A Pirate's Crush

By Nordryd

37.6K 888 362

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... More

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
5. He's Proud of Me?
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy
9. Spiraling
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
19. Morning Tea Chatter
20. Busted!
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

4. A Simple Walk

1.7K 41 2
By Nordryd

Ah... it's a perfect day for a walk. Crisp seaside air, clear blue skies, the light rustling of leaves in the breeze... just what I needed to clear my head.

Except it wasn't working. I still felt on edge, though it wasn't a mystery why.

I glanced to my side. Yep... there he is. The commander himself walking right next to me.

I'm trying to play it cool, but his presence ain't making it easy. He's close enough to hold my hand... if he wanted to.

The urge to steal glances was strong and persistent.

Hmph... so what? I don't need to look at him. Why would I need to? I can focus just fine with him next to me. Just... fine...

...hngh... then why do I feel so fidgety? Knowing his tall... handsome self is right beside me...

...one more peek... and that'll be it.

I turned my head, a little further than last time for a better view. Instantly, dopamine filled my body. My heart palpitated, coasting on the high of seeing the sunlight shine on his face.

Is this what it's like to be addicted to a drug?

...GAH! He looked!

I darted my eyes away, trying to look at anything else. My face burned.

Caught red-handed.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Y-Yep," I said. "Keeping a sharp eye out for any riff-raff."

Yeah. Totally not checking you out.

"Alright," he said. "Don't be shy if you have questions."

Hmph... "don't be shy" he says. Easier said than done, hotshot.

"Yeah... thanks," I said, pursing my lips.

And then we were silent. Even with the usual hustle and bustle of port all around us, the silence between the commander and I was all I could focus on.

Should I try to strike up a conversation? If I'm so addicted to staring at him, I could at least have an excuse to do so. But... what do I even talk about? It's too early to ask about his day, and he probably won't wanna talk about work-related stuff until we're in the office.

Well... what's he interested in? I don't really know him on a personal level. Shoot... what do I say?!

Oh, for crying out loud, just say something! Anything!

"So..." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. "D-Do ya like... walking?"

What!? What kinda question was that? Who asks that?

He gave me a weird look. Rightfully so.

"As in... going on walks? Or the act of walking in general?" he asked.

Ugh... I guess I gotta go with it.

"Going on them," I clarified.

Shockingly, after I cleared that up, he acted like I didn't just say something awkward and weird.

"Yeah, it's nice to get out of the office every now and then," he said. "Patrols are a good excuse for that. How about you?"

"Sure, I like walking," I said. "Um... going on walks, I mean. N-Not the other thing."

...what? Have I forgotten how to talk?

And then I kept talking.

"I-I mean, if I had to walk, I'd prefer to go outside... like we are now," I said. "Not like a treadmill or anything. Th-That would just bore me."

And then... I kept talking.

"N-Not that I'm judging people who use treadmills! It's just... not my thing, y'know?"

Jean! Shush already!

I stopped when I noticed the commander giving me a weird look again.

Then he just chuckled. "I get what you mean."

Translation: stop talking.

"Um... g-good," I said.

I turned away, blushing like a tomato.

What the hell was that!? Argh! Why can't I stop embarrassing myself today?

"Commander! Jeanie!"

"Over here!"

Huh? Is that...?

Two familiar voices called out to us. I looked and saw Dunkerque and Algerie waving at us from a nearby gazebo.

"Hi, girls!" the commander said.

Oh, thank goodness. Just the distraction I needed.

I know I just saw them, but I'll take my friends for a distraction any day.

We walked up to them. They appeared to be having some tea.

"Bonjour!" Dunkerque said. "Out on patrol?"

"Guilty as charged," the commander said. "How are you ladies doing?"

"Just peachy," Algerie said, smiling. "There's nothing like starting the day with tea and one of my favorite ladies in the world."

"Aw, the feeling is mutual, Algerie," Dunkerque said. "Commander? Jeanie? Do you have a few minutes to join us?"

"I wish, but the carry-over from yesterday is immense," the commander said. "That's gonna eat up most of my capacity today."

"That's a shame, though it can't be helped," Dunkerque said. "Next time, then. And remember, don't overwork yourself. That goes for you too, Jeanie."

"Don't worry," I said. "I've got my eye on him."

Dunkerque giggled. "I have no doubt. Aside from that... I do hope everything else is okay?"

Hm? Her voice had a different cadence just then. It sounded concerned, like when she was consoling me last night. She and Algerie were looking right at me with worried faces.

Oh... I get it. That question was really meant for me.

"Yeah, everything's good," I said. "I've got my work cut out for me, that's for sure."

