Overcoming Our Obstacles Shot...

By LisaLove765

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Sequel to Your Left Eye, My Right Arm, please read that first! So 5 long weeks after Momo was transferred is... More

Ch 1. Shocking Warmth
Ch 2. But Your Words And Actions Dont Line Up...
Ch 3. Timing Couldn't Be Worse
A/N Apologies From My Drunk Editor
Ch 4. Lies.
Sorta Just Spamming Ya
Ch 5. Surprises, Surprises...
Im sorry
Face Reveal
Ch 6. Yeah, But Why?
...well.. hi.
Ch.8 I Dunno (draft)
A Big Ol' Thank You
About 9 or so Months
At a loss for words
A Formal Apology
Ch. 9 Surprise Gift Shopping
Ch. 10 Rei Todoroki
Ch. 11 Crying before Christmas (idfk)
Ch. 12 Christmas Morning
Ch. 13 Every Quirk Has Its Drawbacks
Ch. 14 So This Is The True Pain Of A Soulmate
Ch. 15 Processing False Hopes
Ch. 16 Worry
Ch. 17 Awake
Ch.18 Explosive
Ch.19 A Brief Peace
Ch. 20 Dabi's Fuck Up
Ch.21 Late Night Anime
Ch. 22 Plethora Of Events
Ch. 23 Swap
Ch. 24 Selfish Envy
Ch. 25 One Final Practice
My Shoto Art(+ Redraw of the Cover!)
Ch. 26 Beauty And The...Demon? Pt1
Ch. 27 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt2
A/N Few Questions
Ch. 28 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt3
Ch. 29 Beauty And The... Demon? Pt4

Ch 7. Give A Big Welcome To 'Family'

478 25 78
By LisaLove765

3047 words!
First- (A/n) is Aunts name, (U/n) is Uncles name, and (C/n) is cousins name. Sorry.
Okay so apologies, google kept fuckin up BIG TIME and I just couldn't. Get. It. To. Work. Nonetheless. I got the update written! But I do have a question for you guys. While I took that month break due to Kevin's passing, I drowned myself in anime, specifically; Haikyuu. I have written a Suga x reader one shot, and wanted to know if I should make a one shot book to add it to for you guys. It could be specifically for Haikyuu or maybe Haikyuu and My Hero Academia, or it could even be a various one shot book. Let me know guys! Please and thank you. Also you'll wanna listen to the song provided. Its mentioned in the chapter, and might help make you happier after you read the first part of this update. Thank you all so much for the support!! Drawing by me lol.

(Y/n)’s POV

“All I’m saying is it’s not fair to have a stranger here for the holiday!”

I stopped mid stride, staring at the back of my aunts head, time seemed to slow as my dad’s mouth opened and he leaned forward abruptly.

“Shoto’s not a stranger. You are.” I couldn’t even recognize my own voice as I spoke lowly, yet my quip was quick. My aunt turned my direction, gasping.

“How dare you talk to your family that way!” She hissed, her hand twitched as it held the back of the couch, a sign that informed me she was itching to ignore the rules my parents held. My mom shook her head, a disagreeing, noise vibrating my direction, warning me to hold my tongue.

“I’m sorry? Family?” I laughed, my other hand found its way to my cup, switching the item from numbing my hold due to the cold temperature. My uncle’s face held an ounce of hurt, one I semi regretted, he wasn’t the worst person I met, but the woman he married sure was. I watched with careless eyes as the woman in question held the couch tighter, head snapping towards my parents.

“Keep your daughter in check!” She squealed. I stepped closer, unknowing of just what was egging my agitation today, but having a fleeting feeling of my period being the antagonist.

“I’m fairly sure you’re just a guest here though.”

“(Y/n)-!” My mother gasped, but I shrugged it off. I didn’t want to be around my aunt, I hadn’t been doing well in the first place, the overwhelming few months with school and in between.

“I just came to tell you guys hi, and that, well I’d be in my room. And mom, I’ll need my bandages fixed.” I finished my remark with eyes on my mom’s disapproving figure, my hand touching the damp cloth that was poorly wrapped around my head. I suddenly couldn’t understand why she hadn’t been ready to wrap my head after my shower, or why I was the one in trouble. My Aunt had verbally attacked my soulmate behind his and my back, well tried to behind mine. My dad stood, and I stepped back wearily, the uncomfortable amount of anger that his presence held actually scared me a bit.

