Helping Each Other Grow

By No_This_Is_Pattrick

34.9K 1K 346

What had Draco done to deserve this?! Sure, him and Harry had had some petty fights here and there, but it wa... More

Another Year at Hogwarts
New Home
Clearing Misunderstandings
A Chaotic Day
What to do, What to do?
Honesty is a Virtue
Daddy Dearest
We'll be fine
Should i delete/end this story?
I've decided to finish the story ๐Ÿ˜‹
Bittersweet meeting

An Accident in Potions

4.3K 155 65
By No_This_Is_Pattrick

Chapter 2

*Draco POV*

As we made our way out of the crowded train, I spotted a certain green-eyed boy out of the corner of my eye.

The Weasly boy and Granger girl were tagging along with him as always, and I felt a bit jealous that it was them by his side and not me.

But it was my fault things were like that in the first place, so I had no right to complain.

He must have noticed me staring, because he looked at me dead in the eyes and gave me a glare.

At first I was shocked, wondering what I had did to deserve the glare, but then I remembered that thats how things were between the two of us, so I gave him a glare in return.

But god, a part of me just wanted to tell him how sorry I was for all the absolute hell I put him and his friends through over the years, and tell him how I had had a crush on him as well. But I pushed those dangerous thoughts into the back of my head and left them there, not wanting to make a fool of myself.

Harry turned back around and walked up to Hagrid with a smile on his face, probably telling the giant of a man all the things he was looking foward to this year.

I sighed and stoped staring once I noticed my four friend staring at me and snickering.

"What! Its not funny okay!" I flustered, embarrassed I had been caught staring at my crush.

"Your just so cute! Honestly, you really should tell him." Pansy teased, nudging me in the stomach a bit.

"Ugh, whatever."

I had heard this so many times already, but no matter how I thought of it, I knew Harry would reject me, and the fear of being rejected was just too much.

Crabbe's voice brought my attention away from my thoughts, and back into reality.

"Carriage is here."

The carriage pulled up, and we all got onboard.

I listened and laughed as Crabbe told everyone about how he had nearly shitted himself when he woke up and saw Goyle sneaking into the school kitchens last year.

And it went on like that, everyone sharing storys about our past years at Hogwarts, until the carriage stopped and we got off, finnaly in front of the massive castle doors.

The doors swung open and the chatter picked up, students making there way inside and looking around at the familar place.

We entered the great hall and sat down at our house tables, and quited down when Dumbledore stood up to give a speech.

Of course, I payed no attention to the man, and found myself staring at Harry instead.

I know the possibilitys of me ever dating him were 0, but that doesn't mean I can't admire him.

Although, looking at him from afar, makes me wonder how much better he'd look up close...


"Huh?" I snapped out of it, looking over at Pansy.

"I was asking if you were going to eat or not."

I looked at the plates and plates of food infront of me and realized dinner had been served.

"Oh, yeah I am."

I started filling up my plate with food, picking at it here and there.

I wasn't feeling particularly hungry that night, so I decided it'd be better to just listen to everyone talk and just zone out until dinner was over.

And just like that, it was.

We all headed to our common rooms, us Slytherins going to the dungeons of course, and once the boys and girls split into their own dormitories, we all got dressed for bed.

I couldn't fall asleep though, so I headed out to the common room and sat in my usual chair by the fire place, the green flames lulling me into sleep.


I woke up to the sound of laughter, and as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I looked around to see Pansy, Blaise, and Crabbe surrounding me.


Pansy burst out into laughter and the other two were quick to follow.

"What the hells so funny? Wait what time is it? I need to take a shower and get dressed."

I sat up quickly and staggered a bit from moving too fast, but I rushed into the dorm nonetheless and grabed my robes and clothes to get changed into after the shower.

Once I walked into the bathroom though, I realized what was so funny.

I had a mustache and eye spectacle drawn on my face in permanent marker, and well as a couple of dicks and a ass drawn on.

"YOU ASSHOLES!!" I screamed from the bathroom.

I could hear laughter from the other room and I groaned.

I used a quick spell to clean it off and jumped into the shower, spending a bit of extra time on washing my hair.

I jumped out and dried myself off quickly, grabbing my wand and conjuring a spell to check the time.

"Shit! Breakfast is almost over!"

I threw on my robes and ran into the Great Hall, noticing how much people were staring.

I knew I was a bit late, but it wasn't that much of a big deal was it?

I took my usual seat next to Pansy and started serving myself a bit of the porridge that was in front of me.

I ate a spoonful and looked up, realizing everyone was still staring.

Shit, was there still marker on my face?

I leaned over to Pansy and whispered in her ear.

"Pansy, why is everyone staring?"

She looked at me suprised and whispered back

"Wait, you didn't do it on purpose?"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Wear your hair naturally instead of slicked back. You look stunning by the way."

