Back In Time

By AuthorSvH

854K 29.7K 3.5K

Harry James Potter had a long life with endless struggle, betrayal and heartache, he figured out that Dumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 8

26.1K 914 227
By AuthorSvH


Riddle and I made our way down to the Slytherin table, all eyes were on us as we continued to make our way towards the table when we came up to his spot his little DE's looked up at me, "Corban make room for Hadrian," Riddle said with a sharp smile, I watched as Lestrange glared at me but made room for me on the left of Riddle.

As Riddle looked up at me as he sat down the question obvious, I sat down on his left begrudgingly. "So where are you from Peverell?" Lestrange sneered from beside me, "Well are we talking about my last home, or where I last visited?" I queried, "Both," Lestrange answered not even hesitating, I looked back into the memories death gave me, "France was my last home, I was originally living in Wales with my family, my mother and father had moved there from Britain upon my birth, we moved to France when we heard Grindelwald was after us, I was the only one that made it... I stayed in France for approximately three or four years before I started moving again, I stayed in hotels and inherited properties. I guess I was more of nomad for the last three years," as I spoke I watched everyone's reactions, so far all of them kept their pure blood masks on perfectly, "How old were you when you lost your parents?" I looked towards the voice to see that it was Black who spoke, "I was at the ripe and tender age of 9," I said with a wide grin, I watched as most of the DEs' eyes widened comically. "So you are an orphan?" Riddle asked, I simply nodded as a response. "Is it true that the Dark Lord is after you?" Lestrange asked, "Yes and judging by the paper that made my whole existence known, I'll most likely be hunted again," I said this with a grin, "Doesn't that bother you?" this time Malfoy spoke, although his face was carefully blank I could still see the curiosity burning in his eyes, "Being hunted? No. The probability I might be captured again? Not really. Being caught by scraggly man again... definitely. The torture? Not the worst that's happened to me," I shrugged and began to pile food onto my plate, "How could you have gone through worse torture than that of the Dark Lord?" Lestrange sneered again, 'Hmmm... let me think... I had to deal with a psychopath teacher. Then had to fight a bloody basilisk. I had the fright of my life meeting the remaining connection to my parents, I also had to deal with dementors at the same time, only to also figure out that my professor at the time was a werewolf. I was then forced to join a suicidal game that nearly got me killed on multiple occasions, I seriously had to fight I Hungarian Horntail. I then had to deal with a professor who apparently didn't know that blood quills were illegal, then only to try and save my remaining family only for him to be killed off by a psychotic witch. Then finally something good happened which was a manipulative bastard dying, though only for it to continue later in my life. Then I was on the run looking for horcruxes while being chased by an evil and psychotic dark lord... I would say I've been through worse.' I thought to myself bitterly, instead I plastered on a big smile and looked at him, "If only you knew," I watched him try and hide a shiver as I then continued to try and eat my lunch. "What is it that Grindelwald wants from you?" I looked over at a boy I don't remember being introduce to, "That's confidential," I said with a wink.


I couldn't help but ignore what my knights were asking Peverell, I was to busy trying to find a way into his head. It's not like I couldn't read it... it was just strange all his thoughts were in a different language, some I could recognize, for instance the French, German, Swedish, Spanish, Latin, and Greek, but the rest was just gibberish. Even the things I could understand didn't make any sense, like the thought I was reading right know in French, "L'anatomie est la forme la plus puissante de mon cricket à la bière de bureau," which roughly translates to "Anatomy is the most powerful form of my desk root beer cricket." No matter how I looked at it, it was idiotic, and besides what in the bloody hell is root beer cricket? I was pulled out of my thoughts when something in Hadrian's mind caught my attention it was extraordinarily long and in a language I didn't quite understand, it sounded similar to low groans and hisses, almost likely a dead corps ranting, the language was curious, pity I couldn't understand. I finally focused on the conversation, "That's confidential," Peverell said with a wink, I cocked my brow at him as he looked at me, "I haven't heard of a Riddle before... are you a muggle born?" Peverell asked me, I noticed that instantly all of my knights stiffened, "No. I am a half blood, my mother was a Gaunt and my father was a Riddle hence my name," I said coolly, Peverell nodded, "So you're the last of the Gaunt's?" He asked. I ground my teeth... why is he so nosy? "Yes I am the last of the Gaunt's," I said looking at him with disguised annoyance, he looked like he was contemplating something, "You could always change your last name to Gaunt," Peverell finally said, "I am," I replied making eye contact with Peverell he simply nodded and turned back to his food. I peered into Peverell's mind once again only to come across a phrase, it was in Latin, "Mors mihi lucrum," Peverell's mind was blank other than that phrase being repeated, anywhere I looked in his mind I came across that phrase, then I realized it must be another defense of his mind to keep people distracted from what he was really thinking... how intriguing... annoying... but intriguing. I noticed that Peverell was smirking at the teachers table, I looked over only to see that Dumbledore looked utterly confused... so Peverell wasn't a fan of the old coot... good.


