Before Tomorrow

By glxmmerbug

3.9K 123 84

Tracy Anderson-Hummel won't stop asking about her father. Blaine finally gives in... - COMPLETED More

You're Intresting
Are You...Straight?
I Wish
Letting Go is Always the Hard Part
As Long As You're With Me
Authors Note
I'm Back!
The Running Back
A Fight
Prom Part 1
Prom Part 2
Here Goes Everything
Story of My Life
Before Tomorrow


163 9 9
By glxmmerbug

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|   /|\       I don'_ own gl__
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Can you beat my game of hangman?


A Facebook message pops up on Blaine's phone. He steps away from the spaghetti dinner he was preparing, and sits down. It's a memory, from nine years ago.

After punching in his password, a picture comes up.

Smiling on a stage, Blaine, Rachel, Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Sebastian, and Kurt are all throwing their graduation caps in the air in sync. Blaine can't help but smile back at the memory. Throughout high school, the group had had their ups and downs. But on that day, everything was good.


A year had passed. After prom, Sebastian and Kurt weren't exactly celebrities anymore. They did, however, make it through the year as a couple.

I was at my locker, cleaning it out. Graduation was next week, and locker clean-outs were soon. Might as well get ahead of the game. Kurt and I had become good friends. Not like it used to be, but we weren't radio silent. His locker was just across the hallway, next to Rachel's. Peeking in my mirror at him behind me, I caught him doing the same with me and his mirror. I laugh and turn around, closing my locker. "Perv."

Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled at me playfully. Sebastian came up behind Kurt and mumbled something to him. The petite boy nodded and the two walked out the side doors. I couldn't help but wonder what that was about.

Rachel crept up behind me and said plainly, "He made it into UCLA."

"Excuse me?" I turned to face her, confused.

"Sebastian made it into UCLA. And Kurt made it into NYADA. He starts next fall with me."

I couldn't help but smile. "I made it into NYU..."

"That's great and all Blaine, but this isn't about you." Rachel said, matter-a-factly.

My smile dropped, "Uh, whats it about?"

"Sebastian will be in California. Kurt will be in New York. Across the country."

Suddenly, I looked at the doors where the couple had left. This will crush Kurt. "Oh...You're right..."

Rachel sighs sadly, shaking her head. "Glee club's gonna be so weird..."

An idea sparking in my head, I stop Rachel, "Hey! I know schools almost over and everything, but do you think I could attend a glee rehearsal? I mean, I've been in both Rocky Horror and I was your co star in West Side Story...I'm also a musical theatre major at NYU..."

Rachel smiles kindly and nods, "Of course Blaine. We always had great harmonies. Follow me."

"Oh," I said, surprised, "It's now?"

"Uh, yeah. Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all. Lead the way."

We walked down the hallway side by side. Although I was active in theatre, I've never actually been apart of glee club. Especially since Quinn, Santana, and Brittany joined. I just kind of got the feeling they didn't want me around.

As I stepped through the doorway, I realized I couldn't have been more wrong. Brittany ran up to me and hugged me tight, "Blaine Warbler!" She cried, "I knew you would come eventually!"

Laughing, I hugged back. After we pulled away, I saw my ex best friend standing in front of me.

"Hey..." Quinn said softly, "Look, I want to apologize for how I acted...As stupid as it sounds...Glee helped me realize how I was being-"

"A bitch." The words tumbled out of my mouth before I realized I even thought them. My
ears turned hot and I rubbed the back of my neck, "I didn't mean that-"

"No," Quinn cut in, "You're right. And I missed you." Then, she gave me a hug. We were never the type of friends to do that stuff, more of a silent agreement of our affection, so it felt foreign to have her arms around me.

I held back, melting into her arms. I had forgotten what it felt like to feel like you belonged. I should've made the decision to walk through that door a long time ago.

I walked in, sitting next to Quinn in the back. After a while, Sebastian walked in silent. He sat in the back corner, not making eye contact with anyone. Next came in Kurt. Tears stained his cheeks, and red blotches framed his eyes. His jaw set, he walked in acting as if nothing was wrong. As he heads to his chair, his eyes fine mine. A spark of surprise lights up in them, and then that spark is gone as he sits down.

Mr. Schue walks in, and I quickly raise my hand. "Mr. Schue, I hope it's okay that I'm here. I know graduation is next week, but I kinda just wanted-"

The teacher shook his head, "Of course it's alright Blaine. We're happy to have you. The more the marrier, always."

Nodding, I looked down at my hands. Quinn grabber one, and I looked up at her. She smiled kindly and nodded.

Mr. Schue went into the lesson for our last week, and how we were preforming at graduation.

"We will have two groups. Our first group will open the ceremony. That one will consist of Finn,"

"Woo!" The quarterback punched his hand in the air.


"You know it," Noah said smugly, fist bumping Finn.

"Tina and Artie,"

"Let's go girl!" Artie smiled at Tina, who laughed.

