fade away youth// rafe cameron

De stephie177

69.4K 562 91

Adeline Priscila Rose Dawson is a Pogue through and through. Moving from the cut to Figure Eight wasn't going... Mai multe

playlist 2
23-I woke up on a Tuesday
24-Felt like a Friday night to me
25-Never wanna leave this bed
26-Tell me that you got nowhere to be
27-Can we stay all day?
28-Lay low in our lazy luxury
29-Sex in a rosé daze
30-All day, it's a real good thing
31-Just like that
32-There you go, making it hard to stay on track
33-Got shit to do, you got work
34-But we fall right back
35-Into bed, like it's all just a game
36-And we can't help that, no we can't help that
37-If I said I want your body, would you hold it against me?
38-Seven in the morning, wanna listen to Britney?
39-Anything you wanna baby, that's okay with me now
40-Closing up the curtains while you call out of work now


1.9K 17 2
De stephie177

I jump out of bed when I hear a dirt bike. I see JJ in my driveway, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Part of me thought JJ's dad was just gonna let him rot in jail.

I walk out the front door towards JJ. He watches me intently. He has new cuts on his face that weren't there when he got arrested.

"What happened?" I grab his chin. "Did Shoupe do that?"

"No." JJ shakes his head. "No. This..." he points to his face, "My dad did."

"JJ..." I start.

JJ cuts me off, "I owe 30 grand in restitution."

I look at him concerned. "Okay. I can give you the money."

JJ shakes his head. "I'm not taking money from you, Addie."

"I'm your best friend JJ, just let me help you," I argue.

"I'll take care of it, Addie," JJ assures me. I look at JJ sympathetically. "Now we gotta go."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Just get on the bike I'll explain at John B's," JJ tells me.

I give him a look. "Can I change out of my pajamas first?"

JJ chuckles. "What? You got someone to impress?"

I roll my eyes. "Give me five minutes."

When we get to John B's house we wait around for a while. Then I realize that there is a car out front of John B's house that we don't recognize. JJ and I hide waiting for him to come home.

I can tell something is bothering JJ. "What else is bothering you?"

"Nothing," JJ states.

I give him a look. "I know when something is bothering you, JJ. What is it?"

JJ takes a deep breath. "I was sick of my dad beating on me. So... So I pointed the gun at him."

I look at him shocked. "What?"

"He was asleep on the couch, and I pointed the gun at him. I almost shot my dad," JJ says fighting back tears.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay." I grab JJ's hand. "You're okay. It's gonna be okay." I rub my thumb on the back of JJ's hand. "No matter what your dad does you always have me and the rest of the crew."

JJ smiles slightly. JJ sees John B. He grabs him by the head and covers his mouth. John B fights back and throws JJ on the ground.

"It's me, JJ. Stop, stop, stop, stop," JJ tells him.

John B hits him in the chest. "What are you doing, Bro?"

JJ covers his mouth. "Shut up." He pulls him down beside the truck.

I point to the car watching us. "See that? They're watching us, okay?"

"Who?" John B asks.

"I don't know," JJ tells him.

"Let's go. Sneak around to the dock," I tell John B.

We walk through the marsh. The water gets higher as we go.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You got the keys to the Pogue?" John B asks.

JJ nods. "Yeah."

We hold our bags on our heads as the water is almost head high. Any higher and I'll have to start swimming. We get to the Pogue and pull ourselves in. JJ and John B untie the boat as we lay on the floor, keeping out of sight. John B starts the engine and we're off.

We park the boat by a little clearing on the marsh. I sit next to JJ on a rock as John B sits across from us.

"First, I almost get strangled to death by Kooks, and now I'm on the hook for 30 grand," JJ says. "We should just dip."

"Okay, where do you wanna go? Hm?" John B questions.

"Yucatan," JJ offers.

John B scoffs. "Yucatan."

"No, I'm dead serious right now. Surf all day, and then we can just live off lobsters we catch with our bare hands," JJ reasons.

"You just wanna leave 'cause you got your ass beat?" John B says.

JJ shakes his head. "You didn't see the photos."

