Band-Aids (One Direction & Ju...

By mstaylorjean

193K 1.1K 248

❝COMPLETED❞ A trip to London will change everything. After meeting Zayn Malik in the airport Taylor and her... More

Band-Aids - Finally Coming True.
Band-Aids - London Here We Come.
Band-Aids - Meet, eh, One Direction.
Band-Aids - Shall We?
Band-Aids - Stop it.
Band-Aids - Ketchup.
Band-Aids - Memories.
Band-Aids - Fighting For Survival..
Band-Aids - Truth Tells It All
Band-Aids - "Stop Leading Me On!"
Band-Aids - "She's gone, Harry.."
Band-Aids - As Long As You Love Me.
Band-Aids - Lies.
Band-Aids - Love Hurts.
Band-Aids - Hate Ruins Everything.
Band-Aids - OH MY GOD.
Band-Aids - Good Seeing You.
Band-Aids - Turning Page
Band-Aids - She looks.. happy..
Band-Aids - Three Words.
Band-Aids - I'm Back.
Band-Aids - Too Many Hospital Visits
Band-Aids - Please, Open Your Eyes.
Band-Aids - I'm So Confused. Help.
Band-Aids - I Can't Do This.
Band-Aids - I Gotta Go My Own Way.
Band-Aids - I Wrote A Letter Everyday.
Band-Aids - He's Like A Drug.
Band-Aids - No Relationships At All.
Band-Aids - London. Here I Come. Again.
Band-Aids - I Want Both.
Band-Aids - You Are All Uncoordinated.
Band-Aids - No Boys.
Band-Aids - Crashes and Burns.
Band-Aids - More Help.
Band-Aids- Just Once.
Band-Aids - Epilogue.

Band-Aids - It's Not Goodbye.

3.9K 29 24
By mstaylorjean

    Well.. This is the last chapter of Band-Aids.. It has been great writing this and hearing all your comments and feedback, it meant a lot. This story seems to be the main one that has really made my writing better. You can tell by how the beginning is so kiddish and now it's a lot more descriptive! I just wanted to say thank you to all you who have read this and voted. I'm also sorry to leave you guys on such a big cliff hanger on the last chapter! Also, one more thing. There is NOT gonna be a sequel. I am sorry but I feel like there's nothing more to add. Thanks again!


Harry's POV

      I feel myself smiling when I open my eyes remembering all the stuff that happened last night. I held in so much emotions inside me as I kissed her. If Zayn wasn't in the picture we'd be doing a lot more than kissing. I definitely couldn't handle myself.

      I turn over to my side smiling but it quickly fades as the spot she was suppose to be in was empty. I sighed thinking she's probably down stairs already. I groan and get up from my spot and stretch. I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. 

     I reach the bottom and walked to the kitchen where the boys, including Louis, all we're talking quietly. I scrunched my eyebrows with confusion then spoke.

     "What's up?" I said getting a glass and pouring some OJ into it.

     "Do you know where Taylor is?" Zayn asked. I could hear the worry lingering in his voice.

     "No." I said. 

     "Did you see her last night?" Niall asked.

     "Yeah," I said. "She texted me late last night saying she can't sleep. I went over there to see if I can help. I woke up and thought she was down here."

      "Well, she's not." Louis said. "She didn't leave a note or anything."

      "You don't think..?" Niall said.

      "No." I said.

      "He's in jail, Niall." Zayn said sternly. "He might not even be alive."

      Niall stayed silent.

      "Have you tried calling her?" I asked.

      "Her phone is disconnected." Liam said.

      "Maybe there is something in the room." I said running up the stairs. 

      I quickly swung the door open and suddenly felt pain wash through my body. What is Scott really did get her? I would've been right there! It would've been all my fucking fault! I ran to her side of the bed and look under the blankets and everywhere until a couple of notebook paper sheets came to my vision. They we're nicely sat onto the bedside table. I walked slowly over there wondering what I was gonna read.

      5 papers we're folded in half with all of our names written in shaky handwriting over the top. I scanned through the names finding mine as the last one. I was holding my breath as I picked it up. I unfolded it and her perfect handwriting was messed up from shaking. I could almost feel her trembling body write it. I sat down on the bed as I started to read the letter out loud to myself. 