“My daughter is correct. Shoto isn’t a stranger in our house.” I soon felt empowered by my dad's passionate words, the mere fact that he accepted Shoto helped me immensely.

“And just so we’re clear.” I stepped back towards my aunt, fueled by the idea of putting her in her place. “Unless my soulmate says otherwise, you’re to call him Todoroki.” My Aunt leaned towards me and I quickly turned away from her, knowing it’d only anger her further.

“Listen here you little brat!” She hissed out. My foot had barely moved when a blur of white and red flew past me and a stinging sensation traveled up my arm, a trail of flowers following in a vaguely hand like shape. I stared at the flowers, an ache filling my chest as I slowly processed that Shoto had ran by me. I turned, looking at my aunt who had her hand on Shoto’s arm, her face red with anger. Slowly though her face contorted to one of confusion as she looked at me, then to her hand before it dropped. As her anger faded, mine flared. I didn’t care about what I said because not a word of it wasn’t true. But I was surrounded by confusion as well, confused anger, I hadn’t remembered a time I was this insanely pissed, aside from that night nearly two months ago. She doesn’t have the right! I subconsciously clenched and unclenched my free fist, staring at my aunt. (Subnote to make you all smile: if this were an anime, your hair would be flying wildly. Haha….) I could feel the flowers slowly shriveling up, drifting to the floor between Shoto and I.

“Hey (A/n)!” My dad’s angered yell became background noise as I reached my hand out for Shoto.

“Are you… Are you okay?” I asked quietly, grasping his hand with mine to examine the red mark.

“Of course, are you?” His cool fingers brushed under my chin, lifting my face to instead look at his. My gaze jumped between his icy blue and enduring grey ones, nodding as I couldn’t find the words to say. I noticed the red that tinted his cheeks as his hand lingered it’s hold on me, while a fight was building up on the other side of the couch. His form relaxed after a moment longer, his hand dropping from my face. “Good..” As his warm breath caressed my face I dropped his hand, turning and rushing towards the stairs. Stopping only to grab (C/n), knowing it’d be best to keep him from the fighting. Ah, Shoto… Even at times like these you don’t know how to not be beautiful… A blush drifted over my features as I made my way towards my room, baby on my hip.

Shoto’s POV

I watched (Y/n)’s retreating form, a soft breath of relief leaving me once again before I turned to the fighting couples. I had become accustomed to arguments, so watching them yell at each other about who was in the right didn’t bother me, however, knowing (M/n) wasn’t supportive of (Y/n)’s choices confused me. My brows furrowed and my gaze drifted to the floor under my feet. (Y/n) wouldn’t lie, and she genuinely seemed frustrated to know her family was coming… My hand brushed over my cheek in thought, keeping the pads of my fingers in contact with the rough patch of skin under my eye, I thought back to when (M/n) came in to get clothes for (Y/n).

“Ahh! Hey Shoto!” The gentle greeting had me shuffling to push the picture in my pocket, blushing as it slipped from my hands, fast enough to escape me trying to grab it, yet slow enough to give me time to experience what a heart attack felt like. The image glided to the floor face up, and I scrambled off the bed to grab it. I looked up at the woman sheepishly, and in returned she gave me a big smile. “Your secret’s safe with me.” She laughed out, walking towards the closet/dresser. “That picture is one (Y/n) used to stare at and cry, you know. It hurt her to know someone was out there with a scar, with such a rough family life.” I watched her pull out pajamas and my head tilted, hers turning to me. “But I bet it holds a different meaning to you. Maybe one that.. Fills you with happiness, and guilt, I assume.” My cheeks flared at her correct assumption, and I nodded. “Thought so.. Now, where does she normally put them..” She went to muttering and I moved closer.

“Uh, what are you looking for?” I asked, jumping back as (M/n) turned to me with a small smile.

“Oh she’s needing her pads/tampons.” She stated, I scratched my head, I had heard the terms before from Fuyumi, but didn’t necessarily know much. To my dismay though, (M/n) opened a small compartment and had been out of the room before I could form a sentence. So I did the only thing I could think of, called my sister.

Fuyumi laughed, told me to give (Y/n) chocolates, let her rest and offer my warmth, whatever that meant, but then she hung up.

