38-Seven in the morning, wanna listen to Britney?

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It's starting to get light out as we follow Rose down to the docks. We pull over on the side of the road as Rose pulls into a fenced off dock.

"We did it, ol' girl. We did it," John B says.

We follow a truck as it pulls up to the gate. We walk behind it going unnoticed by the guard. We're able to get inside the fence. We hide amongst random machinery and things. I notice a huge shipping vessel is docked here.

"Shit," John B says.

"Wait. The Coastal Venture. Dude, I know that ship. My dad did legs on her last summer. It's a total tramp steamer. I worked on her in port," JJ tells us.

John B points to a wooden box being loaded onto the ship. "There's the cross. Right there. Look." Hunter is standing there with a few workers. "God, I hate that guy." Sarah is being helped out of the car nearby. "There she is. We gotta come up with a plan."

"I know. I'm working on it," JJ assures. "Maybe if we get over to that barge, then we go over. We'll have to get into the water, though."

"That's fine," John B tells him.

"Then we're gonna be sitting ducks," Rafe protests.


I jump slightly. I turn and see Kie and Pope standing behind us.

"Whoa! I was about to stab your eyes out," JJ tell Kie.

Kie laughs. "You look scared as shit."

"How'd you guys even find us?" I ask.

"Geo-located your phone," Kie tells me.

I smile. "Smart."

"You okay? What happened?" John B asks Pope.

He's got blood on his lip and the side of his face.

"Hunter," Pope tells him.

"You freaking kidding me? Again?" JJ asks.

"This was a tie," Pope tells him.

"You good?" John B asks.

"Is that the cross?" Pope asks.

I nod. "Yep."

"They're holding Sarah hostage," John B tells them.

"We have to get on that boat," Kie insists.

"First we gotta get past the goon squad," JJ states.

"Maybe I can get on. Find a way to get you guys on after," Rafe offers.

"No," I tell him. "You're not getting on that boat alone. It's too dangerous."

"Okay, let's move. Come on." John B turns to Pope. "Pope, what're you doing?"

"I have an idea. Just trust me," Pope tells us.

"No, hey, stop running! We gotta go, dude," John B tells him.

"Trust me, man," Pope insists. "Go. I'll meet up with you guys. Go."

I hear a gunshot and then an explosion. Sirens start to blare.

"It's working," Kie states.

Pope comes running back over to us.

"Pope, what was that? Huh?" John B asks.

"Look. That container's going on the ship. We can get in that way," Pope explains. "Are you with me?"

"You're a genius," John B tells him. "Let's go. Hey, this way. Come on. come on."

fade away youth// rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now