Night World Series: Runaway (...

By rhia08

10.8K 87 55

Lea is the only female and the only human working on a vampire's bar. Having the ability to hear human though... More

Night World: Runaway (Book 10)
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 4
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 5
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 6
Night World Series: Runaway Cjhapter 7
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 8
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 9
Night World Series: Runaway Chapter 10

Night World Book 10: The Runaway Chapter 3

1.2K 7 5
By rhia08

Chapter 3

'Whoa! What was that? Did I just see his thoughts? Did I just enter his mind?' Shocked and confused Lea, as she is staring deeply in his ocean blue eyes.


Jethro recovered first but instead of pulling away he held her tighter and again claimed her lips, with much hunger this time.


She was still in shock. Her eyes widened, it took all her concentration and will to embrace herself from responding to that kiss. She gather all her strength to push the guy away.


" Ahhh!!! Lucas!!!!" she screamed.


She doesn't succeed in pushing him away. But at least she made him stop kissing her.


" Ouch! That hurts babe," he said covering his left ear with his left hand keeping the right hand on her waist.


" Luc ---"


" Stop!" he cut her off from screaming again by covering her mouth. " Shhhh... my ears are aching."


"What the ---" Lucas then entered the office. Gasped when he saw their position.


Lea still slouched sitted on the chair while Jethro is on his knees down her, holding her close to his body.


"Jethro?" asked Lucas.


"Hello brother."


"What the fuck are you doing?"


"Wow nice greetings brother."


"Don't expect me to be nice after seeing you harassing my staff."


"Oh!" Jethro pretended to be shocked.


" Get off me bastard!" Lea again, tried to push the guy aaway.


But the guy have a tight grip of her and too strong for her to even just moved by an inch.


"Hmmmm..." Jethro snuggled closer to her neck. " But I thought you are my welcoming present," in between kisses on her neck Jethro said.


Urgh! Lea groaned to herself. I really should get mad but why am I enjoying this? For goodness sake! He's a vampire


"Please! Stop!"


"Hmmmm... Why do I have a feeling that you don't want me to stop?" in between kisses he said.


" Jethro, if you don't stop now --"


"What?" he vut him off. He is now facing Lucas but still holding Lea. " Why do you give a damn about her? She's just a human. Just a vervain."


"You don't know her."


" I can tell that she knows about us." Lucas nodded. " And so the more reason we need to get rid of her."

"No!" shouted Lucas and launched himself to his brother. In a split second, he shoved away his brother who flew to the brick wall which leaves his figure marked there. Lea the was standing at the back of Lucas who is in his fighting position facing his brother who slid down sitting on the floor under his marked figure on the wall, laughing. He is laughing really hard.

"Whew! Temper my dear brother," he said in between laugh.


" I won't hesitate on doing that again if you dare touch Lea again," Lucas said through clenched teeth.


"You're really making me laugh brother," still laughing, Jethro is now standing and walking towards them. "What happen to my so cool brother?"



Lea is still hidden behind Lucas. "Enough Jethro!" Lucas hissed.


Jethro raised both his hands in the air as a sign of his surrender and walked out of the door.


"Are you alright?" Lucas then turned to Lea.


"Yeah, I guess," she mumbled.


"I'm sorry."


"Don't be. It's not you. It's him."


"I will have to talk to him."


"And I need to get even," said Lea.


"Hmmm, you know? You look good together," said Lucas while laughing.


"Not funny."




"Stop it! I'm serious." she pouted.


"Okay," he said smiling. " But we need to be really careful. Jethro is nice but he could really be a jerk sometimes."


"He is nice? Are you kidding me?" she groaned.


Lucas just smiled and tap her on the shoulder.


"Come, I wanna see how you'll get even."



They went outside the office and found Jethro sitting on the bar, drinking on a rock glass.


Lea ignored him and went inside the bar to help Lance in wiping the wine glasses.


When she turned to Lucas, she saw the two guys talking seriously to each other. Both glaring at her.


"I thought you are not coming today?" she heard Lance talking to her.


"Uhm, some of my flat mate's friends are coming over."


"Why not hang-out with them? You'd rather come in here?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"


What's wrong?" Rake joins in the conversation. "You are surrounded by vampires here. We, are not humans."


"You don't want me here?" she's hurt.


"No, of course not. I mean, aren't you afraid of us?" asked Lance.


"Nope. We've been together for how many years now. And you guys are the only family that I consider.


"Touche'" she heard a voice from behind her.

When she turned, she saw Jethro just a step away from her holding the rock glass while playing the rim with the tip of his index finger.


"Hi Lea," he winked t her.

She just raised one of his eyebrow in response to him.


"So, you're the bartender?" he said and took a sip from the rock glass that she think contains blood. Human blood.


"Hmmm," he said and lick his upper lip. "Yummy."


"Hmp!" as she turned her back on him again and continue wiping the wine glasses.


"Hey Jethro, stop teasing her," Lucas said as he walked towards them.


"I didn't do anything." he shrugged and pretended to be innocent. Everyone laughs except Lea. "I thought you want us to be friends."


"Friends??!" she snapped back her head to them.


"Yeah, FRIENDS," Jethro said giving emphasis to the word friends.


"Hmp, I'd rather jump on a cliff or hang myself on the roof." everyone laughs except again for Lea.


"Oh, that's so sweet," teased Jethro.


"You know what? Why don't you just go away? Go back to where the hell you came from!"


"Wow, you're really sweet, I wonder how you're gonna taste like," he said sniffing on her neck.


"In your dreams!"


"Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy my stay here?" he said smilling and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.


"Urgh!" and she threw the wineglass that she's holding into Jethro who is now walking away from her laughing. But before it hit him, he turned around and catch the glass just in a split second.

"I really like your hospitality, babe." he winked at her.


"Stop calling me that!"


"Babe, my babe, isn't it nice?" he teased while walking out of the bar.


"I hate you!" she shouted.


But all she could hear is Jethro's playful laugh.

"Why is he not leaving?" she turned to Lucas.


"He'll just stay for a couple of days, don't worry."


"Couple of days? I can't even stand being in the same place with him in just less than an hour!"


"He's nice, you'll see."


"Urgh! Can I just take a leave? Only for that couple of days that he's going to be here?"


Lucas just laughed at her.


"Seriously." she said.


"Okay, let's see."


"Lucas? Please?"


"Look he won't do any harm, believe me. And if he did, I'm gonna make him pay for that," he said. "That I can promise you."




So, what do you think guys????









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