I gave Dunkerque and Algerie a wink to let them know I was on the same page. They smiled.

"Glad to hear it," Algerie said. "And good to see you both enjoying the day. Would be a shame for this gorgeous weather to go to waste."

"I always loved our walks together, Commander," Dunkerque said. "It's nice to just talk and get to know each other, isn't it?"

Talk and get to know each other? That probably doesn't include awkwardly talking about treadmills, huh?

"Agreed," the commander said. "And get away from work for a little while. Like I said, there's a lot on the docket today."

"Speaking of which," I said. "We better keep moving."

"Right," he said. "Sorry, ladies."

"We understand," Algerie said. "But Commander, before you leave, Dunkerque and I wanted to ask something."

"What is it?" he asked.

"Some ladies from the Royal Navy came by earlier spreading the word about Her Majesty hosting another cross-faction ball?" Dunkerque said.

"That's right," he said. "Two months from now. Just found out today."

"Well, that begs the question," Algerie said, smirking. "Who are your potential partners?"

My heart tensed.

"Oh... um... I'm not sure yet," he said. "Like I said, I just found out."

Algerie shrugged. "Fair enough, though not as juicy of an answer as we'd hoped. Regardless..."

Her smirk returned.

Please don't say what I think you're gonna say, Algerie.

"...I humbly offer my company, if you so choose," Algerie said.


"As do I," Dunkerque said.

MERDE!!! I gotta compete with not one, but two of my prettier-than-me, more-fit-for-a-ball friends?!

Wait... are they puffing their chests out? Their boobs weren't that big a minute ago!

"Uh... th-thanks," he said, blushing.

Seems like it's working too.

"A-Anyway, Jean Bart's right," he said. "We should get going."

Yeah, we should... you tomato-faced stud.

"Commander, you're not about to leave without a hug, are you?" Dunkerque asked.

"Oh... heh... of course not," he said.

He walked over to Dunkerque and accepted her embrace.

"Don't forget about me!" Algerie said, holding her arms out.

He did the same for Algerie.

Meanwhile I just watched, and my heart ached. How do they hug him so effortlessly? I know they're just friendly hugs but...

...no! I don't need a hug from him! No matter how nice it may look...

"You too, Jeanie," Dunkerque said, smiling and gesturing me to come closer.

Hmph... guess it's my turn.

I went ahead and accepted her quick embrace and then Algerie too.

With that, we took our leave and headed to our next point of interest: the exercise area.


"So Dunkerque and Algerie both call you Jeanie?" he asked.

"Ah... I was wondering if you'd ask about that," I said. "Both of them and Richelieu. Hell, Richelieu started it. Little sister thing, I guess. Dunkerque and Algerie took a liking to it, then other fleet members did too, and the name kinda stuck."

"I like it," he said. "It has a cute ring."

Cute? Ah jeez... don't say that.

"Well, don't get any ideas," I said, blushing. "Richelieu, Dunkerque, and Algerie are part of a select few who are allowed to call me that."

"Oh," he said, looking a little disappointed. "So, you'd prefer if I call you Jean Bart then?"

"Or Jean," I said. "I don't care which as long as it ain't Jeanie."

"Could I become one of the 'select few' someday?" he asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "Ya say that like it's some huge honor."

He shrugged. "Maybe, to me, it is."

"Hmph... makes me sound conceited when ya put it like that," I said. "Truth be told, it took me a while to warm up to the nickname. I guess it's a matter of pride."

"I can understand that," he said. "But if being able to call you that means we're friends, then I'd consider it an honor."

Heh... I'll take the compliment, but I ain't about to bestow nickname privileges on a whim.

"Stay on my good side and we'll see," I said. "But for now, stick to Jean or Jean Bart."

He nodded. "Understood... Jean Bart."

I chuckled. "Thank you."

Hey... we just had a normal conversation, didn't we? I didn't stumble on my words or ramble. We just... talked.

Even so, he's gotta earn my trust to have nickname privileges. He won't get special treatment just because I like him.

That said... I'm rooting for him.

As we approached the exercise area, the sound of plane engines got louder. When we came within viewing distance of the battlefield itself, we saw three Sakura Empire ships practicing. One was a battleship with short black hair and small horns. The other two were carriers, one white-haired and the other brunette. They wore beautiful matching white and gold kimonos with sleeves that unfurled into majestic, black-tipped wings, like that of a crane.

"Looks like Shoukaku and Zuikaku are training with Mikasa," the commander said.

Ah, I've heard of them. One of the Sakura Empire's "carrier divisions" and one of their most illustrious battleships respectively, if I'm not mistaken.

"Alright, come at me!" Mikasa commanded.