“And you!” Snapped from my thoughts, I lifted my head towards (A/n), spotting a collection of familiar bags by the door in the process. “Who are you?” She hissed, her husband holding her back with a disgruntled look. My hand slipped up to rub my forehead, deciding for once, I was happy to say my dad was a pro hero.

“I’m Todoroki Shoto, son of Pro Hero Endeavor.” I choked out the name, it leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Her struggling stopped, and it almost looked like the light left her eyes. I took in a deep breath through my nose, bowing a bit towards the still fuming (D/n). “I’m sorry if being here has caused you any issues…” I mumbled. Of course being here would have done this.. Why did I accept again? The scene of my dad blasting fire at (Y/n) flashed through my head and I grimaced, remembering why I did, soon the smokey school scene played next and I struggled to breath as I looked at the ground. Am I here for myself or for her? A hand came down on my head and I peered up at (D/n) as he ruffled my hair.

“You’re not to blame son. Just go upstairs, okay?” I gulped, nodding. Stepping from him, I hurried over to the bags, picked up the ones I bought, and made my way upstairs before the fighting started up again. I sighed while standing outside of (Y/n)’s door, listening faintly to the music that seeped from the cracks of her door as they mixed with the yelling from downstairs. Seeing as I've had plenty of wounds, I should know how to rebandage (Y/n)... That's what a good soulmate would do…. Turning on my heel I hastily ventured to the bathroom I passed. I bit my lip gently, looking for the wound up white cloth. Once my eyes landed on it, I picked it up, shut the cabinet door, and went back to her room. I hesitantly knocked, opening the door slowly. Peering in, I was hit with a soft scene of (Y/n) sitting on the bed, tickling (C/n). A familiar childhood tropical tune blared from a stereo on her desk. I smiled, starting to walk in, though I stopped upon realizing the singer's voice was different from the one I knew.

“Oh! Hi Shoto!” She smiled brightly, catching me off guard with her drastic change in mood. “Ooooh, what’s in the bag? I never looked yesterday.” She leaned over from her place on the bed, (C/n) stopping and sitting up, looking at me with a timid look. I crept over to the bed, sucking in a deep breath as I looked at (C/n). It’s okay. I won’t hurt him. He’s okay. I’ll be okay. I sat down besides him and he looked at me, moving towards (Y/n). Fuck! I messed up! I-uh. fuck, what did I do wrong? I nibbled on my lip, my eyes trailing to (Y/n). She pulled (C/n) into her lap and whispered into his ear, I couldn’t hear them and it semi-upset me.

“Uhm… (Y/n)..” I lifted the gauze out, and motioned to her head. “Let me wrap you please…” Her face took on a shade of red, and I couldn’t help but take in how pretty the color looked on her (s/c) cheeks. Training my eyes on her figure, she slipped from the bed to the floor in a less than elegant fashion, situating herself in between my legs on the floor. My heart raced, and I feared she’d be able to hear it as I stared down at her. I gulped about the same time she turned her head towards me in confusion. “O-oh yeah.. Ahem…” I ran a hand over my face before nudging one of the bags closer to her. “Go ahead and grab something to snack on.. I heard that snacks are good for periods.” The female sputtered as she quickly turned away from me, digging into the bag haphazardly.

“Ohhhh! Thank you for the food Sho!!” My eyes followed after her as she tossed a chocolate bar onto the bed. “Here (C/n)! Ask Sho to open it, okay? And don’t forget your manners!” I looked at the little boy as he held the chocolate bar to himself before pushing it towards me.

“P-pwees!” I choked a bit as he yelled at me, his eyes big with want. Cautiously I set the gauze aside and opened the wrapper.

“Just, give it all to him?” I mumbled, my eyes shooting in the direction of the nodding (H/c). “Okay then..” Handing him the now open candy his eyes lit up, him shoving the food in his mouth. I could feel my eyes water and I turned away from him, fighting the smile that threatened to take my features over with a scowl. (C/n)’s pretty adorable… I dusted my hands off, clearing my throat as I quickly distracted myself with taking the old gauze from (Y/n)’s hair. The song changed and I tapped her shoulder as I situated her hair. She hummed in acknowledgment, and I sighed, tampering with her tangles. As I got them out, my fingers running through her hair, I relaxed, smiling to myself. “So, who was that singing the song? It didn’t sound like the original soundtrack from The Little Mermaid..” I mumbled, picking up the wad of gauze.

