inves!
Episode 30 - Appear, the Peach Fortune Teller, Marika!
Episode 31 - Another Assault! The Green Overlord!
Episode 32 - Gaim and Baron! Clash of Ideals!
Episode 33 - New Troubles in Echigo

Episode 20 - A Samurai's Disappearance

211 4 0
By MitchellDonnelly

After the Oda and Toyotomi's siege towards Kai, it's seen the castle and the village being damaged.

There were a bunch of smokes in different areas, lots of houses completely destroyed, and a bunch of villagers injured and being tended by doctors.

Right now, the scene focuses on Sakura and her ninja squad as they start investigating and searching the area where Yuuta has been defeated by Hideko.

Ninja1: Sakura!

Sakura: Hm? What is it? Is there anything to report?

Ninja1: Yes. We investigated the scene here in this area, and all we managed to find was this.

The ninja gave Sakura a piece of cloth that was from Yuuta's jacket.

Sakura: This is Yuuta's... Where did you find it?

Ninja1: We managed to find it here in this area. As you can see closer, the patterns of pieces of grass and dust on the ground resembles that of a person lying here with his arms open.

Sakura: Could it be Yuuta?

Ninja1: I believe so. However, we weren't able to find where he actually is.

Sakura: I see. Report to the other squads to continue their search.

Ninja1: Of course, it shall be done.

After the ninja then disappeared, Sakura started to think for a moment.

Sakura: Hmm... This is very strange. I know Yu was around here somewhere but we can't seem to find him no matter where we look. Even Kuroh disappeared afterwards. ...*sigh*Yu, wherever you are, I just hope you're okay.


Back in Akechi Castle, Hideko is bringing in Kanami as a prisoner, with some Kurokages holding her.

There, once she enters inside, she's been confronted by Nobunaga and Hideyoshi.

Hideko: *bows*Lord Nobunaga, father, I bring back with great news that our mission is complete. I present to you, the princess herself.

As the guards moved Kanami up for the two daimyos to see.

Hideyoshi: Ah, it's good to finally meet you! Well done my girl, because of you and everyone's efforts, we finally found her safe and sound.

Nobunaga moved up and looked at Kanami up close.

Nobunaga: Those eyes... There is no doubt about it. You are indeed your father's daughter.

Kanami: How unexpected for you to state the obvious, Lord Nobunaga.

Kurokage1: Hey! Watch your mouth, do you have any idea who you're speaking to!

Nobunaga: Enough. ...For now, take her to her cell, make sure to keep her guarded.

Kurokages: As you wish, my lord!

After the Kurokages left, Hideyoshi is left with a surprised look.

Hideyoshi: A cell? Nobunaga, what are you thinking? We didn't agree to treat the princess as a prisoner or anything, we-.

Nobunaga: It's better if she's being treated poorly then to stir attention. You of all people should know that, monkey.

Hideyoshi: Yeah, but isn't it a bit harsh coming from you? If this is the best course of action, which I totally disagree, how long do we have to treat her like this?

Nobunaga: ...Until we have found him.

As Nobunaga said nothing else, he walks away, leaving Hideyoshi sighing.

Now it shifts to Kanami, as she continues to walk up the stairs until they stopped by the holding cell.

Kurokage1: Get in there.

After the Kurokages let go of Kanami's grip, she went inside.

Then, the Kurokages closed the door, locked it up, and walked away.

Kanami is then left alone, as she sits down and looked out of the small window above her with a worried look.

She sees flashbacks of how Yuuta was trying to save her, but was brutally beaten and defeated by Hideko.

Kanami: Yuuta...

Kanami then puts her hands together and closes her eyes, as though she's praying.

Kanami: I'm so sorry. It was all my fault for what happened to you. ...*showing tears*I don't care what happens to me. Somebody... Anybody... please spare Yuuta's life. I beg of you... Please let him be safe...


Yuuta is now seen again, in the same dark place everytime he has dreams.

He slowly begins to open up his eyes.

Yuuta: *grunts*...Oh man. Huh, where am I? ...Wait I know this place. Am I having one of those strange dreams again?

Before Yuuta could question any further, he sees a bright light behind him.

Although it was too bright for Yuuta's eyes, he could see at the end a figure of a person.

His appearance is that of the same person who sent Yuuta to the world he is right now.

???: Ah... Finally. It seems I can establish my connection to you more clearly. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Yuuta Shirayanagi.

Yuuta: That voice from these dreams... it's you. Wait, who are you? How do you know my name?

???: I am someone who knows many things, but that is all I can say. I do not have much time, so please listen closely.

Yuuta: About what?

???: Very soon my friend, the earth which you walk upon will be in grave danger from an upcoming threat. And only you will have the power to prevent that from happening. I know it doesn't make sense as of now, but I assure you all will be clear in time. Remember Yuuta, find the golden fruit... and save this world.

Yuuta: Save this world...? Wait, is that the reason why I was brought to this place?!

Yuuta tries to get more answers, however his dream is fading.

Yuuta: Wait, don't go...! I stilll-!

Finally, the dream has faded to white...

Now it points to Yuuta, who suddenly opened up his eyes.