"Mike Chang, Sam, and Mercedes."

"Oh hell yeah!" Mercedes said happily.

Mr. Schue sighs, "You guys can choose your own song. The theme is their prompt is moving on and starting something new. The next group will have a similar assignment, except their prompt is something ending. Like a goodbye song, or an inspirational song that talks about the end of an era. They will preform at the end of the ceremony. That group is our remaining clubbers, Rachel, Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Sebastian, Kurt, and now Blaine."

I looked over across the room at Kurt, who was looking at me as well. Smiling weakly, I gave him a thumbs up. Apparently my smile was infectious, because it elicited a small one from the angel himself.

The week went by faster than I would've hoped. As a group we decided to sing I Miss the Mountains from Next to Normal.

"Isn't this song too...depressing?" Santana asked as she looked at the sheet music. Rachel's eyes narrowed as she answered,

"I personally think it highlights the highs and lows of the high school experience. Even if it wasn't all perfect, it's still something we will miss and look back on for the rest of our lives. Even during the highs and the lows!" She huffed and looked back down at the music, "I will obviously sing lead-"

"I think Blaine should sing lead." Kurt's voice piped up out of nowhere. He was sitting in the back corner, silent until this moment.

"Kurt, this is our last performance," Rachel argues, "And the only fair way to do this is seniority. I have the most experience singing for the glee club-"

"Therefore you should give the newbie a shot. It's exactly that, our last one. You can give up the spotlight one time." Kurt turned his gaze to me, "What do you think?"

"I uh," I wanted to. But I'd never performed with the club before, and I didn't wanna let them down.

"You'll do great, Blaine Warbler!" Brittany held my hand happily, smiling up at me with the light of a thousand suns.

I sighed, "Fine..."

The room clapped happily, even Rachel bit her tongue and clapped along.

We practiced every day after school, and before I knew it, it was the big day.

Not only was I graduating, I know had a solo in front of the whole school. The school that used to love me, and now hates me. This was gonna go well.

The first group performed Times are Hard for Dreamers, with Tina as the soloist. It was absolutely beautiful, and I was nervous to sing myself. It was a tough act to follow. Luckily, we didn't perform til the very end of the night. First, we had to get our diplomas.

Of course my name had to be Anderson. I was the first one to walk across that stage. A thousand eyes on me, I walk slowly. I never understood why that was the hardest part of my entire time at McKinley. Not the slushees, not the breakup, but the walk to get my diploma. Everything I've done for four years has led me to this moment. My hand shakes Principal Figgins', and I take my diploma. I turn to the crowd and smiles shyly and move my hat.

All was silent, and I could've sworn they were all gonna turn on me and attack me. Don't laugh, it was a legitimate fear.

Then the room cascaded in cheers and claps. It felt like I was floating as I walked off stage. I watched my newfound friends all get their diplomas, then it was soon time for my performance.

The stage is dark, and I walk up. The music starts and I open my mouth, letting the words escape my lips.

There was a time when I flew higher,
Was a time the wild boy running free
Would be me.
Now I see him feel the fire,
Now I know he needs me
There to share—
I'm nowhere.

The group makes an arrow behind me, all putting a hand on each other's shoulders until they get to the point of the arrow, myself.

All these blank and tranquil years—
Seems they've dried up all my tears.
And while he runs free and fast,
Seems my wild days are past.

As a group, our voices become one, filling up the entire theatre.

But I miss the mountains.
I miss the dizzy heights.
All the manic, magic days,
And the dark, depressing nights.

I miss the mountains,
I miss the highs and lows,
All the climbing, all the falling,
All the while the wild wind blows,
Stinging you with snow
And soaking you with rain—
I miss the mountains,
I miss the pain.

Brittany makes her way to the front, now having her time to shine.

Mountains make you crazy—
Here it's safe and sound.

Santana follows, and grabs her hand. Quinn jumps
in, harmonizing with her on the second line with a smile.

My mind is somewhere hazy—
My feet are on the ground.

Kurt and Sebastian stand next to the girls, hand in hand as well.

Everything is balanced here
And on an even keel.
Everything is perfect—

Once again, our voices mesh together.

Nothing's real...
Nothing's real.

Rachel smiles and finally gets her moment,

And I miss the mountains.
I, I miss the lonely climb.
Wand'ring through the wilderness.
And spending all my time

The music grows quiet, and now it's up to me to finish the song. Side by side, we all stand, smiling.

Where the air is clear
And cuts you like a knife—
I miss the mountains...
I miss the mountains...
I miss my life.
I miss my life.

A moment of silence passes through the crowd. I look over at Kurt, who is smiling at me proudly. The crowd goes wild, and all of the students throw their caps in the air. We look at each other and smile as we toss our caps in the air as well.


Blaine stares at the photo for a long time. He remembers how much fun performing was. Taking a breath, he texts Rachel.

Blaine: I'll do it.

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