The two guys that were after us were found dead and used as chum.

John B hops off the rock. "Think about it. They're willing to kill for the gold, then it's gotta be out there."

I hop down and face John B. "Have you lost your mind?" I shout. "One hundred years, man. One hundred years, people have been tryin' to find this Royal Merchant, and no one succeeded. And you think you are gonna be the one that actually finds it? When will you get it in your thick skull? If you keep goin' down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad!"

John B shoves me. "I can't give up, Addie!" He gets in my face. "The last time I saw that dude, we got in an argument, and then he took all of our rent money and dipped for this Royal Merchant. And then I told him he was a shit father, and you know how the rest of the story goes." He walks away.

"Bro, that wasn't your fault," JJ insists.

John B turns back to us. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is, JJ! Do you not understand that? I can't give up on the hunt, man. I don't care who's out there, who's gonna try to kill us. Do you understand that? You know that." John B grabs his bag and starts walking off. "Look, I've got a plan. You comin' or what?" JJ and I look at each other. "Four hundred million, JJ. How much do you owe in restitution?"

JJ and I agree to keep on with the treasure hunt. We head to the Island Club where the Midsummer's party is happening. John B pulls the boat up onto the sand.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Can you believe this Midsummers shit, man?" John B asks.

JJ shrugs. "Of course I can. Happens every year no matter how screwed up the rest of us are."

JJ and John B start walking towards the party.

"So, like, what's the plan, exactly?" JJ asks.

John B holds out a paper to JJ. "Okay, look, I need you to get this to Sarah."

"Ooh! Can I read it?" JJ asks.

"No, you can't read it," John B tells him.

JJ ignores him and unfolds the note. "Who's Vlad?"

"God, do you ever listen?" John B asks.

"Hold up. Are you mackin' Sarah Cameron?" I shout.

John B and JJ turn around to face me.

"Would you shut... Why are you in your underwear?" John B asks.

I finish shimming into my dress for the party. "Well now I'm in a dress and you're macking Sarah Cameron!"

"All right. I'm doin' it for everybody, all right?" John B tells us. "What?"

"Nothin'. Thanks for bein' a team player, bro," JJ remarks. He puts on a white button up and starts to do the buttons.

John B turns to me. "Seriously, what are you wearing?"

I slide on a pair of heels as I walk towards them. "A dress. I'm going to the party. I am a member of this club."

"So instead of making JJ sneak in you could just walk through the front door?" John B tries to tie a bowtie around JJ's neck. "You know, could you just hold still?"

I chuckle. "Yeah, but JJ lives for this kind of shit."

John B cocks his head to the side. "Fair."

"True." JJ smiles at me. "So I just give that to Sarah? Huh?"

"Yes, just give it to Sarah," John B tells him. "Hold still."

"Vlad. Really?" I ask.

John B goes through JJ's bag and finds the gun. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you," JJ states.

"If you get caught, you're goin' to jail." I tell him.

"Fine, but if I get ambushed, it's on you," JJ tells me.

JJ goes ahead of us while I walk with John B as he finds a place to sneak in.

"What's up with you and Rafe?" John B asks.

"What's up with you and Sarah?" I counter. John B smiles slightly. "Just be honest with me John B. Are you and her anything?"

John B hesitates for a moment. "I mean she's still with Topper but..."

I smile slightly. "But..."

"We kissed," John B tells me. I chuckle. "But you can't tell anyone. If Kie finds out, she'll freak."

I nod my head. "No way I'm telling her. She will definitely shoot the messenger."

"So, what's going on with you and Rafe?" John B asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know." John B makes a face. "I like him."

"Did you tell him that?" John B asks.

I shake my head. "No."

"Why not?" John B questions.

I look at him curiously. "Now is not the time for this conversation."

"I think now is a great time," John B tells me.

We stop just beside the porch of the club.

"Alright get in there and get the girl," I tell him.

I hang around where Pope and his father are catering. Pope looks surprised to see me. "What are you doing here?"

I smile. "Enjoying this lovely show of wealth." Pope gives me a look. "Alright I was scheming with John B and JJ."