With quick, nimble movements around the battlefield, the carrier sisters unleashed a flurry of planes at Mikasa. Dummy bombs rained on the lone battleship like hail. There was no escape, and a marvelous direct hit was achieved.

Damn... not too shabby. If those weren't dummy bombs, Mikasa would've been obliterated.

After a quick reset, the sisters went in for another strike. However, mid-attack, the brunette carrier noticed us.

"Oh, Commander! Hi—* GASP!*"

Her joy turned to horror when several planes were launched, not at Mikasa... but at us.

" Shit!!! Heads up!!!" the brunette carrier screamed.

I gasped, seeing the planes hurdling towards us.

"Commander, get down!!! Now!!!"

Taking no chances, I grabbed and shoved him onto the ground before quickly assembling my rigging.

I feel bad for doing this to an ally's planes, but I have no choice.

The planes' screeching grew louder as I took aim and fired.



I blasted every plane out of the sky before they could land an attack. They exploded in clouds of fire. Though it wasn't safe yet. Debris was still hurdling towards us. I brought the bulkier parts of my rigging in front of me and braced for impact.


My rigging was peppered with plane bits, but I managed to hold my ground, albeit with some struggle.

I stood firm until the pelting stopped. Once it did, I peeked over my rigging and saw only billowing dirt and smoke in the sky. Looking around, it didn't look like anyone else was nearby. Thank God.

I dismissed my rigging and turned around to check on the commander. He looked a bit shaken, but unharmed.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I think so," he said.

"Good," I said. "Sorry to shove ya like that, but I had to think fast. Let's get you up."

Without a second thought, I extended my hand to him. He accepted... and my heart sparked like a campfire.

He's... holding my hand...

Oh, for God's sake, Jean! You're just helping him up!

I snapped out of my trance when I felt him tugging on me. I pulled him up before reluctantly letting go of his hand.


I turned to look. It was the three Sakura ships running towards us.

"Is everyone okay?" the battleship, Mikasa, asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," the commander said. "It was just us two involved."

"I'm so sorry!!!" the brunette carrier cried, looking horrified. "It was an accident, I swear! I wasn't expecting you to be here, so when I saw you..."

"Shh... easy, Zuikaku," the white-haired carrier—who must be Shoukaku—said, embracing her sister. "Nobody got hurt. We just can't get distracted next time."

Zuikaku sighed. "I'm sorry, Commander."

"Accidents happen, it's alright," the commander said. "If it makes you feel any better, that attack was spectacular."

Zuikaku's eyes lit up. "Really?! Hah, yes!!! I knew you'd be amazed! You just made my day!"

Shoukaku giggled. "There's that pretty smile."

Damn, she cheered up quick.

"One step closer to surpassing the Grey Ghost!" Zuikaku said.

"Now, Zuikaku, don't forget to take a mental note of this incident," Mikasa said. "I shudder to think of what might've happened if the commander had been alone. Focus on the battlefield is of the utmost importance, and this is a prime example."

"Yes, Master Mikasa," Zuikaku said, bowing her head.

"That said, you both did a marvelous job today," Mikasa said. "I'd stay and chat, but I must conduct training for others. Until next time."

Mikasa bowed and left to do her thing.

Shoukaku's eyes landed on me.

"Oh? What have we here?" she asked. "A new secretary?"

I nodded. "Yep. Just started today."

"I recognize you, though we haven't formally met," Shoukaku said. "You're the flagship of the Vichya Dominion, right?"

I smirked. Always nice to hear my title.

"The one and only," I said before bowing. "Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship."

"Pleased to meet you," Shoukaku said, also bowing. "I'm Shoukaku, flagship of the Sakura Empire's Fifth Carrier Division."

Zuikaku bowed and struck a pose. "And I'm Zuikaku, her sister, AKA the Auspicious Crane!"

Interesting. They seem so different—Shoukaku being reserved and Zuikaku more spirited—yet they seem so close.

"Nice to meet you both," I said.

"It's a good thing you were here," Shoukaku said. "You prevented quite the catastrophe."

Zuikaku groaned. "Again, I'm really sorry."

"Don't sweat it," I said. "The important thing is no one got hurt. Although, I can't say the same for your planes."

"Those can be repaired and replaced," Zuikaku said. "I'm more relieved that everyone's alright."

"Perhaps Zuikaku and I can treat you both to dinner to make up for this incident?" Shoukaku suggested. "Tonight, perhaps?"

"Ooh, count me in," the commander said, turning to me. "Shoukaku makes the best tempura."

"Aw, you flatter me," Shoukaku said. "Jean Bart, would you like to join?"

More time with the commander? I'd love that. But would he want to see me after work? I've already been weird enough today.

