Love Shouldn't Hurt (On Hold)

By zmswift

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Zara is rude, ambitious, and responsible. Nate is reckless, caring and understanding. Sparks between this unl... More

Love Shouldn't Hurt
The Cast and Playlist
Character Moodboards
Book One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Flashback # 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Book Two
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Book Three
Naomi's Diary
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

64 17 43
By zmswift

Aesthetic by mochaxskin. Check out her graphic shop, called "Grandeur||GRAPHIC SHOP"

Dedicated to  Savannah_Rose101.

Question of the day: "What is your favorite family vacation?"

"Your words hold more power than you'll ever know."


"Are you all settled in?" Nate asks.

I nod. "Yup, all perfect captain."

He smiles and it's a response worth framing.

"Am I interrupting something?" Talia asks, her feet outside the room. But\ they get inside my room as soon as the sentence ends. She flops down beside me on the bed while I internally shake my head.

"Not that you'd care if you were interrupting something." I muttered.

"Yup, right you are." She reaches over and steals the bag of chips beside the bed.

"No! Those are my mine!" I cry and it makes them both laugh. She opens the packet and start munching on my chips and I have no option but to huff in frustration .

"I will bring you another bag." Nate smiles and leaves, eager to leave. I wonder why.

"So do what do I owe this displeasure? Are you in town to fuck some poor man?" I turn my attention to her instead.

"The opposite actually. I am here because I refused to fuck a man." She casually puts tips inside her mouth, and I stare at her, dumbfounded. "Right. You need elaboration." She clicks her tongue. "Well, as you know, I slept with my boss a while ago. And then he got engaged. So when he randomly asked me to sleep with him again, last week I refused. I mean, I may be sleeping around, but I am not that heartless that I'll help him cheat on his fiancée. And look at me now! Fired because I am nice!"

"Wow. Your life is more interesting than you give it credit for." I laugh.

She shrugs as Nate enters with my life. I mean the bag of chips. "What took you so long ?"

"I just got a call from an Australian firm about a job." He hands me the bag and I look up at him in question.

"That's what I need! Why do things happen to people who don't deserve it!" I look at the Talia sharply and she shrinks in posture. " I meant that I needed it more, ha ha."

"I should be leaving. I will be late if I don't go now." He kisses me on the forehead and takes off.

"Why are you so early at my house anyway?" I have no option but to make small talk with her now.

"I am bored at my mom's house, so when Nate asked me if I could look after you, I jumped at the opportunity." She toys with her nails.

"You could have stayed at your dad's house."

"Yeah, unfortunately, my dad's house is also my mom's house. Nice try to be funny though."

"Ah, then whose parents are divorced again?" I joke further.

"Yours." My glare unmistakably scares her. The bell rings, causing her to jump up from the bed. " I will go get that!" She rushes up, obviously to get away from me. I sit on the bed silently, not knowing what to do now that she is gone.

We all had such a nice friendship. And now I feel like we are all holding secrets from one another. Nan does not tell them about Kai. I don't tell them about how I really got hurt. And Paste.. she doesn't even tell us how her day was. Except Talia. She seems to be the only one who is holding our friendship together. Keeping no secrets.

The view of my hospital room when they came to visit was so funny. Paste and Naomi asked how I was and then they were both quiet. I asked Nan how everything with the baby was going on and she smiled and said 'fine'. No one asked me how I got hurt. No one asked Paste how she was doing. And after 10 minutes they left. I guess I have to blame myself for the miscommunication too.

I bet if Talia were there things, would have been less complicated and awkward. It seems like just yesterday when I was thinking if my life could get any better. And now after just one incident, I can see my life as what is actually is. It isn't any less complex than it was a year ago with no friends or boyfriend.

"Look who is here!" I listen to Talia and glance at the door of my room to find Ian standing beside an overjoyed Talia. Great. Just great. This was the only thing left in my life. I smile at him politely but there is no mistaking the fakeness behind it.

He has a bouquet of flowers with him there. Lilies. My favorites. "You didn't have to do that." I point to the bouquet .

"I didn't buy it. Naomi did. She said they were your favorites." She remembered? Then I guess there is hope for our friendship after all. He takes a seat on the bed after Talia plops down beside me. "You alright? Taking the medicines on time?"

"Yeah. Nate made a schedule for when to have what. He took care of everything." I say, almost immediately regretting my mention of Nate because Ian frowns. Now I know that his 'alright' isn't referring to my injury at all. He is referring to the night he came to our house when Nate... well, pushed me.

And I don't want to talk about it, honestly. Not in front of Talia anyway. "Thanks for the other day, though. For taking care of all the formalities and everything at the hospital." I keep my tone neutral.

"He took you to the hospital? Talia directs her questions at him. "You were here when she got hurt? How did she get hurt? You never told me!"

"Wow. Hey, one question at a time genius." I give a nervous laugh to stop Ian from answering. "You know how clumsy I am! I slipped." Disappointment feels Ian's eyes, but he doesn't say a word.

"But you aren't clumsy. You are the most unclumsy person I know."

"Well, my leg was already sprained. Walking was tough already, so a mistake happened." I smile at her, but it's out of fear. I don't want her to put two and two together.

"Yeah, well, Talia could you do me a favor?" Ian says, his jaw clenched but he's trying his best to remain calm. "Could you find a vase to put these flowers in?" She nods and obliges, getting out of the room. He turns to me, "Why don't you just tell them the truth?" I saw Ian and my posture deflates because the words I am about to say next at the most ironically screwed thing in my life.

"I know lying is bad and I shouldn't do so. Especially to my friends. But I don't want them to have a bad impression of Nate. He is not a bad person. I know that so I want my friends to think that too. Ironically, I think I have finally understood why Nan never told the others about Kai."

When I look back to Ian to see his expression, I am not surprised. His entire posture is feigning disapproval and if I am not mistaken I see pity in his eyes. For me?

"You know what I think?" His jaw is clenched. "I think you are doing all of this because you desperately want everything to be perfect. You fear that all the things in your life won't work if you let him go and it will all fall apart. So you are lying to yourself and everyone else to make sure everything remains as perfect as a fairy tale book. Even if the pages inside remain empty."

Each word that leaves his mouth is like a punch in the gut. When Talia comes back, switches the TV on after taking the flowers from him and putting it beside the table where a picture of me and Nate is. She is watching a movie, but I stay silent as I look at the TV.

After a while, I take the photo frame of Nathan's picture on my hands clap it to my chest for support. I hope with everything I have that what Ian said isn't true.

I stare at the TV for some more time, but I don't really see anything. All I think about is Ian and his disapproved face when he said those words. He leaves after a while, without a word to me and Talia just frowns, but doesn't poke her nose. Maybe she gets that I don't want to talk about it.

I don't know why Ian said whatever he did, but when I sleep that night with Nate I realize his words are true.

Because I couldn't sleep that night. All I thought about was how he may 'accidentally' smack my face if he tries to get up. 

A/N: As many of you may know, or may not know...I am in a block. I have chapters 19 to 23 written but am TERRIBLY stuck at 24. If u wanna know why,  dm me at here or insta bcoz i don't wanna give out any possible spoilers. 

Anyways, here's your update! 

Plus if anyone want s to know why she's home, tht is bcoz i did some research and it said not all pple with broken bones hv to stay at hospitals for long. They usually get discharged soon and stay at home using crutches or wheelchairs.

And don't get angry at me. Ik this may not be an easy read. But if u get nagry now, u hv NO IDEA wht the next chapter holds.

So no complaining and happy reading! Stay safe peeps!


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