I blushed at her words and realized that since I was in such a rush getting dressed I didn't have any time to fix my hair how I normally wore it.

I felt my eyes wander to the Gryffindor table, and to my surprise I caught Harry staring at me, but he quickly looked down once we made eye contact.

Was he staring in a good way or a bad way? Shit, maybe I look ugly... No, I shouldn't dwell on this. Breakfast is almost over and Potions is about to began. I need to eat and hurry to Professor Snapes classroom.

I ate as much as I could before breakfast was over and everyone started heading to there classes.

I tried to hurry since I didn't want any of the good spots taken.

I was the first one to arrive followed by Pansy, Blaise, Potter( who I caught staring again), the two other members of the golden trio, a bunch of people I didn't know, and then Crabbe and Goyle last, them still eating food as they walked into the classroom.

Finally, Snape closed the door and began the leson.

"Today we will be brewing a de-aging potion. You may remember learning a bit about this last year, and if you don't, then Im sure Miss.Granger will explain since she seems to be the only one who remebers anything anyways."

He noded his head toward Grangers direction, and she stood up proudly with a smile.

"De-aging potions are often used on the elderly who wish to be young again, and depending on how many drops they take, they go back that many years. Of course, the process is risky since theres no know cure, ingredients for the potion are quite rare, and depending on how many years you turn back, you lose your memories of anything before that."

Snape gave an unenthusiastic "Ten points to Griffindor" before turning back to the rest of the class.

"Yes, well, its just like Miss.Granger said. Now, I will pair you with a partner and I expect you to behave. And I need not tell you how careful you must be while making this potion. I dont want ANY accidents today. Now, I will start reading out partners. Mr.Zabini and Miss.Granger," the two groaned but reluctantly sat together,"Mr.Crabbe and Mr.Goyle, Mr.Weasly and Miss.Parkinson, Mr.Potter and Mr.Malfoy-"


Everyone looked at us who were both standing out of our seats at this point.

"Professor Snape, you can't pair me up with Potter! He'll only mess up the potion!" I complained.

I wasn't wrong, he really was bad at potions. Plus, I knew if I were to work with him, my feelings would only grow stronger and thats the last thing I needed.

"Oh shut up you stupid snake." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Ten Points from Griffindor!" Snape shouted. "Now the both of you will sit down and brew this potion, TOGETHER! Do I make myself clear?"

We silently nodded our heads and I made my way up to Harrys desk, taking the seat next to him trying my hardest not to stare.

After everyones named had been called, Professor Snape started listing off the ingredients in front of us, what order to put them into the cauldron, how long we should wait to stir and other directions like that.

Once he was done talking, he sat down at the at his desk in the front of the class and took up a quill and began writing on a scroll, probably planning out future lessons.

"Okay, first things first. Chop up the newt tails and I'll start mixing the liquids together before pouring them into the cauldron. Oh, and Potter, try not to mess this up." I scoffed.

Ugh, I hadn't meant that last part.

Harry simply rolled his eyes and began chopping up the newt tails, slowly creating a little pile next to him.

I was finished mixing the liquids together, so I poured the concoction into the cauldron in front of me.

"Now Potter, slowly add in the newts will you."

He hummed a yes and started pouring them in, causing the potion to bubble and turn a soft shade of pink.

"Pretty..." I muttered under my breath.

Harry must've heard because he made a suprised face and teased me.

"I thought the only thing you found pretty was yourself."

I rolled my eyes and pushed his wand off of the table.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I ignored him and added the last ingredient into the potion: a phoenix feather.

It gently floated down into the boiling cauldron, and as soon as the feather touched the potions surface, the liquid turned a bright orange and a small cloud of smoke shot up from the cauldron.

Suddenly, the table shook and the cauldron tiped over.

"Owww, I hit my head." Harry groaned from under the table, him being the cause of the shake.

"Harry move!" I yelled, but it was too late.

The orange liquid spilled all over him, and a cloud of smoke took his place.

The class went silent, all eyes on the small cloud that was now dissipating.

A few gasps could be heard as everyone finally saw Harry.

There he was, practically drowning in his now oversized robes, his glasses lopsided on his skinny face.

As a matter of fact, he seemed extremely skinny.


The cold voice cut through the silence like butter, and everyone averted their gaze from Harry and onto Professor Snape.

"Mr.Malfoy, what happened?" He asked once more, and although he tried his best not to sound it, you could tell the greasy old man was pissed.

"I-It was an accident. He had hit his head on the table and caused the cauldron to fall over, I-I tried to warn him!" I studdered. I had never saw Snape so mad, and I wasn't going to be the one to make his mood any worse.

"Come here boy! We're going to Madame Pomfreys at once!" He shouted, grabbing the now little Harry by the arm and forcing him to stand.

His lip began to tremble and silent tears began to fall from his face.

He looked like he was afraid to make a noise, so instead he bit his lip causing it to bleed.

