The Strongest (RWBY x Male re...


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Remnant, a world full of fight. Humans vs Grimms, Humans vs Faunus, and even Humans fight themselves. Between... More

Chapter 2: The strongest
Chapter 3: Dealing with a Schnee
Chapter 4: RWBY & JNPR VS Y/N
Chapter 5: Lending a hand
Chapter 6: Rescue
Chapter 7: Different?
Chapter 8: The big bad wolf
Chapter 9: Giving Hope and stopping Roman
Chapter 10: Stress and the son of light
Chapter 11: Departure
Chapter 12: Taking care of the Fang
Chapter 13: The Schnee
Final Chapter: Farewell Remnant, hope i see you again

Chapter 1: Y/N and the Rose

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A/N: I won't follow the show step by step, so if you see something that isn't right, it's me

I will also follow only the POV of Y/N or the Narrator when he talk about Y/N

Narrator POV

Y/N was always alone in his life

No family he could remember, no friend, nothing that could care about him

He survived on his own, since he was 3, and he did a good job

He was stronger than the average Huntsman, he also had a weapon he stole from a shop

But the slight problem is, he never had an aura, and a semblance

So being accepted in a school or being taken for a job was much harder for him

But it changed one day

He encountered a scorpion faunas, who was crazy, called Tyrian

Tyrian tought that Y/N was just a Huntsman in training and decided to kill him

But he was surprised after he was on the ground, Y/N having his sword against his torso, where his heart was

Tyrian, like the madman he was, laugh and proposed something to Y/N

He told him that someoe could realize his dream

Y/N, not having a choice because of his poor life, accepted as Tyrian lead him to his Mistress, Salem

She was curious about the boy, and the choice of Tyrian

But she knew that he would never betrayed her, so she started to ask Y/N about himself

After he explained his story, Salem understood this kid was not anywhere normal, and he could be a great pawn for her, and if he goes against her, her worst nightmare

His eyes were dead, he had nothing to lose, and that was what made Salem cautious

Because when one man have nothing to loose, he will come victorious, no matter who is the ennemy

She told him to join her, so he will be able to make his dream a reality, and he can't refuse

He refused, and in the process managed to hurt Salem badly, even tough he don't have an aura, and flee from her castle
(A/N: Plot)


I was in Vale, walking on the street, as i was making myself low, so Salem can't find me

That woman was strange, she also had a dead look, like she lost a lot in her life

Before i could continue, i heard some gunshot coming from a dust shop, and goes to check it

I could see a girl, fighting criminal, with one huge scythe

I turned my look, and see Roman Torchwick

He and I met sometime, and agreed to never be in each other way, since it wasn't good for his business to loose all his men everytime we meet

But that agreement was destroyed once he leaved me to deal with Huntsman and an Atlas fleet

And since life is a b*tch, i'm going to be a b*tch too

He was about to shoot at the girl, before i kicked him, sending him a few feet away

Roman: Kid, if you would like to let me go, i swear that i won't leave you like last time

Y/N: Like i'm trusting you, you broke our agreement, so i can do everything i want

I turned to the girl, and she jump after she saw my dead look

Y/N: Your name

Ruby: R-Ruby Rose sir!

Y/n: Good, and don't call me sir, i'm just 16 years old

I faced Roman, and he was gone

That guy....

Y/N: Let's go, i called the cops already, we have to stop him before he flee

Ruby: Right!

She used her giant scythe or something to jump to the roof, as i just ran and climbed te building

Y/N: Roman!

Roman: Could you leave me alone for a second?

Y/N: Trust me, i hold grudge

Roman: Yes, but i guess it's a goodbye

He jumped in a bullhead, as it started to fly away

I noticed it, and launched my weapon at the bullhead, missing Roman head from an inch

He launched a rocket at us, as i jumped at it, grabbed it and lauch it back at him

Ruby: That's so cool!

The pilot was able to dodge it, as i could hear heels behind us

And to my surprise it was Glynda Goodwitch, or the Huntswoman that hate me the most

Roman: We have an Hunstman!

They switched place, and i could see it was one of Salem dog, Cinder

She launched fireball at us, but Goodwitch protected us with her bubble, and dodge

The bullhead was fying away, as i sent a final glare at Cinder, before the door closed

Ruby rushed at me with her semblance, i think?


Y/N: It was nothing, i know you can do the same after some training

I patted her head, and she blushed a little

In a instant, i jumped away from her, dodging a bubble from Goodwitch, who glared at me

Y/N: Leaving Oz alone? How sad, did he throw you out and find better?

Glynda: Don't anger me young men, you know you can't win

I glared at her, as the tension goes up in a instant

Y/N: Trust me, this time you won't have the help of Ozpin

Glynda: That is not what i came for, he wish to talk to you two

I was about to go, before i look at Ruby, ad see her have a worried look

For Oum sake i'm too weak...

Y/N: Lead the way, then


We were at the police station, aswe were getting a lecture from Goodwitch

Glynda: What you did was reckless!

Ruby: They started it!

Glynda: If it was up to me, i would send you home with a pat on the back....

Ruby seems happy for a moment, as i had a blank face

Glynda: And a slap to the wrist

She slapped the tabled with her..... weapon? As Ruby jumped and hugged me

I still had a blank look on my face, as Ruby blushed and let go

Glynda: But someone want to talk with you

Ozpin enter the room with a plate of cookie, and he looked at me, dead in the eyes, as i nod a few times no

Ozpin smiled a little, before he turned to Ruby, and placed the cookies in front of her

(A/N: Gonna skip to the part where Ruby leave)

Ruby finaly leave, but not before leaving one cookie for me

Ozpin: Y/N, it's been so long how have you been

Y/N: Let's cut that crap right now, i encounter a woman called Salem, and she could control Grimm

In a instant, he was serious, and the room become tense

Ozpin: When, and where

Y/N: A week ago, and i don't know where, since i got teleported with one of her minion

Ozpin: Anything else?

Y/N: I fought her, and managed to hurt her badly

Ozpin: How did you do it?

Y/N: Like i'm telling you

In a instant, he had his cane against my throat, and asked in a cold voice

Ozpin: How. Did. You. Do. It.

I took a knife and pointed it at his throat

Y/N: I. Am. Not. Telling. You.

We had a stare down, before he sigh, and sit back

Ozpin: That information should not be tell to anyone. In exchange, i get you into Beacon

Y/N: Do i even have a choice

Ozpin: No

I stood up, as he did, as we shake hands, creating this agreement

Ozpin: See you at Beacon Mr.Y/N

I got out of the room, as i could see Ruby waiting for me

Ruby: How did it go?!

Y/N: I'm comming to Beacon too

She got the biggest smile i've saw in my life and it was kinda weird

Everytime in my life i always got angry look, or fearful look

But she was happy, and it was a first to me

Ruby: Well, see you at Beacon!

Y/N: It's Y/N

Ruby: It's a cool name!

Y/N: You too Ruby Rose

After she got out of sight, i sigh, and made my way to Beacon already

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