     You are peacefully sleeping right now and I'll always imagine that perfect structure of your face whenever I feel upset. You really do look perfect whenever. You are probably wondering why this is being written.. Harry, this isn't goodbye. It might sound like it is but it isn't. I know, it's not the best way to say goodbye but it's the only way for you to not get hurt. Don't worry about me alright. I'll be fine. I was glad that the last thing we had together was a perfect kiss that definitely should've been our first kiss. And if one day in the future we see each other again I'll smile with joy and remember how we spent our days together. This is probably the hardest thing I have ever written. I remember being that regular girl. Her room was full of posters of One Direction. That's all she talked about. When she got to meet her idols she realized how much she truly loved them on the inside and not for their fame, their looks or their singing voices. For them. It might've been fate that brought us together but it sounds way too cliché to say so I'm not gonna say it. I don't want you to forget me because it'll crush me. I'll never forget you, Harry. I won't forget you even if you get a girlfriend or a wife. I hope one day you can find someone and love them as much as you love me. I want to see you in the future; older with a bit of stubble on your chin with your family. A wife and some kids or so. I want to see you be happy and see you be you. Just this isn't goodbye.. It's just a.. A see you later kind of thing alright? But if the place I think I am heading to, I don't want to see you there for decades alright? Live life. Be you.

    I love you, Harry. Forever and always.


      I probably read over the note 5 times in the last couple minutes. Tears we're already falling out of my eyes when I read the first word. Tears splattered against the weak paper making some words not exactly easy to read. I wiped my eyes but it didn't help that much. More and more tears came out. I crumbled up the note and threw it across the room with angry flowing through my blood.

      I didn't know what I was doing as I paced around the room suddenly falling to my knees. I put my head in between my legs breaking to pieces. Have you felt it..

     The pain. Where your pain is literally tangible. You actually believe that you can lift your hand and actually touch it. It's everywhere, consuming you. I didn't even realize how much it was just eating me from the inside out until now, where my insides are caving in on me and crumble hopelessly to the ends of the Earth. The tightening in my chest right now is making it hard to breathe, but in my dismay I didn't care. I didn't want to live on this universe anymore if I had to live without her here.

     I try holding back the inevitable breaths but I break. It's like my insides are screaming at me silently but so loudly it makes me want to scream. My body is now damaged.. It's self seeping through cracks that lie everywhere in everything. By now the cracks have split fully open leaving gaping holes in my being. I wail for the longest time, weeping pitifully as I cry myself a pool of self-sympathy, until I'm empty.

     I'll never be empty though.

    "Harry?!" Zayn said. The boys all started piling in looking horrified at myself. "Harry, mate what's wrong?"

      I didn't reply. I just pointing towards the bed side table and the letters. They all rushed towards them and grabbed them.

Zayn's POV

    My hands we're quavering as I reached and grabbed the letter from the table. I opened it slightly as tears fell out just seeing her hand writing.


     Oh Zayn. I always wondered if it was alright to be this perfect. You we're perfect and you always will. Zayn, like I said to Harry, this is not goodbye. I can't imagine how it is to be married to you and have a family with you. I'll be very envious to whoever she will be. I'm sorry that it can't be me. I wanted to have the strength and power to succeed and finally decide but I couldn't. I couldn't exactly tell one of you that I loved the other one more than them. It wasn't true. I didn't want to lie. I imagined you if I said yes to Harry. I could just imagine your face and body going into complete shock and just standing there. I could almost hear your heart dropping to the ground fast with full speed but hitting the ground and breaking into small pieces that go in slow motion. Where you suddenly, can't move or can't even grasp what just happened. I could not put you through that.. Or Harry. I am and will always be scarred, Zayn. I will always be screwed up in the head whether I'm dead or alive. I just wanted to thank you. For being so brave. For being you. I love you and will always love you. The time I left and us three we're all literally stuck in our rooms doing nothing but mourning over leaving each other. I still remember that time. I was spending the last 12 months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. It doesn't though if you are good at keeping that person you love in your arms. I was never good at that. I pushed people away. I was always afraid that I did something wrong and no one wanted to see me. Zayn, this isn't goodbye. It's a see you later sort of thing. I know, I am saying that on every letter but it's true. I'll see you later, Zaynie.

     I love you, Zayn.. For infinity.


      I gasped. 

      The pain that abruptly burst inside of me was unbearable. I was impaired with pain. It was both, mentally and physically. The agonized pain soothing through me made me drop to my knees breaking down. I was torn apart. I didn't know it could hurt this bad. It was almost like I have gotten cuts up and down my body followed with bruises printed right over them. I knew I was gonna lose her some how, just.. I didn't know I didn't get to say goodbye. 

      I really didn't understand. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to go back in the past and fix everything.

      "Guys!" Niall said suddenly breaking the most dreadful silence of just whimpers. "Right here! It says something about Scott."

      We all turned our heads to Niall as he read from a crumbled letter that I believe was Harry's.


     This is all for you. Don't you dare come and try to find me. I know, you guys are very protective and I love that about you guys but it's enough now. I'll probably be gone by the next week or so. I wanted to say a goodbye but I couldn't. He found me again. Please, don't call the police or look for me. I am not gonna let any of you get hurt again. This is my problem and I'll fix it, even if I die. I promise to look down at you guys whenever I can. It'll hurt a lot seeing how upset you all are but please be happy again. Don't forget me but forget the bad things about me. Only smile about all our memories alright.