"Get away from Harry!"

Everyone turned to Ron, who was standing up and making his way down to Snape along with Hermione.

"Mr.Weasly and Miss.Granger, sit down NOW." Snape spoke sternly.

"Are you mad?! Can't you tell he's scared! Give him here!" Ron yelled, grabbing Harry by the arm a little harder than he probably meant to.

"Mr.Weasly, SIT DOWN NOW!" Snape yelled, only to have the red head yell back.

In all the confusion, the boy slipped out from between the two fighting men, and slowly backed away.

I saw him of course, and let him back into me.

He jumped when he felt his back hit my leg, and he huddled himself into a small ball.

God, he looked terrified. I guess I would be too If all of the sudden I was being surrounded by a bunch of people yelling.

I gently bent down and grabed his shoulder, making him turn to face me.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked softly.

"Name?" He asked, slowly bringing his eyes up to look at me.

Instead of the bright green I loved and knew, they were more like a swamp green. Clouded, muddy, and sad.

I sighed and gently rubbed a hand on his face.

"Thats right, your name." I repeated.

"I-Im Harry." He said shyly.

"Its nice to meet you Harry. My name is Malf- I mean Draco. Can you tell me how old you are?" I asked running a hand through his matted hair.

"I-Im 4..." He said, holding up three fingers instead of four.

I let out a small chuckle and picked him up, wrapping him in his robes to cover him up, since he didn't seem to have anything else on.

At this point, everyone had now noticed the little boy in my arms, and were shocked to say the least.

"Malfoy, hand him over will you. He needs to be taken to the nurses office NOW." Snape demanded, coming closer to grab Harry, but before he could, Ron pushed him out of the way.

"Malfoy, give him to me! Were his friends for goodness sake!" Ron shouted, Hermione nodding in agreement.

What should I do? Do I hand him over to Snape or Harrys friends?

I looked down at the small boy shaking in my arms.

God, he looked so scared.

"How about you let Harry decide?" A voice shouted from the back.

Everyone turned to look at where the voice came from.

Pansy was making her way down to us, walking with a smirk on her face.

"Why don't you let Harry decide who he wants to go with?" She repeated.

She walked up to me and gently grabbed the small boy out of my arms, and held him up with her hip and an arm around his waist.

"Hi Harry! You can call me aunt Pansy, 'kay?" She smiled.

"Like Aunt Petunia?" The boy asked in horror, which both Pansy and I took note of.

"No, not like her. Im better! Now, can you tell me who you want be with?" She asked the small boy, motioning a hand at the four of us.

He looked at each of us, his small eyes red from crying, before pointing to me.

Everyone, including me, was shocked at the boy's decision. Although, I was glad to have won the boys favor.

"Yeah, thats who I thought you'd pick." Pansy laughed, setting the boy down on the floor.

He ran over to me, tripping over his still oversized robes, and held his arms above his head, signaling that he wanted to be held.

I gladly gave in and picked up the small boy, again noting how light he was for his age.

"Well, he still needs to be tooken to Madam Pomfreys." Snape sneered, turning his attention back to his students.

"Class is dismissed. I expect two scrolls explaining the ingredients and uses of Amortentia. That is all."

"Wait!" Hermione yelled.

"We can't just leave Harry with Malfoy! At least let us go with you!" She protested, clearly not ok with the idea of Harry with me.

"Miss.Granger, I said class dismissed." Snape said bluntly, and motioned for me to follow him to the nurses office.

We walked in silence, with the occasional sniffle from Harry.

"Um.. Draco.." He said quietly, talking into my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I hummed, rubbing circles into his small back.

"Where am I?" He asked.

Thats right. He doesn't remember anything...

"Well, your at Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry." I smiled, repeating what I was once told when I had started my first year here.

"Where's Uncle Vernon, and Aunt Petunia?" He asked, this time looking me in the face.

His eyes were a bit sunken in, as well as his cheeks, and he looked sick.

"I don't know. Why, do you miss them?" I asked, curious to what his answer would be.

He looked down shyly and clung onto my robe.

"No... I like Draco and Aunt Pansy better..."

I laughed and squeezed him into a hug.

"Well, you can stay with me and Aunt Pansy as long as you'd like."

His face lit up and for a second I saw his eyes go back to their normal bright green that I loved and remembered.

"Really?!" He asked, hugging me back.

"Really. Consider it a gift. From me, to you." I smilled, ruffiling his hair a bit.

He started to cry a bit, and I was afraid I had said something to upset him.

"No one's ever given me a gift before. Only Dudley gets gifts. Thank you." He smiled, and my heart mealted.

I used my free hand to wipe away his tears, and he rested his head on my shoulder again.

Harry, I know you don't remember me, but Im sorry for everything I put you through. I promise, Im going to take care of you.

Okay that was it for this chapter! Thanks for reading!

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