As he looks around his surroundings, it seems he's in a normal traditional Japanese bedroom.

Yuuta: Ugh... What happened to me? Wait, where am I?

Yuuta then got up from his floor bed slowly, and he's seen with bandages on his head and body.

Kuroh: *bark*!

The familar voice Yuuta heard was none other than Kuroh, who jumped up and licked Yuuta on his cheek.

Yuuta: Kuroh! Ahahaha, cut it out boy! Yes, yes I'm fine!

Kuroh: *happy whines*!

Yuuta: Heh heh, I'm glad to see you're okay too.

Woman: ...It seems you are awake.

Yuuta and Kuroh turned their heads to see a beautiful woman in front of the sliding door.

Woman: I am glad to see you are doing well.

Yuuta: Who are you? And... How did I get here?

???: That... is what we want to ask.

Yuuta then hears the voice of a man and a woman beside him and they appear right before him.

A little later, Yuuta and the ones who seemed to have taken care of him are all present in a single room.

Nagamasa: Now then, now we are all at present, introductions are in order. I am Azai Nagamasa, and this is my wife Oichi.

Oichi is seen carrying a cup of tea puts it down in front of Yuuta.

Oichi: Here, please have it. The tea leaves inside should ease and relax the pain you are feeling in your body.

Yuuta: Thanks.

Yuuta gently takes a sip from the tea for a bit and puts it down.

Yuuta: Whew, I kind of feel better already.

Nagamasa: And may I ask who you are, young man?

Yuuta: Oh, sorry. My name is Yuuta, Yuuta Shirayanagi. And this here is Kuroh.

Kuroh: *bark*

Oichi: *giggles*He does seem to be friendly.

Yuuta: You can say that again. But anyway, I never thought I would wound up to actually meet the two of you. It's a great honor.

Nagamasa: I see you have heard of us...

Yuuta: Uh huh, you are the warlord of the Azai army. And Oichi is Oda Nobunaga's sister.

Both seemed to look down upon Yuuta saying that.

Yuuta: Oh... I'm sorry. It was disrespectful of me to say who you are out loud.

Nagamasa: No, no we understand. It's understandable how you are surprised and couldn't resist to express your words.

Yuuta: *ahem*A-Anyway. Can you please tell me where am I?

Nagamasa: This place is a village located deep in the mountains. It serves as a homestead for refugees and former warlords such as myself.

Yuuta: A homestead?

Oichi: Yes. You see, my lord Nagamasa retired from his position and we lived here in peace ever since. It is difficult to explain, but...

Yuuta: You two were also brought back to life due to the golden fruit, right?

Everyone present in the room, except for Yuuta, were surprised upon hearing those words.

Nagamasa: How did you...?

Yuuta: I heard of the story how you and the rest of the warlords and daimyos were all resurrected. You must be one of the ones who didn't want to re-join the war.

Nagamasa: ...Indeed. I rather live the rest of my life with my wife and daughter than to go back to the battlefield ever again.

Yuuta: Daughter?

Nagamasa: Ah, my apologies. I forgot to introduce to you my daughter, Yodogimi.

Yuuta: Yodogimi? Wait a minute, are you Chacha, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's concubine?

Chacha: I see you heard of me as well.

Yuuta: Of course I do, after all, I do know my history.

Oichi: Our daughter was the one who found you lying unconscious and brought you here to be tended.

Yuuta: You were the one who saved me? Thank you very much*bows*!

Chacha: Please, you don't need to thank me. I am just doing what is right.

Nagamasa: Anyways Sir Yuuta, we allow you to stay here until you're wounds have healed up.

Yuuta: I very much appreciate it.

Nagamasa: Yodogimi will help you to your room, rest for the day.

After the conversation, Chacha already brought Yuuta to his room and helped him lie down on his floor bed.

Chacha: You should remain like this until morning. Do not move around so much until then.

Yuuta: I understand.

Chacha: Then I shall take my leave.

Chacha then passed through the sliding words until Yuuta spoke up.

Yuuta: I'm kind of surprised to meet you in person. I never actually thought you would live with your family all the way out here.

Chacha: ...My husband, Lord Hideyoshi. He was the one who established me and my family to live here.

Yuuta: ...

Chacha: If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call me.

Finally Chacha left as she closed the doors.

But while Yuuta was left alone, he takes a look up at the ceiling.

He plays the flashbacks of how he was defeated by Hideko, and seeing Kanami being taken away before losing consciousness.

Yuuta: Kana...


It is night time, and Chacha is seen walking along a trail that leads her to a cave in the middle of the mountains.

There, once she enters, the whole place is dark, but the only source of light that was provided was the light from the pool of water below.

As Chacha walks deeper, she then stops in front of a bridge, which on the other side is a young woman sitting under a cherry blossom.

Chacha: I have returned*bows*.

???: ...Have you retrieved him?

Chacha: Yes. He's currently taking residence in my family's home. But pardon my words, he needs more time to rest.

???: I'm afraid that's impossible. The gods whom I have spoken says the threat is near, it has to be now.

Chacha: But-.

???: Chacha, every warrior must pass a trial despite the state they are in. ...You know what to do to him, correct?

Chacha: ...As you wish.

To be continued...

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