     I love you all.


Alice's POV *Haven't heard about her in a while eh?(; *

      I was quickly walking out of the diner trying to get home. I didn't know why I was in a rush I just wanted to get done with school work and just basically school. This was my third year and I was so close of finishing. I found what I wanted to do though. I wanted to be a teacher. Weird. 

     I never liked school but I think it's more about the kids that I wanted to help.

     I was taking a quick short cut which was a long and narrow alley way. It was dark so it was a little scary. I quickly walked down the street holding my bag tightly. I suddenly see a figure lying hopelessly still on the ground.  

      I squint my eyes to try to see what it was. It could just be some hobo that fell asleep but it looked more like a girl. I walked slowly over there. Their back was facing me so I couldn't see their face. Their chest wasn't moving and I all of a sudden saw blood in my sight. It was a little dried up but looked a little glossy like it was just flowed out of the body.

     I covered my mouth as I walked over to the other side. I looked closely and screamed.

     "TAYLOR!" I screamed bending down, dropping to the ground, gripping onto her body. "TAYLOR WAKE UP!"

     No answer. 

     Her eyes we're closed and skin was pale. Her lips slightly parted. Her skin wasn't as cold as a dead person's skin should be so that was a little faith that came inside of me. I put my ear to her mouth to see if she was breaking.

      "C'monn!" I yelled. I moved her body over so she was laying on her back and screamed at the sight I saw.

      A bullet wound was straight in the side of her torso. More blood was everywhere under here and I almost fainted.

     "PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed as tears fell out of my eyes. I was crouched over my old best friends body who lied on the ground as if she was.. dead..

     I knew what I needed to do. I quickly moved my hands from her chest. They we're stained red from her blood. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

      "911 what is your emergency?" The lady said.

     "Yes, please. I was walking and I saw my best friend on the ground. There is blood and I think she got shot. I don't know if she is dead but I'm not good with medical stuff. Please help!" I cried out in the phone.

      "What is your location please?" They asked.

      "I am in the alley way across the street from Nando's on Clink's Street." I said out of breath.

      "We are on our way!" She said. I hung up and quickly dialed Harry's number. 

Harry's POV

      We we're all sitting in silence. I think the only things you could hear was the quiet sniffles from all of us. I was sitting on the bed leaning on the head board staring into space. Louis in front of me leaning back on the post that held part of the bed together. He was just playing around with the comforter looking so into it. Niall on the ground reading over his letter multiple times. Liam was pacing backing and forth but stops at times to wipe his tear stained face. Then there was Zayn.

     He was sitting in the corner staring at it. His body was in complete shock. His hands we're holding his letter that was almost unreadable from all the tears falling on it as he read over it. I knew exactly how he was feeling.

    Suddenly, my phone starting ringing and I quickly jumped to it hoping it was Taylor or just someone telling me where she was.

     I grabbed it not even looking at the caller ID.

      "TAYLOR?!" I said in the phone.

      "Harry it's me!" Alice said in the phone. Her voice was off and I knew something was wrong.

       "Alice?" I said.

       "Yes," She said quietly. I heard her start crying. "Harry, I found Taylor's body."

       My hands let go and the phone slipped onto the hard wood floor. I was in shock. I saw Liam quickly grab it and talk frantically in the phone.

Liam's POV

       "Hello? Alice?" I said in the phone after Harry dropped it hoping she was still on the other line.

       "Liam!" She said. I could hear her cry over the phone. "Please come and help me!"

       "What's wrong?!" I screamed.

       "I-I was walking and found a body. I didn't know who it was and I just realized it was Taylor. She is unconscious and she had blood everywhere and the ambulance are on the way.. I need help before I pass out.. Please.." She rambled on and on.

       "Shit, shit, shit!" I yelled. The boys all looking at me like I was insane. "Where are you?!"

       "I'm in the alley way across the street of Nando's on Clink street." She said.

       "We'll be there in a second." I yelled hanging up. "C'mon."

       "Where are we going?!" Louis yelled as I raced out of the room.

       "JUST COME ON!" I screamed. I wasn't gonna wait for them. I ran out of the house with the boys closely on my tail. I quickly sprinted towards Nando's.

      My vision was becoming blurry as I tried to focus on what I was doing. As the Nando's sign came in vision I stopped. Ambulance sirens we're coming close.

       I turn and run down the dark alley where I suddenly saw Alice bending over and crying in Taylor's chest. I ran and dropped down by her side giving her a hug as we both broke down.

      Harry and Zayn grabbed Taylor's body turning her towards them. They both cried in her chest not even caring about all the blood getting on them. Harry lifted his head as he cried out.

      "PLEASE! WAKE UP!" He screamed. He kissed her head and sat there crying as tears fell down her face.

