Lily Black and the Twin Souls

By Fawkes-In-Flames

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Lily Black is the Daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon. Join her on her journey through her first y... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two: Platform 9 3/4
Chapter Three: The Sorting Hat
Chapter Four: The First Day of Pranking (Oh, and School Too)
Chapter Five: The Midnight Duel
Chapter Six: Teddy's Secret
Chapter Seven: Hospital Wing
Chapter Eight: Hallowe'en
Chapter Nine: Quidditch
Chapter Ten: Animagus
Chapter Eleven: Christmas
Chapter Twelve: Snape the Referee
Chapter Thirteen: Legillimancy
Chapter Fourteen: Full Moon
Chapter Fifteen: Easter Holidays
Chapter Sixteen: Midnight at the Astronomy Tower
Chapter Seventeen: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter Eighteen: Something Stupid
Chapter Nineteen: Three Galleons
Chapter Twenty: The House Cup
Author's Note

Chapter One: Hogwarts Letter

1.6K 27 4
By Fawkes-In-Flames

Lily Black woke up to her alarm blaring. She grumbled to herself, still half-asleep, and managed to break it, by throwing it against the wall. Then, surprised by the sound of the glass shattering, fell right out of her bed. When she hit the ground, however, instead of getting up, she just curled up in her blankets and started snoring again. Her adoptive mother came rushing into the room worriedly, having heard the glass breaking. When she noticed the remains of the clock and her adopted daughter curled on the floor, she just shook her head and walked right back out the door. 

A while later, Lily managed to drag herself up from where she was curled on the floor. It was only then that she noticed that she was on the floor and the shattered alarm clock on the other side of the room. She just shrugged to herself, because this was a regular occurrence and nothing unusual. One could say that Lily Remus Black was not a morning person. She got dressed and skipped down the stairs, now fully awake and looking for breakfast. She found her adopted mother waiting for her at the table reading The Daily Prophet. She sat down next to her and immediately asked,

"Good Morning Mum, is there anything in the Prophet this morning other than the usual load of dung?" 

Lily had always called her adoptive parents mum and dad, simply because she found it exhausting to call them anything else. She remembered her parents of course, despite only being a baby the last time she saw them. Her father was the infamous mass murderer, Sirius Black,(not that she believed he was a murderer,) and her mother was a witch by the name of Marlene McKinnon. See, she had a condition called Hyperthymesia that made it impossible for her to forget things, leading to her remembering her earlier life in vivid detail. Lily's adoptive mother looked up from the paper to scold her, saying,

"Don't talk like that Lily!" she leaned closer and whispered, "But between you and me, there's just a load of dung, like every other day," Lily giggled and her mum, (for lack of better word), pulled out a letter and said,

"There was something interesting in the other post though. It's addressed to you! I'll bet you can't guess what it is!" 

Lily's whole face lit up as she took in the Hogwarts crest and she beamed ans she ripped it open. She unfurled the letter which read,

'Dear Ms. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. 

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress' 

Lily squealed and jumped around excitedly and her adoptive father came to see what all the fuss was about.

"I got into Hogwarts! I got into Hogwarts! I can't believe it! Can we go to Diagon Alley? Please! Can we, Can we, Can we?!" she asked excitedly while her parental figures laughed before saying,

"Of course we can, in fact, why don't we go right now! Go and grab your cloak and we can be back before nightfall." Lily squealed some more before tackling her parents in a hug and darting off to grab her cloak and shoes.

She came hurtling back into the room and linked arms with her parents who were grinning in amusement. She felt herself being sucked into a tube and her insides scrambled around. Before she knew it, she was standing inside The Leaky Cauldron. She was bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet and grinning like a maniac. She dragged her parents out of the pub and to the wall which her father tapped with his wand, revealing Diagon Alley, looking exactly how she remembered it. 

The first place they went was to Gringotts, the wizard bank, where we go money for school shopping. Lily loved the Gringotts carts and whooped both ways while her parents held their stomachs looking rather green. As soon as they were outside again, her parents handed Lily money and took off towards the Leaky Cauldren. Lily immediatly took off in the other direction, towards Ollivander's to get her wand. 

She entered the shop, grinning widely and called out,

"Mr. Ollivander? Are you here?" Mr. Ollivander can sliding into view on his rolling ladder and hopped down to greet Lily.

"Ah, Ms. Black! Staring Hogwarts this year I presume. You remind me quite a bit of your father you know. Both looks and personality wise. You have the same spunk as him, and the same energy," he said as he pulled down various boxes for her to try. 

"Here we are Ms. Black, Rowan, Twelve inches with a dragon heartstring core. Not very flexible. Give it a wave." Lily waved the wand, causing the lights to break and her to be thrown backwards. 

"I suppose that isn't it." Ollivander said, fixing the lights with a wave of his own wand. 

Lily went through quite a few wands that all had similar reactions when she waved them, and it seemed to her that, the more wands didn't like her, the more pleased Ollivander was.

"Your a tricky customer. Those generally turn out quite well once they find the right wand, here, try this one. Ebony and Thestral hair, twelve and a half inches, reasonably pliant."

Lily reached for the wand. This one was a dark brown color with unique patterns along the edges. She picked it up and immediately knew it was the wand for her. When she waved it, the shop cleaned itself up and left it looking it's best yet. Lily grinned in triumph, clutching the wand that chose her. Ollivander offered her a bright smile before wrapping the wand for her. Lily paid him seven galleons and skipped from the shop beaming. 

Lily and her parents spent the rest of the day collecting her school things and by sundown, all that was left was her pet. Her parents had never let Lily get a pet up until now, and she was extremely excited as she dragged her parents into the pet shop. She left them by the door and went to look at the cats. her parents already had an owl and so did Hogwarts so she saw no point in getting one of those, and toads are just disgusting. Lily skipped over to the cats and her eyes were immediately drawn to a small black cat with grey eyes not unlike her own. Lily immediately purchased the cat and named him Marauder for the Marauders.  

Half an hour later, Lily apparated back home with her parents, her school things, and her new cat, Marauder. They arrived and Lily immediately ran to her room with all her supplies, ready to start studying for the school year. She flopped on her bed and opened one of her schoolbooks, prepared to stay there for a while. 

Lily glanced out the window at half past three and grinned to herself, excited for her fist year of pranking at Hogwarts. 

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