“Oh! That was Miyu Irino!” She gushed, her head bobbing along as rustling from the plastic bag followed her hands digging through it again. “He’s the voice actor of Sugawara! And I just find him singing the song so much nicer! Makes me happy listening to it!”(Yo, if you don’t find the same unusual joy when you hear it that I do, no big deal.) Her delighted voice caused my heart to flip some, as I finished wrapping her head once she stilled again. I wonder if my singing would ever make her this excited… A frown took over my features as (Y/n) stood up. “Thank you Sho! For the food, and taking care of my wrap.”

“Ah yes, anything for you…” I muttered, taking the previous gauze used into my hands. “I’m going to go throw this away for you.”

“You don’t have to! I have a small tra...sh can… Shoto!” I had already stood, my pace quickened as I opened the door, walking out of it. I leaned on the wall beside her door, gripping onto the cloth in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I kicked off the wall, making my way down to the quiet lower level of the house.

“Hmm, Shoto what are you doing down here?” As I stepped into the kitchen quietly, expecting them to all be in the living room, I was caught off guard. Only offering (M/n) a blank look as I held up the cloth.(OMG. I’m saying cloth and gauze way too much.) She nodded, humming a Christmas song that started up, and I stalked over to the trash, tossing the item away. I looked around, noticing the kitchen was empty besides her and I. My hands played with the lining of my pockets as I stared this way and that. If you just ask, it’ll be okay! Honestly she’d probably laugh it off… And I can’t just ask (Y/n) what she’s wanting. Dammit. Just ask you fucking wimp-

“D-do, erg… Do you know of anything (Y/n)’s been wanting? Maybe something you guys couldn’t buy her?” (M/n) stopped chopping the vegetables that sat in front of her. The knife sliding from her grasp as she turned to me. It landed on the chop board with a dull thud and I couldn’t stop my body from twitching at the noise.

“Well, no I can’t think of anything specifically? She hasn’t made a wish list since she was 8..” Her lips twitched into a grin as she tapped the counter top. “And she mainly wished to find you, but I’m not Santa, and to hell if I’m all knowing, so I could never help.” A rough sigh left her as she picked up the knife again. “But, I admit there are things that I won’t buy her.” My gaze drifted to her effortlessly cutting up the vegetables, the colors mixing into something like a painting, one that reminded me of seasons that weren’t covered with snow. “Like, I don’t condone her unhealthy obsessions with manga and anime. So I don’t buy her stuff that involves that.” My eyes widened as I thought back to my manga collection. It had been lost in the fire, but I hadn’t quite connected where I had the name ‘Sugawara’ before. Well until now. Nodding, a smile I couldn’t help filled my face.

“May I leave for an hour or two?” I asked, unintentional excitement lacing my words.

“Honey!” I stepped back at (M/n)’s aggressive shout, hearing an echo of it bounce back in a males tone.

“Yes?” (D/n) laughed some, once into the kitchen. (M/n) motioned to me with the knife and I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead from the action.

“Would you take Mr. Shoto out? He’s wanting to go buy something I guess.” I nodded sheepishly to confirm her statement. (D/n)’s hand found its way to my shoulder as he flashed me a big smile and a thumbs up.

“I’ll go fire the car up! See you in a minute, son!” My heartbeat sped up and I nodded, bowing a bit in thanks, before I made my way to collect my wallet. He keeps calling me that! But I’m not his son? I look nothing like them! But I’m not with (Y/n) either! I-it’s not like-

“Fuck!” The unison call from the other side of the door and my own mouth had me covering it and my forehead that slammed into the closed door. Moron, you didn’t open the door. Biting my lip, I could feel my face heating up slowly as I opened the door slowly.

“You couldn’t fucking open the door? Or do you open the doors at your house with your fucking head?!” (Y/n) angrily barked, the already dead flowers littering her lap.

“S-sorry..” I muttered, stepping in and grabbing my wallet. “I’ll be back, jerk.” I huffed, walking back out.

“Fuck- Shoto I’m sorry!” I ignored her call as I walked away. It’s whatever (Y/n).. I can’t even be mad at you anyway..

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