     Louis and Niall tried to calm Harry and Zayn down but it wasn't working that well. I was just sitting there holding Alice as all 6 of us broke down over our best friend.


Third Person POV (No one's POV) *Weird I know*

      Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis and Alice all walked down to the small white church that was sat in the middle of London with dreary clouds hanging over everything making it more upsetting then it already was.

     You are probably wondering what happened to Taylor. Once the ambulance got there they rushed her to the hospital. Harry wanted them to try shocking her back to life..  but she was already dead that there was no point. 

       I don't think you could imagine how all of them felt. Zayn and Harry we're absolutely devastated. They looked like they we're about to die in their spots as well. Alice was crying badly regretting everything that happened. She couldn't eat or sleep or do anything. She missed her best friend. Liam was trying to keep Zayn and Harry to keep sane but he wasn't himself. Louis was away from every one else hiding somewhere as Niall stayed on the ground trying to comfort his friends even though he needed comforting as well.

     The boys we're dressed in black suits with bag under all their eyes as Alice was in a plain black dress, tights and heels. None of them looked good.

     They've been planning the funeral for the past week.. well actually not really. All they said was to have it at a small place for only certain people. That's all they did.

      None of them could do anything.

      The boys all walked in to see Taylor's mom in the front crying hysterically at the framed photo on the stand. It was right next to a long, sleek white coffin. There was swirly black designs on them as it sat on a cushion table covered with a maroon cloth.

    Taylor's mom was getting comforted by Taylor's step dad as her younger brother was getting comforted by her grandma and aunt. Old friends of Taylor's we're all being silent as some we're wiping their eyes and noses with tissues. 

       The boys walked to Taylor's mom and shared hugs that followed with tears. They all sat as the ceremony started.

      "We are gathered here today," The priest at the front said quietly to the audience. "To show our love for this young girl that was killed on Thursday, November 9th.."

      He spoke but no one listened. They all knew he didn't know her at all so he had nothing to say about Taylor. As he talked the rest of the audience cried in pain. Harry and Zayn we're still completely devastated. They both we're just thinking what are they gonna with the rest of their lives. She was the LOVE of both of their lives. They wouldn't even care if she was married to both of them or was together will both of them. 

      They just wanted her.

      "Does anyone want to be first and say something about Taylor?" The priest asked.

      "I will." Louis said being brave. The priest nodded walking off of the stage. Louis got up slowly and got up to her spot.

       His shaky hands gripped the microphone as it was lifted to his lips as he begun to speak.

       "Taylor," He started. "Was the most bravest girl ever. Some of you might have not known about her past but I am gonna tell you about it. She was abused. I am sorry for saying this but what a fucking egotistical bastard could do that to such a small and weak girl. How dare he? She tried getting away. She was happy being away. I didn't understand how it could all happen. I don't believe I could even think of hurting a girl the way he hurt her. I loved her. Not like that but I loved her like she was my sister that I needed to protect. It felt like that was my job and I failed at it. I know every single one of you right now is blaming yourself for her death. I can't judge because I'm doing the same exact thing. Trust me. I feel like if I wasn't gone.. If I didn't leave to my friends house that night and I would've been right beside her in the bed she wouldn't have been gone. I might not have the same kind of love towards her as my mates, Harry and Zayn, but I'd die for her. She is more important than anyone in my life except the lads. She was like family to me and it was great having her there. The thing I'll miss most is how she makes everything better, you know? She could walk down the aisle of a prison and make most of them smile by one sentence maybe. Her grave stone will be put in a spot that she will always be remembered. I promise every year, no matter what I'm doing or where ever I am in the world.. I will fly and go to her grave stone on November 9th. I will say the words I want to say to her and just be grateful that I met her. I love her and she will never be forgotten. Never."

     Everyone agreed with Louis' monologue. They all cry tears as more family members say words about Taylor. Niall tried to get Harry and Zayn to go up there to actually see how they felt but they wouldn't. It was way too difficult for them to tell everyone how their feeling.

      Niall understood as well as the other boys.

      When the ceremony was over the coffin was pulled outside as the hole was already dug up. They set it in as we all watching; hidden under their umbrellas as the rain pelted everyone. Her grave stone was set up and everyone just stared. Zayn and Harry we're the ones to go out in the rain and stand in front of it.

      They cried out tears that will be haunting to everyone. No one could even set their eyes on the two of them as they wailed out in pain. This was too devastating for anyone. 

      The two boys set two perfectly shaped roses in the front of the grave stone. They we're a perfect shade of white.. Taylor's favorite flower; a white rose.

      Everyone stared at the grave stone reading the words over and over.

Taylor Jean Agulto

3/19/94 - 11/9/12

Amazing sister, daughter, niece and everything else in the book. Will never be forgotten for her bravery and strength. 





<3 .x

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