"I... have plans with my friends," I said.

My heart winced.

Yeah, I choked, but I don't wanna make him spend more time with me than he needs to.

"Aw... alright then," Zuikaku said. "We'll figure out another way to make it up to you."

"Oh, ya don't have to," I said. "There's no hard feelings."

"What?" Zuikaku said. "After putting your lives in danger? We can't not do something!"

"Why don't we think about it on our own time?" Shoukaku said. "We have a busy day, and I'm sure they do too."

"Ah, good idea," Zuikaku said. "We aren't taking no for an answer, Jean Bart. We'll think of something."

I smirked. "Alright, if you insist. Just don't stress over it too much."

"Deal," Zuikaku said.

"Oh, Commander!" Shoukaku said. "Before we go, we have one more thing to ask."

"Oh yeah!" Zuikaku said, smirking. "We heard the Royal Navy's hosting another cross-faction ball?"

My stomach dropped.

"That's right," the commander said. "I just got the summons for it today."

Please don't say...

"Well, if you're in need of a partner..." Shoukaku said, smirking and straightening her posture. "All you have to do is ask."


What the—she's puffing out her chest just like Dunkerque and Algerie!

"M-Me too!" Zuikaku said, blushing profusely and straightening herself out to match her sister. "Y-You could even ask us both... if you want."

Damn it.

"Oh... well thanks," the commander said with rosy cheeks. "It might be a while before I make a final decision, though."

"As it should be," Shoukaku said. "We're just putting ourselves out there for you. Anyway, we'll let you go now."

"I promise to be more careful next time," Zuikaku said.

"Hug?" Shoukaku asked.

Shoukaku and Zuikaku each gave the commander a hug goodbye, only rubbing salt in my wounds.

Is every girl capable of hugging him except me?

"Nice to meet you, Jean Bart!" Shoukaku said, waving.

"We'll think of something soon!" Zuikaku said, waving too.

I waved back as they walked away.

"Let's hit the academy next, Jean," the commander said.

I solemnly nodded and followed along.


The rest of our rounds were pretty boring compared to our escapade in the exercise area. No surprise dive-bombings, just the occasional ship greeting the commander.

I didn't say much after the exercise area, having retreated into my thoughts. In the last several hours, several girls have offered to be the commander's date to the ball: Belfast, Dunkerque, Algerie, Shoukaku, and finally Zuikaku, all of whom are miles prettier than me.

It's alarming.

I'm sure Richelieu will offer herself the next time they see each other. News of the ball seems to have spread like wildfire.

Hey, wait. Why don't I just make an offer myself? What's stopping me? I'll just say to him...

... hngh...! Damn it... my chest's tightening again!

Ergh... maybe this is why. Even the thought of doing it makes me choke!

Before I knew it, we were back at the office. Truth be told, I wasn't being all that vigilant after the exercise area. Thankfully, the commander didn't seem to notice.

"Hey, thanks for saving me back there," he said.

"Hm? Oh, ya mean with Shoukaku and Zuikaku?" I asked. "Eh, it was nothing."

"No, it wasn't," he insisted. "You saved my life. I owe you one."


...well... you could take me to the ball.

The gears in my head started turning. My heart raced.

This is my chance! I could seal the deal here and now! Don't think, just do it!

"Actually, if you're offering..."

He perked up. "Yeah?"

I opened my mouth... only for my chest to tighten again. Doubts rushed in like a flood, closing my throat.

...no... what am I doing? I can't just take advantage of his kindness. After the last couple days, I'm probably the last girl he'd consider. What if he's already made up his mind and just hasn't said so? And when he has so many better options?

Furthermore, what would forcing him to take me accomplish?

Shoot... he's waiting on an answer. I gotta say something .



...I may be a bitch, but I ain't selfish.

"Just... be more careful out there," I said. "I mean that in general. What happened today wasn't your fault, but if something were to happen to ya... I dunno what the fleet would do. Promise me you'll watch your back, okay?"

He gave me a weird look. Yeah, it sounds kinda strange as a request, but it's less selfish than forcing him to choose me as his date.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"No need to apologize," I said. "Like I said, it wasn't your fault. That incident just got me thinking, that's all. It's a reminder more than anything. And nothing's gonna hurt you while I'm around, but I also don't wanna be your bodyguard 24/7. Get me?"

"I understand," he said. "I'll watch out for myself. You have my word. For the fleet, and for you."

My blushed a little.

...for me , huh?

"G-Good," I said. "Let's go knock out some of that paperwork, huh?"

He nodded and then we headed inside.

If we end up at the ball together, it should be because he wanted me over everyone else. Otherwise, what's the point?  

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