Curtwen Fluffshots

By I_Lowkey_Love_Loki

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no I'm not okay here, have some curtwen fluff because I'm still depressed about it. characters are from Spies... More

Park Bench Cutie
funny stuff hopefully
It's Christmas, Curt
Hey Pt. 2
Soft drabbles, I think they're called?
No, I swear!
Future. 2/?
Future. 3/5
Future. 4/5
Future. 5/5
We All Make Mistakes!
winter; aka the coldest goodbye
the sins of the fathers
official hiatus announcement

Welcome, Adventurer

234 13 9
By I_Lowkey_Love_Loki

Warning: alcohol use

(Um for those who don't know, a tavern is kind of like a bar and a hotel, so you can get rooms but the bottom floor is a bar at least I think so. I might be completely wrong, but that's the way I wrote it so)

Curt threw open the door of the tavern and waltzed in. It had been a long day of travelling and he was very ready to settle down with a mug of ale and maybe chat with the locals.

People paused in their conversations to stare at Curt for a bit before returning to getting drunk and telling exaggerated tales of their or other's adventures. Curt scanned the crowded bar for a spot, and his eyes soon landed on a stool at the bar.

The only problem was that the bartender was right there, cleaning the counter. The more Curt looked at him, the more he found he didn't think it was much of a problem. What's wrong with secretly staring a pretty face while drinking ale, right? He walked quickly towards the seat, too tired to think about what everyone else thought.

The stool squeaked loudly as Curt put his full weight on it. The bartender look up, his brown eyes silently judging the man in front of him. He put away the cloth he was cleaning with.

"Welcome, adventurer. What can I get you?" He said, no emotion except for tiredness (if that could even be considered an emotion) in his voice.

"Just a large ale, please and thank you." Curt responded politely and tiredly. He was leaning his head on his hand while his elbow rested on the counter.

"... I think you're the first person to say please and thank you to me today." The bartender said, smiling slightly. Curt shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal.

"Let me get you that ale." The bartender turned around and walked away. Curt couldn't help watching the bartender's black ponytail swish ever so slightly back and forth as the bartender got Curt's order.

When the bartender came back, Curt was definitely asleep. The bartender shook him lightly.

When Curt finally woke up, he apologized and hid his face in embarrassment.

The bartender laughed and set Curt's ale down in front of him. "It's fine, I was just wondering what has you tired at this time of day. The sun hasn't even gone down yet."

"Been travelling all day, m' partner Tatiana has heard there's trouble in these parts, and since it's her hometown, she wanted to check on her family and see what was happening. We came her from Budapest." Curt mumbled before taking a gulp of his drink.

"That's about a week's journey away, is it not?" The bartender asked. Curt snorted. "We made it in four days."

"Gods, no wonder your tired! Where is your partner, anyway?"

"Staying at her family's place. Didn't wanna impose, they barely had room for her. By the way, what's your name?" Curt took a sip and stared at the bartender.

"Owen. Yours?"

"Curt. Sorry, just wanted to put a name to a face. Anyway, have you heard about what's going on? Would you mind telling me what you know?" Curt took another large gulp of his ale. Owen nodded and grabbed a chair from who knows where and sat down so he was level with Curt.

"It's an awful business, really. We don't know how the cult got here, and we don't know much about them, but I'll tell you what I know. The cult's name is Chimera, and they worship an ancient deity called the Chimera. They've been kidnapping people, and these idiots are still out here drinking." He snarled the last part, glaring at the other customers. Owen took a deep breath and continued.

"They kidnapped one of my coworkers, a tough woman named Cynthia. I know for a fact she wouldn't have gone down without a fight. That's why I'm so worried. If they overpowered Cynthia, then there's nobody they can't overpower. She was just here one day, and then disappeared. At first I thought she was sick, but then a day turned into a week. I checked her house. There was not a sign of her anywhere. I couldn't have gone looking for her all by myself, so I tried to convince someone to come with, but none of the adventurers here care enough to help!" Owen clenched his fist in fury. Curt put his hand on Owen's comfortingly.

"That's awful." He whispered, horrified that people who shared the same title of adventurer as him could be so cruel. Owen unclenched his fist and sighed.

"But you'll go looking for her, right?" He murmured hopefully, his eyes begging Curt to do something about his lost friend.

"Of course!" Curt promised. Then something struck him. "How'd you know the cult's name? How'd you know what they worship? How did you know it was a cult and not someone else?" Owen's face paled.

"There were runes in her house. I recognized them. I- I was born into that cult. I managed to escape 5 years ago." Owen muttered.

"I'm so sorry for pressing- I really shouldn't have." Curt hurriedly apologized.

"It's fine, it's not like I was hiding it. I would've been suspicious too." Owen turned away from Curt. "You'll still go looking for her, right?"

Curt nodded. "This changes nothing."

Owen grinned, and pressed a soft kiss to Curt's cheek. "Thank you, Curt. You're the bravest man in here. Anyway, I better get back to work. Do you need anything else?"

Curt was a little bit too flustered to respond, so he simple shook his head while hiding his blushing face in his ale mug. Owen smiled, waved, and walked away to help other people.

I've only just met him, but I'd do anything for that man... Curt watch Owen out of the corner of his eye for the rest of the time it took to finish his mug.

Best get to bed, he thought as he stood up and stretched. I've got people to save and a heart to win.


1025 wordddsss

That was fun

Ok bye

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