28-Lay low in our lazy luxury

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It isn't long before we're pulling up to the dock at John B's.

"There she is," John B says.

"Bet it is good to see her old bones right," JJ remarks.

"Welcome home, guys," I tell John B and Sarah.

We start up to the dock.

"You know, I gotta be honest. Not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home," Kie confesses. "My parents probably already arranged my funeral."

"I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston," Pope states.

"No one knows we're here, right?" I ask. "And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble for showing up 12 hours later." I smile. "Am I right, or am I right?"

"You're not wrong," Pope tells me.

JJ smiles widely. "So that means we have 12 hours to do whatever we want. Huh? A little Pogue fellowship. How does that sound?"

John B smiles. "Let the shit hit the fan tomorrow. Come on."

JJ laughs. "Yeah!"

"The cops could be looking for us. It could be really stupid," Sarah offers.

"Sarah Cameron, you've heard of my philosophy, right?" JJ asks.

Sarah shakes her head. "No."

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time," JJ tells her.

"Who's with me?" I ask.

"Let's get some beer!" JJ shouts.

With a quick stop in town, we now have enough beer to get us through our little pogue reunion fest. I'm happy we didn't make JJ get rid of the hot tub. The beer is flowing and the blunts are rolled. It feels like the good old days. Like the beginning of summer when everything was easier.

I laugh as Pope starts to rap. "I never made good grades in school. When I get out, I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I'm smooth. Yeah, call me lotion."

"Do it, Pope!" JJ tells him. "Just like the good Lord intended."

"That was way too genuine," Sarah teases.

"Come on. Give me... give me that shit!" JJ shouts. Everyone laughs. "Give me it."

Pope and JJ are playing a game, hitting each other in the shoulder trying to knock each other over.

"Get it, Pope!" Sarah shouts.

Pope almost falls backwards but stops himself. "Yes! Yeah!"

"Okay!" JJ and Pope start to wrestle. "Ah! Good, good, good, good, good! Get on the leg! Oh!"

Pope manages to knock JJ down.

"Pope with the single-leg sweep. You've got a new technique now," John B says.

Pope stands up triumphantly.

"Oh no! No!" I shout.

"When did you start wrestling?" John B teases.

"I dunno," Pope tells him. He starts to walk away. "I'm done. I'm out of here."

"Did you have too many beers?" JJ teases in a funny accent. "You want a round two?"

"Yeah, I think I'll take my losses," Pope tells him.

Kie gets up and follows after him.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Way to be discreet!" JJ teases.

"I leave, and this is what happens," John B remarks.

"Are you blaming me?" JJ asks.

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