I wasn't at all surprised when I felt a presence in my head that wasn't Death, at first it was a small pressure, then it grew once the person tried to get through the defenses Death set up, my personal touch was the fogginess and haziness that resided in my mind, making it a thick fog of crazy and weird thoughts, when another presence joined in... still not very surprised. I had a hunch of who they are Dumbledore and Riddle, which was which was the question, I looked upon Dumbledore's face to see him looking confused, I looked at Riddle then to see him looking indifferent... Riddle probably peered into my mind before Dumbledore... great. 'Stopiwch  edrych I mewn I fy hen ddyn hen... mae'n eithaf anghwrtais,' I saw Riddle's eyes shine with amusement as he watched the old coot pale and frown, I could tell by the very slight glint of curiosity in his eyes that he didn't know what I thought. I thickened the fog in my mind, ditching the confusing thoughts and just let the fog cloud my mind as Death's barriers strengthened. I watched as Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at me, clearly taking my barriers as a challenge, I smiled cheekily at him. "Do you find any body here interesting?" somebody asked I looked over to one of the boys, "Yes, everyone here are quite interesting," I said looking at the boy with amusement, the boy blushed slightly, "I believe what he means is, do you find yourself romantically interested in anybody?" Malfoy concluded, I let out a low chuckle, "No. I don't get attached easily, though I do find people attractive... said person would have to try and win my affections," I said blatantly, as if sensing the topic change Black jumped in, "So which brawd do you find yourself looking at?" Black asked a glint in his eyes, "I don't fancy brawds their not my type per say..." I said trailing off a bit, "Why's that?" I was slightly shocked to see that the question came from Riddle, "I've had enough of the female gender... they're to filled with drama, and when they're not they are in a relationship of some sort or madly in love with someone else, besides all of the ones I've met or fancied have manipulated me," I stated with a bored tone, "I see... how did they manipulate you, if I may ask," I let a small smile, remembering all of the females that slipped me love potions or tried to seduce me, over time your body grows immune which in my case happened at age eighteen. "They slipped me love positions, or tried to seduce me... when they weren't looking at me for the money they were the best of friends I could ever have," I let my voice get slightly wispy as I remembered Hermione, Luna, and Ginny, they were all strong women figures, I remembered when Hermione surprised us all by marrying Malfoy, I remember Ginny pursuing her relationship with Violet Reeves, a girl she had been entranced with, of course they were awkward around me after I walked in on them doing the deed... though after a good month or two Violet got comfortable and I was more of the supporting sperm donor friend, Violet had treated our kids as if they were her own even causing the children to look at her as a second mother. Then there was Luna, a sister in my eyes, she was always there for me and man do I still miss her, she died at the age of 103... normal for a wizard I suppose. I was brought out of my thoughts by another question, "So you prefer blokes?" someone asked, "I believe so... yes," I watched as all of the boys looked at each other than glanced at Riddle... strange... Riddle just raised his brow and sipped on his drink. 'Aimez-vous les garcons?' I let the thought seep through my barriers as I slowly started to drink from my goblet, I watched as his eyes widened slightly. He removed the cup from his lips as he coughed lightly, I watched in barely concealed amusement when everyone in the group looked at Riddle, "Swallowed wrong," he said placing a deadly glare on his face as he looked at them, he directed the glare towards me, the already deadly glare getting deadlier, I met his intense gaze head on and smiled. So Riddle's gay... or bi... who knew?


I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I hate Hadrian Peverell. I want him dead. I want him chained to the wall to be endlessly tortured. He needs to be dealt with... he needs to disappear.

As I exited the Great Hall after lunch I felt the rage boil in me, along with a feeling I've never felt before... but I refused to dwell on the feeling for now. I stormed down the hall way making my robe billow out behind me, I made my way to the History classroom. I felt my rage slowly slip away, but it was a little too slow. When I made it to the class my knights could sense my anger so stayed a good distance away while some foolish girl came to my seat in excitement, "Good day Tom!" she exclaimed, I glanced at her, "Indeed," I said coolly and coldly, she blushed and looked down... she was acting as if I just told her she was the light of my life. I barely contained my disgust for the girl, "How is your day so far?" she asked, I narrowly avoided rolling my eyes before I responded, "Quite well, and yours?" I asked trying to keep up the polite façade, she seemed to beam at my words, "Mine is amazing thanks," she said with a wide smile and blush. I took note of the girls appearance, she was short, with semi long dark brown hair, round circular glasses were perched on her nose, she had a long heart shaped face, her eyes were round and wide, her lips were thin... in all she wasn't that attractive. I new for a fact that she was a Ravenclaw since I would be able to tell who she was if she were in Slytherin, and we were sharing history with Ravenclaws after all, not to mention her blue and bronze color scheme, and by her familiar creepy blushing nature I could only guess that this was Myrtle Warren, a mudblood.

After class as I was headed towards my last class, Advanced Potions Making, or APM, the girl from earlier ran up to me, "Uh-um... To-Tom?" I glanced at her, "Yes?" I replied wanting to get to class, "Can-Can I talk to you after class?" she stuttered out looking down at her feet as she shuffled, "Of course," I said plastering a big, fake, polite smile on my face, she smiled back then scurried off. I huffed as I made my way to APM, as I entered a joyful voice filled my ears, "Tom! Right on time as usual! I would like you to brew with Peverell!" Slughorn bellowed happily, I felt my rage and that unknown feeling come swarming back, "Why of course sir," I said with false enthusiasm. I turned to look at Peverell only to see him smirking at me, I internally groaned at him, "Hello Hadrian," I stated as I sat by him, "Hello Tom... I just think you should know..." I glanced at him encouraging him to continue, "Yes?" I said impatiently, he leaned in ever so slightly and whispered, "I am utterly miserable at potions," he said with that damned boyish grin of his, I felt my eye twitch slightly in irritation.

2355 Words

Mors mihi lucrum - Death is my only reward

Stopiwch edrych I mewn I fy hen ddyn hen... mae'n eithaf anghwrtais - Stop looking into my mind old man... it's pretty rude

Aimez-vous les garcons? - You like boys?

A/N - So this is kind of important, my school messed up my schedule so I am some what behind on school work, but they tried to fix it making it worse and making me behind in all my classes... which is why this chapter barely made my self made deadline... but anyway! I will post as soon as possible every week, but until this get's officially sorted out updates might be just a little slow. Thank you for your patience! Also a nice little heads up I am a master procrastinator.


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