"You saw JJ?" Pope asks. I nod. "His dad was beatin' on him again."

I nod again. "I know." Pope looks guilty. "It's not your fault. JJ chose to take the blame. He knew what could happen. So stop beating yourself up over it."

I see Rafe starting to walk towards Pope and I and I smile at him. He gestures for me to come over to him.

"What's going on with you and Rafe anyway?" Pope asks.

"Why is everyone asking me that?" I question. "We're just hanging out."

"Sure," Pope remarks.

I shake my head as I walk over towards Rafe.


"Hey," Rafe says.

"I didn't think you'd be here," I confess.

"Didn't really have a choice," Rafe tells me. I nod my head. "Did you wanna dance?"

I look at him surprised. We're surrounded by people we know. If we dance together people are gonna talk.

I nod. "Yeah."

Rafe leads me out onto the dance floor. He puts his hands on my waist as he holds me close.

Rafe whispers into my ear, "You look beautiful." I can feel myself blush. "Although your dress would look better on my bedroom floor."

I smack Rafe playfully. "We're in public."

Rafe chuckles. "Didn't seem to matter the other day."

I smile as I shake my head. "I think people are staring."

Rafe looks around. "For sure."

"It doesn't bother you?" I ask.

"No," Rafe tells me. "Should it?"

"I don't know. People are gonna talk," I tell him.

"Does that bother you?" Rafe asks as he pulls me closer to him.

I look over Rafe's shoulder and see someone unexpected. "When did your cousin come back to town?" Hunter smiles when he sees me. "And why is he walking this way?"

"He's back 'cause my dad offered him a job. And he's probably walking this way to try and hit on you," Rafe tells me.

I make a face. "He does realize he's almost 23, right?"

Rafe nods. "What can I say he hasn't grown up since he left."

"Well, if it isn't Adeline Dawson," Hunter remarks. "All grown up."

I force a smile as I turn to face him. "Hi, Hunter, long time no see."

Hunter looks me up and down. "It's been what two years?" I nod. "Two years too long."

"Yeah," I say.

"We should get together sometime," Hunter tells me.

Rafe tries his hardest to not scowl at his cousin. "I don't know, man. Addie and I are pretty booked solid."

"Oh, I didn't know you two are..." Hunter starts.

"We're not..." I start.

Rafe pulls me closer to him. "Yeah. We are."

"I'm sure you can spare me some time." Hunter laughs lightly. "I'll let you two get back to your dance."

As Hunter walks away I turn back to Rafe. "I feel like I want to take a shower any time I talk to him."

"Like I said Hunter still thinks he's a sixteen-year-old," Rafe states.

Suddenly JJ is being dragged out of the hotel by security. "Look... look, man, I can walk myself. I got legs. Can you see that, brother? I really appreciate what you did back there. Let me just walk out by myself. Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink. Good, that's really nice of you." JJ picks up the glass. "I'm actually gonna down that." The security guard lets him go. "It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them. Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again." The security guard grabs him. "Hey, buddy, can I have one of those?"

"Let go of him!" Kie shouts from the porch. "You can't boot him!"

The security guard looks at him. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

"I invited him here," Kie states.

Her mom tries to stop her, "Kiara, stop it."

"I'm a member of this club," Kie explains.

JJ pushes the security guard. "Sorry about that." He points at Kiara. "Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie." He points at Pope. " Pope, you as well, all right? Rixon's Cove." JJ spots me. "Addie, let's roll." He keeps walking. "All right, Kie, come on. Workers of the world unite. Throw off your chains!"

I turn to Rafe. "I gotta go. Come over tonight. I think we should talk."

I follow after JJ and find John B.

JJ salutes him. "Colonel."

John B salutes back. "Captain."

"Mission accomplished," JJ tells him.

Kie ignores her parents and follows after us.

"Come on, Kie!" I shout.

Heyward shouts after Pope, "Don't do this. Don't do this! Where the hell do you think you're goin'?"

Pope ignores his dad and runs over to join us.

"Later, losers!" JJ shouts.

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